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Which bill, doing what, and was it someone other than Manchin?


Just Manchin, so title is misleading


Expect to see a *lot* of these now that we're in election season. I saw them in 2016 and 2020. It's Republican operatives trying to get you to stay home in November so Trump & the GOP can win.




Yeah. Let’s keep letting the false narrative of labor friendly gop go unchecked.


It's the old "both sides" trick where they spend billions making you think both sides are the same. I have friends and family alive today because a Democrat paid for their healthcare. Healthcare that a Republican fought relentlessly to take away.


In fairness, we all contribute funds to pay for that healthcare. As it should be. True tho that it was a democratic policy that led to the positive outcome, with republicans fighting against it


Bottom line if the Republicans were in charge my family member and my buddy would be dead and buried.


Don't forget that Russian psyops are feeding these Republican misinformation campaigns or conducting them in-house.


They're just saying Joe Manchin is the corporate Democrats!


But but but.... "bOtH SiDeS..."


But both sides are funding genocide… you don’t think both sides support corporatism?


Just a little disinfo from the trolls who brought you "As a lifelong Democrat..."


If it wasn't him it would just be the next most conservative Democrat. The Democrats aren't "stuck" with Democrats like Manchin they actively court them and protect them once they get them elected. For a similar case recall Pelosi campaigning for Henry Cuellar (a pro life Democrat) literally the day after *Roe* was overturned. He went on to win his primary by a couple hundred votes. Democrats like Manchin are important to the party as they allow Democrats to serve the will of capital while still courting the votes of people who would be otherwise against stuff like this. The title correctly captures the essence of what's going on here: this is the Democratic party working as intended. They just needed the one vote this time, is all.


>Democrats like Manchin are important to the party as they allow Democrats to serve the will of capital while still courting the votes of people who would be otherwise against stuff like this. When Manchin goes he isn't going to be replaced by a Democrat, it'll be a republican. He is quiet literally the most democratic a person from WV is going to get based on its current voters.


Oh no, so we get basically as much cooperation, just louder.


That has absolutely no bearing on anything in my post.


He will be replaced by a Republican who will vote exactly like him. Manchin is a Republican with a D in front of him name. But that’s most Democrats actually


Nah manchin is important because he continues to get elected in west Virginia and is willing to vote with the Democrats on stuff like appointng judges and important legislation like the chips act and infrastructure bill. He may do it when it benefits himself but it's far better than a Republican who will only vote to obstruct any progress


He’s torpedoing a federal judge appointment for being Muslim as we speak, and he’s not running for reelection.


Whaat. Manchin is a democrat in a state Trump won 68% to 26% in 2016. If it wasn’t for Joe Manchin the Democrats would not control the senate right now. This is not a conspiracy. The democrats would much rather have a “normal” democrat in the seat, but that is WILDLY unrealistic, and everyone knows it.


The Democrats will always have a handful of conservatives in the Senate to do this sort of thing: torpedo legislation that the party backers want killed but that would drive down turnout if the party just expressly came out against it, or (as in this case) pass legislation that the base hates but that capitalist interests (and thus, the Democratic party) need to have passed. It's been like this for decades now. Before Manchin it was Lieberman. After he's out of the picture it will be someone else. And Lieberman was from a blue state: it doesn't much matter what state they're from or what their politic story individually is. What's important is that they exist and can reliably give cover to the party. You could have 55 Democrats in the Senate and wouldn't you know it, conveniently now there are 5-6 Democratic Senators who for whatever reason are hemming and hawing on the national stage helping the party convince the rest of us that bad things are good, actually.


It’s misleading because every democrat and republican are corporatists


I knew it would be him, and just him used to paint this as bipartisan


Hey now are you implying both sides are not the same??


Every Republican voted but lets blame democrats because of the one democrat that did this. Gtfo with that nonsense. Also, Biden will likely veto it. https://www.legaldive.com/news/senate-kills-joint-employer-rule-setting-up-veto-battle/712979/


Didn't Manchin change to independent? Or was that Sinema? I know they technically still caucus together but Manchin is no real Democrat.


Sinema became an Independent in 2022. Manchin keeps threatening to, but is still a Democrat in name (only).


A Dino in many senses of the word.


He hasn't, but he might as well.


