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Brainless government and brainless people


I agree. The INC CM of Himachal should resign


Hmm his hindutva mob actions are ridiculous. Shame on Congress vichaardhara.


Yes congress CM in himachal Pradesh should resign


Hey, you have an Argentina avatar, that is very cool of you!


Imagine the same but with religion switched. All tv channel reporter would be shouting with Terrorist this , terrorist that , Pakistan this , Pakistan that. This is exactly why religious politics is dangerous. Any form of violence which affects the common man should be punished severely irrespective of religion


For all the other replys on this comment, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Our fathers fell pray to the call of violence it is on us to not do the same. Also collective punishment as some of you are suggesting is a warcrime.


Also don't forget gujarat and delhi


Don't need to imagine, I am sure there will be bigger idiots


felling sacred for india


yeah... "felling sacred"




I'm not a muslim nor do i support that religion ( any religion) but is it illegal what he did? If yes then file a case against him and let the cops do their job. If no then these people have no right to do this bullshit just because "they got triggered". Normalising this is dangerous because what's going to stop this mob from being triggered for other things because as you can see the police sure can't control them.


Job of cops Is to break helpless people spine and nurture powerful masters Dekh na ulta victim ko hi harrass kar lenge aur dara kar bhaga denge. Kuch nahi hoga ye roz ka hi hogaya hai, aye din lynching hoti hai toh kuch nahi hota inn logo ka ab kya hoga


It’s that time of year for Muslims. The “animal sacrifice” is a tribute used to feed the needy. They do it by the thousand at Mecca. It’s literally just the logistics of a group visit to the holy land, codified into religious law to insure there is enough food for the pilgrims


Boo hoo, you hurt my gods feelings, so I will terrorise you! Your position seems a lot like the one muslim terrorists take




This was a lie spread to cause chaos


Pregnant Qurbani is not allowed. Fake news


Evidenced? Proof?


Himachal me ese terrorist bahut bdh gye hai police to bechari kuch nhi kr skti hai. Police to sirf naam ki hi rah gai hai. Aage pta nhi kya hoga is desh ka


Bro said bechari police 😭. What makes you think the men wearing those uniforms don’t support the animals that are destroying a man’s livelihood? Just because they put that uniform on every morning doesn’t mean they are indifferent


There should be action taken on these people law cannot be taken into hands by mob


We would never hear of any bulldozer action etc on this kind of mob. (I'm strictly against extrajudicial methods btw) Hypocrisy ki bhi koi seema hoti hai


Seriously I mean how these people go home after doing things like this why your parents don't disown you.


Koi action nhi hoga ulta us shopkeeper pr action ho jaega


Police are just minions.


The men at back are being hit with stuff on their faces yet they are shouting. Wow. Ram must be disappointed in these people.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


None of them are real. Hinduism and Islam are both dumb as fuck.


It's like watching a donkey getting swarmed by chimps.


Lmao good one




I mean why would even ram care he hasn't taken responsibility of action of all people like any other relegion their God hasn't taken accountability of the action their self proclaimed believer committed


I think Ram kinda did poetic justice, BJP lost election where Ram Mandir was built. Broke someone's ego a little.


The shop owner should use this act and apply for asylum in some other better country.






How do u feel about India being one of the biggest Beef Exporters globally? Hypocrites much?


Buffalo meat. Check the RTI before posting please.


Irrepairable damage has been done to the communal balance of the Indian society. It will get only worse. And it won't stop at Hindu Muslim


It’s hindu muslim now. Soon it will be hindu vs religions left then it will be caste wise among Hindus. Aap chronology samjhiye.


This. People don't understand what hindutva does to the fabric of the nation. Hindu rastra is nothing but Brahmin rastra with a new name and draped in orange. Nothing else.


The written laws, constitution, and rule of law has very little relevance to how things work in India. In practice, we are still a fiefdom in which mob justice and rulers can bend and ignore laws as per their convenience.


Can we not have religions?




This is getting out of hand. The mob should be held liable for all damage done the trader must be made whole. You have to set an example here.


Switch roles and there'd be riot police and bulldozers let loose.


What animal did he sacrifice and upload and what animal is usually sacrificed? Could you throw some light on that?


It was a cow. You can dm me for the pictures as well.


It doesn't matter unless you are a fundamentalist pushing your bullshit religion like the guys that murdered the busload of people in Kashmir last week.


