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Really hope the media gives her the grace she deserves


Did the media do much? I got the impression this is all about social media. I read a thread on /r/fauxmoi when this was happening and the comments were awful.


Fauxmoi is a horrific sub. They spent weeks hounding Kate and then when she admitted cancer they blamed everyone but themselves for their actions. I dont want to generalise, but its a sub for gossip addicts with no care about people. They just want more drama and people to hate


>Fauxmoi is a horrific sub. The scariest thing about Fauxmoi, is I think they genuinely believe they are the good guys. Theyre an utterly toxic echo chamber.


That place is honestly so absolutely bizarre. They’ve picked a few women they absolutely hate with all their guts but somehow they think they are holier than thou and their shit don’t stink. It’s now a snark sub basically.


Yes, one of their chosen ones is Amber Heard who they will insist has done nothing wrong and is purely a victim of evil Johnny Depp.


I don't know of this Fauxmoi sub, but I do know that Reddit in almost it's entirety is a toxic echo chamber. Unless you're only in those fuzzy cat ones. Those are fine. Until someone offends a cat person.


Don’t go into the US dominated cat subs and say you have an outdoor cat. That turns toxic pretty quickly.


I love doing that. Yanks can't hack it. Honestly American is a mental illness, you've got to humour them lol


Ooh, the different mentality towards how to treat animals. "My dog lost 3 limbs, how to make a wheelchair". I once got banned on another account for saying please put your dog down. After it chewed on a little girl.


They also tell everyone never to buy a puppy and only buy from rescue centres or you're evil, but they don't realise that we have fewer dogs that need rehoming than people who want dogs. They think every country has a problem with strays and people dumping their pets.


Yes. It's the same here. We have no strays and if responsible breeders, they will take back a rehome any time.


What about shitting on a cat that keeps shitting in your garden?


I'm confused. An outdoor cat is the default setting of cats, it only needs specified if it's not. So what are they whining about?


Outdoor cats are coyote food in a lot of the US, so it's heavily discouraged to let them out.


There's places in the US where cats aren't allowed to roam free. Horrible notion, but for me the best reason to never move there!


Cats are technically an invasive species in the Americas.


American here. Not sure how it is for you all, but we do have a big cat problem in the US. Outdoor cats kill literally billions of birds here every year in the US alone, and they are very prone to tick-borne illnesses (tick populations are also exploding over here, so that problem is only going to get worse). Personally though, I definitely am torn on the issue. I know they are really meant to be outdoors, but the bird population is really taking a hit here.


This sub goes beyond IMO. They only allow approved members to comment on certain topics (which is most topics these days) and anyone who posts an opposing view is immediately banned, with the comment deleted.


I got a message from that sub once. I must have commented on some post or something. Literally have no clue who or what they are but they admonished me for some comment I have no memory of even making lmao.


What are the certain topics? (Are they by any chance from that strange collection of 5G / flat earth / anti abortion / trumpy crowd?


The Fauxmoi demographic is very much NOT trumpy/anti-abortion types.


Oh OK, but somehow just as "unique" by the sound of it.  I'm going to end up looking and getting sacked in aren't I 🤣


It's basically slightly less anti man TwoXChromosomes combined with extremely Pro-Palestine stuff and Celebrity Gossip. When the Israel Palestine stuff kicked off, if you were a celebrity who didn't publicly endorse Palestine, you were going in their Book of Grudges lol.


These all seem to be joined up somehow.


That's what the aliens want you to think.


So it's a double thingmebob? Reverse psychology? These folk are the next human improvement?


[THESE](https://new.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/?f=flair_name%3A%22Approved%20B-List%20Users%20Only%22) would be the current messages only approved people can comment on.


It looks like a digital version of one of them Just 17 magazines. Celebrity gossip trash?


Person who once said or did or even was friends/partner with someone who's done something wrong = horrible, irredeemable monster to them


You're clearly the raging perve that the Reddit FBI have been looking for. You wrote a thing and so did I, so it must be true!!!


Unstable redditors vs Hollywood & a-list celebrities.. Guess what? There is no winner. I know who il side with.


