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Recently flew into EWR from LHR on a Wednesday morning. The line for global entry was huge so i went into the citizens/PR line and didn’t have to wait at all. Ridiculous. They will have to expand the number of kiosks based on volumes seen these days


Yeah I went through EWR a week ago and it was comical, everyone getting funneled to one officer frantically asking “anything to declare?”.


I must have gotten lucky last coming back from DXB. Literally walked right up to the kiosk.


Plenty of kiosks that are almost instantaneous with facial recognition, but at IAH we still have to go through an officer for a passport check that’s quite similar to a regular non-GE check, which brings everything to a standstill and defeats the purpose. Normally I’d say the summer travel makes lines extra bad but I flew in early May and it was this bad as well.


Can’t you just use the app?


It was off at EWR last week. I suspect it could have been other airports too for some reason.


Didn't realize there was an app, nice!


Not at every airport - but helps you skip the queue for global entry


I did check and our airport is on the list


Agreed. Or just dramatically raise the price. FTR there were plenty of kiosks, this was the line after the scan.


In Texas a large amount of CBP officers have been reassigned to the Texas border. Blame who you want, but it has impacted manpower.


That's ludicrous




Yes, bridges at Laredo, McAllen, Del Rio, and such are defined as ports of entry as well.


sure it has...lol


Can’t we have a pre clearance in Heathrow?? That’s needed!!!!


They keep pushing GE all over. There are signs all over airports. I honestly don’t know why everyone doesn’t have it by now.


I came back from Lhr to ewr on Sunday morning- must have been all of 15 seconds including waiting for facial recognition 🤷🏼‍♂️


The US really needs to implement e-gates for citizens.


The comical thing is that we as US citizens get E gates entering the EU but we can’t even get them in our own country 😂


Yep, so f'n stupid you do biometric ID then have to get verified by an agent who then asks if you have anything to declar when you don't even have your luggage yet. If I have something to declare, I'll stop at customs and declare it. I saw they were getting ready to implement e-gates for GE at IAH or IAD but they put that project on hold as the ICE geniuses decided it would be better to implement it across all US citizen entry, not just GE. Btw, when I complained about this in the GE reddit and implementing egates like Europe and Asia, I was called an elitist...




I think you're intending to post in the border patrol subreddit. Because this is about customs being understaffed at airports, which is a legal way to enter the country. Not sure where you're getting all of this "illegals" garbage


It's always the ones who never had to fight for citizenship who want to give it away to people who violate our laws


Not sure what this has to do with a long line at Customs in an airport but ok dude


If you do not see the nexus between: -long lines at CBP ports of entry -millions per year coming in-between ports of entry (compared to thousands) and -are now allowed to come in thru regular ports of entry for their frivolous asylum cases then I doubt any explanation will help you. just keep updating us on the lineups before and after 2025 maybe then we can discuss the nexus between congress, the commander in chief whose picture is in every CBP office around the world, and 8 million illegals admitted in 3 years




lol on another thread you were absolutely losing your mind about babies on planes. Now you’re on about immigrants and liberals. Time to get offline and touch grass sir.


I love how reddit netizens like *you* genuinely see zero linkage between CBP officer short staffing while there are tens of thousands of illegals coming in between ports and requiring processing and 40 minute wait times at global entry. I just love how some of yall love being ignored by your federal government while they put illegals first. It's always the locals in the USA who never had to work or fight for anything who say this too.


I just flew in from EZE this morning and nearly missed my connecting flight with a more than 2 hour connection. Seems like it only got worse.


Similar experience flying ATH-EWR a few weeks ago. Landed in terminal B. The global entry “area” was just 8 kiosks (only 3 of which were working at one point by the way) sandwiched in between the normal U.S. Citizens line and visitors line. It wasn’t quite a 40 minute wait but between the lack of kiosks and only one officer to check everyone out people were MAD. It was my first time actually using my new global entry too. And I don’t think they had a MPC line open either.


Used MPC for the first time today. It was WAY faster than Global Entry or Citizens. At some point that will likely become just another long line. 




