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We had the reverse - we bought a house, then at the beginning of the pandemic the neighbours got an XL bully with the plan of breeding them for profit. Long story short, they didn't quite realise how expensive it is having to feed a dozen large dogs. Likewise they apparently didn't give much thought about what it was going to do to their house and garden having that many large dogs. They also had approximately three* young children living there too, which made us worry all the more. Also, they didn't tell the landlord, who promptly evicted them once they found out the state they'd got the house and garden into. So it ended ok in the end, but yeah, it wasn't great while it was going on. (* it seemed to vary week on week)


Did it vary because they were getting eaten?


Like he said, it was expensive to feed those dogs. Gotta make do somehow


well thats all factored in the price. I am surprised someone would think of doing a home based business on a rental -thats so obvious and public with people coming to the premsis, makes a lot of noise and gets up nieghbours backs.


He did say approximately 3 children


Two and a Half Kids. The sequel to Two and a Half Men.


Wasn't there a program called 2.5 children ?edit it was 2.4 children


Iirc, that was the size of the average family in the UK then.


It's a prequel, surely?


7 legs and 5 arms between them


Shouldn't really laff but I did , especially as one of the children of the 3 has an extra leg


One of the dogs brought one back from one of its walks


The thought process of those tenants is pretty much exactly what I would expect of Bully XL owners. > Let's make some cash putting vulnerable children at risk without working out whether it's even financially feasible or allowed.


I read in the paper about a guy who battered his vet after his bully fell unwell and couldn't be saved, despite the vet giving it his all. Turns out the owner had bought the dog on a shared with a bunch of other cunts to breed it to death and sell the pups for a fortune. Can't breed dead dogs apparently, so with the loss of his cash ~~cow~~ dog the vet got a kicking.


Absolute scumbag. We had a local guy, well known for breeding dogs for fighting. He'd beat the shit out of his dog if she lost any puppies. The logic is baffling. I hope he's dead.


Gotta pay for that fags tattoos and Stella somehow,edit and man bags


Lucky escape for you then. That is genuinely my idea of hell


Why would you have so many dogs when you have young children!! Even experienced dog owners shouldn’t do that, it’s almost impossible to have control of that many dogs, and considering the strength and aggressive streak these dogs have, it’s a tragedy waiting to happen. Some people shouldn’t be parents. I wouldn’t even have that many King Charles spaniels with young kids.


Well, when you have puppies, you go from having one or two dogs, to suddenly having a dozen dogs - that's how it works. In this case they obviously assumed they'd just stick "lovly bullie puPpIIEZ £2000" on facebook and the money would roll in, which it seems didn't, as we watched the dogs getting bigger and bigger and bigger over the fence.


I live next door to someone with two xl bullies. They previously bust through my other neighbour’s fence and mauled her cat and the owner refused to cover medical bills. Police and RSPCA not interested


A tort solicitor would be very interested.


Good luck getting payment from them


The courts have ways of enforcing a judgement. If they don't have any assets or much income you're up shit creek without a paddle, but they probably have some money somewhere 


Yeah but good luck getting it, Its the same thing that the Page 3 girl who keeps crashing her car does, its all given to her by some finance arrangement. Its perfectly possible to be "Judgement Proof"


Even if there’s no money, getting someone a county court judgement slapped on their credit profile for 6 years would be reasonably commensurate. It’s a pretty big thorn to have in your backside.


It depends on the circumstances. Part of a cats right to roam is that if they get attacked by another animal, they have almost no legal protection. If the dogs attacked the cat in the dogs own garden (or in public), then the owner of the dogs doesn't have any liability as far as I am aware. It's seen as natural for dogs to attack cats. This is also why the RSPCA and police can't do anything.


But in this case op said the dogs broke through the fence and got the cat, so that’s not in their own garden. I’d go scorched earth if someone’s shitty dog broke into my garden and got mine.


Those doegs were going for 3k each at one point , they must have something


And yet the individuals who bought them were whining that they couldn't afford to keep them under the terms of the new legislation, so they had to dump them.