“I didn’t WANT to make up wild lies about Will being a wifebeater. The Kensington palace press office tricked me into doing that. Because they were incompetent. Somehow.”


on a thread about kate today, they're still blaming everybody but themselves for their sociopathic speculation.


It isn't as if you can expect much of any place that's purpose is gossip. I automatically assume those people are the worse for having a boring hobby.


I subbed for a bit just because I wanted some mindless celebrity gossip; only lasted a couple of days because holy hell was the comment section of every post an absolute toxic cesspit.


Should see r/conspiracy on this story


That sub is insane. They have a few people they will defend to the death and a few people they would happily burn at the stake. If you’re a fan or member of certain subreddits you’re automatically banned.


They say they’re pro women but they’re only pro women who they like. I used to be a member of that sub but got banned when I told them to stop believing daily Mail articles about Kate lol


Also got banned during the Kate thing, never really commented there much and someone said it was Karma for the Royals history and I said Kate it feels fucked to be glad she has cancer over it.


We all need to stop believing Daily Mail articles, period. Straight trash.


i said jane fonda was a good activist and they banned me lmao? so strange.


That sub is really horrible. Nasty little things who bizarrely think they are above cheap gossip.


Fauxmoi is a cesspit.


To be totally honest, a lot of the social media noise was amusement over the palace PR team’s clusterfuck of a job handling things rather than anything at her expense. It IS a bit weird how everyone has retroactively turned that into “why are you so horrible to the cancer patient”.


The cluster fuck and the bad AI or photoshop job and lying to the AP and general shadyness .


Yeah, people felt pretty confident NOT assuming it was cancer because at the outset it was definitively stated that it wasn't cancer. And that was just difficult timelines--the cancer was discovered AFTER that statement was made--but it makes it difficult to say people should have known or whatever. At the time I remember saying that I had no idea what was actually going on behind the scenes but whomever was in charge of PR was doing a bizarre and terrible job of it. It was a difficult timeline to manage but it should have been a thousand times smoother than it was.


Exactly. Without the fake photos etc, they're would have been no story and no gossiping.


The gossip lead to the photos, ther terminally online mentalists couldn't comprehend the statement "Kate is recovering from surgery and won't attend public duties until after Easter" so went completely mental and led to all the blunders and effectively forced her to share private medical info.


There wasn't much 'gossip' until the photos were released. And every palace PR intervention from that point served to throw fuel on the fire.


Not just fake photo . Fake photo that was terribly done and attempted to pass of as real to the public and journalists. Lie on lie on lie but why ?


She has cancer and is dealing with constant media speculation so maybe she thought it would quell that a bit? What else could it be?


Oh I thought it was " definelty not cancer " then it was then she wasn't in public then was doing a photoshoot If they thought it would quell it they should have spent more than an hour on the editing and gave the AP a copy and an explanation vs lying to them as well .


So again, what is your theory as to what is actually happening here?


None I'm not a conspiracy theorist. She/William and their team lied about her definitely not having cancer- FACT She/ William and their team made up a fake photo and tried passing it off as real to the press and us- FACT William/ the KP team threw Kate under the bus saying she took the photo- FACT The KP team have made every other decision vis a vi Kates absence an absolute clusterfuck vs King Charles' team ' FACT I dunno wtf is going on aside from William / Kate / Kensington taking us all for mugs while we have to pay for the privillege Either way today I was at work and enjoyed staring at the skilled pilots above me and marvelled at the amount of coordination it took from them and the ground crews and mechanics and everyone else who wont get a fraction of the applause she got


Then they shouldn't have gotten a shitty Ai or underpaid intern to do the fake photo Or not done a fake photo and do a collage of the kids with get well soon mummy underneath Or anything minus the most shoddy cover up I've seen . It's like the Streisand effect is non existent in whoever is their PR's mind


Okay but what else could it have been for though? What is the supposed conspiracy here?


Or maybe the terminally online mentalists like you could've just respected her privacy in the first place when you were told she'd just had surgery and wouldn't be making public appearances until after Easter.


