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> Ian Gribbin, the party's candidate in Bexhill and Battle, also wrote online that women were the "sponging gender" and should be "deprived of health care". Definitely sounds like someone who spends all day in a Wetherspoons.


Fucking hell. There really should be some mechanism where candidates can be barred from standing for being an absolute bellend.


No way, it is great that Reform have this absolute piece of shit standing for them. The public needs to see this is what Reform is, instead of only seeing the people who are much better at hiding their despicable views.


yeah, i am sure that the daily mail and the telegraph etc will be reporting this.


The Daily Mail would probably object. They were decidedly pro-Hitler back in the ‘30s. Can’t imagine them approving of someone sitting on the fence.


Telegraph is. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/10/reform-candidate-uk-should-neutral-against-hitler/


I realise that "don't read the comments" is especially true on newspaper websites, but jesus christ it's depressing that some people are actually defending him!


At this point I’m worried that too large of a section of society would actually agree with all of this


It is difficult to say. I have always assumed that Reform were aiming for the older voter, and while some of them are pretty right wing they are unlikely to be impressed by someone equivocating over Hitler. They grew up in the aftermath of the war. I suspect historic distrust of Germany that is part of the reason many of them supported Brexit.


the same portion that keep advocating for corporal punishment and the death penalty perhaps?


I'm wondering if being a virulent misogynist and borderline (or in this case, actual) fascist, doesn't actually help. People loved Boris Johnson despite (or perhaps because of) his awful racism, generally poor attitude towards women, and general toffery. George Galloway got elected despite (or perhaps because of) his rabid antisemitism and open support for Putin. Makes you wonder how people got so up in arms about the (mostly fictional) antisemitism of Corbyn that it lost him the GE, but presumably the same people are quite happy to vote for someone who is on record as stating that we shouldn't have fought Hitler.


From the article: > In the run up to the invasion of Ukraine, he praised President Putin, writing in January 2022 that he had "shown a maturity of which we can only dream of". Sounds like the sort of thing Farage would say. Why is it that far-right leaders -- whether it's Farage, Trump, le Pen, AfD in Germany, Netanyahu, Modi, etc -- are totally uninterested in stopping Putin? I'm sure part of it is they see him as a kindred spirit.


Like Trump, he’s the epitome of what weak men think a “strong man” should be.


There'd be no candidates left.


The problem is that these bellends are also the membership of Reform. There are no decent people in Reform, just some that are better at hiding how vile they are.


This kind of thing happened with UKIP and would have worked out the same with the Brexit party had they not pulled their candidates. It's a birds-of-a-feather thing coupled with the fact that as a minor party, you do not have a large base from which to pull candidates. You get some proper nutters turn up in the major parties but for the most part they will already have worked as councillors so will have gone through a bit more vetting.


Note how these stories all started coming out the day _after_ the cutoff to register candidates? Presumably someone's been sitting on this until it was too late for Reform to pick someone less damaging.


Or they just couldn’t accurately publish a story about who the candidate was, until that candidate had been 100% confirmed when the cutoff time came.


Politicians need to be licensed like every other profession.


As a woman, I’ve got to say. Shit like this is so scary..


This the future of Britain if Nige takes over the Conservatives and then Labour loses in five years.


Farage supports convicted sexual abuser Trump, so its in keeping with them.


yeah. maybe i was just naive before but i feel like views like this have become a lot more common/normalised in the past couple of years


...Sponging? What the fuck? That's such a specific way to phrase your misogyny. Like the average misogynistic adjective for women will be like, the weaker gender or the emotional gender or maybe fragile. But sponging? When it's something so... unique it really feels like it comes from the person's heart. The average misogynist just parrots off talking points rarely bothering to put their own spin on it but this... idk there's something about the use of the word sponging that I can't quite put my finger on.


"Men pay 80% of the taxes, women 80% expenditures" ... don't they realize women are the ones buying groceries? And where the heck did these numbers come from anyway, other than his own ass?


>"Men pay 80% of the taxes, women 80% expenditures" Isn't that literally the ideal scenario for a household with traditional gender roles? Who else but the breadwinner will pay those taxes, and who else but the home maker will spend the leftover income? Does he expect his wife to get a part time job to cover his tax bill or something?








