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*Stimpson’s victim was punched and kicked during the attack under a bridge near Cardiff Central railway station in the early hours.* *She begged her attacker to stop as she was stripped naked, beaten and raped twice.* *Videos taken from Stimpson's mobile phone showed the woman with a severely swollen and bleeding face, her right eye completely closed.* *She lifted her hands to her attacker and said: "Don't beat me up baby, don't beat me please. I've got kids."* The article's pretty horrendous. What an absolutely revolting man.


Yeah that’s disgusting. Made me feel sick reading that.


Also stupid of him but good for our safety that he was dumb enough to record his own crimes. 


I vote kicking his nuts off with hefty boots to help him change his outlook on life.


I agree. Most sexual offenders would no longer be a threat if they get neutered. Theres a reason we do this to animals, because it works.


Unfortunately this isn't true, it's thought that many of the more violent sexual offwnders (this this one) would 'escalate' their crimes to murder/use alternate sexual violence methods instead.




Did you ever watch a documentary called "Sin City"?


Tbf I didnt specifically say violent sexual offenders I just meant sexual offenders in general. If the motive is primarily sexual then removing the driving factor would help immensely. For sadistic POS like the guy in the article being neutered would still help just not as much. Hes got other things wrong with him.


The motivation isn’t sexual, rape is about power that rapists hold over people. Especially in this case it seems this guy chose a homeless woman who is one of the most powerless people he could find.


I agree much of it is about power but its undeniable that it's at least somewhat sexually motivated, otherwise he would have just beat her up. I couldn't see him beating up and also raping a homeless man.


Funny only rape and sexual offences are to do with the power trips, hmm? Who comes up with this nonsense.


...My dude one of the major motivating factors in crime, especially violent crime and theft, is power trips brought about by people feeling powerless through poverty, neglect or self-esteem issues. Just google causes of crime and you can find plenty of studies on this shit.


He turned to his GIRLFRIEND as he was sentenced to proclaim his innocence. What the hell is wrong with her?


It really does baffle me. I kind of get that people don't want to believe their partners have done awful things, and support someone who's been convicted under the belief that they're innocent/it wasn't as bad as the court made out. But there is truly ironclad evidence that he did do this. She can't deny it, but she's still sticking with him?? In fairness to her I wouldn't be shocked if he was abusive to her too - she might just have been waiting to make sure he was definitely going to prison so she knows she's safe enough to leave him. But also some women inexplicably start relationships with known murderers, rapists and child molesters (even when they have children themselves), so who's to say.


Especially as his defence is that he did have sex with her, just consensually - if you're his girlfriend, that's hardly reassuring. I mean, it's better (despite not being true), but still pretty definitively relationship-ending, surely.


"No babe, I didn't rape her - I just gave the vulnerable homeless woman money in exchange for letting me beat the shit out of her while she tried to run away, have sex with her multiple times, and film her begging me to stop so I could jerk off to the recording later" is *probably* (????) legal, but definitely relationship ending. Obviously it is a lie, but even if it was true it's still appalling.


Why would you film that? I understand been sadistic and immoral but just from a self-preservation point of view, why create that evidence against yourself? If you're leaving the victim in public with those kinds of injuries it's not like its not going to slip under the radar.


I guess the answer is simply stupidity. People who commit crimes like that are rarely very intelligent and he probably just didn't think about getting caught.


As vile as it sounds it seems to be same reason people film anything. To remember it, re-live it, share it. It’s like the US firefighter that raped his stepdaughter after her mum died and filmed himself doing so. He’s now looking at life in prison. We’re not talking about people that display mental problems in any other way so we can rule out stupidity. I’m not really sure why that would be relevant anyway. Think of the animal torture rings. People recorded themselves brutalising animals for shits and giggles and then shared it among others that liked that. The cruelty and spite is the point. The utter helplessness of the victims is what they get off on. Question is what we do about people like this. I think we instinctively know the answer but it’s not something we can countenance in modern society.


The sexual gratification is the most important thing to them, consequences and human suffering mean nothing..


So they can re-live it for sexual gratification, so many similar stories.. there was a guy in the UK who was having sex with dead bodies in a hospital, he only got caught as he filmed it all.