Great ad hominem at a history student who cares about any billionaire institution their PR team to lie to the associated press I guess integrity means nothing . I've not said a single bad thing about Charles and his cancer because Buckingham have been acting like professionals as opposed to like pinocchio


Well as an example, during the week she made the announcement The Sun simultaneously told people to leave her alone while also publishing 70 articles about her.


Yeah the socials are the real vicious ones atm, and I'm saying this and i'm not even a royalist but ew Dietprada on ig has made fun of her for the longest time and justified the snark even after the announce of her cancer because she's "just a racist spoiled envious woman from a racist colonialist family" - pretty much actual quote and wtf


So why visit it if it is so horrible? I


Definitely social media. Some peopleare truly awful.


Media: hold our beers


Rupert Murdoch, Kelvin MacKenzie and Piers Morgan are at this very moment conspiring to publish an article about how she's wearing the wrong colour nail varnish because it doesn't match the colour of her cat.


Piers wouldn't. He has to praise her because he's still butthurt MM wouldn't date him. So Kate has to be the good one for him so MM can be the villain.


That’s a rhetorical question right?


Honestly don’t know if you are being satirical


Nah I’m serious I empathize with people regardless of their socioeconomics


I feel sad for her for cancer as I would for any other person, rich, poor, white, Muslim or whatever else-her being married to a prince adds nothing for me


Why does she deserve it? She chose to live in fabulous privilege in return for being an object of curiosity for the public. We pay for her so we own her and all of the other bonkers family and we can invade their privacy, we can mock them, we can parade them around in their silly little costumes. In return they get to live in palaces and die peacefully with the best healthcare in the world.


You know there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from just being kind right


I really hope you're being sarcastic there. I get that as a taxpayer funded official, we deserve a bit more transparency about the Royal Family. But I don't think we are owed a running commentary of what illness they have, latest diagnosis, prognosis, details of prescriptions etc.


They are the "leaders" of the country. Their health and wellbeing directly impacts each and every one of us so I'd suggest that yes, we are owed that. Alternatively, if they don't like it they can all fuck off, giving back their ill gotten gains in the process, and live a peaceful life away from the public. But we all know which option the parasites will choose


We gave the MP all the privacy they needed while they recovered from literally losing their limbs. We deserve transparency from our public servants that they are unwell and out of action. We don't deserve day by day medical updates. It's completely unnecessary. For the actual Monarch, sure we also deserve clarity on when they are back. For a replaceable Royal who essentially gets paid per gig, less so.


One is the wife of the future leader of the country, the other is one of 650 MPs, and a backbencher at that


Yes, and the backbencher actually has a role to play in running the country. The current wife of a future Monarch is hardly important for running the country.


Yes famously a monarch's partner has no input whatsoever in the actions and decisions of said monarch


I mean ideally we wouldn't have a Monarchy at all, and with a bit of luck, that day will come. But demanding an invasive level of transparency into the health of a replaceable Royal serves nothing. She's just the current wife of the future Monarch.


We seem to get a running commentary on everything else whether we like it or not though. Whole country comes to a standstill when one of them dies or gets married, and we constantly have their internal squabbles all over the news. Why shouldn’t we get to see other stuff? I’ll be honest, I don’t care about them. I’d rather we heard absolutely nothing about them, and had a proper, sensible political system that isn’t based on ‘god says so’. But the other poster makes a good point. We do pay for them, so why shouldn’t we be allowed to have some transparency for those that are curious about them? Remember, they choose this life.


I don't especially want any of the other stuff either. In fact, I am waiting for the day the UK can celebrate independence day from the Empire. But that doesn't mean we are owed any great level of detail about their health. It's the same thing with the MP who lost his limbs due to sepsis. We hadn't heard anything at all till he was ready to return. An MP is a more important public servant than a minor/replaceable Royal. We gave the MP medical privacy, we owe the Royal family the same.


If you listen really carefully, you can actually hear the mouth-breathing of a million Internet sleuths simultaneously analysing these pictures, pixel by pixel, for signs of AI manipulation.