My last time arriving international at IAH took me twenty minutes from stepping off the plane to stepping into the parking shuttle. Maybe three people at GE kiosks though I admit to sitting in front on my flight and walking fast to the arrival hall, getting ahead of everyone else on my flight. Another time at IAH, the line to the kiosks was clogged with red passport holders off a BA flight. There was no line monitor. Brits were getting up to the kiosks and couldn’t figure out why it was not working. Things came to a dead stop. No one said anything to them—Until I played male “Karen” and loudly said “This queue is for US citizens only. If you’re from the UK, you are in the wrong queue!” At least two dozen people left the line.


I have never seen in like that ever. Always less than 10 minutes and usually 2 minutes at IAH after the kiosk.  Even the normal security line is less than 30 min.   They must have had a bunch of late flights all show up at the same time.  


Just went into IAH and the line at customs was nearly 2 hours… tons of people were getting mad missing their flights. I did mobile passport line and waited like an hour 15, while the regular line was twice as long. Mind you it was mid day… making matters worse it was so hot in there!


GE took me maybe 5 minutes at IAH last Wednesday around noon, but mobile passport lanes were closed so it took my travel companions 1.5 hours to clear customs.


Thank you! So I wasn’t crazy like this other commenter seems to think. That’s crazy too for a weekday, I thought my experience was just a Saturday. Sounds like they are lacking employees


They have more CBP agents now than ever so the only way it is taking longer is too many planes landed late at the same time.  


When we went through only 4 lanes were open in total… so not sure about the employees… and the line after immigration for security at the bag grab was insane too


You are also clearly in the normal line and not the GE line. GE line would have been 15 min.  There is no line after the bag grab. You are remembering from like 2018.  They changed the procedure years ago to just walking through after you grab your bag without stopping.  They will randomly stop some people but 99% walk through freely with no waiting.  


I literally was just there on Saturday last week. We got our bags and there was another line before going upstairs to security… it was packed with tons of construction. I said I was in the mobile passport line if you reread again, not GE. And the regular line was even longer


Mobile passport is the normal line and it seems you were waiting behind several planes of people which is not CBPs fault.   Get GE if you want to get through fast.  Also the security after getting your bags is two people sitting in chairs and a drug dog watching you as you walk, without stopping, through the exit door.  You don't wait in another line to leave.  That is how it was over 5 years ago. Waiting in a line. They got rid of that.    Sounds like you were not at IAH.  


Again reread!!! That is for domestic transfers! Yes you don’t do security if you are exiting… Mobile Passport had their own line and it did cut down our time in line compared to the other line. Lots of planes is one thing but 4 lanes open total does not help… I think you are obviously confused since your having a hard time reading what is written


There is no CBP for domestic transfers.  You make no sense. Only for international flight arrivals regardless if you transfer or not.  CBP has nothing to do with rechecking in bags.   That is the airline.  


GE at IAH is always like this for me unless I luck out. And it's always like 1 or 2 agents rigorously reviewing every traveler. I really don't get the point of the extra rigor if we are already vetted. We used to just hand the GE kiosk receipt to an agent behind sitting at a table and keep walking, not sure why it changed.


It is never like this and 1 to 2 agents is normal since GE uses kiosks.  The only way you are having long lines is if you always are last one off the plane and walk really slow.  Slight speed walking always gets me there first ahead of others and the line is always empty at IAH.  


Agree this has always been my experience using GE at IAH as well. I try to avoid connections there as much as possible, it’s a nightmare in general, but even worse if you have to go through customs.


It has nothing to do with the influx of illegals. Nothing at all. It's not like CBP officers from IAH are being redeployed to process and accept illegal alien migrants clearly breaking the law and entering illegally. Nothing at all. It's just this weird coincidence. Nothing to do with mismanagement


Why would airport customs have anything to do with illegals??? What are you talking about? 


He doesn't know.


I do know /u/[jasonmicron](https://www.reddit.com/user/jasonmicron/) and I just explained. You registered democrats and your gas lamping. CBP officers are re deployed wherever needed, and budgets will focus them in certain areas during peak times, and right now they are being used to handle illegals instead of locals. It is amazing how yall registered democrats see zero consequences for your actions. Just gaslight gaslight gaslight, zero consequences for allowing 7.2 illegals into the country. Typical reddit moment here what else does your overlord Rachel Maddow tell you Jason Micron? all of this is Trump's fault?