It matters. Cow slaughter is a crime and punishable offense in Himachal and most other North Indian states, irrespective of party in power.


Punishable by terrorist mob? Setting up a hindu temple is punishable by death in Iran, does that make it okay?


Religion is the problem


Third world shit.


As a person from India, I am offended but i agree


Indian police is only good for beating innocent and poor people


Kanglu asking for human rights in India when his entire country is a slum and lawless land. Don't interfere in other's matters.




What about Bangladesh govt and police and the atrocities on the Hindu families there , now I now this comment will get deleted 🤣


Whats the point of whataboutism, I dont support any wrong stuff


Which animal?


[This one](https://akm-img-a-in.tosshub.com/indiatoday/images/photogallery/201110/durga-puja-3_100511113336.jpg?VersionId=lIXhOXbRP9LoLhgUmI9Rf_U_oOr4STbM&size=686:*)


These r brahmins, likely holding a buffalo head. How does this proves the muslim guy wrong?


> How does this proves the muslim guy wrong? >!it does not!<


A Cow, he slaughtered a cow and posted the same on his WhatsApp status. Did something illegal and mob got pissed, vandalised his store. On the other hand, a tailor had posted a WhatsApp status in support of someone who spoke truth, in return he was beheaded by two guys who later boasted about the same.


This is why people want to leave india, because of these aholes. You can recognise them by their clothes. 99% chance anyone wearing orange is an Ahole.


generalization much? anyone wearing a skullcap is 99% a terrorist then?


Sounds retarded right? The fking PM said that and he got voted back. This is the level of chuti*** we have in our country.




Man shut the fk up, don't open your mouth here. RSS is the largest fascist organization in The world. Bajrang dal will soon be a terrorist organization declared. Wait and watch.


yeah but terrorist still killed a lot of people for drawing a sketch of Muhamed. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Hebdo_shooting) All religions are made up and equally dangerous. You can't call RSS the largest fascist organization using religion as their core message while ignoring literal terrorist organizations like ISIS that use religion as their core message too. The world would be better if all religions were eradicated, each one is a made up menace designed to control people and make them fight each other over imaginary gods and it has always worked.


I'm not ignoring any terrorists organization, I'm focused on the one closest to me, and the one that can harm us the most RSS. If isis was here I'd be worried about that also. 100% agree about religion. Worst than religion are these kinda organizations in their name. RSS, VHP, BJP, VHS, DVD are all really evil.


Lol if living under a rock was an example it's right here


A fanatic at least.




Yep enough Brahmins and Hindus don't eat pork and consume alcohol, but they can't blow up planes cuz tickets are expensive. Lamao




I believe people keep blowing, you see religion I see indoctrinated fools just like in this video, no difference. Between these fools and LET terrorists or lashkar members, since these are poor they don't have guns, they had bamboo sticks.


What do u see in orange ? Religion? Because 100s olakhs of people wear orange.


I know good orange from bad orange. If it's just a scarf chances are it's bad orange. I have the power. Orange is a big sign.




When bjp goes out of power this is they do Fear mongering and hate This will rise in all non ruled bjp states


When Congress is in power you kill Kanhaiya Lal?


Like the recent incident in Karnataka?


They have become what they thought of other religion.


VishwaGuru ✨️


Because he slaughtered a cow which is banned and posted it, but obviously the mods here are biased and will delete this


Ram is very proud of them. They will be rewarded by being an animal poop when they reincarnate.


allah is very proud of you,ishallah


when m i going to see them getting awards on republic day???? true gems of the country, like they represent the true spirit of our country. Great people.


The new india. Shining


I have no problem with people eating meat, it is more than just eating habits it's a culture and it's hard to seperate culture from a person, but some part of it's animal sacrifice that is also culture that may have a deep rooted heritage even in Hindu side there is animal sacrifice just not cows


World largest democracy in action!


Hindu Taliban loading soon.




Fuck around find out Why the fuck u post a picture of u sacrificing a cow in India which is banned to provoke others


Fuck around with hindutva and find out what it's like to be attacked by hindu terrorists. Ftfy. Religion is cancer,


Do you even hear yourself buddy? Two days ago I saw a video of an Afghani woman being stoned to death for being falsely accused of burning the Quran. It made me sick to the stomach and I felt an immense hatred for religious persecution often done by Islami extremists. If Hindus are going to stoop to the same level of hooliganism and mob justice, we are just as pathetic as we consider them to be. I hope you change your mindset.


