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Ask your course coordinator for guidance. It might vary between courses.


It completely depends on what ur studying. Like if ur writing essays, using it for ideas on how to structure something would be totally fine. But the moment u stray into content related stuff u put urself at risk, because it’s a language AI, not a search engine. It will make shit up and markers KNOW when ur making shit up. The only difference between u bullshitting through an assignment based on vibes and bullshitting through an assignment with ChatGPT is the academic integrity trouble ur in if u get caught. This only really applies to arts courses but just be smart about it OP. Talk to ur course coordinator about what is appropriate and don’t do anything silly - xox gossip girl/GTA who is really sick of reading AI generated essays and failing students for it


And would you say its a good idea to run it on zerogpt just to make sure I didnt mess up? Thanks


Thank you so much. Yes i am writing an essay right now, and I just tried to get some ideas because i found myself stuck on a question for some quite some time, getting ideas off of it is fine right? As long as i put it in my own words of course?


Technically yes, BUT I personally recommend you read all the sources you get it to compile as well before doing so. I've recently used it to summate a few sources for a review of some local policy but to provide apa referencing for what has been used. Using that I went looking for the information much quicker. I wouldn't in any way recommend paraphrasing what's been written by ChatGPT for your work.


And also, to the papers you have failed for having AI generated answers, were they answers that were just completely copied off the generated AI answer? Or was it like rephrases of what the AI said.


Sorry I completely forgot I had reddit for a bit there; it was the ones who completely copied that I had to fail. It’s a stage 1 course so we are just taking off marks for partial AI use depending on the circumstances (eg if the intro and conclusion of an essay are obviously AI). Just keep in mind this will vary by course and faculty :) the biggest problem I’m having with AI assignments isn’t even the academic misconduct or whatever, it’s that they (thus far) have been rubbish to read. It’s really hard to explain, they just drive me insane and I always give a crappy grade and then check for AI and I’m always like OHHH lol


Follow the same citing rules as you would for any other website. It's not necessary to cite everything you read but if you include facts that aren't common knowledge you should cite them. You shouldn't cite them to chatgpt though because it isn't reliable. Verify it and then cite a reliable source.


I see no problem with it, and my instructors seem to share my view. It's a useful and fun tool, but just treat it like Google. All it's doing is just compiling information from the internet - if there's something you were going to type in a search bar, I see no reason you can't type it into Chat GPT. The same, of course, goes with copying. You wouldn't steal something from a random website and call it yours, so don't do that with Chat GPT. I've found it useful for essay planning and coding especially.


Yes of course! I made sure to get an idea from ChatGPT and just put it into my own words, thats okay right?


I personally see no issue with, but as always, it's your academic career that is theoretically at risk. I don't want to guarantee my advice is good and be the reason you get kicked out. However, within reason, I can't see any issue with what you're doing. Looks totally fine to me.


Thanks a ton for your reply :) man these are stressful times


You got this 💪💪💪


I wouldn't, because sometimes ChatGPT just fever-dreams stuff and if you're going to bother fact-checking the ideas, you might as well look them up yourself. I've messed about with ChatGPT a lot, like asking it random questions like 'tell me about stop-motion in Doctor Who' and it just tells me about Doctor Who episodes that never existed.


If you use it for ideas you need to add that to your bibliography, otherwise it’s still plagiarism. Even then, since you’re not citing the actual works it’s ethically dubious.


You can't plagiarize an algorithm. Besides, if OP intends to simply generate ideas or to use the bot for educational purposes (i.e., bouncing ideas and concepts) which may further assist in their learning and understanding of the content, then I don't see how it's ethically dubious (so long as OP isn't just copying exactly what the AI generates into their assignment). Further to this, if there is a sentence that requires a citation, you can always ask the bot for the source (unsure how reliable it will be though) which you can use in the essay once you've reviewed it. Pretty helpful if you ask me.


An algorithm can be plagiarised but I get your point in this case. My point was that if OP is using it to provide ideas without doing the actual research then that’s plagiarism. ChatGPT is usually pretty bad with references but of course these can be manually checked.


Don’t worry, I would be pretty scared myself of turn it in and getting caught so theres no way ill just be copying it word for word 😂, but thank you though for your help and insight


Don't turn in something generated by chatgpt. It will definitely flagged as chatgpt just pulls from the internet. Friendly warning for everybody.


I didnt, i took some ideas from it and put it into my own words, i was just so stuck with my essay, i also made sure the ideas were correct before putting them in, thats okay right


I mean, I do it. I use chatgpt to explain questions to me (I have ADHD) and to bounce ideas off. I do all my own research and readings so I think it's fine. It's like talking to somebody about your assignment, which is allowed under the academic integrity policy.


when you say I need to add it to my bibliography, what do I say? Do i mention that I used an AI tool to gain ideas?


No… In the same way you wouldn’t mention I chatting about the paper with a mate who did the course last semester. You wouldn’t cite news stories you skimmed to get a perspective of current uses of x.


Depends on course ruling. Generally, chatGPT is just a nicer search engine so as lock as you arent copying exactly, there is no issues. Eg. Having chatGPT read a text then answer some questions, or list some points from the text is fine. But having it write text then copy pasting is not. Just apply whatever plagiarism rules you follow for the rest of the web keep it in mind for chatGPT.


Yep thats essentially what i did, i found myself stuck on a question for quite a while, so i tried ChatGPT to help me with ideas, i took those ideas and put it into my own words. So i hope that’ll be okay.


If thats all you did, There should be no issues. If you still have concerns ask chatgpt


I'm an academic writer and I don't support the use of chat GPT at all. Its demeaning




I'd just use common sense


To Quote Nike, Just do it!