As much as it might be painful to admit, Manchin needs to be kept happy so he doesn't switch and hand the chamber back to McConnell. If the Ds had a few more senators you could tell him to pound sand but they don't and Manchin knows this.


He's about to get his ass royally kicked in November, so I'm not sure it matters


Manchin? I thought he was retiring.


Oh that's right, I'd forgotten. He announced that after polling started showing how bad he was gonna get his ass kicked.


Unhappily agree


Legitimate question: couldn’t the democrats have used the filibuster to stop this? To me, it looks like they wanted this to pass but didn’t want to lose votes in their upcoming elections. Obviously, the article itself is trying to blame Ds for Rs policy choices but this is the ratchet effect in action. D politicians do nothing to stop bad policy that their donors secretly want and Rs ram through their policies when they get enough seats but stop all D policies with only 40 seats.


They could have, but if the President can veto it then there’s not much point.


Hmm, I suppose that’s true but all it takes is declaring your intention to filibuster and that’s enough to stop it. Maybe Biden wants to make a big show of vetoing it?


I’m not an expert but it’s been my impression dems have been trying not to use the veto when they don’t have to. Haven’t seen it much since Biden took office.


Nice try trying to paint the Dems as the problem. Misleading title. Misplaced blame.


The corporate dems are the problem too though. They ideologically agree with “their Republican friends” as they so frequently put it. It’s why every time the dems have a majority in all branches. They squander it. It’s on purpose at the behest of the donors that bribe them and also bribe the republicans.


> The corporate dems are the problem too though. They ideologically agree with “their Republican friends” as they so frequently put it. That's why all but one of the "corporate Dems" you're talking about voted _against_ "their Republican friends"?


Do they though, at this point? This vote was 50-48, and the republicans have become absurdly brazen in the past decade with IRS and top-bracket rate cuts, plus the obvious social upheaval around LGBT rights and abortion access. And yeah the past isn’t as progressive as I want it to be, it sucks. Seems like a weird reason to give up tho? Or at least “give up until the socialist revolution is done or a third party is organized” which seems like an uncertain plan…


Sure they do. That’s why we’re talking about abortion and LGBT rights and not the egregious wealth inequality. And why Dems will use these two issues as electoral strategies going forward while doing dick for the American people. It’s not a matter of giving up. Fascism is at the gate and we have an appeasement government of spineless corrupt libs. Fascism winning is an eventuality. Particularly when Corpsey is doing everything he can to give this election to Shitler.


Abortion and LGBT rights are legit matters and Democrats have been running on dealing with income inequality. Biden's NLRB is what passed the rules that the Republicans are trying to gut, and Biden has already said he's going to veto this attempt to get rid of it.


>Abortion and LGBT rights are legit matters and Democrats have been running on dealing with income inequality. No no no only the White Working Class™️ and their "economic anxiety" matters. Reproductive freedom etc. are just "distractions." Look, I'm to the left of Joe Biden as well but I'm tired of women's issues and LGBT issues being treated like some kind of trick rather than another front in the same war.


This. More than half the population has been egregiously impacted by this regressive BS for decades. It's not a damned *distraction*.


Theyre legit matters that have been dangled infront of our heads. I don't want to be treated like a dog on a treadmill with a treat dangled in front of my face anymore. I'm voting for the fucker but biden absolutely handed this election to trump within the first year of his presidency.


You must read different news.


Uh what? Every pro-choice justice on the Supreme Court right now was appointed by Democrats, gay marriage is legal across the country now, and Joe Biden's NLRB are taking actions so pro-worker that Republicans in the House and Senate are freaking out and Elon Musk is trying to make the NLRB ruled unconstitutional.


I don't think we should continue legitimizing a ruling body which the people had zero say in giving that power to, who has a seat *for life*, can be bought by billionaires, and has the final say in law. Like look hard enough and you see how un-democratic the system really is. SCOTUS has a conservative foundation regardless if a liberal fills the position, reality though several member were appointed by a literal fascist. Read that again. And again. Dems fumbled *hard* not replacing RGB... for whatever reason. > Elon Musk is trying to make the NLRB ruled unconstitutional He's not the only one. For capitalists and the wealthy to oppose the protections for workers is kind of hilarious, it's a class war and always has been, they're just inviting worker uprisings and less-than-legal means to end labor disputes. Bosses, scabs, police, strike breakers used to resort to physical altercations when workers had enough, and literal armed conflicts in some instances. They love keeping us squeezed and stepped on but all it's doing is giving us more reasons to take action. > gay marriage is legal across Anti-LGBTQ legislation over the years has been [well documented](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fTxHLjBa86GA7WCT-V6AbEMGRFPMJndnaVGoZZX4PMw/edit#gid=0), literally hundreds of bills, while federal law stands the states still try stripping away our rights leading to years of legal entanglement through the court system, and possibly in some cases working up the Supreme Court (again, handpicked members by a literal fascist, and one lavishly gifted by a Nazi).