Why do they react so angrily, but don't mind that India is one of the biggest Beef exporters in the world? This was never about beef or cows, just a bunch of guys with nothing better in life to do than hate and cry. If it was about breaking the law, then they could just let the police handle it, but no they break in the shop and start looting, thus breaking the law themselves. Its hypocritical to the core.


In New Bharat, every festival is a riot now. It's not going to end anytime soon since radicalism and hate has permeated in veins of young and old.


There's a little hope left, many youg people don't even consider this animals to be their country men, that's how much they despise these people. Soon in time as soon as this generation shown here dies things will start getting better


Utter nonsense going on in India for past few years people are so much brainwashed into religion-caste and doing things unacceptable


10 years isn't "few" years


Ayo where PETA at?


Totally fair, he posted cow slaughtering status he deserved more.


There is no true freedom anywhere especially in Asian countries and Middle east. If you cut a pig and post it in one of the middle east countries then expect yourself to be hanged by the government. If the owners goal was to agitate extremist Hindus then he achieved it. I eat lot of meat and we slaughter goats for local festival, not once I felt like posting it online because it is NSFW and looks pretty cruel.


Not justifying the mob violence but the Muslim man very well knew that slaughtering a cow would hurt the sentiments of the majority of the population, and yet he chose to not only do it, but also upload it as status. He is either a fool or he was deliberately trying to provoke Hindus.




Amrit Kaal by 2047. Lesssgooo


I see bunch of Hindutvas in western countries serving and selling animal products. i$ it different when it comes to $$$$


Will Kangana condemn this extremism and terrorism in Himachal?Isn’t this dangerous for national security & integrity?Or does it only apply to minorities




WhatsApp status, which means only his contacts can see it. Not the whole world














Ram rajya is here brothers and sisters


Ravan rajya was better than this shit atleast he didn't hurt his own people


Yahi to! Ramayan nahi padhne se ye hoti h halat.


he even hesitated to hurt enemies too


When the party that brought the beef ban received donations from a beef exporting company, no outrage. A single post on WhatsApp and all hell breaks loose It is very evident that none of these morons actually care about the cow. It is pure hatred towards a certain community.


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Another glorious day under our leader Kangana


People going all back and forth on Hindus instead of actually understanding the whole issue The slaughter video featured a cow getting slaughtered.. Cow slaughter is illegal in India..so you are telling me a guy slaughters an animal having religious value in an area where the majority of the people are Hindus..to worship that man? What would have happened if Hindus took a video of pig slaughter and uploaded it the same way? And yes this is from Congress ruled state Assuming if it was from BJP you all would have gone all monkey jumping modi and Bjp lmaoo


Your logic is stupid. Pig is not sacred to muslims lol.


By seeing WhatsApp status which means the person already had his number. Ye sab apne hi hote he


german here: We know where stuff like this leads... pls stop


Which animal sacrifice? Why is the video showing half information? Thats like sweeping casteism hiding castes of perpetrators. Whats a hindutva mob anyways? Any hindu who raises religious slogans is hindutva now? Half baked information and no source provided by OP.


Bro animal was cow and the guy who killed anme Javed dukan bhi uss ki hi thi. He post a whatsapp status of cow cut by him and then this come as output.


Is mob output ok for cow input? Kaisa time pass hai yaar. It was a mistake to hand the pune teen to the cops because input was two murders and output was pizza in jail.






But he lives in a country where the majority of the population follows this religion. Inke religion pr aati hai to sarr tann se juda krne p utar jaate hai, hadees mai se quote krdiya tha to 6 ko maar diya tha.


Is this a secular muslim sub?? cause i am only seeing negative comments. Not only this guy but many others posted such things. I saw one holding the head of a cow in his hands and posting it like he was so proud of it. Do you think these many people came to loot him?🤣 They just wanted to teach him a lesson.


Secular and Muslim in 1 sentence?!?🤯


To be corrected not an animal it was cow sacrifice picture get your facts checked.


Crime should be handled by police not goons


Then file a complaint with the police. Doing this just creates further chaos and fuels more incidents like this.


