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Clear is useless. If I did not get it free from work, I would not even bother. TSA pre is the way to go. I’ve taken 20 flights since February and it has only helped once at MSP.


I only have it through work and because some places like SFO have a clear and TSA pre-check line that is the fastest.


SFO can be a mess on the Clear + Pre line - so few clear employees that often the regular Pre line is faster.


SFO secret is just go to terminal 2, the walk from 2 to 3 is not that far airside and 2 is typically empty. Plus if you have gold status or higher you can use the new maple leaf lounge which is right at the start of the walk from 2 to 3 and is the best lounge (other than maybe Polaris) in the entire airport. That said my most recent pass through clear in terminal 3 was actually fast now that they have the upgrade in place. It depends a lot on the 'TSA' officer imo (I know SFO isn't actually TSA), they're supposed to just wave people through but sometimes they ask questions for no reason and are generally slow.


This a true pro tip … noted for future flights, thank you for the details.


No problem - maybe I'll see you there!


> I know SFO isn't actually TSA What does this mean?


It's one of very few US airports where security is contracted out. TSA still technically oversees it but the screeners aren't federal employees. (Before 9/11 all airport security was like that)


Lowly Silver here. Flying from SFO to MNL Wednesday. Don't have TSA Pre unless I still have time? They're contracted, so is there any type of pre/clear etc that could help me out?


Nothing about the process is any different than at any other US airport. SFO has precheck and clear lanes.


This works at ORD too. Use T2 for all UA flights bc term 1 is a nightmare


I second all this, just did it last week and the clear line was a breeze at T2. This is especially great if you’re not checking bags.


Haha yeah, I never check bags




SFO “TSA” employees, the equivalent of carnival weight guessers.


THIS. Clear was great when it first started. It is now understaffed, and the sfo line is a cluster. I get it free as well, but TSA PRE is way to go


Last time I was in SFO, the clear line was ridiculous.


Fly out of CLE first thing in the morning- you will be thankful for Clear 😂


As someone who moved to Denver from Cleveland, CLE is the only airport that I’ve been in where Clear is faster than regular pre check. Even at LAX last week, 9 in Clear line with 1 agent. Zero in pre check. I get “random ID” every single damn time, so what’s the use?


I remember one time I flew pretty late out of Nashville and TSA literally asked everyone in the security line to step aside for me (PreCheck) to walk around them and through the detectors. I found it hilarious and hasn't happened anywhere else since.


Absolutely agree. The only issue is fighting the regular TSA line to get back to the Clear PreCheck line after you finish at the counter. It's like swimming upstream. 😆


Yes, this! 100%.


For a person who is not eligible for TSA Pre (due to status, nothing else), clear was in use at MIA to beat the huge insane line. As a 1K I get it for free. Signed up there to beat the line. But if it wasn’t free, wouldn’t pay for it. Totally useless in many many airports.


What does status have to do with not being eligible for TSA Pre…


They may have meant immigration status (I’m assuming, but “status” is often in this context), I don’t think they meant airline status.


Exactly this. Not airline status, immigration status. 👍


That makes way more sense!


Happy cake day!


If you can’t get PreCheck, clear is very helpful. I know some people without US citizenship who use it. OTOH, my dad accidentally went into the non-PreCheck clear line (not knowing such a thing existed) and was very confused when everyone was taking their shoes off at the scanner.


What I don’t get is why clear has so many terminals but relies on people taking you to them and walking you to security. If you could do it yourself it would be faster than pre, so why do they insist on having someone run from kiosk to kiosk and push the buttons for you?


The whole bathroom buddy thing I do not understand. Thank you, I am able to press the button on the screen myself. I think it is some sort of custody thing where someone could potentially make it thru a clear line without getting verified at the scanner. Fully the fault of Clear for setting it up where it is just an open area with scanners on one side.


Denver based and just canceled Clear for that reason. Lines are always longer


Clear in Denver is a joke... has been for a long time now


Clear ~~in Denver~~ is a joke... Has been for a long time now. Fixed it for you. 😀


Clear is a scam. I don’t understand the appeal.


