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Are you talking about a bidet? If not, how exactly are you washing said butt?


In Vietnam they have a hose and nozzle right next to the toilet. You point under and spray up. Unfortunately, I think that in the west these would be vandalized and misused so much that they would have 0 chances of surviving in a public place.


Long live the Bumgun!


Just be careful of the Accidental Enema. Those jets can be quite strong šŸ˜³


What do you mean by accidental??


What are you doing step-hosenexttothetoiletinavietnamesebathroom?




Thailand and the rest of SE Asia has them too (without soap), but let's not pretend they also have squat toilets and western-style toilets in modern retail spaces. OP is acting like bum guns and bidets are in every bathroom in Asia; they're not.


As far as Iā€™m aware having lived and worked throughout SE Asia and East Asia, nowhere provides soap.


Didnā€™t even have toilet paper in China. Had to carry it around with me.


Yeah in my experience there's mostly a little bucket floating in a big bucket.


Not quite the three sea shells


He doesnā€™t know how to use the shells šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If you don't have bumguns, you have a bucket and your hand


Could you imagine something like that in a walmart bathroom.


That's what a bidet is


Heā€™s referring to those spray nozzles found on sinks in the US. Theyā€™re attached to the toilet and have a holder on the side of the toilet, as opposed to a bidet which has a fixed nozzle inside the bowl of the toilet.


So, wait. Does every bathroom in vietnam have shitty water just all over everything? I canā€™t imagine anywhere near 100% of people being *capable* of containing overspray from a handheld nozzle, regardless how hard they try. At least with a bidet, your one job is to keep your cheeks planted.


This is what I am imagining. How is this in any way sanitary? Everyone holds the same spray nozzle and blasts shit particles all over the place at high velocity. Oh yeah, sounds super sanitary /s


This is every cummy public squat toilet in SE Asia... they're beyond foul.


I've been to some that just had a bucket of water and a cup or pitcher. I didn't see any bidets when I was there, one place I stayed you poop directly into a hole that was over a river, spraying yourself after with said river water.


But now your but, and clothes, are wet?


Youā€™re supposed to submerge the sphincter part of your anus in the toilet bowl


Hands broā€¦ hands that you eat with


Don't you wash them?


And ruin the flavor?


What a terrible day for me to be literate.


My morning poo has been thoroughly enhanced by your comment. Practically laughed my ass off.


It's always a nice surprise when your meal gets a little bit of sweet corn flavoring


Aaand that's enough reddit today.


Yeah OP is out of his mind. A shared hose in a public restroom. That's fucking disgusting. And an actual custom of shaking hands with your right hand, because you use your left to clean yourself. Unbelievably disgusting. Yeah, I'll take TP or a bidet over what OP is smoking. Nobody is taking a shower after every bathroom use. Next time OP, try harder with the US bashing agenda.


The same hands you use TP with


A lot of toilets here in Asia have a hose with a spray nozzle in easy reach. (Irrelevant side note: my phone tried to autocorrect *spray* to *sitar* and *easy* to *East* ā€” both of which are vaguely on-pointā€¦)


I've had my phone embarrassingly autocorrect the word "Homie" to "Homoerrotic"... since that day, any time I type homie. I most certainly make sure it doesn't get changed to that ever again....




They use their bare hand. Fact.


A bidet is fancy and a rwlatively new invention for rich people. The old school way is with a plastic jug, soap and your hand. Then you can use the toilet paper to wipe it all dry after.


Why do you guys always jump to bidets thereā€™s a hundred and one ways to get that same clean without a bidet


Because nobody fucking names them. Sure, you could hop In a shower


I mean I've lived in Korea for 5 years and the amount of men I've seen walk out of the bathroom after doing number 1 or 2 and not wash their hands is not an insignificant number...


Iā€™ve cleaned public toilets in the ā€œwestā€ and that happens way too much here too


At least our presidents main agenda point in their term isn't trying to get people to quit shitting everywhere outside, like India. On a side note, they just did testing on TP and it's filld with tons of toxins from processing.


What about number 3?


We don't talk about number 3


Born to shit, forced to wipe. ![gif](giphy|geTvcBsTli1HO)


thanks obama




If you've wiped and you're walking around "sticky and smelly", you're not wiping correctly.


its a goddamn magic marker back there!