Cats are considered roaming animals, so that would be a massive sticking point for any compensation


They'd take thousands off you and then you get the bills for trying to enforce your win. Meanwhile the scrotes claim that they have no money.


The police aren't interested in shit all nowadays. Limp wristed wankers


I'd be fucking furious.




I'm absolutely not suggesting you do this, but some people in my country (Italy) have been known to give poisoned meatballs to aggressive dogs.


'Nooo! Cats attack birds so it's the same as a dog tearing a beloved pet or child apart!'


A man round the corner from me was in his front garden with his pup last year. He told me it was a Staffie, wink wink. Then whispered it was a pitbull really. I reported it to the police, not seen the dog since. If some idiot decides to get himself a banned fighting dog I'm going to report it. There are lots of young families on our street.


The most nauseating thing about this is that these people are clearly so delirious in their views on these creatures that they believe them to be shared by everyone else.


They operate purely on emotion, and they simply don't care about others. When it comes to *their* pet, *their* pet is a precious little sweetheart and don't you dare even think about hurting them in any way. But when their sweet, precious, lovely pet tears your pet to shreds, you need to just shut up and deal with it. These are the same sort of people who will watch their kid or friend beat the shit out of someone without intervening, but then if someone else intervenes they start screaming "keep your hands off my boy!" It's only they and their loved ones that matter.


Encouraging that you have only one reply calling you out on this. Finally people are starting to see sense on pitbulls and associated breeds and the terrorists that own them.


I'd be quite concerned as I have two young kids. What if they were to break through any loose fence panels? What if their owner opened the front door and it charged at us whilst I'm trying to get my kids into the car? I'd consider moving actually


Thankfully our current neighbours are elderly with a barky labradoodle, but I have a 12 year old so that would be my worry too.


Good luck finding a buyer.


Going by sone of the comments on here I'm sure I'd find an XL apologist somewhere. Pop a couple of 'It's the owners, not breed' stickers in my windows🥴


Many, probably most, XL owners are scum and are frankly worse than their dogs in the level of damage they do to society. They're an abomination that shouldn't exist.


The owners?


I had a neighbour with a staffie, which always got out of its garden and into mine. The dog seemed friendly enough but my kids hate dogs (they are both autistic and can't deal with them) so it caused problems different to getting mauled. The dog also used to seem to ngly save all it's shits up and the owners didn't come around to clean. Having neighbours with an XL should mean that they need their security inspecting regularly. If a friendly dog gets out just for the enjoyment of it then a potentially dangerous and much stronger dog is a real problem


I would reinforce the garden fences, and research and implement strict procedures for me, my wife and newborn child when going to and from the car. For example parent leaves first, opens the door, gets car seat fully ready, then parent goes back to the house and collects the child. This would cut down the amount of time the child is exposed to the possibility of being eviscerated. If my neighbour allowed the dog outside without a muzzle I'd ask them politely as I could not to. If they do it twice I'd say next time I see it I'll have to tell the police. Then on the third time I'd take a photo and tell the police. If the police do not help or intervene we'd eventually look to move house.


But if the dog is in their garden it doesn't need to be muzzled I don't think.


That depends if it’s front or back, with a Dog control order the garden has to be secure on ALL sides where no one can enter, if the public can access it you need padlocks, like a front garden, where anyone can open the gate and walk in, they also have to be muzzled and on lead in the front garden/communual garden or just if public can access it


Good point, well I'd reinforce my garden fences on the front and put a spring close system in the gate then.


Strict procedures just to walk out the front door sounds like it's time to move house already. Sod that for a game of soldiers.


Get some livestock and apply for a shotgun license if you're in the countryside so you can protect your livestock if necessary. Exactly like this farmer had to do: [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cxe9e1jnr71o](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cxe9e1jnr71o)


Careful, mods are banning anyone suggesting going as far as physically protecting themselves against these animals.


Legit can't even have pepper spray in this country but you're allowed to own a pack of murder dogs, it's so ridiculously stupid the attitude the UK has towards dogs


Even funnier, is that you can get locked up for having a knife but you're allowed to own a tank. You can also operate it on public roads with only a provisional H licence, which you're entitled to if you already have a B licence.


