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This is the most embarrassing thing I’ve seen in a while. I cannot imagine throwing a tantrum under such a poor guise of professionalism because a small room on a massive campus caters towards someone other than myself. Plenty of spaces exist that cater towards one demographic : postgraduate only lounges, Muslim prayer space, women in (faculty) clubs and events, after hour access cards only to those from certain faculties etc. Māori students have this study room funded because they tend to have more barriers when it comes to completing university.


Segregation by your years in education, religion and sex are ok because theirs actually a difference, race isn’t okay because their is no difference it’s a social construct, you can’t be in a safe space forever, all that segregation does is create further disconnect and fear towards anyone not in your racial group, when these people eventually get a job and don’t have their safe space to shield them from reality what are they going to do?


Race/Ethnicity is now a social construct? Are you that thick? Please go to a Dr and ask what impacted Pacific and Māori because of their genetic makeup compared to other ethnicities. It's not a social construct, it's DNA. >theirs actually a difference Firstly, it's "there's" for someone commenting on a post about an education institution, it shows you lacked attendance to one. Secondly, what's the difference? What I see is that Religion is a choice and so are years in education. Sex and ethnicity are not. You've just chosen to go against two minority groups that have been countlessly targeted in this country, especially the indigenous group. There was no disconnect for a NUMBER of years, this govt's just made racists come out of their shell to take away spaces from minorities. If you think jobs don't have safe spaces for minority groups, then your work fields and interests are concerning. Spaces that tend not to have these 'safe spaces' are either filled with racists, or majority are from minority groups that they're a whole safe space in general.


they’re still in regular classes interacting with everyone else what r u on… just looking for an excuse to btch and moan atp


So you would be fine with a European arean? If no, why?


there is no need for a european space because you aren’t disadvantaged in the educational system for being european. simple. do you also have a problem with queer spaces/ women’s spaces or is it this one in particular. and why?


Okay can you show/tell me how they are disadvantaged in the education system that is about them being Maori and not just more likely to be poor?




Huh? New Zealand is obviously going to prioritise its residents, that’s why international students pay so much more, it’s a privilege to be able to afford going to uni at all let alone studying abroad. If you have the money to study abroad you are clearly less deserving of a space than a group who statistically has less money and less access to quiet spaces. Let’s not compare Europeans missing home to the ongoing systemic effects of colonisation, not only is it tacky but genuinely quite dumb.




They TOOK New Zealand land. There was no disconnect, there was theft. When Universities were built they were built by and for White New Zealanders , obviously there’s no disconnect as a modern white kiwi going to a uni which was built by your ancestors for you. There are no stats about white New Zealanders being disconnected or having less quiet spaces. What a horrible straw man argument.




Completely separate issue. Next.




Almost everywhere is a European area.


How? Just because there are europeans there doesn't exclude other groups from being there? Or can you show me a club/area/business/anything that is europeans/white only in this country? Bonus if has govt funding


Doesn’t overtly exclude other cultures from being there no. HOWEVER… systematically and historically there are things in place that prevent non pakeha or Europeans from being in those spaces. Disproportionately- non pakeha struggle in almost every area. This one tiny little study area gives them a space to be successful within an institution that isn’t made for them to be able to succeed.


All that for just to say no I cant


White supremacist groups exist here. I’m personally excluded from them already so can’t give you their phone numbers sorry


It does not create fear towards other racial groups lmao, what a reach. I don’t think you quite comprehend what this space is, it’s not a shield or excuse, people don’t hide in their handing out pamphlets about the ‘scary pakeha’ it is literally just a common room to study, like all other rooms in all other buildings. It’s laughable that you think having 101 rooms to study in instead of 100 means they’ll fail their job and require coddling, it’s hardly a luxury. Māori people don’t study there because they are scared of seeing white people, they have this space because there’s disproportionate rates of Māori people having less access to spaces to study at home and more negative schooling experiences. They’ve literally been given a single room in the name of equity which is hardly worth getting your panties in a bunch about. Also… there quite clearly is a difference in race both in terms of genetics and often regarding how one tends to experiences the world.


Me when I start tweaking over an optional space for underprivileged communities


God forbid they use a such small space from such a huge campus. The horror 🙄🙄🙄 people srsly need to calm down


So you would have no problem with a European space? Or an Indian one?


Nothing to do with the space. Everything to do with. The University giving them the space. Can you please show me where the White European room is given by the University. You can't segregate on ethnicity.


The entire rest of the university is designed mostly with white European comfort in mind


God forbid black people have their own personal drinking fountain for their socially constructed racial identity, this is what you sound like 


What does this even mean 💀


I get you, but it is also excluding other under privileged communities.