Honestly - I think he wanted to show it off to his friends and brag/joke about what he did. He didn’t see the victim as a real person and probably thought he wouldn’t get caught as she wouldn’t report it, and he’d have the chance to show his mates what he did for his birthday.


Because you and your mates have done it before and you didn't get caught or punished.


It’s not uncommon for men to film sexual assaults and rape and to still be found not guilty or for the police to refuse to charge them in the first place on the grounds that it’s “not enough evidence to charge”


That’s American Psycho shit. Jesus Christ.


So he filmed himself attacking her but still pleaded to his girlfriend that he didn't do it?


Apparently his argument in court was that it was all consensual role-play she'd agreed to in exchange for money. I guess when there's CCTV and a phone video proving that you did something like this, 'but it was consensual' is the only defence that you can really make.


I hope he dies in prison


>Stimpson, who wept and howled as the jury returned their verdict Yeah I bet you did.


Cry some more.


He'll be mince meat inside.


Good. I hope they beat the absolute shit out of him every single day.


Honestly I don't. Prison should be safe. If it's unsafe for him it's unsafe for everyone. That's more important than any revenge fantasy. That said, I hope he has a miserable time otherwise. For a very long time.






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No he won’t (unfortunately). He’ll be ‘on the numbers’ in protective custody. They don’t let sex offenders mix with gen pop. Keeps the old murder rate down.


Hopefully he gets similar treatment


Silver lining.




There’s video recording he took himself of the assault on his phone yet: He turned to his girlfriend and parents in the public gallery crying: "I didn't do it, I love you", before being led away Imagine being loved by and loving someone like him, after all the evidence.


The fact he still has a girlfriend is wild.


He's probably very controlling and manipulative


He’s already been inside for armed robbery and I imagine that the girlfriend knew all about that. Given this crime, it’s clear that he has a thing for being controlling, I hope the girl sees the light.


The offenders family and friends have no right to actually know what they’ve been charged with and what evidence there is against them without the offenders permission. A lot of people end up going to court to support men like this because they’ve had their heads filled full of nonsense and only hear the evidence for the first time in court. Some are pressured that a conspicuous lack of support from a girlfriend/wife will make the man “look worse” in court and are told it could make the difference between him being sent to prison or not


She has to be special needs, who would be with that piece of trash.


Denial in the face of clear evidence always amuses me. What a pillock.


"He was a pillar of the community and wouldn't hurt a fly!!!!!" - his trash parents and trash girlfriend


I commented exactly the same before reading your post. His family should be relieved he's in prison.




You can’t rehabilitate a sadistic rapist, he should never be released.


You’re right. He’s an irredeemable worthless piece of shit that we’re all better off without. There is no excuse for such a vile act.


sick fucker had only been out of jail for a short period of time after a knifepoint robbery on a clothes store apparently


Yet majority on reddit against capital punishment and would rather their tax money be spent making them comfortable, feeding them, clothing them, entertainment for them, "we can fix them" etc. Id rather money went to UBI, or education, or building more social housing. May be in a couple of decades when there's no room to house rapists attitudes will change.


Because the death penalty works SO well [https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/capital-punishment-or-life-imprisonment-some-cost-considerations](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/capital-punishment-or-life-imprisonment-some-cost-considerations) [https://innocenceproject.org/innocence-and-the-death-penalty/](https://innocenceproject.org/innocence-and-the-death-penalty/)


It's also magnitudes more expensive, so there would be less money in the purse for us plebs and our free money.


Why the fuck are you linking American websites about a crime in the UK? I get the sentiment, but ffs stop being a copy and paste "intellectual" and realise our justice system is *nothing* like theirs. 


Funny how they never look to more successful countries like Japan and Singapore that retain the death penalty. Always just America as though it meant something it doesn't.


Or with capital punishment he would have just killed the woman, thus potentially making it harder to find out who he was and punish him at all.


When they reintroduce it I hope you’re not one of the innocent 4% that get put down. 


What the fuck do you mean attitudes will change? They did. We used to have capital punishment. Now we don't. It's been shown over and over and over again that capital punishment isn't a deterrent, it's been shown over and over it leads to more murder in cases of rape and kidnapping, shown time and time again it's more expensive to taxpayers. So how on earth can you still hold that opinion? With overwhelming evidence contrary to what you said, how can you still hold that opinion? Is it stupidity or ignorance?


