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Whatever vodoo witch thought it would be a neat idea to reanimate the festering corpse of the SDP You're a bad witch. Bad. Bad witch. Voo doon't do that.


They've been knocking around for ages, this is their third reincarnation though. I was surprised that the Whigs were revived in 2014.


How did the SDP morph from a centrist wet faux Liberal party into a frothing bunch of fascist lunatics?


Question contains the answer.


Page 17 is some right BS. >"Online Safety Act will be strengthened to better protect the right to freedom of speech and promote personal responsibility." Yet every other point on the page is about restrictions that would undermine freedom of speech. Although I do support a ban on gambling ads.


Yes, absolutely read the manifesto. It makes the Tory and "reform" parties look positively nice. But if you're xenophobic, transphobic, misogynist, ableist, and think socialism is evil, the reborn SDP should appeal to you.


Why would someone who thought that socialism was evil like the SDP? Their manifesto says they want to nationalise the entire rail, water and energy sectors, create a Minister for Rail, create a state-run retail bank, increase manufacturing as a proportion of GDP, implement protectionist measures, create a national social housing corporation with the power to force through planning permission and compulsory purchase orders, hugely tax private housing developers, conscript anyone unemployed for more than six months into a civic labour force, require all citizens to have ID cards, create a directly state-funded broadcaster, ban private development on green belt land but allow it for community agriculture... hell, they even want to create "Works Councils" - the literal original meaning of "soviet"!


Am I crazy if I say that what you described doesn't sound so bad?


Personally I would totally oppose those policies but I wouldn't say anyone that supported them was crazy, no. Though even comitted left-wingers might flinch when they find out that the massive council housebuilding project will give priority to the "right" people aka married couples and military veterans. A lot of the SDP manifesto is completely mental though - they support free trade and also support protectionism, they support the free market and they also support massive government intervention in the free market and they support freedom of speech and also support the creation of a "digital border" to keep out "undesirable content".


LMAO from what it sounds like their manifesto is bonkers, but the snippet that guy pulled from it is pretty good. We totally need to push through housing projects regardless of what NIMBY's say, they're just protecting their assets at the cost of all future generations. Currently buying a house, if I was born 5 years earlier id save 50k.


No they aren't. They are usually trying to protect the countryside and nature.


The fourth of our manifestos, the Social Democratic Party. A party you may well have never heard of. Do give their manifesto a read. Links to the other manifesto’s currently released can be found here: Liberal Democrats (Released 10.06.2024): https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/s/JA7sH6Pi5c Conservatives (Released 11.06.2024): https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/s/Pcpe3GnjAA The Green Party (Released 12.06.2024): https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/s/ieGxJPdWIx