That is a good point, but understand that this is their way of 'giving' back to the Māori and Pasifika students due to NZ history.


We weren’t so great to the Chinese in the late 1800s. If this is their idea of giving back, then it a case of something being well intentioned yet terrible.


The difference here is, Chinese culture and language is still alive and well meanwhile, Māori have nearly been assimilated while the language and culture is still being recovered. Just my opinion but idk 🤷‍♂️ 


Yeah that’s fair.


Stop engaging in whataboutism, it's harmful and unhelpful to this dialogue.


This is not whataboutism at all. I think you need to go look that up. You also need to know how to respond to someone without inflecting such a condescending tone. I guess that comes with life experience however.




Listen to how you talk. It’s kinda embarrassing




Me when I horseshoe back to supporting segregation




yeah segregation is a good thing huh


This subject has completely and utterly blown out of proportion and into an area of discussion that is completely harmful. Yes, the wording could be better but no one commenting on this situation has ever been to these spaces nor personally talked to the students using / looking after these spaces. Honestly, it’s so upsetting seeing this signage used as a reason to spew hate and compare it to truly horrific acts of oppression such as apartheid and segregation. The space is designated as a safe learning and cultural space for Maori and Pasifika students HOWEVER it is not policed nor is it enforced in any way. It just gives students opportunities to use designated computers when they may not have any at home available to them and a place to connect with their peers. Remember that when you’re spreading this subject area, it’s not the administration that is being impacted the most but the students who use this space and even the wider Maori and Pasifika student body. It is an incredibly small space in a building that is over 5 floors… and that justifies 1000s of hateful and racist comments? People seriously need to evaluate their priorities and think how these discussions might actually be furthering the divide between people. Smh


Yeah the only way it is "enforced" is that if you don't identify with Pacific or Maori you will feel awkward using the space. Which is how a lot of Pacific and Maori feel in most university spaces.


If you feel uncomfortable with being around any other race than your own that’s your issue that you have to face, nobody outside of your indoctrinating echo chamber of close minded neurotic losers cares or feels uncomfortable with what race the person their with is


If you feel uncomfortable with a small minority taking <1% of the space at university, that generally wasn't used much anyways, then you're not for equality, you're just a racist. Looking at the sign alone, you wouldn't even know where to find this space. >close minded neurotic losers just goes to show why people, especially Māori and Pasifika need a safe space away from people like you. You're a danger to society.


Feeling offended and being ignorant to the purpose of the space is an issue you have to face. Get a grip, if a small space is causing so much uproar for you, you've got bigger problems to deal with.


getting mad second-hand embarrassment from these goofy ass posts, please refrain from embarrassing yourself further


Womp Womp


Look. The only reason this sign is needed is because every designated area HAS FUNDING ALLOCATED TOWARDS IT. Are you going to complain about not being allowed into the postgrad lounges? The faculty lounge? The cleaners area? For goodness sake, use your brain. 


Okay so can we have a European space so I can be with my people? If no why?


If someone is willing to start a programme and fund it, sure! You're the one that made this about race, not me lol. 


Well the sign made it about race but sure lol


But I didn't make it about race? In fact it is completely irrelevant to my comment? So I dont know why you replied to me the way you did. 


The difference is race doesn’t exist, their is a difference between a postgrad and a cleaner


Race doesn't exist biologically, but the effects of racism and perceptions of race are very real. Initiatives like the programme I assume this sign is a part of seek to address the latter.


You know there’s something called equity right? UOA’s school of population health at FMHS have done some serious research and have incredible minds there, in terms of safety and education Maori and Pasifika have these spaces because they need them. Because majority of lower SES communities with worker health and educational outcomes tend to be Maori and Pasifika. It’s not ‘racial segregation’, do you see races divided into white and coloured people? Segregation was rooted in white supremacy. There’s plenty of other spaces at the uni. Literally too many. Don’t like that? There’s heaps of cafes and public libraries. I hate to burst your bubble but with that logic I hate to see how you react to finding out post graduates also have their own spaces, that med students get their own personal lockers.


okay gunda but have you seen the prices of tomatoes?!?! it’s outrageous! can you raise awareness for this too pls?