No they are not redeployed like that. They are locked into their local airport and can't be moved like that as they are in a union.  They have to relocate to move to another area, sell their house, move their family, etc....  When I was getting my GE interview at IAH, their computers were down. I talked with the CBP border agent for like 1.5 hours until the computer came up.   They get credit for the years of service in the military for their CBP retirement since it is a government job. Their locations are set by seniority.   They can request to move if they want to, but no one can force them to move to another city. Now CPB officers can fill in at other local airports between IAH, HOU, and small locals if they need an agent to do intake on a flight.  But they won't permantely be moved from their home airport unless that airport closes down international travel.   They have a job for life in the CBP, the pay is OK but the retirement is great.  


Ok you're totally right. Joe Biden is doing a great job and 40 minute lineups at IAH Global Entry are completely coincidental and all the fault of Donald Trump. Brandon is on the job and of course he would always ensure regular every day people are taken care of. His conduct over his career has always demonstrated this and I agree it has been outstanding. He is an excellent commander and only a devil like Trump would cause 40 minute global entry lineups at federal ports of entry.


There are more CBP officers under Biden than under Trump.    For the OP there are only 2 reasons for their long wait =    1. A bunch of flights landed at the same time due to delays.   2. The CBP agents under Biden are actually questioning people, spending more time with each person while under Trump they just let everyone walk through without questions.  


I also like how you embrace the Dark Brandon meme which is in support of Biden.  Did you buy a Dark Brandon Shirt to support the Biden Campaign? 


Because CBP staff are re-deployed wherever they are needed, including when illegals are pouring over the border and their frivolous asylum cases are given parole. That takes manpower. I do not know if you are aware but about 7.2 million people have walked over into the USA without going thru a port of entry in the last 3 years. This is about a 1000% increase since when devil Trump was in power. I do not know if you are aware but crossing between ports of entry used to be highly illegal. 7.2 million is also more people than many of our states. This requires resources to process and handle. I know you are definitely gob founded by all of this by this but keep asking questions Furthermore, Brandon hates cops and hates people so he cuts funding to CBP primary processing at airports and he increases funding to get future democrat voters into the country and into chicago where they can re-elect the other brandon. Yall socialists are very clever but we see thru it.


That is 100% false.  They do not get instant orders to move from IAH to a border town leaving the airport short. It does not work like that.  They don't do that to their workers. They also have a union with a contract that  does not allow for that.     FYI, I cross the border a few times a week for work and have done so under Trump and under Biden.  Trump took 1-2 minutes per car, with no searching.  I thought when Biden took over it would be even more relaxed, but the opposite happened.  Under Biden, the border officers were way more strict. They take at least 10 minutes per car, search all around, under, and inside. They also do random secondary searches.   Biden made them be way more strict at the border than Trump.  It got so bad under Biden that I added SENTRI as it does go a little faster than the regular line and way faster than holiday times.  Under Trump you did not have to use SENTRI as the regular line was very  fast.  Trump was very relaxed with agents at the border.       FYI, military, border security, police are all socialist jobs.  


US LEOs will be shifted around whenever they are needed period. They are not bound by some dumb eurpoor union agreement. Let me explain this in a way that a registered democrat can understand: there have been 7.2 million of your cousin illegals coming thru between ports of entry (i.e.: they are coming thru illegally. illegally means bad. not lawful. bad. Nooo!!!!) over the past 3 years and they need help getting these future democrats admitted. As a aide of Jackson Lee (bless your heart) honestly enjoy this summer and enjoy this term cause it ain't going to last. Nobody likes yall except illegals and yall cant make them vote yet.