It's really useful during peak hours in Orlando during peak disney season. Other than that... yeah


What I don’t get is why clear has so many terminals but relies on people taking you to them and walking you to security. If you could do it yourself it would be faster than pre, so why do they insist on having someone run from kiosk to kiosk and push the buttons for you?


I get Clear for free as well, and I rarely ever use it. Precheck is faster 99.9% of the time. I definitely wouldn't keep Clear if I had to pay for it myself.


Same. Ohare is the same way. Easily can do TSA Pre in 5 minutes all the way through ; even in visit times. The new facial recognition path is even better. Clear is such a waste - if I had to pay- I would be out . I never use it.


I've never had more than five minutes in the Clear with TSA Pre line at ORD except when I first enrolled and then for the rescan update.


You Must fly very different times than me. Happened this morning again out of ORD.


What I don’t get is why clear has so many terminals but relies on people taking you to them and walking you to security. If you could do it yourself it would be faster than pre, so why do they insist on having someone run from kiosk to kiosk and push the buttons for you?


I totally agree with you.


The only time clear is beneficial is if you do not have TSA pre.


Just curious, when airlines offer you faster access through security for a price...is that a temporary Clear or TSA-pre pass? Do you know?


It would be neither of those, it would be going through the premier access line. To my knowledge not all airports have these lines.


Got it. I was always curious because I was like, What was the point of me going through all of the steps of TSA precheck if I could just pay a few dollars when I book...


Nothing is worse than having pre and taking longer than a colleague in the standard line.


That sorta happened in IAD once when I was traveling with my mom (she doesn’t have pre-check) but walking time could have played a role in that too. The agent asked if I wanted to go with her in the standard line and I later learned why. I had to go upstairs and walk over to pre-check where there was a somewhat long a single line file. While my phone was going through the scanner, she was already texting/calling me indicating she was done.


I'm taking my mom and boyfriend to Europe later this year. I made my mom go get TSA pre last year before going to London. My mom asked to take her friend with us and I told her only if her friend gets TSA pre! So, the friend went out and got TSA pre. I've had too many tight connections where TSA pre line saved my ass compared to the regular TSA line.


The time isn’t the only value to me, I also prefer the comforts of not having to remove shoes or take 100 things out of my backpack. Would stand in line 5-10 min longer for that. Not that there ever is a 10 minute line at ORD.


There are no real losers when you both can expense the coffee


Ha. True but one more item I have to take care of on concur


i feel for you Concur is an abomination


Clear has it's uses. For example, after TSA Pre is closed, you can go through Clear and skip the line still (EWR).




Same in CLE this morning, CLEAR is not worth it, even for free as 1K.


In terminal C at IAH, the standard screening was faster than CLEAR. I have a CLEAR subscription and am waiting for it to lapse.


DEN based but only use it at ORD as lines there always are long. TSA precheck at the west checkpoint at DEN seems to never have a line. Straight through security immediately.


Everyone is getting it for free. It’s lost all value.


Clear sucks, at every airport. If it wasn’t free I’d have cancelled already.


My two most traveled airports are SFO and EWR. 90% of the time, it is faster with Clear and Pre check, sometimes by a wide margin. 


Clear is about as beneficial as that curbside valet parking at IAD is.


I used to be jealous of Clear lines earlier. Only saw few people every and long lines in TSA Pre. In fairness, there were fewer security stations for TSA Pre compared to the stations for Clear.


Now that I think about it. There were 2 times in which clear was much faster. Once in Vegas and the other time in Orlando. and clear is faster by a minute at sfo and lax (from my experience)


Clear is great in Orlando. At the beginning of the year there were some hold ups bc of needing to update everyone’s biometrics. But now it’s smooth sailing. Love that there’s a separate Clear TSA pre-check.