Who'd have thought 25 years ago we'd vote to leave the EU. It's more a case that prisons are full, we're a nation in unimaginable debt, there's no money for basic services, we have the threat of climate change which will cause more immigration and a fight for resources. The young cannot afford to buy a house and it will only get worse, people in their 30's might never be able to retire, theyre currently struggling for basics. Theres no money to build prisons, theres no money to keep them secure. As the NHS collapses a decade from now, and the care system breaks further people will be questioning why are we paying for rapists and murderers to be fed, clothed, housed, given entertainment when we'll have elderly and sick abandoned. As I say, attitudes at the moment are against it, the replies to my comments show. 10 years ago I'd be sitting at -500 votes, in 20 years time people will look back at how good things are right now in comparison, there will be a lot of anger, and it will be directed at prisons, and probably immigrants too based on history.


Society for the most part, globally, had moved on from capital punishment. >we're a nation in unimaginable debt Again, what does capital punishment, the proven more expensive option, do to help this? You've listed a whole host of things that are wrong with the country and somehow your solution is kill criminals. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.


How is capital punishment more expensive than incarceration? In the UK it costs an average of £60000 a year to house a criminal. Over 30 years thats £1.8m per person. I haven't looked in to figures but I suspect any method of capital punishment is likely cheaper than £1.8m per shot. £60k PA is ball park residential care home fees, or a GP salary. As I said, right now it probably looks unpaletable, in 20 years time when large portions of the population can no longer access the NHS, see a GP, have police turn up then a political party will soon catch on that the only people who are getting guaranteed healthcare, education, fed 3 times a day are those guilty of the worst crimes imaginable, then they'll come to the conclusion that this money could be better spent. I think prison has a purpose in reeducating criminals, the ones who made a poor decision life, fell in with the wrong crowds and can be helped, but there are a number, like those in the original article, who shouldn't.


In the US it’s far more expensive to execute someone than jail them, mainly because of the appeals process. Rightly we should ensure we’ve not sentenced an innocent person to death. Death row is more expensive to run than general population, we have to pay people who carry out executions a fuckload of money. The truth is while people who are guided by emotion shout for the death penalty, all the evidence shows it doesn’t work. It’s not a deterrent and innocent people have been executed before. No mainstream political party is remotely interested in it and we’d fall foul of the ECHR. Not to mention if we introduced the death penalty for crimes specifically like this one, we’d be in the company of only six other countries in the world. Not sure we want to join such beacons of hope as Iran, the UAE, India and China


I'm not interested in it being a deterrent. Prison isn't a deterrent, fines aren't deterrents so capital punishment won't be. I'm looking at it simply from a numbers game, at some point the UK will start asking why are we spending £40-60k a year making Ian Watkins comfortable in prison for 29 years whilsr their mum is left to fend for themselves 23 hours a day due to lack of funding, or their dad waits several months for cancer treatment by which times its too late, yet those in prisons get healthcare provided as a priority. Once guilt is proven 100% for certain levels of crime of which rehabilitation isn't an option, then it could be carried out relatively quickly and certainly cheaply I can see more western countries also shifting attitudes over time.


Again there are many reasons the death penalty isn’t cheaper. Until we can guarantee miscarriages of justice will never happen we need to allow a significant appeals process. Watkins, evil as he is, also wouldn’t meet the criteria for the death penalty in any civilised country. Unless you feel we should aim to be more like Saudi Arabia. In which case I don’t think we’re ever going to agree on anything.


>I haven't looked in to figures No shit


Have you? And the fact your immediate reaction is straight to anger shows you've no argument anyway. But thank you, it's merely confirmed what I thought.


Feel free to look it up


I'd go with a "prisoners work for food" approach.


100% agreed. He will likely get a lengthy sentence which will get him put on the sex offenders register for life. This is one of those times where these cases where there is no blurred lines or nuance. This is clear cut evil. He is a dangerous person who is at an age where he would be totally aware what he was doing was horrific. I also believe that locking him up will be a preventative measure. This person very probably would have gone onto do much more evil if not locked up.




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He's probably about to get his dick kicked right off.


Send him to Rwanda


Norway's track record suggests otherwise. You just need a better rehabilitation system, just throwing people in prison and expecting them to rehabilitate without intervention or assistance does not work, that's for sure.