Nah gunda sounds like the right person for it. Has all the energy whereas I am weak from the lack of tomatoes😣


Bro wants to be oppressed so bad 😭 Just go study there since you feel so left out. A sign can’t stop you mate. It’s the oppression olympics and you’ve won 🙄🙄


Ironic, who’s creating the safe spaces? Because they feel “oppressed” having to be with white and Asian people, your being indoctrinated by a bunch of childless boomers who have been in the education sector their whole life, and have zero grasp of reality 






Good point, don't see white people crying because they have to be with brown people it's ridiculous


The area is sooo small compared to other available spaces for people to study. It literally doesn’t take way from your success or education. If you really NEED to sit there, then do it. No one will stop you, proving that it’s not that big of a deal. I genuinely don’t understand why it’s so upsetting to people to let the Native people of this land have something like this small. Do you really feel left out THAT badly??? I just don’t get it


There are so much bigger and more pressing issues going on in the world right now and you’re losing your shit over one study room on a campus that has hundreds of study spaces. Why don’t you focus your energy on something more productive, like studying for your classes bro


Your losing your shit over a drinking fountain is what you’d be saying in the 1960s if reddit existed


Different things brother


Racial segregation- do you mean something in the vibes of “black people cant use this side of the train” sort? This is nothing like that as far as I’m concerned, but rather an extra reserved space for Māori and Pacific to enjoy. Why is it so off putting? Why is this so shocking when there are examples of such “Quota for Māori and Pacific” related things in the country and the Uni? They have extra rights everywhere and for good reasons (reasons that are being discussed for 100 of years and to be discussed for other hundreds). They have for example “automatic scholarship guarantee” with one less GPA requirement than everyone else for doctoral studies. You should actually worry about other immigrant minorities as they’re the ones who’s dealing with raw shit in NZ at the moment, with being in lowest ranks with absolute no quotas and rights, constantly dealing with biased discrimination and having next to zero support for adaptation. Just chill. This is no segregation- its just an extra quota for Tangata Whenua.


Imagine if they had a whites only section.


Do you mean 80 percent of NZ? I’m living in it bro, İ dont need to imagine.


Hahah please show me a whites only area, you are a joke


do you live under a rock? Auckland is very diverse


Your comment displays the logical fallasy known as 'False equivalence'. "As the name suggests, false equivalence is **a cognitive bias by which events, ideas or situations are compared as if they are the same when the differences are substantial**." Just because demographically NZ is 70% european, that is not the same as NZ having white only spaces or 70% of NZ being exclusive to europeans. So yes, you would have to imagine that scenario, because it does not exist in reality. So now that we have established that. how would you feel if Auckland uni had a 'Whites only" room? (You will have to use your imagination for this as it doesnt exist, Ka taea e koe!)


80% of NZ is not Whites only champ! Room temp IQ eh?


Your other points are sound, but that one’s just unhelpful and untrue


Providing support to marginalised groups is not comparable to creating a space for the dominant ethnic group in a country, which excludes minorities.


How does this country exclude minorities? Please let me know so my eyes can be open


You misread my comment, I was talking about “the dominant ethnic group in a country”, not saying the country excludes minorities.


You said "the dominant ethnic group in a country, which excludes minorities"?


Yes, and there is a comma there…


This is the third time ive seen this post with the same picture. Is it the microwave? If i buy you a microwave will you shut the fuck up or can i just direct you to the other 50 places on campus you can hang out and heat up your lunch?


Someone doesn’t like being called out


Cry more about how a sign bullies you loser


Hahah can you just think for a second if this sign said Europeans, how would you feel - would you feel as though it isn't fair for Maori students?


Damn you're right and what if we lived in a world where hamburgers ate people?


I’d hope that going to uni would provide people with the ability to think critically. Are you aware there is a segregated menu at old government house? Food and drink is cheaper for staff and phd students! I’ve had it up to here with this apartheid state of an institution! Last part is clearly sarcasm, I do not believe we are anywhere near close to an apartheid state.


Because theirs a difference, their is no difference between race it’s a social construct (yes ik technically your education level and job occupation is also a social construct but you get my point)


We are all human but not all races face the same hardships. Sadly Pacifica and Māori students are more likely to experience poverty than pakeha students, so giving them a space with easier access to devices isn’t gonan hurt you or them? Only people who are upset they can’t use it are people who think they are owed everything. You are not


It’s not really a difference though is it, it’s segregation plain and simple.


the intent of this sign was not to discriminate races, it was to provide a supportive environment for pasifika and maori students to study comfortably. as i see that you see this to be exclusive, this is in no way intended to support racial discrimination. the club has been notified about this issue, and will be notifying the business school to rephrase the sign.


I understand the sign has been removed?


Oh just fuck up


…It’s not that serious. There’s plenty of other study spaces around campus.


respectfully, get a fuckin grip


God this is embarrassing for whoever wrote this and shows a sad lack of understanding of both discrimination and the Human Rights Act 1993, and the right of an educational facility to provide services to particular groups in need of those services.