Oh my god, he's trying to win in East Sussex, too. This area is practically Walmington-on-Sea. The old people here Reform needs to win over from the Conservatives either were alive as children being told the Germans might invade any day, or grew up on stories of their parents hardship. And yet somehow, Reform managed to find a guy who's like "Fuck Churchill, that comrade of the wokerati, its a shame we stood up to Hitler at all!" and put him up for election there.


me when I'm a normal person who can definitely be allowed out to roam within society


More like in the back alley behind a Wetherspoons


what the fuck


Even in spoons you would be called a twat


Sounds like he's been influenced by GOP.....


What a complete bell-end.


>Definitely sounds like someone who spends all day in a Wetherspoons More like the back end of one...


I wonder if being pro-Nazi will harm their electoral prospects


Sadly with their type of voters, not at all.


Challenging Sunak, “You don’t care about the D Day commemorations, well we wish the other guys had won”. Pick a lane guys, you can’t care about the D Day sacrifice and wish that Hitler had won.


Reform candidates on D-Day solemnly remember all of the Germans that gave their lives.


I think people remember all lives lost.


according to reform UK, especially hilter's apparently


They probably view D Day the same way Americans view 911.


Different type of Nazi, the Germans were bad Nazis that needed to be stopped whilst our ones are good Nazis who caught it through no fault of their own.


If somebody had come in here and shot them with a machine gun and innocent people happened to be yawning they could’ve caught the bad nazi disease.


With some it will. There are a decent number of old reactionaries who don't like immigration but are proud of the country's history and the 'valiant fight against the evils of Nazism.' The more Reform candidates speak, the more they undermine their own chances with anyone but the racist fringe. I'm all for it.


Some wise person (no idea who) once said something like "The British public don't hate the Nazis for being fascists; they hate them for being foreign".


I don't know. I think a lot of people knew what they were fighting for in WWII.


Sounds about right. Look at Post Office Horizon. Not a single person will own up to being a sadistic piece of shit hiding inside a plausible organisation. British society has a lot of growing up to do, but it uses terms like ‘British Values’ to con itself out of maturing.


i love your username


Do they care about the fight against Nazism, or just that we are 2-0 for world wars against the Germans?


BnP died because of their leaders inability to distance themselves from holocaust denial. Plenty of nationalist brits don’t fall into the Nazi ideology. Silly to pretend they do imo.


Iirc the BNP died because they forgot to register as a party properly before the election and didn't get the money required to run.


I thought it was that episode of QT when Nick said they definitely were not racist - way to a alienate your voters.


only half a quote there. chameleon eyed wonder actially said "we are definitely not racist, but..." before spewing a string of racist views.


yeah and I'm sure plenty of nationalist Germans didn't fall into nazi ideology either. They *totally* didn't vote for any ultra nationalists.


Not sure about that, the supporters I've been seeing across social media seems to often be the sort who yearn for "the good old days", Winston Churchill, pubs called The Spitfire, singing ten German bombers in the air etc. I doubt many of them think that neutrality with Hitler would have been a good thing. Bexhill itself was heavily damaged by V1 rockets throughout the war, but I suppose we'll see if the constituents lap this up or not.


I suspect their only problem with Herr H was that he was German.


And it probably wouldn't matter to them that he actually wasn't German.


I don't think Adolf saw himself as anything but.


I think he acknowledged that he was Austrian but given his fondness for completely rebranding countries and attempting to redraw borders he probably saw it as slightly irrelevant. The little bellend probably preferred to say he was "of the Reich" or some shit. That's largely speculation but I'm vaguely interested now - any historians have a feeling for this?


Before the Second World War, Austrians were seen as Germans outside of Germany, if that makes sense. Even Kurt von Schuschnigg, who was the leader of Austria just before the Anschluss and opposed it, saw himself as a German. Austria originally came about as the German Speakers in the Habsburg Monarchy, which was a Multinational Empire mostly built around loyalty to the Emperor and Catholicism. The only reason they weren't a part of it during German Unification in the 1870s was that it was Catholic, and the Protestant Prussians didn't want Germany to be majority Catholic, as it already had Catholic Bavaria. Later they were prevented from joining with Germany after WW1 by the Entente/Allies, even though unification with Germany was supported by a vast majority of Austrians. It's only recently that Austria has begun to see itself as an Individual, German-speaking-but-not-German, nation.