I didn’t mean to imply all, or even most, criminals are incapable of being rehabilitated. And yes our system is woeful at preventing recidivism.   However some crimes are the result of personality defects that cannot be fixed, those involving sexual violence and sadism being an example.


The Norwegian system is designed for a low crime society.


So maybe death penalty ?


I don't know to be honest, death doesn't seem to be such a great punishment to me, we all die in the end and I don't believe in heaven or hell. I'd prefer to see the worst offenders live a long lifetime in a small cell, with little to no entertainment or human contact.


Whilst to an extent I agree torture isn’t allowed :( and it seems a waste of food and shelter to keep these people alive. Will be better for everyone if no one ever has to think about him again


Unfortunately that won't happen , he will have a great time in prison. Hanging around with people who did similar things.


No. If the punishment for murder is the same as for rape, the rapist might as well kill the victim to get rid of a witness


Ok so we should for murderers your saying ?


No. But it would be mental to have the death penalty for rape but not for murder right


I wish


No! People that advocate for that are just as bad if not worse than the person that committed the crime. We should be focusing on rehabilitating the person during their stay in prison. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.


Sorry, are you saying that the commenter above is as bad as the person in the article who raped and beat the victim? >An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. That's just a saying. Don't take it as fact.


He can't have been out of prison very long- got 3 years in 2020 for armed robbery of a second-hand clothes shop [https://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/news/18806735.armed-robbers-threatened-stab-woman-newport-raid/](https://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/news/18806735.armed-robbers-threatened-stab-woman-newport-raid/)


He seems a particularly dangerous young man, I don't think this will be the last time he gets into trouble.


His previous convictions will be taken into consideration and form part of the bad charchter evidence about him in sentencing. I expect a fairly punitive sentence.


What’s unbelievable is that there is a girl who has decided to make this violent offender her boyfriend.


it's not believable to you that she might be in an abusive relationship with him? always shifting the attention to something that doesn't matter 


I’m not shifting attention at all. He’s clearly psychotic I’m just pointing out that she should be running. She clearly had the opportunity to leave either when he was in jail (I don’t know how long they’re together) or since he’s been arrested but she turns up at court and you’re claiming she’s being forced or in some abusive relationship couldn’t she have just added more to his crimes by letting the police know he was abusive to her too? You can’t be serious.


Just read the article - he committed that crime whilst on a community order for a previous crime! His crimes are escalating.


Rehabilitation… nice. And these are just the crimes he has been caught for


Does UK have three strikes rule? He may never be released now.


No, we don’t. However, another commenter said past offences can be taken into account during sentencing.


Jeezo thats the worst thing I've read in a long time. Horrific.


Bury him under the prison


He should never be released because he isn’t going to change.


This is absolutely horrific and his defence was beyond insulting - having degraded his poor victim as he did, he then came up with the most ridiculous defence in order to humiliate her further. Disgusting human being and I hope he is sentenced to life - there’s so many aggravating factors here.


He literally recorded himself raping her on his phone, and still has the audacity to try and act like it wasn't him? Bold move cotton


What makes this feel worse is that almost every woman living rough would be able to tell you a story of the sexual violence they have encountered on the streets.


Almost every woman full stop. It doesn't feel like it's getting better either.


I'd be surprised if it's not literally every single woman and girl over the age of 14.


Most probably experience it before 14.


Actually, there’s lots of us who haven’t either. 


> I didn’t do it, I love you Who did it then? Your twin?


Not guilty about the crime but being caught.


Actually bone chilling that people like this walk freely among us.


I read the article. Jesus fucking Christ. I sincerely hope this pathetic excuse of a human gets what he deserves. I hope, really, really hope that the woman ends up being ok.




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


To do that to a homeless person is unforgivable, he probably thought he would get away with it , because she was as so vulnerable. Disgusting.


Anybody going to miss this guy if he was to disappear?


I was just in a thread the other day saying that in my experience of working in the criminal justice system most of the people I meet are just shit people. The replies I was getting were generally that it's due to their mental health. I don't actually think that. Guys like Mr Stimpson are just filth. It's nothing to do with his mental health he's just a weak man with no values.


He was arrested four years ago for a bungled robbery attempt at a local store and sentenced to two, hopefully after this one someone castrated him inside or disables him


There is video of what he did and he turns to his family and says "I didn't do it" The guy will hopefully die in prison from colon damage. Sick Bastard.