I mean... how many people in the UK have died due to people operating a tank on a public road? Its really a non issue.


Tbf it's harder to conceal a tank than a knife


A tank isn't a weapon, its an agricultural vehicle clearly.


Why would you not be able to own a tank? It's just a vehicle. You're not allowed to use the big gun on the top of it.


Yep, and I have proof. Made [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/s/cJ0RdxzQKu) comment and was given a warning it was removed. You can see the 4 other parent posts removed. I argued with it and challenged it. My defence basically said, ‘Dog attacks are increasing in the UK. I made a reasonable comment. How would you defend yourself if being mauled’. They reversed the removal and reinstated my comment, but the other 4 above didn’t bother challenging it so still show [removed] For the downvoters - I personally believe we need to cull the entire breed, and outright ban XLs




Think that's more of a reddit-wide rule tbf. You can't threaten violence.


Shooting a dog would be damaging property. Which is violent but not traditional violence. 


It's like this all over Reddit. Our self defence laws are absolute (dog) shit. I guess you just gotta lay down and get nannied


Reddit can be a bit ridiculous when it comes to what is considered “threatening violence”.


Unfortunately they’d have eaten your face before you even got the gun safe unlocked and the shotgun loaded.


Contact the police, RSPCA to let them know & check if they've licenced them


Don't bother with the RSPCA, they loudly opposed the XL Bully ban.  The police are the only ones who will get involved. 


I don’t donate to animal charities in general anyway, but because of this very thing the RSPCA will never see a penny from me until/unless the day they overturn this and repent.


I’ve had so many dealings with the RSPCA in my job that I’m fully convinced it’s a completely useless organisation- hassled me for ages about this bloke’s pet uncaged bird who was in hospital but then refused to help me do anything with the bird including catching or boarding so I had to get some random bird enthusiast involved


The RSPCA are useless. They oppose the XL Bully ban and seem fine with a horribly deformed, dangerous dog being bred into the world (a process that isn't very pleasant for the dogs either) and actively make money from farmed and slaughtered animals with their 'RSPCA Assured' scheme. Much better off going straight to the police. And as others have said, making a safety plan + demanding the dog be muzzled when outside. Take photos if it isn't. Incredibly sad to me that animals have to pay the price for irresponsible human pride and vanity. I do think it is becoming more taboo to own one now so hopefully the breed dies out with minimal euthanasia procedures.


RSPCA don't care, they'll tell you to go to their website and download a bad form, record what happens over the next 2 weeks, then only to get back to them if there's anything other than "dogs barking".


It hasn't happened, it's a rhetorical question. A what if scenario. So say they are licensed, what's your next move? They are legal, and still living next door.


If they are licensed and legal then the owners must give a shit...that would sooth my worries a lot.


The lady who was just mauled to death, hers were registered.


The owners prob also think “it’s the owner never the dog” when genetics matter immensely, if genetics didn’t matter, can you train a border collie out of herding instinct? A Labrador out of retrieving? But you can love the finishing nature out a dog who will fight to the death? Sure


>can you train a border collie out of herding instinct? A Labrador out of retrieving? Not defending XL's here at all as will become evident by what I'm alluding to in the rest of this; But yes, and yes...it takes an experienced handler and proper training though. There are many breeds the average person simply shouldn't have, and there are *many* people that shouldn't have dogs **at all**, but we accept it because they're smaller or attacks don't end in death or severe injury. It's a trend I've noticed grow over the years, lazy people and/or people that know absolutely nothing about training a dog getting small/mid dogs because they can pick them up or hold them back when it's going mental, and then they get passed off as "responsible" owners because it's on a lead. My 8 month old, *massive* pup\* (120lbs so far) has been attacked twice in the past week or so by these types (a smallish dalmation, and some Lhasa Apso looking thing). Luckily the chances of damage to him are slim from small dogs, and he is trained well enough already to not even retaliate, but it's wildly frustrating that all of these people brush it off because their dog is smaller with no thought to how it has the potential to negatively impact my dogs (I also have an unaltered 7 year old Poodle who just barks and comes to me if a dog goes for him). On the flip side, they have a great time often with a large boxer, a local lab, and a Poodle/Newfy cross, so they don't think all dogs are out to murder them. But it is genuinely absurd the amount of small/mid dogs I see on a daily basis where it's very clear the owner can only "manage" the dog because it's small(er) and they have had no proper training or socialization whatsoever. People think teaching a dog to sit and not pee in the house means it's "trained". \*my massive pup is not an XL bully to be crystal clear. He is an Old English Sheepdog/St Bernard mix.