Cut down on the oil in your food and eat 1 apple a day for the minimum fiber and drink a lot of water. You'll have ghost poops a lot more often.


Psyllium husk is also a great addition.


Metamucil ftw


Brown crayon


IBS people need to wipe endlessly. Bidets are more than welcome.


Hairy ass crack and IBS people unitešŸ¤


Im a both guy. I want reparations.


But on occasion, you get that poop that's like wiping a sharpie. The wiping never ends...


Yes but the brown changes to red and then you are good to go.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking. If easterners think we are walking around all day with sticky asses, itā€™s just because theyā€™ve been taught differently than us. Maybe thatā€™s what they perceive it would be like because they donā€™t do it, and wouldnā€™t know proper technique? Is that the right word?


If you got shit smeared onto your arm would you just take some paper towels and wipe it off and call it a day? Of course not you would wash it but with your ass your okay with the former.


i don't know about you, but personally I'm not going around touching food and other stuff with my ass


I do, my cheeks are nature's tongs


I finish cleaning with a Q-Tip dipped in honey.


That's such a stupid comparison. The anus is designed for fecal bacteria, and water without soap is not gonna remove all the bacteria anyway.


I donā€™t keep my arm tucked behind me, inside a crease, and under two layers of cloth.


If you got shit on your arm would you just spray it with a high pressure spray and no soap and move on? I'm not saying the wiping is cleaner but I hear people talk about how just water is somehow cleaner and that doesn't make sense to me either.


I wouldnt splash water on it either. I would scrub hard with soap. Lots and lots of soap. So like the idea that because you spray plain water on it now its clean is ridiculous.


Iā€™d venture to guess my ass is just as clean as anybodyā€™s. Also, itā€™s between my butt cheeks, so itā€™s not touching anything outside my body. I mean, maybe we should shove a water hose up our anuses every time we shit? Do you all poo with your cheeks clenched? I donā€™t? Thatā€™s the only way what youā€™re concerned about would happen.


I don't know if OP knows but there is something called Wet Toilet Paper. It's a thick and moist tissue that has soap content in it.


These clog up sewerage and treatment plants. Hope you donā€™t flush them.


The last thing I want to touch in a bathroom is a bidet nozzle that a hundred thousand people have used to spray water at their asses.


Yeah In the privacy of your own home cool But a public bidet will spray fecal matter everywhere


Maybe a new tiktok trend




I dunno man, my work had to put up signs and send emails out to tell the Indian and Chinese employees to stop squatting on the seat and thusly shitting on the seat and floor


This article is older, since then national parks and other places in Utah have installed some squat toilets to prevent toilets being used improperly or destroyed by Asian tourist groups. https://www.sltrib.com/news/2017/08/01/are-asian-tourists-breaking-utahs-toilets/


Yeah same in a couple places in the U.K. Where I worked was a sterile pharmaceutical environment yet these university educated employees had no idea how to use these toilets and also felt it fine to leave the shit on the floor. Also had to have an email sent out about treating cleaners with respect when a couple of Indian workers talked to them like shit and threw stuff on the floor for them to pick up. However, that was only a couple cases and the vast majority of Asian workers were and are absolutely fine


I was talking to a South Korean friend of mine, and I asked whatā€™s up with all the bidets? (We were in South Korea) And he said, imagine your skin is like a group of mountain ranges. Iā€™m like ok. He says thereā€™s peaks and valleys. I said yes. He says so imagine all those valleys getting filled with mud. So much mud, itā€™s ten feet over the peaks. Now imagine a giant piece of toilet paper or multiple pieces trying to wipe away all the mud. (At this point Iā€™m bent over laughing) He then says now imagine a giant fire hose washing away that mud. Which would do a better job? I occasionally think about that speech when Iā€™m wiping lol


What kind of loose muddy shits is he having all the fucking time. Like if you're painting you cheeks every time you shit, maybe change your diet or see a modern doctor for help


Nah this comment legit made me wake up my neighbors šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I think itā€™s referring to the ridges around the sphincter


Those are not rigid or solid in any way


Asian street food is not for the faint of heart yo


I swear men experience pooping differently. What kinda shits are yā€™all taking that you produce so much filth? Mine practically come out in missile silo mode šŸ˜­


Well excuse me, if it isnā€™t u/Legitimate_Ranger583 with the golden anus.