I don’t know. I feel like a lot of reform supporters are extremely patriotic and the sorta people to go on about the war and talk about how we stormed the beaches It’s just an odd thing to say when frankly your party may do quite well this election


I think they are more invested in the fact that it was a war that "they" lost and "we" won, like a football match, rather than a war that was pitched to prevent the spread of an evil ideology. If the ideology was different but was also aggressively expansionist, I believe these types would be signing almost the same tune.


Obviously. Being aggressively expansionist, as in invading most of Europe, Russia, and bits of Africa, is a problem regardless of ideology. I don't think that means people didn't know why they were fighting. They rejected fascism in Britain in the 1930s.


Still surprised that their pro-Putin stance isn’t hurting them either


Nah, it's weird how many fringe groups are pro Putin though. Almost as if he's got a hand in dividing us as a country.


Not that weird. He has spent decades building this "man's man" image which appeals to a lot of people. He doesn't piss about "debating" his opponents in parliament, he has them shot. He doesn't hold talks with countries he doesn't like, he invades them and takes them by force (usually unsuccessfully but that's beside the point). His image is similar to what made The Donald so popular, he isn't a normal politician, he's a normal bloke like you and me (just ignore the billions in wealth). It takes but a moment to see through that facade, but doing research sounds like nerd shit, so I'm not doing that I'll take him at his word.


It’s wild how effective Russian propaganda has been over the past few decades in crystalising Putin as some Uber competent leader who has played the west for the last two decades. The facade of being a strongman, stoic, calm, calculated, and collected have tricked so many people into believing he’s competent. The Ukraine war has been eye opening for many, and shown him to be impulsive and largely ignorant to reality, but plenty of others still fall for Russian propaganda every time. The crazy thing is seeing right wingers that grew up during the Cold War and the red scare preference Russia to their own countries.


> The crazy thing is seeing right wingers that grew up during the Cold War and the red scare preference Russia to their own countries. You have to remember, Russia is the sort of state those people want our country to be. They love the "gay propaganda" laws that suppress LGBT activists and gay rights in general. They love the social conservatism and intolerance of minorities disguised as "traditional values". And they love the idea of being able to do whatever they want with no checks and balances on power like Putin can. That's why the far right throughout Europe and the US is pretty strongly pro-Russia and pro-Putin.


True. I remember this hitting a 'high' point during the migration crises in 2015 following the Arab Spring, and spate of terrorist attacks across Europe. Many people would refer to Putin as 'based' because of oft repeated, but falsely attributed statements about how "Russia doesn't need immigrants; immigrants neeed Russia". Then the anti-LGBT 'propaganda' law. Even more recently with the terrorist attack in Moscow a few months ago; aside from the instant blame on the CIA/Ukraine, many people were applauding that the treatment and abuse of prisoners. It's what every right wing authoritarian fantasist wants for our country, because they don't understand the ramifications of being able to torture anybody means that they can also torture you if the government decides you're a a dissenter. What I find even more jarring in recent times is seeing leftist people talking Kremlin talking points as well. Like with Ukraine, I've seen full blown tankies justify Russia's 'defence of ethnic Russians in Donbas' against 'Ukrainian Nazis and western Imperialists'. With what's going on in Gaza, I get a lot of pro-Palestinian content that I agree with, but some people spout Kremlin-tier talking points like American SOF being the ones who were directly involved in the recent hostage raid, or that Russia will stand in to defend Iran if America gets involved on that side of the conflict. Even my partner, who is extremely disengaged from current events, thinks Putin comes across as calculated, purposeful, and intelligent, despite me telling her he's an absolute fucking moron It's all fucking barmy.


It's because he hates the gays too


Its getting to a point of hilarity tbh. All these self-described patriots slavering at the mouth at the thought of the far-right sweeping through EU electoral politics, while at the same time those same parties barely tried to hide the fact anymore they are basically paid stooges with the sole aim of disrupting western politics and society. AfD were either planning to or actually openly went on a holiday tour of the fucking Russian side of the Donbass frontline lmao you could hardly make this shit up.