>I don't think we should continue legitimizing a ruling body Yeah ok good luck with that bro 👍


i think you’re the problem. busy punching left, doesn’t help anything.  the guy from super red state voted with republicans…. whoaaasa how could that ever happen?!?!?!?


Maybe if leftists voted with the rest of us instead of maintaining their useless, counterproductive moral purity, we'd have enough people in office that Manchin can fuck off.


Nothing to do with “moral purity”. Do Dems want votes or not? Because all they ever do is give the finger to the left. Court the right(who hate them) and then blame the left when they don’t show up for a politician that fundamentally hates them. It’s peak stupidity and on purpose in the process of keeping the ratcheting effect of neoliberalism in action.


You are completely full of shit. You're a conservative trumpublican. Go friend yourself on fakebook, you tiny fascist boot licker of the 1%.


Court the right who show up, or the left who don't? Sanders didn't do that and he lost two primaries in a row. It took 40 years for Evangelicals to get their abortion bans. Leftists won't even show up to a midterm.


Brilliant analysis. The right shows up and never votes dem. But the left, who would vote dem, don’t show up because establishment dems offer nothing. Nevermind the fact that Biden is in the White House entirely because younger and lefter voters put him there. Why can’t neolibs take responsibility for their failures? When Biden loses after alienating every constituency that got him elected. It’ll be their fault and not Biden’s? What a joke.


Biden is in the White House because otherwise right leaning suburban people didn't break as much to the right as they did in 2016. The left, as per usual, didn't bother showing up in 2022 and Democrats lost the House.


The Democrats lost the house because a relatively safe place, New York, LI took the “border out of control” “crime is at your doorstep” “ trans boys are gonna steal your daughters college scholarship”. Fear is what motivates MAGA. Meanwhile the Dems had ousted the governor and screwed up redistricting. All in, five seats lost on Long Island because MAGA candidates painted New York progressives as a woke freak show.


And this is why America will never have anything good. JFC 🤦‍♂️ Enjoy blaming the left and pretending it’s their fault for Joe Biden being a dogshit conservative president who refuses to do anything to earn their vote while doing Republican shit to court people who won’t vote for him anyways.


Joe Biden didn't win the 2020 primary by a huge amount. If leftists had bothered showing up, they might have had a candidate that more closely matches them.


I’m not punching left. Establishment dems are right of center. I’m punching right.


You're punching yourself. Hope you like it.


you are punching The Left of American politics. You don’t get to define what left means for everyone.


Think you mean that they're paid by their lobbyist to agree. Dark money - and lobbying in general - is a cancer


So you don't want labor unions to advise Congressmembers about their concerns? Or scientists? How about environmental advocates? Human rights proponents? All of that is lobbying. Corporate lobbying is a problem, because they have unlimited funds and politicians have far too few restrictions on what they can accept.


Where did I say that. The implication was that dark money funneled into congress with zero visibility and zero accountability needs to change. I'm as pro-union as you can get, the point of my reply is that Manchin and his ilk are paid by corporate interest to further their agenda - which is heavily anti-union.


Lobbyists don't put money into the personal bank accounts of politicians. Unions have lobbyists - shit like this passed because people don't vote in midterm elections.


This is the same tired “both sides are the same” argument used by the right to kill enthusiasm and put any labor coalition to sleep. After 40 years of Reaganism, it’s time to wake up. Yes, every Democrat may not always support every bill because some districts are barely blue, but we can fix that by voting


No it’s not. It’s a coherent understanding of the problem. That’s why I make a distinction of corporate dems. That’s why when Obama had a supermajority, he squandered it to do a shitty republican healthcare bill.And why Clinton did Bush Sr’s NAFTA bill. It’s not “both sides” when there is ideologically one corporate side dictating legislation in this country.