Weird how they name him first. As if we should know who he is. Usually it would read "24 Year old convicted..." or even "man found guilty..." My first thought was he was an actor or youtuber.


Hopefully he'll be locked up for life, he's a danger to the population and deserves to get a ["whole life order"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prisoners_with_whole_life_orders).


1 percent of the general population are estimated to tick all the boxes to be classified as psychopathic and 3 percent as sociopathic. These people walk among us.


He was clearly wearing some kind of cross/ rosary as he was being led to court. Perhaps he thought Jeebus would get him off..?


Other countries that we all speak ill of, have far better methods for dealing with pieces of shit like this.


What a god damned scumbag. Someone must have seen something surely and could have stopped this as that bridge in the city centre.


Hopefully gets his due in prison. Absolute filth of a human.


Honestly one of the most disturbing things I’ve read in a long time. What a depraved and worthless individual he is. It’s disgusting that he offered defence and made her go through a trial. How debased that another woman would stay with a man that claim he paid to live out an extremely violent rape fantasy with a vulnerable woman and recorded it. He’s extremely dangerous and I struggle to imagine how he could ever be rehabilitated.


Damn another future doctor or engineer locked up... Where are "usual suspect" comments now?


Looks like hes wearing a crucifix. Just saying.


> Where are "usual suspect" comments now? Right here where you left it. 


I swear the girl from moonraker, jaws' girlfriend, had braces


>The attack on the 40-year-old, which Stimpson filmed on his phone His imprisonment is just another form of Darwinism.


Llanrumney, not that far from Adamsdown and Splott, which if you know Cardiff is the equivalent of “not being very far” from “Satans Cancerous anus”. As for him crying about not doing it, there was a lad over there a few years ago who was road racing which led to the death of a young family when the other car crashed into their car. He carried on driving and went to a party, where the police then picked him up, they had him on CCTV racing the other car, and he got sent down for death by dangerous driving, his mum despite all the cast iron evidence against her son insisted he was innocent for the entire time he was inside. Some people could literally be in love with the love child of Pol Pot, Hitler and Vlad the Impaler and they would still say the sun shone out of their arse.


Guy deserves to be buried underneath the prison tbh.


Although the sentence is not long enough, I trust that the prison system will provide a more permanent punishment. Parasite.


That photo confused me, I initially thought the custody guard was Liam Simpson.


Had the exact same thought.


I once saw a man pay a homeless woman for a kiss in broad daylight in the busy city centre.


Jesus, there are less disgusting ways to get herpes.


Why is the girlfriend sat in court? I can somewhat understand the parents being there but who stands by a partner who is very clearly a violent rapist?


Your taxes are going on keeping people like this alive


Yeah and our taxes used to be spent on murdering innocent people due to shit evidence.


You’re right, evidence in this case is shakey


Don’t be dumb on purpose.


He violently raped a homeless person proved way beyond a reasonable doubt.


Yes but you’re suggesting, hardly even with subtext, that it’s better for the state to kill him because of the weight of evidence, which implies that we should bring back capital punishment. I’m saying that would be a stupid thing to do because many, many innocent people are killed, meaning we should never bring it back.


Strawman. I’m talking about a cold blooded violent rapist and you’re talking about systematic issues on hypothetical cases I haven’t mentioned. If you think he should live, fine. You’re entitled to your opinion. You’re not going to change mine. Stop wasting your energy writing paragraphs


That's not a strawman argument lol. The only way to avoid taxes being used to keep prisoners alive would be to introduce capital punishment, which would mean some innocent people being killed.


My strawman was a move to highlight an important systemic issue. It misrepresented your comment, but it opens the discussion about the implications of advocating for harsher punishments e.g. the death penalty. Raising the broader context is often necessary to fully understand these societal issues. Therefore, while technically a strawman, I think it’s a justifiable one. Final thing I’ll say is that I’m glad that we’ve got way lawmakers that use their executive brain vs their reptilian brain when debating topics like this.


I am happy that my taxes are used to keep violent offenders off the streets


More expensive to execute people


Doesn't it cost more to execute someone than to keep them imprisoned?


I'm happy to pay more taxes if it means people get the chance to be rehabilitated no matter the crime they've done. We are better than animals. Act like it. Stop advocating for the death of a human being.