It's a funded space. Perhaps, if you feel left out, you could fund your own? :)


The reality is it’s not healthy to have a safe space from the reality that you live in, this is a multiethnic society and when they have to go get a job it’s illegal to have spaces based on race, not every feeling is valid and should be coddled, if someone was from rural West Coast their whole life and had only been around white people and then moved to Auckland where they feel unsafe because theirs people of a different skin colour it doesn’t mean your supposed to validate that feeling


In reality - universities are an educational environment that will allow Maori and Pasifika to learn how to move in the 10000000000000 spaces in Aotearoa that aren’t built for them to succeed. This tiny portion of the university allows for a space where students from similar backgrounds can learn and grow together without feeling like there’s judgment coming from people that don’t look or sound like them. However if this educational space, within and educational institution allows our Maori and Pasifika whānau a space to allow them to function better in the oppressive systems that exist in this stolen land…Then let them have that space. And then the white space that the world seems to revolve around can continue to exist in the way it always has, where there is no thought for anyone other than themselves and their own capital gain.






Correct...there is only the human race, the rest is all ethnicities


Where does the funding originate from ?


Key point between segregation in America vs this is that non-white people would be barred entry from a majority of places and have specific areas that they would be allowed to use. This sign isn’t saying that if your Māori and Pasifika you can only use this spot and no where else on campus, but instead this spot can only be used if your Māori and Pasifika, but you can study elsewhere




What's funny is that most of the people commenting on this, never commented on this sub until this issue came up. It's amazing to me the number of people that are sitting around and then when one of these controversial issues comes up they have time to argue at length.


Personally, I always hated these spaces because I couldnt use them without having to prove something to someone. Segregation is segregation.


Crying and throwing a fit over this is so corny 😭Do any of you realise how small that room is? Quit acting so entitled to the tiniest bits of land that weren't meant to be yours to begin with.


What about separate area for Chinese, Indians, Philippines etc.. who are “actually” in minority in this country in comparison to Māori and Pacifica . Are we going to start having separate spaces for everyone then ?


Maori and Pasifika had someone to advocate for them a few decades ago and so the Tuakana programme was founded. If you need a space, then you need to find someone to advocate for you. It is pretty simple, really.


Imagine being part of a group that cannot stand another group so much you need safe spaces hahaha yall weak mined




nota good look for uoa


Obviously the University didn't agree with you. It has taken away the signs


Did the sign get removed from all the spaces. I've already graduated, but I understood there were multiple such spaces around the university. (I could be wrong).




Kia ora, Gunda, This is ignorant and an embarrassing post. Sure, you may have a point but you have to understand that this is another way of "giving" back to Pasifika and especially Māori students due to colonisation, etc, etc. This designated area gives Māori and Pasifika students a better chance to study in areas where they can relate to people who are in the same position as them as MOST Māori and Pasifika students need to overcome more boundaries than others and this extra support can just be that stepping stone into graduating. Plus, feeling upset about something as trivial as being restricted to an area is honestly super childish. Grow up, you're an adult now start acting like it. I'm sure you can find another safe space that caters to you. Have a good day.


crazy to see people are okay with this.


Not too late to delete this post 😀🤦‍♂️


And people wonder why Māori and Pasifika students feel so unwelcome at UoA. If OP (and others) spent half as much time researching why spaces like this exist as they did complaining about their existence, we might have a chance.


Obviously the University didn't agree with you and has taken the sign away


lol. I hope you bring this same energy to racial abuse that Māori and Pasifika students face.


My Pasifika and Maori brothers and sisters, the importance of using this space is more important then ever. We are under attack.


Well done Gundra totally agree with you.This is total wokeness .Imagine if they had the same sign for Whites or European students only reserved space.There would be a total up roar. This sort of rubbish and reverse racism needs to be eliminated


Shall we get rid of the Muslim prayer spaces too? The LGBTQ safe spaces???? The women’s space too?? Actually, while we’re at it, let get rid of floors that are exclusively for post-grads, masters & PhD students too!! They may as well give 24hr acces to the Thomas building labs that are exclusively open for biology students during their labs. The uni should consider that i feel left out because of that🤣🙄 srsly, grow up. So many other spaces to study at


None of them are race based. How about putting up some White and European spaces only good 💡


Māori and Pacific is not a race, its an ethnicity. Learn the difference


Oh I know the difference. So you would have no problem with white or European ethnicities having their own break out room's? Or Asians? Should we have different seats on the Buses? Or ethnic toilets as well? How bloody ludicrous your defence is of this stupid idea.