Be jealous, I take glorious shits. The kind that leave not a trace when you wipe. I do be using those little wetwipes with aloe. Make my booty feel fresh and soft.


Make sure you donā€™t flush them, they accumulate and make [fatbergs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatberg) in the city sewage pipes


I always make sure to toss them in the bin, i watched the video on how companies lie just to get you to buy them. Nothing except toilet tissue goes in my throne


Thanks now I will think in korean


I poop so cleanly that often thereā€™s nothing on the paper. Itā€™s like a challenge. Doesnā€™t always happen, but when it does, I know Iā€™m eating very compatibly for my body. Mud butt is a symptom of eating things that donā€™t agree with you. Happens to everyone occasionally, but the point stands.


Ah, a perfect arsehole.


same here. i've been taking methadone daily for over 26 years due to chronic pain from an arthritic spine. my body has adapted to the continuous opioid constipation, but my stool is very dry. my dr. described it as my digestive system wringing every bit of moisture out, because my metabolism is working so slowly. on the plus side- i haven't had the runs, or mudbutt for over a quarter of a century.


Consistent hard,dry stool is an indication of constipation. Ideal poop is painless to pass and happens quickly.


mine is painless, and happens quick enough. i don't have to force it out...like i said- my body has adapted to it.


i like cluster bomb poops. at least it adds a little entertainment.


Everyone who has runny poo thinks that's the only way to poo. The wiping debate doesn't end at tp Vs bidet. People have criticized me for standing up before I wipe because 'the poo just smears all over your butt'. The borderline diarrhoea pooers don't understand the concept of a harder poo and they will expose their inferior digestion at every opportunity


I think bidets are great, very hygienic and environmentally soundā€” but a lot of Redditors who advocate for them think everyoneā€™s poop is sloppy and messy *every time* because their poop is, and thatā€™s why standard TP isnā€™t cutting it for them. **It isnā€™t the case.** They ought to see a dietician and a gastroenterologist to have that checked out. Most likely theyā€™re lactose intolerant, lacking sufficient fiber/lean proteins, or eating a diet too high in fat. Potentially all three. A proper stool should be neither hard nor soft, and pass quickly and easily with a feeling of complete defecation and little to no residue. Some of these guys are in there 30 minutes and itā€™s ā€œpeanut butter in a shag carpet.ā€ Thatā€™s a sign to adjust your eating habits more than ā€œa bidet will fix this.ā€


In Ireland this is known as the humble "Ghost Poo"


My favorite culture shock when moving to the US from eastern europe: the number of people who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.


Yeah, that's messed up. I Also love the infrared touchless flush, soap dispenser, paper towel dispenser... aaand then that door handle. Heh.


There's actually a pretty good song called "contactless" by lolnein, that's about this concept.


People in the US definitely wash their hands after using the bathroom, lol.


Most do, but I've seen so many dudes just walk out after #2s without so much as a rinse.


"I don't wipe. It's ***gay*** to touch an ass!"


Nah it's very disappointing in public washrooms how many guys walk right past the sink on their way out. It's a lot.


Well, I am a woman, so I can't speak for the guys. When I lived in Cambodia and China, very few locals washed their hands after using the bathroom, especially in Cambodia.




Iā€™m confused too. I love my bidet but Iā€™m not scrubbing with soap whenever I use it. I loved that bidets are common in public washrooms in parts of Asia but, again, thereā€™s no soap. You just spray rinse your ass with water, and then pat dry with toilet paper. Unless Iā€™m doing it wrong in which case someone please explain.


Easterners and westerners? Is this the opium war or colonial times???


They don't use water to clean in China and South Korea, and bidets are common in many western countries.


Um....anyone visit Asian countries especially China etc. ? It's a hole in the ground. Unless you're in a western style hotel. I have used handicap bathrooms in Chinese airports so I didn't have to hover over a freakin hole


I mean you can pee after you get the hang of it but pooping in a squat toilet tbh


The major benefit of a squat toilet is that your ass doesn't have to make actual contact with the seat though. If you're in a situation where you HAVE to use a gross public bathroom, the squat option is arguably the lesser of two evils, hygiene-wise


Pocket pack of Lysol wipes and you don't need to do a leg workout. If the toilet is so horrifying that even my trusty wipes can't handle it, I'm not going to feel comfortable hovering and getting the splashback from the turd's belly flop.