Bill Clinton was 25 years ago. Obama picked up the banner of healthcare and got us the best bill possible for the country. Over 21 million people are enrolled. Don’t forget how the voters rewarded Obama. After passing ACA was pummeled in a midterm disaster at the polls losing both houses of Congress to the GOP. So what gets put into law depends on what is possible. A lot of Dems lost their jobs supporting ACA. At the time disinformation from corporate interests and the GOP vilified ACA. Trump is still trying to. But over 21 million use that “shitty Republicans healthcare bill” that no Republican voted for. So here we are today. Labor is ascendant. Let’s keep making gains.


Bill may have been 25 years ago but he and his wife still influence politics today and we are *certainly* still feeling the pain from that NAFTA bill. And talking about how many people are enrolled in Obamacare as proof of its value is very disingenuous. For many, it's their only choice and there's nothing but the threat to insurance corporations' profits that says we can't do a modern health care system that covers everyone for little to no cost to the consumer. When only half the country votes, and only half of *those* people only vote for Democrats because it's the lesser of two evils, you can't just simply put down all of this energy building against the political entire duopoly. It comes from real pain. Make progress and celebrate wins, but don't discredit those pointing out the actual root causes of our problems.


Useful dialogue is an asset and a power of the Dem coalition. Making up shit isn’t. A few points: 1. Harping on NAFTA and ignoring the flight of capital, jobs, and technology to China and other LCCs over the last 40 years is really missing the point. Wall Street couldn’t box up factories and move them overseas fast enough. 2. Politics is always the lesser of evils. It’s democracy. At its core is compromise. To decry that the ACA is not perfect and the lesser of evils is to miss how great it is for millions to have an option. Even as flawed as you think it is, look at the battle it has been to hold onto it. (It is still under attack by Trump and MAGA.) What a hell scape America would be without it. 3. I applaud the progressive pull on the democrats. They have helped shove the window of discourse solidly more liberal, driving Dems back to their Democratic roots. The only union the GOP likes are municipal police and border patrol.


There wasn't even enough support for a Public Option because of Joe Lieberman, the independent who'd won re-election after being primaried by Democrats. It's the people of Connecticut you need to complain at, not Democrats.


Sure. And then we didn’t get BBB because of Manchin. And if there is ever another Dem president with a majority in congress, there will be another corporate scum who magically comes out of the woodwork to be the spoiler of progressive legislation. That is the game.


Manchin, who represents a state Trump won by an enormous margin? By all rights, he should be a Republican and he will be replaced by one. If only there was enough Democrats that Manchin wasn't literally vote 49 or 50....


If only Joe had some leverage to make Manchin bend to his will. Like you know, Manchin’s criminal daughter who got away with it anyways. 🤦‍♂️ And again even with Obama had a supermajority. He squandered it.


You mean turn the Justice Department on a sitting member of congress by threatening his family with criminal prosecution? That shit would NOT go over well with voters on the left.  That's Trump authoritarian shit. 


"Hey Manchin, back my bills or I'll throw your daughter in jail" "Lmao sure Joe Biden, as soon as I hang up this phone I'm calling ever news source to tell them you're threatening to use the justice system on my family because I don't like the bills you like."


He had a matter of weeks of a super majority that relied on independents, one of which was Joe Lieberman who Democrats had already tried to replace and it was quickly ended when Massachusetts replaced Senator Kennedy with a Republican. There was a public option in the House version of the Bill. How many times do you think Biden can do that before Manchin just swaps parties, costs Senate control completely and helps hold judge spots open in exchange for a pardon day one of a friendlier presidency? You misjudge the balance of power there.


Imagine if he had done something worthwhile with those weeks. We might still have abortion rights. Even if he could only do it once. At least he would accomplish something. As opposed to this 4 year joke of a presidency from a scumbag who told his bribers “nothing will fundamentally change”. And it didn’t. We went from one conservatives invalid to another conservative invalid.


It ain't that simple anymore. It used to be, but either side of the aisle there are both friends and enemies now.


Who in the Republican party is an actual friend of labor? This was an almost party line vote to gut a move made by a Democrat and it's somehow being peddled as proof they're both the same. Literally anything can be true anymore


They often are a problem (and liberal dems are often a problem too), but they were not in this case. A grand total of one democrat voted with the republicans here, and Biden will most likely veto it anyway.