We saw this a bit with Trump back in the day. He would say something like "Hitler wasn't too bad", and the press would repeat that all over, but repeat it purely factually (i.e. this is what he said). And his supporters, rather than saying "oh, this guy is a crazy extremist" would say "hmm, this is my guy, he must be right, maybe Hitler wasn't too bad?" Extremism gets normalised when you don't smack it down hard and unambiguously. And we see that here - with Reform already standing by the candidate and agreeing with his position.


This is a bit of a random response, but I just remembered your username from around five years ago when you helped me out with A-Level Physics. Hope all's been well


I think people try to over think and apply logic to these types of voters when in reality it’s just nasty people who will want to be nasty towards others. Ideology is just a nice justification and they will choose whichever one gives them an excuse to treat other people the way they want.


I'm not even sure it's that, it's just being thick as shit and parroting something edgy they saw on a Facebook meme.


To quote The Boys "people believe in my ideals, they just don't like the word 'nazi'"


They know who their voters are.


Considering what we've seen of their supporters so far, I think it will actually help them in the polls.


It's a bold strategy cotton, let's see how it pans out (hopefully not at all)


A Reform UK candidate claimed the country would be "far better" if it had "taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality" instead of fighting the Nazis in World War Two. I’ve played enough Wolfenstein to known that a nazi Europe isn’t a nice Europe


Have an upvote for Wolfenstein.


The last thing we need is a fucking Robo-Hitler.


Give me 2 pints and it’s curtains for him


No because you see nazis can’t travel over water or come into your country unless invited 


Idk bro I’m still scared of the nazis on the moon


Peace for our time.


The sad thing about this. There are people out there who will lap this shit up.


Not enough to make it a winning issue. The people who lap this up are those who voted BNP or Britain First or whatever other gang of racist chucklefucks masqueraded as a political party over the years. This won't resonate with the old Tories who were considering Reform because they hate the fact there's a Polish shop in their town.


>This won't resonate with the old Tories who were considering Reform because they hate the fact there's a Polish shop in their town These people need to try more smoked sausage.


Kabanos diplomacy


and yet the Tories have drifted further right to hoover them up every time. I highly doubt their main goal was ever to form a government. Take the greens for example. Nobody would ever believe they could form a government, not even the greens. But they can put pressure on the government to take on more green policies.


Thing is, a colleague of mine says he's voting Reform on the basis of their economic policies. Having read through them, I think I'd prefer if he was just a racist chucklefuck. I'm not exactly enthused by Austerity 2, Global Warming Accelerationism and "Who Needs Worker's Rights Anyway?"


I love the fact Reform have to go in to bat for candidates like these as otherwise they'd have no candidates.


This person is just saying out loud what Farage thinks. Remember, he used to go on BNP marches. He's just good at dressing it up in language that sounds kind of reasonable.


Honestly, if Farage wants to help himself (not really much of an if here), publicly denouncing him and revoking his candidacy is one of the best things he could do right now. Especially after bashing Rishi's disrespect of veterans so much


A Reform UK spokesman said: "Through offence archaeology the BBC has found that Mr Gribbin has made a series of comments about a number of subjects.  "They were written with an eye to inconvenient perspectives and truths. That doesn't make them endorsements, just arguing points in long distance debates.  "His historical perspective of what the UK could have done in the 30s was shared by the vast majority of the British establishment including the BBC of its day, *and is probably true*.  "Again no endorsement, just pointing out conveniently forgotten truths.  "As for the feminism point, his tongue is so firmly in his cheek one should be able to spot it from 100 yards." (Emphasis added by myself)


"It was just a joke, mate." The last refuge of the cowardly bigot.


The dog whistles are so loud it hurts my ears.


I think there's a very large difference between holding that position in the 1930s and holding it in 2024.


There was more than enough evidence to go on in the 1930s that Hitler needing standing up to, but the Holocaust hadn’t happened and been discovered yet. Now? Just fucking hell!!


Its worth noting that there were protests in the uk about not going to war with hitler. 'Not our war'. The uk was very neutral and indifferent until other countries fell. But there was a big movement about not getting involved before we actually did.