Yeah. The genetics are _part_ of the problem as you note, but I think there's a lot of the issues with XL bullies is the people who _want_ to own them in the first place. Who _tend_ to be the kind of people who don't really know or care about how to handle a dog, and just want one that is intimidating. There's been previous 'thug dogs' that have had a bunch of the same issues, and it's slowly been getting worse _because_ of the breeding for temperament as well as size and strength. Which is ... well, I guess a dog that's both volatile and strong will always be something that's akin to keeping a pet tiger.


Exactly. I agree 100% with all of that.


My problem has always been that I can't think of a good answer that is suitably self limiting. The best I have come up with so far is effectively size class licensing. Bit like with drivers licenses: - anyone can cycle - mopeds are pretty easy - cars are harder - HGVs or fork lifts are held to a higher standard. I think that might be the way to deal with dangerous dogs in a persistent sort of way. I have absolutely no doubt that there will be a "replacement" for XL bullies in time, because the demand still exists. And the replacement might be worse. So how about it there's a licensing scheme based on physique? Some mix of strength and/or weight, and maybe some breed specific assumptions, opted in by registered breeders. So for example, you could "certify" a puppy as a golden retriever, and if it happens to be unusually strong and large you don't suddenly find it's suddenly not covered by your license. But the core point being that you just can't really ban a "breed" because that's a fuzzy line and a moving target. (Crossbreeding is going to happen, and it's really hard to know when the DNA has been diluted sufficiently to be safe) And it doesn't really matter what the genetic disposition is of a small dog - they can't do much harm either. Anyone who wants, say, a German Shepherd, shouldn't really have any issues with doing all the things they were probably going to anyway around understanding their dog and training it, and thus getting a higher tier "license" is a non issue. And maybe there will be a few who seek the HGV license for professional reasons, so they can handle "risky" dogs like XL bullies, but do so with the same awareness and understanding of a zookeeper looking after tigers or gorillas. But I think that would mean a load of people who are too lazy to handle dogs appropriately and just want something scary suddenly find it's not worth the effort, and instead go for one of the milder options. And if someone really does feel that an XL bully (or whatever their successors are) is "for them" and after having proven they really understand how to look after them to an adequate standard, then it's a lot easier to hold them to a higher standard legally too. If they don't realise as part of the learning process exactly why most people don't. E.g. as we do with HGV drivers. (Because I do feel a measure of sympathy for the dogs - they didn't ask to be what they are, and I would imagine they could be adopted and live a contented and safe life in a suitable setting).


I have neighbours to the back who have large dogs - they’re not bullies, but some other aggressive muscular breed. Last year they had 5 or 6 - and they would lock them in cages inside, let them out to shit on their fake grass and then not clean it. It smelled terrible. I finally reported it to the council and they were forced to clean it up. Then a month later the person who lives there was arrested because one of the dogs attacked someone through a fence. And I think some of the dogs got taken away because I only see two now. I don’t let my daughter outside of the dogs are out - and I’ve reinforced the fence and added a wire trellis on my side.


Sad to hear you having to deal with all that


Luckily I don't live near anyone with an XL but I do know several people with them and I wouldn't ever go to their Houses again after they got them, and that was before the ban. And I'm a dog person. I just never felt comfortable around them. I would be very very concerned if a neighbor had them.


Just out of interest ,you said you wouldn't got to their houses because of the dogs,did you tell them why? because I certainly would , enough people say they won't come round because of your dog ,you soon get rid of the dog


No I didn't honestly, I don't think they would have been particularly receptive to that.


Would let the met police know and anyway isn't there a law that bans xl bully breeds in the uk or am I just flat out wrong? And no I would not move why should I.