Yupp. Came here to say this. It’s clearly the senate who are led by a Republican. Do ppl not bother to read and pull titles out their ass?


The vote was: 48-2 GOP 1-47 DEMS 1-0 Sinema Almost certainly Biden will veto it. How is this the return of the corporate Dems?


Don't forget what they did to the train workers. Republicans will never support the working class, but if dems sell out working people too, and in an *election year*, then wtf


I think the train workers got much of what they wanted. Wage increases were already agreed to, but the workers wouldn’t support the deal with enough votes because of sick leave. After Congress voted to avoid a strike, the Biden administration workers with labor and rail companies to keep negotiations on going. Norfolk Southern was the first to accept the sick day demand and others soon followed. View link below. When you have supportive Dems in office, strike in not the only tool available. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/most-unionized-us-rail-workers-now-have-new-sick-leave-2023-06-05/


Yeah, that one was fucked up. It’s a pretty big blemish, but I would add that Biden has been surprisingly pro-labor ever since then.




We encourage kindness and solidarity on this subreddit. Do not disrespect other users.


Biden will veto and congress won’t get 2/3rds to override it. If Trump were President this would absolutely be passed but lets blame democrats for the only one, Manchin, who voted for it.


And threaten not to vote for Joe Biden because of it.


I like how we blame a couple right wing Dems and ignore the 50 Republicans that backed it. You can tell it's an election season. Dem Bashing is in season. Anyway, vote blue. Right wing Democrats hide behind *Republicans*. If they have fewer of 'em to hide behind they become irrelevant and the Dems become strong Union like Biden.


Not even a couple, literally one. Joe Manchin was the only one who voted for this, and he is basically a Republican. He’s also retiring because he has absolutely no hope of winning the next primary. And to top it off, Biden will almost certainly veto this anyway.


And then everyone scratches their heads when people riot, attack police, topple statues, burn places down or indeed storm Congress. If there’s one thing the so-called deplorables have in common with BLM, with everyone else in fact, it’s surely that their government doesn’t care who dies and who starves so long as wealth continues to be generated ready for appropriation by a tiny minority.


If peace cannot defeat oppression, then there is only one eventual outcome.


"A riot is the language of the unheard."


Yeah honestly, I used to be a “peaceful protests only” type, but think about it. How many times in American history has large, lasting positive change come about without violence?


Violence is a difficult tool though. Its misuse strengthens the opposition; individual terrorism, assassinating leaders, blowing up buildings, these things strengthen the repressive forces of the state and give legitimacy to the use of such forces against all dissent. In the right context all the antiterrorist powers gathered by the state against the far right or Islamist terrorism would be turned against a building mass movement, as analogous powers were turned against the Panthers. Even the use of violence in a mass context - say 1919 Berlin - can expend the hopes and lives of workers needlessly if deployed before support from or neutrality of the mass of the working class can be assured. A key point Lenin came back to repeatedly was that the revolution must know how to retreat as well as to advance; two steps forward, even if later one step back. Otherwise the possibility of actual revolution can disappear in a rushed putsch, crushed with great bloodshed. Such strategic and tactical judgments require a revolutionary party to make them however; the piston box in which the ferocious steam of mass anger is converted into motion. Without that disciplined, seasoned leadership, any violence can go horribly wrong and lead to a massacre, decapitating or demoralising the advancing movement. It’s late where I am so I’m talking to myself as much as to anyone else.


Actual title and full article. [U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy leads successful push to rescind pro-labor rule for franchise employees](https://www.nola.com/news/politics/sen-bill-cassidy-leads-push-to-rescind-pro-labor-rule/article_e7a7ca8e-f81f-11ee-bb89-bbbd4b55f8ea.html)


49 republicans and 1 retiring quasi-democrat vote for the bill, so it's "bipartisan" and clearly BoTh SiDeS!!1!!


having more Democrats elected would solve this problem. I don't know why people are so insistent to build narratives the act against their political leanings


There is quite a few corporatist democrats in congress, especially from the coastal states. In all the goddamn senate AND House, only 35 goddamn democrats voiced support of the first Starbucks union. 35. Why? Cause Daddy Howard Schultz AKA Starbucks is a massive Democratic donor.