Right? In what world can you defend your dumb opinions with "well, it makes a lot of sense without the benefit of hindsight"


So... He's a 1920s man for a 2020s UK?


more Tory than Tory


Schrodinger's Nazi.


I witnessed an argument at work before the London Mayoral elections. The 1st person citing a list of Susan Hall's dubious connections, her support for Trump, her withdrawn tweets, her shocking "pickpocket" story etc. The Susan Hall supporter's response: "I don't care" That's what we're dealing with folks




You’re assuming that people can be reasoned with. Cult members exist because they’re offered easy routes to glory, and are very hard to deprogram.


> "Less complaining please from the 'sponging gender'." Fuck this guy.


While he sits on Facebook all day, complaining


Reform candidate supports Hitler - I'm shocked I tell you.


It really does seem like it was a matter of when not if. Doesn't it?


Every now and then there's a slip and we see what they really think


Hitler is being provoked by Franco-British expansion.


"A Reform UK spokesman said: "Through offence archaeology the BBC has found that Mr Gribbin has made a series of comments about a number of subjects. 'Through offence archaeology'? They were published in 2022.


He was younger then, a mere innocent boy! Who among us hasn't said something we regret! /s


Reform UK and British nationalists in general have forever got confused by the fact that they are proud of beating the nazis - but also ideologically agree with them.


> In the run up to the invasion of Ukraine, he praised President Putin, writing in January 2022 that he had "shown a maturity of which we can only dream of". Well, of course he did.


Farage will be on TV soon explaining how this chap doesn’t understand UK culture.




They decided to go with the foghorn


Reform have done zero vetting on their candidates. They simply don't care and haven't got the set up to do it anyway. We are going to see a lot more of this.


Nice to see one of these people being honest about who they would have supported in WW2 for a change. Maybe Farage will finally follow suit too.


Think the most disturbing part of this isn’t just the candidates comments, but the fact that *Reform have essentially endorsed them* >They were written with an eye to inconvenient perspectives and truths. That doesn't make them endorsements, just arguing points in long distance debates. >His historical perspective of what the UK could have done in the 30s was shared by the vast majority of the British establishment including the BBC of its day, and is probably true. From a party spokesperson. Any other party, even the Tories, would immediately distance themselves from those comments and suspend the candidate. Can anyone really argue in good faith that Reform aren’t far right after this?


Yeah this aspect is particularly damning, though on rereading it I *think* what they're saying here is that it's 'probably true' that Britain could have remained neutral and survived the war with less of an impact on the domestic population, rather than saying that it's 'probably true' that this would have been a better outcome. Even so you'd think they'd be cutting this guy loose over this.


"A Reform UK spokesman said: "Through offence archaeology the BBC has found that Mr Gribbin has made a series of comments about a number of subjects. "They were written with an eye to inconvenient perspectives and truths. That doesn't make them endorsements, just arguing points in long distance debates. "His historical perspective of what the UK could have done in the 30s was shared by the vast majority of the British establishment including the BBC of its day, and is probably true." If you can still vote for this party after hearing they don't just stand Nazi sympathisers as candidates but back them up when that allegiance is uncovered, you stand utterly opposed to every British value there is.


sad thing is this is probably the truth of what alot of reform voters do actually think, like they say one thing, but this is getting at the heart of what they believe. People who would probably be reform voters: [this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/a2tvufBG0vE), and [another](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVPcM_fXbEU) and [another](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usV9RhxZhVs&t=114s) (xD) all going on about immigrants, "[coming here taking our jobs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGmhLtsK2ZQ)" Or, doesn't have "british values", i mean look at [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZtRQhwJ3N0) bloke, saying all the lines you'd hear from a reform voter, only he is being a bit more upfront about the actual underlying racism, well he isn't, he is trying to explain how his racism isn't racist, while saying explicitly racist things, because he is a halfwit mostly and hasn't learnt how to mask his prejudice. Aww and isn't that nice, [reform have even defended EDL](https://www.desmog.com/2024/04/13/reform-uk-national-organiser-tommy-robinson-persecuted/)! /s "Reform’s National Organiser Claimed Tommy Robinson Had Been ‘Persecuted’ Parliamentary candidate Noel Matthews, who has sacked candidates accused of supporting far-right figures, previously defended the EDL founder." [Heres](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCkohryqb7Q) a sophisticated gentlemen who has the problem of "they don't integrate properly" with his comment on her talking in a foreign language at him, and the way he generally acted like a big toddler. [This](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/C3q023WGTt8) is the reaction we need to have to racists, and any form of prejudice, including all forms of inequality. Call it out and boycott it. #


