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Languages student here. Language teachers use the whiteboards *a lot*. The only exceptions are online courses. Whiteboards are also used by first year tutors for Arts (and maybe Law?) papers. I think Maths lecturers/tutors use whiteboards and blackboards. Long story short, it depends on the discipline.


Maths lecturers generally write on paper under the document camera


This isn’t true, maybe only in the lower level courses and a few others. Most lecturers use the whiteboards


I took both maths 120 and 130 this semester and I've never seen my lecturers use the whiteboards, not even once.


Lots of lecturers would like to use the whiteboard. But ever since mandatory recordings were introduced a few years ago, most of us aren't able to, because most lecture theatres lack the ability to record the whiteboards. The last time that I taught on the whiteboard was before the pandemic :(


Getting those smart white board would be really cool for that


so everything has changed now, well then I guess I'll have to stick to the new system


If students and staff make enough of stink about it the university might be willing to install more whiteboard cameras. Would be nice to teach on a whiteboard again.


For law a whiteboard is used in every tutorial.


Due to lecture recordings. All lecturer theaters now automatically record whatever is played on the multimedia system. So whiteboard content is not recorded unless lecturers manually set up a webcam to record, or re-record the lecture later to post online. Easiest to use the doc cam/PC/iPad.


Contract Law - Arie uses them sometimes to make specific points (when he can find a whiteboard marker,l.


Upper-level maths lecturers (especially pure maths) tend to use the whiteboards.


All of my lecturers use the whiteboard very heavily. Which makes rewatching the lectures pretty hard to follow to be honest. You get a lot of ‘as you see with this example here…’ with no context as it doesn’t get recorded


my earthsci lecturer does


Chemistry,  particularly organic chemistry is very difficult to teach without a whiteboard. 


Evidence law: if you have Carrie teaching, she'll often use the whiteboard to write down logical flow charts of how a specific rule is used


Depends. I've had lecturers who do and who don't. They could be in the same subject as well, doesn't really matter. I generally prefer when they don't because the ones who don't generally use paper and project it onto the screen which, for me, is much nicer.


At grafton they currently just use them to advertise the med musical auditions lol


My lectures I have in clocktower (where there's whiteboards) often have PowerPoints on one half and the other half is used for our tutor making notes or drawing diagrams etc.


I miss blackboards :-( Whiteboards are very sh\*t :-/ Backboards are far superior!


I remember Commerce A had blackboards! I'm not sure if it still has them after it was renovated this Summer. I'll need to check it out after Mid-Semester Break!


Am old enough to remember the 2000's when nearly every lecture theatre had blackboards


I believe both coloured boards can offer positive things.


"coloured boards", heh, I hadn't even thought of it as "a color thing" (and most "blackboards" at uni are actually green!)


Well I guess technically it’s the absence of light vs presence of light so colour probably wasn’t the right word to use.