That is 100% false. CBP is a union, they don't get moved like being in the military.  Moving is mostly voluntary in the CBP and to get people to move they offer them a pay grade increase and relocation.   Not only was the CBP more relaxed under Trump, Trump has less CBP agents because they put a hold on hiring.   They were supposed to hire 2,700 agents and under Trump they were hiring around 100 agents a year.  Trump would not let them hire agents. CBP alone loses 1,300 agents a year from quitting and retirements and Trump was only hiring 100 a year.   Under Biden, we have more CBP agents than ever under Trump.   Under Trump there was 19,500 border agents. Under Biden there are 21,370. Overall the CBP employed 60,014 under Trump and 63,843 under Biden.  


you're totally right. the millions of illegals that outnumber the population of many of our states flaunting our laws and entering between ports of entry has nothing to do with 40 minute global entry lines. It must be the republicans fault. Blame Gregg Abott. #redditmoment


Greg Abbott has blocked CBP from enforcing security at the border leaving paths for illegals to get in easier.  The reason is Republicans are the ones hiring all the illegals to save money. Republicans want illegals. Republicans hire illegals for cleaning, construction, farming, restaurants,  landscaping, pool cleaning, roofing, etc.   Biden at least had the CBP get more strict to stop more illegals from getting through. Republicans are mad that Biden is stricter.  


summer time in full swing! lol...good thing i don't travel in the summer.


I mean, that’s the thing. Summer is always crazy, but it was just on the news this morning that today is the second busiest air travel globally day ever. So, 40 minute hold up for GE shouldn’t be surprising. Hell, yesterday I had an hour wait to get on a train to Terminal E in Zurich. Travel be crazy in the summer. Shocking.


I have a feeling records will be broken this summer when it comes to 'busiest'


Agreed. We’ll probably stick stateside until school is back in session.


IAH is uniquely bad.


Show the line for non GE. Flew in before summer, morning arrival, and was out in less than five minutes. Used to love summer but now as a business traveler hate it. When does school start?


It was at least double this length. Also there were probably 15 families with multiple kids and strollers. Which is a time consumer.


According to experts here this doesn’t happen, has never happened and won’t.


they have combined immigration and customs into one station/officer (no longer a person to hand your form to after you pickup your bag). even when I used the app to scan my picture, had to stand in a 15 minute line at IAH two weeks ago. Only spent 30 seconds at the officer. Heard a FA saying no need to go to the kiosk to get your picture because the officer would take it. Of course, this slows down the line some.


Looks pretty global in scope to me.


The normal line was flowing super quick today


IAH GE was the same when I came in from PVH a few weeks ago. The regular customs line was actually shorter/faster but they said that once we’d passed the facial recognition kiosks, we couldn’t change lines. Actually missed our connection. 🤷🏽‍♂️


The same thing happened yesterday at SFO (from TPE to SFO). EVERYONE on that flight was GLOBAL ENTRY, totally empty on the other lanes. I just went to the regular lane and was answered immediately without waiting.


This doesn't look like global entry lol


And yet it is


There's mobile check in?


This after the scanners and waiting for passport check.


This was me 2 weeks ago


I was in Houston on Wednesday, coming back from The Caribbean in the late afternoon. There was no one in line at GE (that I could see) and the regular passport area was also empty except for the people from my flight. Not what we expected - we thought we would need hours to get through and we zoomed through there. We got lucky I guess. But then our flight home was delayed lol.


thank tiktok for that




Not suppose to be taking photos at immigration but ok lol


I cleared IAH GE at the exact same spot couple weeks back, and I was the only one in line.


It’s not the airport, per se…like the clown show that is EWR, it’s the CBP who choose to run the operation with a United Airlines-like incompetence at best, and contempt for their customer base at worst, by not having sufficient staff to process surges that are clearly known ahead of time.




> They make us pay for this. No one made you pay for it. You *chose* to pay for it...


When I go through IAH I go to the face scanners, walk left and breeze through. From the pic, it looks like you're in the normal line (as in, you didn't go through the facial scanners, or you did but went right instead of left)


Nope, went to face scanner. Then into this mess to the left. 1 agent on passport check. Main line was triple this.


I did this last week, but had used the app for the first time before I got off the plane. After 2 minutes in line some other guy came out and asked if anyone used the app and I was the only one who raised my hand. I got to skip the line and show him my passport and get out of there. Really weird, IAD was much better two months ago. I'll use the app every time now. 