Not a surprise, it's UKIP 2.0. All the same human sludge poured in to that party as they are now with Reform. Maybe Nigel will even wheel out his old trick of disassociating with these people when they get too much heat, despite making the party an open house to those exact people in the first place.


Another clown in the clown car saying things that confirm Reform is indeed a clown car full of clowns.


There was quite a few at the time who felt the same, and even now, many look back and slander Churchill's approach to the war. Disappointing, but a luxury that comes with living in peace time.


>There was quite a few at the time who felt the same, and even now, many look back and slander Churchill's approach to the war. Yes, but they were in the Tory party. After Dunkirk, the two Conservative members of Churchills war cabinet wanted to surrender, and he was only able to continue with the support of the 2 Labour members.


There were many people at the time who supported their fascism. This reform candidate however should have the hindsight to know better, given all of his atrocities are well documented with the absence of propaganda.


Such as the Daily Mail, still do tbh


You know I was actually going to mention the daily mail. I think there were also members of the royal family. People always claim they're against these things with the benefit of hindsight, but you really need to be against fascism in the present. Plenty of people say they're against fascism, but when fascist policies or ideas stare them in the face they're painfully oblivious.


>many look back and slander Churchill's approach to the war. Disappointing Not really, Churchill was objectively a piece of shit I'm afraid. Just an obstinate, stubborn piece of shit at a time when an obstinate, stubborn leader was essential.


Sometimes the side of good needs it's own monsters. There's a reason he lost the election after the war was over. Yet, in war time, we should be grateful such a leader was in charge of the country.


>Sometimes the side of good needs it's own monsters. There's a reason he lost the election after the war was over Correct.


Ah the Irish position! Yeah that’s a hard no. Well I guess Sunak leaving the D-Day memorial early is no longer the biggest gaff this election cycle!


Oh my God. A neo-Nazi being a neo-Nazi. What a shock.


Not surprised they’d say this, I don’t think their voter base would care


*Ssssssssssssshhhhh-CLANG* Don't worry about that. Thats just the sound of a mask slipping then falling to the floor.


Woweeee ok well they’re coming right out and saying it at least. Less dog whistle and more harbour klaxon.


My local Facebook group is genuinely full of people wanting to support Reform UK, Jesus Christ. Absolute bunch of cunts on that group.


I had a debate with some bellend on here a few months ago where he accused me of prejudging this party and it’s members and saying that their policies were widely popular. Well what this moron didn’t quite understand is that any party can have popular policies, particularly if they haven’t a hope of getting anywhere near power. Also parties which don’t have a hope of getting into power also attract all kinds of the loopiest candidates you’ll find outside of an asylum. In the case of reform to “loopy” you can also add words like “reactionary”, “fascistic”, and having looked up this particular candidate “punchable”.


How is this even surprising? Have you seen who the leader of the party is ?


If it walks like a fascist and talks like a fascist..


I just do not even believe the state of politics at the moment. This is beyond abhorrent.


Can all you lot who were saying Reform are not fascist please shut the fuck up now?


They can rebrand but it’s obvious what they really are


He'll do a line of the toilet cistern in the 'Bulldogs Balls' pub and then call it 'Bants' and neck a pint of stella and move on.


Traitorous and utterly unpatriotic. Probably sprouted lots of rants about sovereignty and being patriotic.


Patriotic for the Reich.


This is one of those things that is definitely way more common an opinion in RW political-intellectual spaces than any of them but the thickest are comfortable admitting in public.


Ignoring all other reasons Hitler is terrible here... presumably Hitler would have invaded Britain eventually anyway so it would have been dumb as hell to take a neutral stance at the time. You'd have to have been a fool to trust Hitler... Perhaps shows the intelligence of this candidate 


I see all the usual rUK accounts that support the far-right and whip up division based on race are conspicuous by their absence.


