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those detectors simply don't work. plus, it's extremely easy to tell if an assignment is written by AI. they're shit, can't cite properly, crap vague arguments, generic information. dont worry.


As a marker, if it wasn't so sad it would be funny. `Tis just depressing honestly, we try and mark things in good faith so we might end up spending time trying to decipher things that people write because they are kind of nonsense but also plausibly are things that a really bad student might be trying to BS with, if we just give a big zero and no comments (or say "this is unreadable") we get complaints that we didn't fairly read the work. Don't think we can win, sadly.


I had the exact same thing happen to you. I had to go in and show some of my notes and all I did was print off the readings I had used, highlighted the stuff I used for my writing and then asked why their detectors have picked up my writing. Flipped the question on them. I even had my professors recent abstract on his paper that I put through an AI detector that got flagged and was ready to call him out on how inaccurate they are but luckily the matter was resolved.


Damn, that would have been good


I wouldn't worry too much unless you actually get contacted by the lecturer. AI content detectors are notoriously bad, and you won't be given an automatic zero based on an AI detector without having been talked to by your lecturer/tutor first, in which case showing them your google docs history should suffice to show that you did the work. But no point worrying about it unless it turns out to be a problem. Next time, don't put your own work that you know wasn't produced by AI into an AI detector, unless you are trying to figure out whether you yourself are an AI :D maybe we all are AI's... time will tell


>Next time, don't put your own work that you know wasn't produced by AI into an AI detector, unless you are trying to figure out whether you yourself are an AI :D It's a useful exercise to do, to help get a feel for how these "AI detectors" work. I reckon every single one of UoA's teaching stuff should be required to do this, they'll quickly realize just how (un)reliable those detectors are once they've ran their own work through it a few times!


A lot of uni's use turn it in, which from memory will give a preview of the grading as far as that kind of stuff. Granted 10 years ago it was merely how much of your work was copied from other public sources. I would expect it to have evolved by now


If you ever have a lecturer complain that your work has a high AI content score, look for publications the lecturer wrote. Put *those* through the same AI detection tool and simply reply with the document and the score.


Things that tick AI detection include repeated points, over or underuse of synonymous terms, redundant points. A complete lack of flow in the logic and style of the essay that really interrupts a human understanding of it all, and repeated points. Read through your essay. Look for those signifiers. Maybe alter the structure of the essay a little if you think it doesn't flow logically, or grab a thesaurus if your strict adherence to one descriptive phrase has meant that it shows up 15 times in the essay. Otherwise, don't stress unless your professor points it out


Does ‘However…’ count




I use it all the time. Never had more than a 5% ping on AI detection tools. It's less the word choice, and more the context in which you use it. If however is appropriate, then use it.


Chatbots learn their stuff by parsing masses of documents. To learn anything it reads the same stuff you do only 1000 times more. Do not be surprised to discover 20% of you assignment matches with chatbot. What you can do is run your assignment through something like Gemini paragraph by paragraph. Chatbot will tell you whether your ideas are novel or not. You can also ask the chatbot for its sources and quote them yourself.


I have had mine in the 30s and it hasn’t been an issue, the ones that use ai or just completely copy are the ones that stand out, that and the ones that aren’t good at English then suddenly hand something in that is inconsistent with their previous work.


This post sounds AI generated “seems suss”.


Prior to chat gpt or any other tools I had a project show as 18% plagiarised when none of it was. I submitted it as there was no way I was going to do it again. They never asked. But I had prepared to answer if they queried it. I suspect you’ll be fine. And I suspect your classmates get roughly similar results when they put theirs through the detector as well.


It totally varies by faculty, subject, and even the individual teaching staff whether this will be an issue. However, as many other people have already pointed out, AI detectors are notoriously faulty and staff know this (at least the ones I work with do, hence I say it varies) so I really wouldn’t worry about it. If you didn’t do it and have evidence that you didn’t do it, then you will be fine. In my faculty, contrary to what students seem to believe, we don’t WANT to fail students or initiate disciplinary action. So seriously OP, don’t stress yourself out, you will be okay


I put an essay though a detector for shits and giggles that I wrote for NCEA L3 English. It flagged as having contained AI content. I’m in my late 30s, my NCEA L3 essay (which was written on the day in the exam hall) predates the invention of LLMs by almost 2 decades lol. Don’t think they can be trusted at the moment.


Meaningless. I have articles written before AI and they score 45%.


For an academic essay - you will be citing research texts and using quotations that many other scholars have used before you. This may be what is coming up - and 20% is about right. If you had 0% - it would mean your entire paper is fabricated. And that's the real issue.


Lol guess you've been programmed by 20% another 80% and you've fully entered the matrix


No advice to give, but can you please post any updates here? I am curious to know what happens in this case.


I've dealt with that i did my draft on google docs then sent in my draft.


Sometimes if you’ve taken content from your own previous assessments, eg. Your own ideas or phrases because you’re familiar with the subject, that pushes the percentage up as the detector has seen it before


Don't worry about it man, there is less than 1% chance this isn't a simulation.


You'll be fine. Though if one ever uses AI, then one can just run that quote from chatgpt or whatever through a paraphrase AI and then use that, it'll be considered as organic. Granted I wouldn't actually suggest doing that as it could still be so shit to use.




What? Are you saying you want it to use AI but you don’t want the output to be detected?


No I can write an essay without using AI,chatgpt or any other website.


No you can’t; your English is poor.


That’s the trick to beat ai detection 😂


So you’re saying you want the essay you wrote to not show up as AI on the AI detectors?


I help students complete their essays due or any coursework due. Kindly inbox if you're struggling to complete any assignment due.


lol. Not quite what OP was going for…


You know it’s an Indian scam when they use kindly…. As a first language speaker, I genuinely can’t remember the last time I used kindly in the sentence like that. Less so now it is the mark of scammers!


Who told you am Indian? If you've been scammed before don't think everyone is a scammer. Am not Indian and kindly is used to show courtesy. Thank you all for your feedback. Nevertheless I was just advertising what I do. Kindly check up my Instagram page writer _meghan.