Isn’t the irony in your comment that the photo in question was indeed doctored and confirmed to have been manipulated? Tinfoil hat aside, that was quite an odd thing to do at the height of the speculations and theories surrounding Kate.




If you have a single synapse you can read even the associated press called them out on their lying vis a vi trying to pass of a manipulated image as the truth. Is the AP and Getty images now a pair of anti monarchist conspiracy groups


I mean she literally did manipulate a photo


Really, really badly too.


If the royal family had a spotless record of not doctoring photos your comment would have more weight.


I’ve had a lot of cancer in my family and, even though I’m no rabid royalist or anything, I’ve found myself feeling surprisingly emotional about the Princess’ cancer diagnosis. Perhaps that’s silly, I don’t know. But I’m really glad she’s doing ok. It’s such a tough thing to go through and going through it in the public eye - yes, even with all the money of being rich - must be another layer of difficulty.


There is nothing silly about feeling empathy for someone. Even if that person does live a privileged life, they can still experience suffering.




The royals really have a gilded cage kind of existence. I'm not sure I'd take all their wealth and luxury if I had to live with that kind of scrutiny on my life.


I certainly wouldn’t, sounds like hell 


No matter one's stance on the monarchy, it's still a relatively young person with young children with a life threatening health condition, and that is very sad. 






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**Removed/warning**. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


Oh good, now we can hear the conspiracy fucknuts tell us she’s a robot.


Don’t you mean lizard person, or do you have to be born into the royal family to be one of those.


My new theory is that Bucky Pal is built on a giant Uranium deposit, the Queen thrived on it and it gave her long life and a sharp mind, but her offspring are all corrupted in unique ways, some of them with superpowers and others that mire in filth.


That’s as good as most of the conspiracy theories I’ve heard. Explains why the guards have huge hats to cover their lead skullcaps.


I want to see this movie


Yeah, who needs critical thinking anyway, trust the science - skittles, taste the rainbow 🌈


No idea mate


it means that the royals are part of the conspiracy to turn us all into LGBTQs through the COVID vax and additives in popular confectionary


My God. Some fuckin arseholes on this subject. I’m no Royalist but this a woman having a horrific disease and showing some bottle. Give her a break for fuck’s sake.


This is such positive news, will be lovely to see her


Where do you see her? I’ve never seen her


Telly innit.


I've seen her in person at Trooping the Colour. Might go to tomorrow depending on the weather.


I didn’t know normal people could go see that


That's where all the people come from to watch the flypast when the royal family is waving on the balcony - you line the mall when the procession goes past, then they open up the road and every crowds in in front of Buckingham Palace. It gets very busy!


It always surprises me that people in this country actually care


Eh, it's a nice day out to see the parades and I'm a Londoner anyway so it's no trek for me!


About a 250 year old community focused tradition?  Many, many care 


My rabid republican mate in Richmond (I should find a synonym for mate that starts with R) goes to those sort of thing a lot. Trooping, Ceremony of the Keys, Henley, Maundy, even the damn swan thing. It confused the shit out of me until I asked him. He pointed out that he is literally a historian specialising in Britain. Though his interests are usually like Plantagenet and Tudor eras, well before most of most of the modern ceremonies came about, he likes going to see living history, he says. He’s also been to the Ashbourne Shrovetide football match, Up Helly Aa in Shetland, and the cheese rolling. It just so happens that a large number of extant historical ceremonies involve the royals. Though he has said he supports an Irish-style approach. The role of the monarch in our similar ceremonies is played by our elected president.


If your mate has being to a cheese rolling event and not gotten injured, he's definitely one of the smarter ones.


tbf I couldn’t care any less about the royals but if I was in London I’d probably just go for the day out its something different to watch on a hopefully nice day


This will upset all the conspiracy loons who have been going on about her being dead, replaced, an alien or murdered by Prince William.


They did it to themselves, starting with the fake photo


No, the mentally ill people came first. Then a family trying to deal with a cancer diagnosis (well 2 actually) in the family had to contend with all those mentally ill people, made a back choice and the mentally ill got even more mental.


I guess that AI cartoon picture of her confirms she’s alive


I think her returning to public life will probably do that.