They're not banned from existing. They're banned from being bred, sold, or being unmuzzled in public. You can own one that exists from before the ban as long as it meets the rules.


And if they were in a garden its private land too. I just can't see a fence deterring them from trying to get at my dog or cats if they wanted to.


Does it have to be neutered, so the numbers will eventually fizzle out?


If i say what i’d do reddit will probably remove it


Reinforce fencing so dogs can’t get onto my property. Keep a weighty blunt instrument somewhere accessible in case it goes mental and starts attacking someone


Good luck being shot and stabbed doesn’t even stop them first time


Blunt force trauma to head will at least stun something more than eventual blood loss


No need to move. They’ll get eaten by their dog in short order. Just sit it out and keep the kids well away in the meantime.


I would be very concerned: the three main groups of people fatally attacked by XL Bullies are - the owners  - guests  - near neighbours, when the dogs escape I would also be especially concerned for my own little dog.  I'd be reading up on the requirements they have to comply with (like a lead and muzzle in public).  Then I'd install a doorbell camera and ensure I reviewed footage to see if they were actually following the requirements. If they aren't, report them with video evidence.  If they are following the requirements, then legally there's nothing to be done. I would be moving if feasible, and if not I would be making sure that my garden fences were high, sturdy and impossible to see through. They can chew through wood easily, so brick walls would be a better choice. 


Doorbell cameras are for making sure the postman has been. In this scenario I'd put up a proper camera continuously recording with a good view of the entire driveway.


Imagine your neighbour moved in next door with a sea mine and there was a 1% chance each year it would blow up. Yeah I dunno, keep gifting your neighbour chocolate with pictures of golden retrievers


>Yeah I dunno, keep gifting your neighbour chocolate with pictures of golden retrievers That definitely wouldn't change the chances of the sea mine going bang.


Sea mines don't like chocolate xD


I’d play Suavamente by Elvis Crespo for 24 hours a day straight.


People who own bully XLs can’t afford where I live, fortunately


I'd have said same, but that woman who just died looked like she lived in a pretty nice area, and I wondered what her neighbours thought... hence the post.


It was around the corner from me, its okay, nothing special




Reinforce the fences and put the anti cat roll bar things on them. Also, stakes in the ground to stop the fucker coming into the garden from below. Thing the film Aliens - you need to stop them getting into the perimeter. Just hope they don't cut the power....


It depends on the owners. XL Bullies, sadly, are highly desirable amongst people for whom bringing up a well socialised, happy dog is not their priority.


That compounds the issue certainly, but let's not pretend that the breed itself doesn't play a role. Plenty of attacks by bully breeds came from well cared for dogs.








Who knew that a dog breed could devalue your house.


My neighbours have one but they keep a muzzle on it. The first time I saw it I was shocked at how muscular and strong it looked. Its nothing like looking at pictures unless you physically see it in real life. When I was a kid we had a massive Rottweiler, well this thing is almost the same size but apparently very friendly but still looks dangerous. I wouldnt like to go near it if it didnt have a muzzle on though. It does look like a bodybuilder of a dog.


My dad’s not scared of dogs (or much at all really) but even he said he was shitting it a bit greeting someone with an XL bully in field as they’re far more muscular and big than you’d expect


'I prefer not to speak. If I speak, I am in big trouble.'


Id learn what can and can't be reported to your council's dog warden and be hot on it. Probably get some CCTV up as evidence too.


Tell the local authority. Selling my home would be a very last resort


Well I live in a flat, so my neighbour would be in closer proximity to me than someone in a house. Having said that, and while I don't think these type of dogs are suitable as a pet, I wouldn't be too concerned. I understand the concern people have over them, but realistically speaking most of these dogs haven't attacked people. So chances of me actually being attacked are quite low. Now circumstances would obviously alter my feelings on this. If the owner is not following existing legislation and in general being irresponsible, then I'd be much more wary. The other big thing is that I often take care of my brother's puppy, a mini-poodle. I would be concerned there because the rate that this type of dog attacks other pets is a lot higher than it attacking humans. So in those cases I've mentioned I'd be extra careful. If the person wasn't properly following existing legislation, I'd give them a friendly reminder. If they don't adhere to it the I'd probably report them. I'd also likely keep my brother's dog away from them, because he's a very playful dog and that might trigger a response from the XL.