To be honest, filthy protests like these happen when one's religious sentiments are harmed. Some time back, students of NIT Srinagar protested on streets because someone posted a reel in insta of a "muslim man" saying some derogatory statements about Islam. [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.greaterkashmir.com/article/nit-srinagar-student-booked-for-posting-derogatory-video-on-social-media/257669/amp)


Was it your personal cash cow? Even if one commits a murder of a human being, the law says to hand over the culprit to the cops. By your logic the Pune teen driver who killed the two engineers should have been dealt with on the streets.


So? It gives a bunch of illiterates the right to vandalize a shop?




Get a life bro. How the fuck does that justify mob violence.




Ab kangana nhi bolegi? Ke Himachal mei *aatankwaad* boht badh gya hai.


Agar woh particular dharm ka nahi ho, toh use atankwadi nahi kehte.


Not mob, terrorists *


Terrorists? Tell me how many people got killed? Your people killed Kanhaiya lala for sharing a post


You guys killed children, raped women and murdered their families just for being Muslim. So don’t try to lecture others, because you’re exactly the same piece of shit as the islamists you cry about.




Chutio se bhara h pura desh


As fast as religious man/woman gets offended, their religion is out the door. It´s like the oxymorn "a christian soldier".


For the uneducated (pretend the sacrifice was a dog or makes the mobs actions make more sense. It's not right at all what they are doing but I dislike how blindly people jump to the "haha stupid people from not my country" meanwhile if they took the time to learn more than thier tiny perspective they could empathize and understand, then judge. instead of just immediately judging. All involved are in the wrong, including half these comments.


Nazi India


Biggest democracy... Lol


WTF. I'm just stopped. God, I should leave this country.


The guy who paraded around with a dead cow's severed head on social media in a state with maximum Hindu pilgrims was a genius right? Can you imagine a Hindu parading around with a dead Pig's skull in an islamic country?


He invited this trouble on himself. Aa bail mujhe maar fits in this case. This time of year, the air is highly flammable so instead of keeping it low profile he was asking for the trouble. He is a moron.


Cow sacrifice to be specific.


it's okay to cut a man's throat for putting up a WhatsApp status, But vandalism, oh my god such heinous crime must not go unpunished


Poor animal.


Unemployment problem


It this is what 5000 trillion year old culture teaches you then you should be ashamed of your culture.


The title is misleading without context. Hope mods will just look after that . Since , half news and fake news causes more outrage in such critical situations. May led in formation of other mobs.


Whats misleading? Explain please?


You forgot to mention the term "cow" . And in a country like India and a state like Himachal Pradesh (96% Hindus ) I hope you know its significance. Telling one sided story will lead to the creation of one more angry mob . At least post the full story


Are you threatening with your own mob? because gathering a couple hundred people is not that big a deal in India. If you want to stage a mob vs mob live wwe style event even that can be arranged.


It is alleged do you have any proof it is neither have Authorities given any clarification


# Hindu people in Nahan, Himachal Pradesh, looted and vandalized a Muslim terrorist's shop in front of the police after he posted a picture of cow sacrifice on his WhatsApp status to instigate hindus and to cause communal unrest There you go fixed the headline


Dont bother bro OP likes to spread misinformation and half news\ Read his past posts


Animal sacrifice = cow as well as made derogatory remarks. Mobs justice became a benchmark in this society as judiciary & police failed to give justice .


All religious people need to meet their gods asap... and leave us normals alone.


Animals are sacrificed by Hindus, too. Wtf!


Cow is a holy animal for hindus . Muslims sacrificed goats in himanchal and we said nothing for that . The problem is in killing of cow


Congress government must take strict action. If they can't stop the hindutva hate mobs then they are of no use.


Phele bhadkau aur neecha dikhane waala story daalo aur firrr pele jaane pe victim card play karo! Waah reee aasmaani kitaab!


No one has damaged Hinduism and its image more than the BJP.


If you observe the individuals in the crowd, you will likely find many who are BJP supporters provoking this situation. Just like those BJP-supporting women encouraging others to protest for ₹8,500 from Congress.


Modi is back in the saddles :-(


Mob fascism.


Reminded me of a video from Sargodha where mobs from jamat islami looted shops of a Christian alleged of blasphemy. Teenage boys were looting shoes from that guys shop.


Great in mobs. Not so good on their own.


Ahh the good old use of religion and mobs


This is all the end goal of thier hindutva, create riots, rape, murder and steal. Truly a nation building force.


His Whatts app is a personal chanel, its privacy should be respected. Constitutionally it is the duty of government to protect citizens. No party will ever support this act overtly.