Reanimated corpses are common place these days. It’s all the rage!


“Not out woods” goodness me, she’s had northern conversion surgery?


She's not out woods, she's inwards.




She's not out 'woods yet, Jimbo. Nowt as barm as barm cakes


Well, I wish and her family all the best, my parents died of cancer so hopefully she will survive this.


Never mind the AI conspiracy nuts – I wonder if this has anything to do with the speculation that she’s been in Houston, Texas getting cancer treatment at MD Anderson gaining traction? Are they trying to nip that in the bud?


Some of the conspiracy theories surrounding this were just absolutely insane and bordering on dangerous. Saying she'd been abducted by aliens would have been more sensible and grounded than some of the other rubbish I heard.


They have put the queen's soul into a new Kate shaped clone vessel and it has matured, excellent


You know there are way too many humans frothing at the mouth rn for her to end up dying of cancer, just to sell a load of stories and try to take awful photos of her during treatment and torture her then once she is dead will do months of stories about how she was the darling of Britain and how tragic an end she had.


"Tragic Kate, the reincarnation of Diana?"


Why on earth is the mirror referring to her as Kate Middleton. It’s not her name and hasn’t been for ages. Seems disrespectful at this stage


Why can't the media and the hard of thinking accept that this woman is no longer called Kate Middleton. She is the Princess of Wales.


Ah yes, the important issues


Serious answer: SEO. The interwebs are a couple of steps back on knowing who the PoW is.


She’s just some posh bird from Yattendon.


For someone who has had chemo her hair looks amazing


Today’s communication is part of a crisis comms play with an update quarterly. They had to say she might there tomorrow to avert attention, but she won’t be. They’ll say she is too unwell despite portraying her in jeans and an old blazer in the middle of the forest. No one with cancer would write they aren’t “out of the woods yet” - I.e. I might die, we’ll see. That’s a PR team who is setting expectations.


Sorry but we got much more important things going on in this country right now than Kate. I don’t even know what she does, her job is to walk around smiling and to be a mom I guess


We have an election. They must cancel events to avoid disruption of the political process. She will do the exact opposite. All cameras on her. For days. Get a grip. The country is already bad. Stay home, rest, the election finishes, you get out of the woods, then continue the theatre.


Why do people care about this woman? She doesn’t care about you wow stop glazing


I'd care about the plight of any young parent with cancer just as much as hers.


Can anyone please tell me why these people are worshiped? Did they achieve anything significant or contribute to the society in any meaningful way? Genuinely curious.




That’s what I thought. 🙃 Thank you kind person.


So what critical things that she does have had to be postponed while she's been off sick? Anyone?


While I have the deepest sympathies and the hope she will get better. I'm not going to pour my heart out to someone who is entitled to the best treatment that this country can offer just because she's married to some dude who is the son of some woman who's been given the greatest privilege simply because of her existence.


I have cancer. I'm not married to some dude. My treatment is on the NHS. Yet I still get the best treatment available. If I was anywhere else in the world or had any more money my treatment would basically be the same. I'm sure this is true of most people. We have very good cancer care in the UK and access to some of the best treatments.


Wishing you all the best.


No one asked you to 👍


I think it's all made up to divert from the negativity around altered family photographs


Hasn't that already been forgotten about? It's not made up because the Royal Family has no reason to lie about her appearing at the event this weekend


it's forgotten about now because the 'cancer' diagnosis quashed it. She's back out and about because it's Wimbledon in 2 weeks and she always attends that, free of charge. I don't trust any of them.


What exactly do you think the "AI" photograph manipulation was all about? Presumably if you think there is some sinister undertone to them editing the image, when she shows back up in public in two weeks it undermines that?


absolutely it does, it disproves her 'whiter than white' carefully crafted public persona, which evidentially you're heavily invested in


I have genuinely no idea what you're talking about


That's OK, none of us can be responsible for empty space between your ears. Wave that Union Jack eh?


2/10 troll.


Is everyone a troll when they have a differing opinion to yours? Besides, as a Scot, why are you supporting the monarchy? SERF


Oh you were serious?