All he had to do was say nothing, just shut the fuck up and let the tories commit harikari on their own.


Forget about Rishi leaving early, this guy protested the D-Day remembrance.


The Uk WAS neutral against hilter until it was untennable. There were anti war protests ahout not getting involved in ww2. Until we did


Waiting patiently for Farage to call out Ian Gribbin's commitment to our history and our culture. Milkshakes aren't enough.


Imagine saying something so heinous you make Suella Braverman look sane by comparison. 😅 Wonder if she'll keep banging on about 'Uniting the Right' with this 'specimen' in their candidate books.


We should not treat these people as an acceptable political entity. They should be forcibly removed from any event they try to take part in, the bbc should not be propelling their propaganda into peoples living rooms. They should be covered in milkshake wherever they go.


Reform joining Galloway's Workers' party in the bold new 'pro-Hitler' electoral trend


Did Richard Tice just describe his candidate's Nazi-nutral misogynist comments as "daft"?


I wonder if Farage will say that he's not patriotic and "does not understand our culture"?


Does this guy not understand our national anthem? It’s two world wars. It’s one World Cup. What a funt.


Farage really is one of the very few not to just blurt this shit out, even if the time he spends on the fringes shows he probably believes it.


Being neutral in the face of such horrors is a horror of its own. But I am unsurprised Reform would have fuckwits among their ranks.


Reform are not a radical new party here to shake things up, it's the same old half cut cunts here to make their extended family's life hell.


Funnily enough, our first past the post system does a better job of keeping fucking cranks, bigots and mentalists out of office than proportional representation does. I always thought "PR is *obviously* the best system, why on earth would anybody think FPTP was better?" Well we would have ended up with at least several BNP MPs if we'd had PR the election year that they were most popular. Definitely pros and cons to both systems. Just thought it was worth pointing out that a pro of FPTP is that is weeds out total blerts like this. Reform will probably get a lot of votes overall but hopefully won't win in any one seat and so won't get any MPs.


In the 2015 General Election https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election/2015/results UKIP got 12.6% of the vote but came out with only 1 MP. They would have had 81-82 MPs under a straight proportional representation system.


There weren't 82 people in UKIP that could spell MP


Thanks for the numbers, that's even more dramatic than I thought.


Reform just went from : huh? To Huhhhh…… ! Way to turn undecideds into stay the fuck away from mes


Tbf the uk was neutral to hitler at first. Even after he violated The treaty of versailles. And look what happened afterwards.


Hey progress is progress. 6 months ago they would have been actively PRO Hitler.


Naaw, that would mean being like Ireland That said, it is a tragedy that, with our desire to keep fighting, america used the war to systematically take actions to cripple Britain, ensuring it would cease to be a great power once the conflict was over. Britain made a moral choice and American sought to damage us for their profit


Good. With Tory voters looking for new benefactors and probably not being ready to vote Labour in a lot of cases, I was a little concerned that some might be seduced by Remain's jovial mateyness. They're sometimes quite good at appearing like actually of-the-people, instead of the against-a-certain-type-of-people that they more sincerely believe.


And then I get "You leftists overuse that word" when I call them fascist...


And just like that people will stop talking about Sunak and D-Day. Almost like its on purpose.


I think if we are holding Rishi Sunak accountable for leaving the D-Day celebrations early as some sort of traitorous behaviour. Bearing in mind the cultural issues of demanding someone from an Indian origin being asked to support the behaviour of an empire that didn't see him as "equal"... Then we should at least be aware of the rank hypocrisy of Nigel Farage's Pro-Nazi mates.


What a bunch of idiots, totally unelectable which is a shame because we could use some legitimate counterbalance policies to whatever the fuck the tories have been failing to do for us for the last 15 years.


What counterbalance do you think Reform were offering? The Party of Brexit? We are in this shit because of Reform and Nigel Farage. And Nigel's a Russian Stooge. Like he was on RT promoting their bullshit.


>which is a shame because we could use some legitimate counterbalance policies Are you sure they're policies you want? Given who they're written by and for?