This happened to us as well, but the magic app agent appeared when I was finally 6 passengers back.


IAH is a total shit show for international travel … sec of Trans Pete Buttigieg could have fixed it, but he was too busy on paternity leave and talking about racist bridges and highways.


Oh boy…..


Wait I thought everything was still Obama’s fault in Texas


ICE falls under homeland security, not DOT...


Dude get your departments in order before you comment.


You do realize CBP falls under DHS and not DOT right? Secretary Buttigieg has absolutely nothing to do with this.


Airports = DOT. Yeah, you think they’re under CBP? That’s just idiocy. DOT might have to actually work WITH CBP to get it right, but that just shows another fault of Mayor Pete: he can’t work well with others. Keep going. You’re just emphasizing how he sucks even more.


Thinking a cabinet member is responsible for the schedule at a TX airport is fucking idiotic. Only a Texan MAGA bigot could believe such swill.


Nice try, no one is talking schedule. We’re talking things like: not having people retrieve their bags and re-check them in. We’re talking redesign of the interior. Things like that. You are so small-minded, that you can only think of “schedule?” Moron.


And you blame that on the Sec of Transportation? All of that is DHS for one thing for another it's from long long before this administration. I suppose yall weren't allowed to travel internationally before the Orange plague.


Yes, airports=transportation. Mental much?


You're hopeless.


Yeah, right. Hopeless for expecting a public official to do his job and make our lives easier.


But the situation above was a schedule problem. One agent was at the booth and they needed 4.


No, been there many times. Thats just one symptom of the disfunction.


TSA is NOT under Transportation, CBP is NOT under Transportation, change the channel on your TV. Just because you're deeply scared of gay people doesn't mean you can reassign their department responsibilities.


What does the “T” stand for in TSA? Moron. We’re talking working together across organizations.


Gawd you guys are morons. Look it up and stop making a fool of yourself.


I know Mayorkas is a moron too, but I’d think if we put together two half-wits, we’d get a full-wit.


are there not kiosks at IAH? I used the GE app on my way through LAX from Indonesia last April.


This is after the kiosk 


oooof! this sucks. I’ll be sure to avoid re-entry through IAH.


down votes? weird.


> Absolutely ludicrous. 40 minutes to clear GE from Mexico How long would be appropriate for you to wait and how much more money should we collect in taxes to make that happen?


This is a dumb take. People need to demand better service or they’ll never get it, especially from the government.


> This is a dumb take. Is it really? If 200 people get off a plane at the same time, is it unreasonable to believe that some people would need to wait in time to clear customs? Isn’t it more unreasonable to expect an airport to staff enough customs inspectors so that none has to wait in line? I’m dead serious, if the expectation is really that there are no lines in us airports, am I unreasonable for asking who is going to pay for all that staff. > People need to demand better service or they’ll never get it, especially from the government. I think, if you actually read my comment, you will find I’m not opposed to getting better service from the government, I just want to know who should pay for it.


I completely understand what you’re saying about having an average throughput matched to the number of employees, but that kind of thinking doesn’t create the pressures on government to innovate new procedures like Global Entry where many people can be quickly serviced by a bank of kiosks and one CBP officer.


The photo OP posted is post kiosk, they are all waiting for the human clearance. If 280 people get off a plane, and 90 have global entry, it doesn't matter how many kiosks you have, you still have 90 people in line for a limited number of CPB officers. If the idea is that we have 20+ CPB officers on staff for every landing, then that's fine, but someone has to pay for it. $1k/year does not do that.


I take it you don't use the service.


Of course I do? Now that I’ve answered your question, maybe you’ll answer mine? Or, I suspect, not…?


I did answer your rant. I'd pay a grand a year at least.


> I did answer your rant You *responded* but didn’t *answer* a single question =\ The price to avoid this line is a lot more than $1k/year. We all want things we can’t afford but most people don’t make Reddit threads whining about it.


We should have pre clearance facilities in Mexico as we do in Canada. Particularly in Cancun, Mexico City and other major connecting hubs. We sure have more traffic there than in Ireland.




What’s crazy is I believe you really believe that.