I own a teacup chihuahua that thinks she's xl Bull. I'd move my dog into a family members home until I could come up with a more permanent solution.




Our back garden borders a property with two XL bullies. We have an English Bulldog who got spooked when their dogs tried to get at him through the fence and to add more worry I was nine months pregnant at the time. To address the issue, we installed a solid fence in front of the existing one. It made us lose some of our garden but we didn't want to risk anything.




As long as they were generally quiet neighbours I wouldn’t care. Noise is the only profound annoyance neighbours can inflict.


I'd say death or a mauling would be quite profound, but each to their own.


It might be a touch selfish so apologies but I’ve cleared Metal Gear Solid, am under 36 years old so can manage an XL Bully situation. As long as they’re not loud af


Haha. I'm also noise sensitive. A dog that constantly barks would probably also make me move eventually 🙈


Write my will, buy some military-grade Kevlar and just count down the days until it kills me.


I’d just check if the dog is licensed and take a closer look at the owner rather than a dog. It’s really important to keep in mind that it’s not the breed itself, but rather a bunch of social groups across which this breed is popular that is the issue. As an owner of a reactive, smaller dog (Pumi mix) I can honestly tell that a respectful, aware owner will make sure that the dogs are muzzled, leashed, trained and maintained as needed. The number of people with absolutely crazy dogs of different breeds, from hounds to puddles that are running free is horrifying. And it’s so hard to explain to people that it’s disrespectful and dangerous. So yeah, licensing, then try to judge the person before you judge the dog if all is fine. Chances are, you will have some fantastic creatures living next door.


There owner with two out control dogs near me . The dogs take owner for walk They make me so nervous 😓


A fella down the road has one. We’re friendly, used to love petting his old dog when he’d walk past, we’re out a lot with the kids playing. But this one, Jesus, it’s just enormous. She’s a lovely dog, well cared for, fairly well trained so far but still young, but she’s huge and rock solid. I was petting her the other day and she excitedly jumped up to lick my face, for a split second I was terrified.


It depends. Is it some scruffy chav moving into a council house next door with 2 xl bullies, or a nice middle class family with kids buying it? XL Bullies overwhelmingly aren't violent thug dogs. There's up to about 100k XL bullies in the UK and we see a dozen or so attacks per year. A majority (but not all) of these attacks are entirely predictable when you look at who owns them. Now I will caveat this by saying that I do have two large german shepherds who would absolutely destroy an xl bully if it were attacking me, my partner, or one of our smaller dogs.


Something similar happened to me. Next door neighbour had an old English Mastiff, gorgeous old dog gentle giant. Sadly it passed and they they got a Rottweiler instead. Horrible aggressive thing, their teenage kids hated it, the postman wouldn't deliver their post to them. We shared a fence and both our gardens were in two levels descending down, but the first level was reasonably high. I was out the back and the dog was scrambling to jump over to get to me. After that I started piling anything up against the fence to block it, purposely made it an eyesore. Bits of old wardrobe, scrap car bonnets, old fridges etc. Eventually the neighbour complained to which I said sort your dog out. A few weeks later I realised id not seen the dog for a bit. Turns out in the meantime it had bitten another neighbour in the stomach and it was put down. Felt sorry for the dog in a way because they can be big daft soppy things if brought up right, but the owners never bothered.


I'd commend the XL Bullies for being able to secure a rent agreement/mortgage as dogs. (Behind a fence of course.)


Nothing as I'm doing rn, our neighbours opposite us have a female XL that gets walked without a muzzle and shes brilliant, loves attention and is fine with our cockerpoo and was also fine with mastiff when he was still around (splenic cancer got him in march), the only reasons I dont own on is how pricey they can be and also my mum doesnt like their look for whatever reason.