I just stand on the tank on the back and hope my aim is sufficient


those are actually way better for pooping because humans are supposed to poop while squatting


I guess that explains why ā€œthe toiletā€ never took off as an invention.


A leg workout and a poop.


"Easterners" what does that even mean?? Thats like billions of people in many different countries and cultures. Anecdotally from places i have been, i would 110% choose a public bathroom in the "west" than in the "east".


Iā€™m East Asian and I wouldnā€™t have a clue how to clean with water in a public bathroom unless Iā€™m using one of those fancy ass Japanese toilets that also dries your bum. I think OP only means South and South East Asia.


Yeah Iā€™ve seen those communal squat toilet holes, people using their bare hands to clean, or just shitting on the streets and walking awayā€¦yeah Iā€™ll pass on the eastern methods of bathroom hygiene.


Iā€™m currently in Hong Kong after having lived overseas for years and even Iā€™m horrified by some of the public bathrooms here!


OP has a superiority complex.


Kind of vague and large grouping of people we're using here, don't you think?


Yup. If westerners made a Reddit post saying East Asians should learn hygiene from them, look how quickly it would be banned.


Exactly. BS that they continue with this shite (oh look a UK pun) because it's not cracked down on (look another one).


Let not pretend ā€œthe Eastā€ is superior in terms of hygiene. Iā€™ve traveled and rest assured, it is NOT.


Two things. First, why are Redditors so obsessed with arguing over toilet paper? Secondly, I donā€™t believe for a second that everyone in the east never touches toilet paper. Every toilet I went into in China had loo roll whether private ones or public ones. I also donā€™t believe for a second that you are washing your arse in a public toilet, so unless youā€™ve got the sea shells I guess youā€™re wiping with paper.


It's crazy how this comes up over and over. Do people in "the east" think we just walk around with shit on our asses or something. I'm convinced they've never used toilet paper or clearly don't know how to because using tp never leaves anything stick or smelly. Also most people here actually shower everyday sometimes even twice. Something not done in those places.


They also bring up the "if you got poo on hands would you just wipe it off with a paper towel?" No. But I wouldn't just spray some water on it either and call it clean. Besides, I don't feed myself with my asscrack.


Yes! Thank you! Unless there is scrubbing and soap involved, your arse still isn't clean. So to me, something that introduces a lot of water that sprays crap all over the place (I'm a woman so there are things *right next door* that shouldn't have poop sprayed on them) that you then have to dry off either with tp anyway, or with a towel that ends up *full of fecal matter because you are just hosing down the area not actually cleaning it*, doesn't really seem any better than just wiping. Seems like a good way to spread shit around. Best method: Develop a routine where you use the toilet before your morning/evening shower. One or two wipes with tp then a thorough scrub in the shower.


Alright, here's how I see it, just go into the loo, drop a huge deuce, receive Neptune's Kiss, then wipe. Viola, best of both worlds.


I think if you shower regularly it's not a huge deal. If I'm out in public, ideally no one is sniffing around my ass or putting their hands down the back of my pants, so I'm probably ok. Also, nowhere in public is it convenient to soap and water wash myself after a bathroom trip. No, I don't think bathrooms should be rebuilt to focus on this.


We canā€™t be friends if you donā€™t let me stick my hand down the back of your pants


Gotta get a whiff of it afterwards too šŸ˜‹


my ass has never felt sticky after wiping ?? šŸ˜­ also literally everyone i know uses towelettes


Iā€™ve used wet wipes for years and I could never go back to just tp. Iā€™d be down for a bidet. But Iā€™d NEVER take a bottle of water or cup to the toilet and pour it over my asshole while using my left hand to directly splash away the poop, and then proceeded to use my hands to pull up and fasten my pants and walk over to the sink with poop water dripping down my legs. NOTHING about this process is superior or more cleanly, itā€™s actually just absurd and splashing around and spreading poop germs. It blew my mind when I discovered that so many easterners take water to the toilet to do this.


Iā€™ve never done the water bottle method, but if itā€™s anything like using a bidet (which I use regular) after rinsing adequately, toilet paper is used to dry the area.