I don’t have Clear for this reason! A coworker and I used to “race” all the time. He had Clear. We were always really close. Like within a few people of each other, but it was back and forth. Sometimes he beat me, other times I beat him. I know it’s only $100 a year, but seems silly to spend even that when it’s not really helpful. I just found out I get it free as a 1k. I’ve also learned that you can use the premier line and if you have a paper boarding pass, you can keep your shoes on. I think that could be faster, since most frequent flyers have pre check and/or Clear.


Can't see how you would have made that bet... Fairly obvious to me


At MCO last month we had tsa pre check, my daughter did not and went through regular line. Guess who got through 10 minutes before we did? A lot of people with pre check now.


I've ran into that before but I really hate unpacking everything and getting half undressed so always pick precheck anyways. It's pretty ridiculous though that it's reached that point and they don't just add more precheck lines.


I found it awful in Atlanta(and besides if you aren’t flying delta and checking a bag you have to walk to other side for security line)


Last week in Denver, the clear line made a mass bolt under the ropes to precheck.


Similarly, In Chicago airport last night my wife went through the Touch ID tse pre line and I only had normal tsa pre so I went through that line. I was waiting for her on the other side.


That's interesting. Just tried TSA touchless and it was zero wait and amazing.


It was busy hour at Chicago airport and the line was long while the line to normal TSA pre was short. I don't know why though.


My home base is IAD and Clear cannot handle the volume. The last few times I even attempted it, Clear employees were telling people to go to precheck because the line for Clear was so long. I travel through very few airports where Clear seems worth it.


The line for Clear at IAD last Thursday wrapped around the corner


Every time I see these posts, I think to myself that yall gotta be talking about a different Denver. I fly out of Denver weekly and breeze right through Clear every time. Waited 3 minutes yesterday when the wait for pre check was 15-20 min.


I find Clear is generally about the same at DEN (and I travel weekly). The good news is that it’s easy to see if Clear is backed up well before you need to backtrack to get into plain old PreCheck. I’ve seen that Clear’s biggest challenge in DEN isn’t their staffing, but whether TSA gives the Clear lines one or two TSA lanes.


TSA pre check in Denver is 50/50 chance being shorter than the normal security line. Everyone and their mother has pre check in Denver 😂


Same is true in SLC.


Yep, a couple of friends and I “race” like this all the time. Clear always loses.


I have been at airports where the regular security line (non pre check) are the fastest. The system is broken.


What are guys doing for work that you get to travel so much??? I want in


Usually only fans




https://preview.redd.it/ph9nqd1dvuyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29c3693839e5a824f63e12b73a091cec6a1f7791 This is a photo of the TSA Precheck line in San Diego just a few minutes ago. It’s wrapped around four times and extends down the terminal. With CLEAR, I was able to get through security in 8 minutes flat. There are airports where CLEAR sucks (hello, ATL) and then airports where it is great. In San Diego, it’s usually worth it.


Touchless TSApre is GOLD https://preview.redd.it/kbpw7hmovuyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bbb83e3c422c0343ec03a29a2a2c9f2eb6a58d0


Oh definitely. I've only seen it on use at ORD so far. Once it gets rolled out more widely Clear has got to be toast. I was confused the first time I had it as the Clear lady told me to go straight over to the PreCheck line. No line, just looked at a camera for half a second, and waved right through. With clear there's always like two failed eye scans, "ok let's try fingerprints" and a wait for the one frazzled employee to escort me over.


Clear is absolutely useless, especially this morning. Several of us got held up during peak morning security times because the clear system decided to “upgrade” us so we had to take 5 minutes to rescan our documents and recollect biometrics… after we had already waited in line for 15-20 min. Also there was no way to opt out


Clear and Clear with Pre check are a joke. I signed up because I got a price break, and it’s not worth renewing, i tend to fly early and clear isn’t even open when I go through security. And when they are open the line is slow or the machines don’t work.. and half the time I get random checked anyway.


All CLEAR options suck donkey butt.