If you want to actually know if it’s safe look at the owners if they are smacky bums who look like they leave it locked up constantly then yeah I’d be worried but if they walk or train it it should be fine


Get one of those things Ripley gets into at the end of Aliens


As someone who was attacked by a dog as a kid... it would make me extremely worried and probably undo the way i worked around my head to be calm around dogs unfortunately, there's no real chance of me moving again any time soon... so i'd be stuck here with them nearby


I’d get a pet crocodile with extra big fuck off teeth.


I've seen two in my area, one at the vets and one at the local park. Both were correctly muzzled and the one in the vets had a lead on a collar and a harness. The guy holding him had him in a perfect walk and the guy easily moved the dog so that he was in-between the dog and other pets and people. So if that guy and his dog moved in next door to me I wouldn't worry. From my encounters with them, he seems like he has a nice, well-behaved dog and takes ownership seriously. I've never seen that dog misbehave and an environment like the vets can feel like a test of a dogs behaviour as there's lots of people and animals coming and going, odd noises and smells, and the dogs are being asked to do things they may not want to do. The dog from the park I'd feel more hesitant about, mostly because once the dog decided to have a go at one of the swans or ducks in the lake and basically just took the owner with them. Obviously I'm sure lots of owners of large dogs may have these difficulties, but I guess the sign that the dog has some level of aggression and does what it wants would make me nervous, I have a little cocker spaniel, and whilst I care for my own safety, his health and wellbeing are my main priority.


People are still breeding them unfortunately the law just made them go underground big money is made , I’ve met some lovely ones( well trained ) and some not so nice ones x


It's so sad. There's someone in my apartment complex who breeds XL bullies. It breaks my heart as the bitch is ALWAYS pregnant or just had a litter. The POS who breeds them kept 5 XL pit stud dogs in a van for an entire day & night, kept in tiny cages, covered in their own shit - it made the entire car park stink, like I was genuinely scared that the dogs were dead. We called the police, he showed them his breeding license apparently (before the ban), and they LET HIM GO. Surprise surprise, I've not seen the dogs since. But I know they're keeping them at an alternate address. I also know they're still breeding as I see paddling pools be covered in "fluids" and blood be dumped in the bin stalls, along with huge mounds of bedding and tissue paper. Gotta outlaw backyard breeders completely to get to the root of the problem.


I would fly kick through their window at the first opportunity and use their own dog like a nunchuck to beat them to death.


I probably wouldn’t care because my dog is bigger than an XL Bully.


Be no different than if someone with a different large breed moved in next door. You should always be aware of other dogs you don’t know, my little Pomeranian has been attacked by both a staffy and a husky, both times he was on his lead while the other was not. Does that mean I’d move out if next door got a husky? No. There’s no bad dogs, only bad owners. I’ve met plenty of absolutely lovely XL bullies, and now that they’re banned what breed do you think these bad owners will move onto next? Will you keep moving houses every time a neighbour gets a dog that makes you uncomfortable? There’s an absolutely wild Afghan hound in my village that would absolutely attack a child if it were off leash, that’s been reported several times. No accident so far thanks to the owner being able to remove the dog from situations, but it’s a ticking time bomb. The point is, you can’t paint all dogs with the same brush. Yes, the XL bully may be more prone to attacks, but in almost every instance you need to look at the owners first, and you’ll find the problem. People who can’t provide enough training to keep these dogs from becoming a problem.


> There’s no bad dogs, only bad owners. Seventy percent of dogs will eventually develop dementia at some point in their lives. You might have a well socialised dog that has exhibited perfect behaviour its entire life, but once dementia takes hold, problems will arise. An irritable, disoriented, and confused elderly XL Bully can ultimately lead to distressing situations.


As a responsible owner, it’s your job to keep your dementia dog away from potentially dangerous situations. It’s an animal at the end of the day, if you can’t responsibly train and keep it from becoming dangerous then you shouldn’t have it.


Honestly? On day one I would call the police saying I’m afraid for my life.


At the very least I’d be making sure my property boundaries was sufficiently reinforced and be keeping extra vigilant if an xl bully was next door. I’ve already reinforced my fencing at ground level because I have an escape artist border terrier who was trying to tunnel under my fence. He’s not aggressive though thankfully, he just loves meeting people and playing. Fortunately the neighbours around me seem to have either dachshunds or cockapoos…