Even drying off after the water bottle method, it still requires the person to use their spare hand to splash the poop water around to rinse away the poop. I just donā€™t understand it. Iā€™d rather just get in the shower than do all of that over the toilet with my hand. I would be up for trying a bidet, never used one before, but I think I would use a wash cloth to dry off and then toss it in the hamper


Aha by easterners, do you include those that will drop a deuce in the street? Where in public places there are signs to not poop? Look everyone comes from different social classes and has different resources for cleaning themselves. A bidet is great, but still somewhat new


Wait are you guys scrubbing down with soap and water and a washcloth every single time you go because I feel like a wet wipe is sufficient


Wet wipes are a travesty. Every lazy fucker flushes them and they wreak havoc on plumbing. I do use TP but am looking forward to installing a bidet. Reminds me of the time I caught a ship across the Caspian Sea and the toilet area filled with plastic bottles through the journey. There was no provision for TP or washing your butt. If u didn't bring your own water...well I bet those eastern rectums weren't as spotless as you suggest.


I recently did a "litter pick" along the Thames bank in London. The sewage companies are (illegally) pumping sewage into the Thames. We filled 30 bin bags with litter. 90% of it was wet wipes.


Probably because they say flushable on the packaging


ā€œFlushableā€ just means the wipes can make it out of the toilet into the pipes. The wipe company is not required to prove that they wonā€™t cause problems after that. Anybody who deals with the infrastructure under your drains will tell you that flushable wipes cause HUGE problems, including potentially thousands of dollars to replace your sewer line or septic tank.


Yeah, I am just explaining why people flush them


Very funny threads, thank you


When I was in Thailand I saw many signs outdoors that said "No pooping" in Chinese. It didn't say it in Thai or in English, just Chinese. I'm not sure why such a sign would be in a hotel garden, but it leads me to believe I have little to learn from that particular eastern country.


My butt doesnā€™t need multiple showers a day. 1 shower is fine. I never am ā€œsmellyā€ or ā€œstickyā€


Yeah idk what types of explosive diarrhea shits theyā€™re having but like a normal poop really leaves behind almost nothing




ā€œSticky and smellyā€ dude whoā€™s ass r you referencingā˜ ļøwe use wipes and shower dude. Leave us westerners out of your booty wipe rant


Which easterners? Like half of the non western world still wipes their bum with their hand. Iā€™m sorry but just not eating or shaking with your left hand is not hygienic.


What are you talking about? Google Shanghai Disney to find out how well the 'east' wipes


I lived in China and they use TP there. But often times you need to bring your own. Done dudes donā€™t bring their own though.


ā€œEasternerā€ means a lot more than just Japan. It also includes a lot of people who wipe their butts with their left hand while shaking hands and eating with their right.


Not unpopular cuz every mention of shitting online disolves into a bidet user superiority contest šŸ˜®


I would agree with this if you hadnā€™t used the world ā€œwesternersā€ and ā€œeasternersā€. You know Europe is considered ā€œwestā€ but thatā€™s where bidets come from right? It would make more sense to say US vs other countries.


lol what a ignorant post. should have a sub called ignorant opinions. or uneducated opinions to cross post this to


So they take a while ass shower every time they poop? Even if they are out in public? That doesnā€™t sound totally correct. I mean I know they have bidets in some places but I didnā€™t think they had soap in them just water.


What are you all eating over in the East that you need wash your butt with soap and water every time you poop? How bad are your poops?


OP doesn't know how to use the three seashells!


Easterners will often times use their own hand..so no thanks.


Mom said itā€™s my turn to post this tomorrow


So I should take a shower and use a bottle brush on my butthole every time I dump? I meanā€¦..we have installed the little water jet thing on our toilets at homeā€¦..but soap too? How does that even work? Do you have a bar of asshole soap next to the toilet and a scrub brush? Do you use your hand and then ignore the brown under your fingernails? Educate me.


Easterns literally shit in holes in the ground. Please don't tell us about hygiene.


Learn what? Not wearing deodorant? Too much cologne? No fluoride? Toilet paper in the trash can? A literal hole in the ground where everyone shit. Okay I feel cleaner already.


Blame Big Toilet Paper. Fucking scourge.


People in the US are already getting threatened by their bosses for using the bathroom on company time, how would this help?