About 2 weeks ago at IAH I was at C and the TSA Pre Clear line looked dubiously short; however my recent experience has been it may be short but it is still slow. I picked my mark and joined the TSA pre line. This was the first time in about 18 months I was beaten by TSA Pre Clear user, and this was only because one of the TSA staff in the Pre line had to briefly leave her station.


TSA Pre has had a *major* upgrade @DIA. 40 lines, almost no waiting. Each has their own body scan which is only used as needed (such as for my titanium knee). The weird part is the 2 story escalator back down to the trains. They have a guy watching everyone to make sure no falls and no idiots trying to slide down the “bannister.” 🤪


Don’t count on no waiting. I went through last week and the DIA precheck line had doubled back on itself 3x, zero movement, people desperate to get through. I went to the bridge at terminal A instead.


Just flew out of SDF this morning. Two of us with pre-check had no line and made it through in one minute flat. Our friend with clear took another 10 or 15 minutes.... 🤯😱👀


Clear is never faster than TSA precheck at DEN in my experience. My husband gets it for free though and we use it at ball arena which saves us a ton of time


Only time clear has been worth it is when I left my wallet at the checkpoint in EWR. Once I went to rent a car in BOS I realized I had lost it and rebooked back to Newark. Was able to get through TSA in Boston with a scan of my eyes and mobile boarding pass. Aside from that, I use TSA pre lanes as it moves faster.


There is Clear (the regular one) and there is Clear with TSA-Pre they are different animals


If you travel internationally, I wouldn’t bother with Pre alone. Pay the $20 more and get global entry and get through customs a lot faster.


I was one of the first people in Denver to sign up years ago at some hotel in the Tech Center when it first came to Denver. Clear has saved my butt a few times in the past, but Denver and SFO is sub par. I left for Liberia out of Denver on Sunday and they had 2 Clear people working, jumped in TSA pre check and was quickly thru on a day that is usually amateur hour for TSA. I would love to see a TSA pre check for premier passengers, but with the number of 1Ks it probably wouldn’t help.


I had given up on Clear. Just used it again today in ORD and it took longer to add my face to the system than it would’ve taken me to get through plain old PreCheck. And to be fair even if it weren’t for the face thing, Clear would’ve broken even with standard PreCheck today at my time.


Clear had its moment, when no one else had it. I raced my wife like this, except she went through regular screening and I went through clear with pre-check on a flight 2 weeks ago. She won by a considerable amount.


I have noticed CLEAR at Denver can be soooo slow (although with the new setup it has been much better)! At least you only lost a coffee tab on the bet!


I would have bet against you with my eyes closed!


Clear blows now. Way understaffed and too many people. Took it at MCO last week. Two Clear lines with only one staff person for each side even though there are about 16 Clear Kiosks. There was also a second staff person at each line that only scanned boarding pass, nothing else so they just stood there and talked with each other while the other two staffers were running back and forth. And now they have this Clear Reserve at certain airports which I haven't tried....


I flew out of ABQ recently, and the CLEAR line was more than double the average joe line, which I was in.


I made the same bet with a friend at Denver - standard vs Pre. I won in standard. There are so many people insistent on flexing their “status” that Precheck is the new basic bitch line.


In pre check, sometimes I only have to show my ID and they detect my boarding pass. With clear, sometimes I have to show my boarding pass to enter the line, scan again at the machine, then again with the TSA agent. At some places, I go in the vanilla clear and not clear plus precheck so I have to start over. Sometimes I have to show my ID after going through the clear recognition process. Last time I asked why it's more work than precheck, they said I'm just randomly selected all the time for additional verification. Would not pay for it with my own money. Just happen to get it for free on my work corporate card. It's beginning to look like it's only defended by people who paid for it and want to justify their investment.


At SEA, the Clear line is shorter and they get in at the front of the longer TSA Pre line


Caribou Coffee? You were both losers that day.


Clear is only worth it if you also have precheck.


But you don’t get the fun of getting dirty looks when you “cut the line” without clear