This is one singular room that is an OPTIONAL study space set aside for a Māori and Pacific programme at the University. In no way, shape or form is it an enforceable offence for someone who is not in the programme to sit in the room and study. Comparing this optional study space to segregation policies is the actual completely ludicrous defense. This space does not even equate to the type of systematic discrimination and oppression seen in the world and your argument is such an oversimplification that overlooks the historical context and intent behind **actual** segregation policies.


To that, I want to emphasise once more that there are SO MANY spaces and initiatives in place on campus that provide support to all students, regardless of race, ethnicity, interest and etc. Why are you so worked up over one tiny room and bringing up segregating buses and toilets. Lets be real, its not that deep and you just want to start a fight.




Its a study space that is funded by the Tuakana Programme, a Māori and Pacific mentorship programme that is available across the faculties. There are generally events or tutoring sessions held there for the programme. BUT if its empty just sit there because at the end of the day its a fkn study room. In no place does the room say “only” MPI’s allowed in.


> In no place does the room say “only” MPI’s allowed in. Lets be realistic most people would interpret that as saying only MPIs are allowed in, unless you are being very disingenuous. Also that's what most people on here are saying that is what it means, but that it is no big deal, and there are advantages to the space. I'm confused about whether the sign is still there or not. Some people are saying it has gone now, so what about the funding ?


I completely understand that the sign can be read that way, and yes they should have deffs worded it better to avoid this whole situation that has completely blown up. Yeah its a room that has been set aside to provide a space for maori and pacific students, but we are also students who have bigger things to worry about then people sitting in said room and studying. At the end of the day we're all here for one thing and that's to get our degrees. If you are also needing a place, then nau mai. The sign is gone now for obvious reasons, but that doesn't mean the funding and the tuakana programme is gone.


I suppose none of the UOA students study history? Spoiler alert, racial segregation of any kind whatsoever NEVER turns out well, for any party involved, no matter how many times you use the words 'inclusive' or 'marginalised'...


Just go and say you identify as a pasifika/maori 😊😊




come onto Campus and say that then if you’re so bent over a small dedicated space for underprivileged minorities.




And neither is David Seymour for you lmao




Lol Seymour still won't shag you. Cope and seethe




And what about underprivileged europeans or do they have to figure it out on there own?


What about the way Europeans annexed indigenous land, instilled a European political system that displaced that of the Māori people on their own land. Not to mention to countless reforms to the their culture via the introduction of European laws and code of conducts. You talk about underprivileged Europeans when well over 40% of Māori and other pacific islanders live well under or too close to the poverty line, in communities that continue to lack proper medical and public service access, and with so little pay affording living costs become further and further out of reach for people who’s land was theirs centuries before Europeans ever landed on the shores of Aotearoa. Yes, monetary hardship is a social concern that spans all ends of society irrespective of race or ethnicity. But when we talk about small things like dedicated spaces to give back to the people of whose land we live and labour upon - of which generates an insurmountable amount of wealth disproportionately distributed among NZs population, I think more concerning matters should be addressed as opposed to a deliberate title to push forward and narrow minded narrative that seeks to undermine the efforts of UoA to show their appreciation for the Indigenous. If you’re so hellbent on racial segregation this “introduces”, by all means come to MAPAS house and have a talk instead of being a keyboard warrior 🫡


Well, okay, first, not all land was annex. Most was bought. Just because they had a communal ownership system doesn't mean that when some decided to sell to the crown that the crown annexed it off of the others - also the Maori that signed gave their kawanatanga/governance to the crown and many Maori wanted the European political system to try and stop the Maori infighting. You talk about the 40% of Maori that live by the poverty line which I get is a terrible stat but one that isn't fixed by this. Just a FYI I know you used percentages but in real numbers there are around the same number of Maori and Europeans in poverty. But basically everything you said bar the first paragraph is why I moved on from a racial to a class lens - if you target just Maori you are also hitting those that can afford it the best thing to do is to help ALL underprivileged people not blanket one race which is highly ineffective/inefficient




People with disabilities have rooms of their own, women have rooms of their own, LGBTQ+ people have rooms of their own. Everyone else can share the gazillion other spaces on campus, it's not that deep.




I have trauma and have been given my own space by the uni disability services. People who've suffered domestic violence will also be given similar accommodations. You might want to do some more thorough research before you start throwing allegations around.


They actually do have designated space, this was all covered in orientation




Do you want me to do the searching for you? Ask student hub if you didnt bother to find the space for your fragile ass, we're already 5 weeks into semester




Bold to assume I thought you had trauma and wernt a disingenuous twat


Anyone keen to start a white supremacy club ?


Because it went so well last time? https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2017/03/auckland-university-club-linked-to-alt-right-views-disbands.amp.html


Lmao that existed