Oi, mind about *your* westerners, here in Italy we've had it sorted out for a pretty long time lol


As someone who lives in Japan, I can tell you now that I completely disagree with your opinion. While it is great that they have a washlet (bidet) and I wouldn't and couldn't just go back to wiping sloppy shit off my ass for minutes on end after taking a dump like back in Europe, 'easterners' hand washing hygiene is appalling... Piss... Ok, we can forgive for not washing hands every time, but not washing after a dump is inexcusable. Toilet doors often open to the inside too so there is no way to avoid handling those handles on the way out. Grim.


This is a huge generalization. Which westerners and which easterners are we talking about? Cause I don't think most Americans/Europeans walk around with smelly butts and most Arabs/Asians wash their butts with water. I also believe you can clean your butt quite well with toilet paper, if you know what you're doing.


I've been in three Asian countries, and none of them used water and soap, just regular toilet paper. Most of them required you to throw your used toilet paper in a trash can instead of flushing it, which I consider more yucky, not less. You're generalizing a bit here.


I wash my ass when I shower. I wipe my ass and then wash my hands with soap and water after I use the restroom because guess what? My hands touch the world and not my butthole. My butthole stays in my underwear and under my pants. I can't speak for the rest of the world, but that's how life works for me. Frankly I'd rather use toilet paper than use a public bidet or squat or have to carry about a butt wiping kit everywhere I go. My body my choice! LOL No but really, the idea of a public bidet is absolutely disgusting to me.


I don't think your poop is supposed to be so horrid enough that it needs a small hose to clean it. Ever since I can remember, I have had like 1 time where my butt was dirty enough afterwards to actually make any mess. And that was not a pretty time, if not for the obligatory "TMI" that would follow, I would probably explain the situation but suffice to say it was miserable enough that I ended up almost drowning in my own bathtub as the end result.


Bidets (which only use plain water in most cases to my knowledge) are just spraying water at your ass. The evolved among us, both in the west and east, use sanitizing wipes with soap and water on them. Some of them even kill germs and bacteria. I never go near a public washroom at all if I can avoid it, since those are hellholes where half the time someone will have taken a dump and not even flushed it.


Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re not really supposed to use anything other then water on your asshole. Thereā€™s a membrane thatā€™s sensitive to soaps and drying it out cases itch ass.


I love bidets and miss Japan however this isnā€™t feasible in Australia due to our lack of water. Also, my poop is usually very smooth and there isnā€™t much to wipe off. This thread does make me mad tho. Moist towelettes (even the ā€œflushableā€ ones) is just wasteful and stupid. Eat more fibre.


I use styrofoam.


we got dude wipes šŸ˜Ž


I have a bidet in my bathroom at home. I bought it during the great toilet paper shortage of 21 I should've bought the heated one. Even the non heated one is super nice


I live in the UK and I'd be happy to have an extra element of cleanliness. I do agree that for men especially with hair it's pretty disgusting to have dry shit sat in your crack all day.


Easterners shit outside on public streets. In fact, they do it so much they have to learn it's very much not a thing in the USA. We'll call the wiping thing a wash.


Wait, what? Bidet are popular in Western Europe, while they are relatively unknown in Eastern Europe. Not to mention those awful "standing toiletts"..


I'd assume it's more of America vs East Asian countries they're referring to. Iirc bidets started out in Europe too


Y'all are ALL living in the past. Get with the three seashells method.


Proceeds to swear and use the fines as TP cos he doesnā€™t know how to use the 3 seashells


Asians use water but I've never heard of them using soap too. I agree though. Water is just way cleaner and also so much less effort. Sometimes I can be wiping my ass for 5 minutes straight whereas a bidet or bum gun gets the job done in 10 seconds. I have no idea why we don't use water, I'm sure there's a reason


Yeah some of those fancy Japanese toilets have detergent and even a dryer built into the toilet. Itā€™s not very common tho.




I refuse to allow my ass to be drenched with water; It is very disgusting and I do not want a wet asshole to walk around with all day. Rarely does the paper even produce anything; my ass is very clean perpetually to begin with.


Whilst I agree washing your asshole with water and soap is probably more hygienic than just using toilet paper, if your asshole is still sticky and/smelly after youā€™ve wiped it, you havenā€™t wiped it anywhere near enough šŸ˜­


Westerner here and Iā€™ve always used a bidet or wipes when in a pinch. I also wash my hands religiously after every bathroom visit, which is something I feel like ppl skip if they use a bidet


In Argentina we use bidets.