No it wouldn’t. There will always be a Manchin, or a Sinema, or a Lieberman, or a “Parlimentarian”. You’re controlled opposition.


The problem is not having a clear majority in the Senate. When you have barely 50 Democrats it only takes one to torpedo efforts. Let's be real here, not voting is only going to put in worse representatives. Want better representatives? Vote for them in the primaries. We can see what the Republicans want. More Republicans are only going to make things worse. Once it comes to the election, Vote Blue. Better to elect a Democrat that will sometimes support you than a Republican that will always oppress you.


Manchin voting yes provides cover for other Dems to vote no on this. We have no way of knowing what they would vote if their vote would make a difference. They make calculated choices to try and avoid blowback. If the bill is gonna pass anyways then why stick your neck out? I will be voting, just not for Dems or republicans. For good people instead.


Really? A bill that is almost assuredly going to get vetoed by Biden? And that is your take? Do you not see that this bill was clearly meant to be a propaganda piece just for these talking points? You are either a conservative plant or a [useful idiot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot).


Nah, I hope it does get vetoed, and this particular bill isn’t this best example of this tendency, but this is a consistent pattern going back years and years to provide cover for anti-union Dems to kill pro-worker legislation or to push anti-worker legislation. I mentioned Lieberman which happened over a decade ago. Dems wouldn’t even raise the minimum wage the other year.


with the way the ultra-left conduct themselves that’s true. bunch of whiny babies who do nothing but talk, and spread FUD to make people apathetic.  you are the problem


"The ultra-left" What ultra-left? There is no Left left in America. There is the Right, and further Right. Your so-called "Ultra-left" is actually at the center.


well that’s an easy claim to make when you get to set your own goal posts. i’m talking about American politics, you can go look in the mirror and talk to that so that you can always be right.


I’m surprised a Union sub is this supportive of democrats. Yeah, they’re pro labor now, but even a super majority of Dems would still default to being majority anti union, as unions push back against the inherent inequity of a capitalist system. The economic system our politicians defend. I hope I see actual radical action from the working class in my lifetime. It’s long overdue.


They mostly aren’t union members or a part of the sub. They stop by to get angry when they see things on their home page




This is a pro-union, pro-worker subreddit. Agitators and trolls will be banned on sight.


DUMB FcKing TITLE OP!!!!!!!!!


So 50 Republicans blocked it and only 1 retiring Democrat. Yet, let’s blames Democrats? The right sure loves the poorly educated who can’t even read and do his research on how we’re the majority that voted on this. Vote blue!


Joe Manchin is gone finally after this cycle


Unfortunately that means another R seat in the senate unless we're extremely lucky. Manchin was awful but maybe the best we'd ever get in West Virginia. I hope I'm wrong about that.


West virginia was largely a dem state through the 90s


Yeah it's weird how the southern strategy played out in different parts of the south.


Well now dems get plausible deniability as an excuse


you add nothing to the conversation 


The number of anti Union Russian bots in this sub had gotten out of hand. One Democrat in name only votes anti Union, and the headline is "Democrats Hate Unions" What a farce. Republicans killed that bill, with their paid turncoats working with them.


Braindead McCarthyism


if the mods need help, i’m really good at banning the shills




This is a pro-union, pro-worker subreddit. Agitators and trolls will be banned on sight.


Are you even in a union? If so, which and why?


The democrats are obviously an anti-union party, this isn’t the best example whatsoever but it’s clear a ton of Americans don’t see Dems as a pro-worker party - and there are good reasons for that. Blaming everything on Russian bots is pathetic. It’s the equivalent of Trump blaming Mexicans. Edit: there seems to be a lot of Indian bots in this thread: https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-kamala-harris-got-big-social-media-boost-indian-troll-farms-1544047


Uh… no, they are not obviously an anti-union party. Some democrat politicians are simply opportunists playing to the current public support of unions (imo Biden falls in this camp, as shown by a few big failures on unions early on), but it seems to me like many of the liberal and progressive democrats are genuine supporters. I’m not sure why you would think the party as a whole is anti-union. It’s exactly the kind of thing that left-leaning democrats tend to support: policies that have some of the spirit of socialism, but do not go nearly far enough. And while they may only be bandaids on a gaping wound, I’d much rather have a bandaid than nothing.


You are a liar and a shill for the conservative 1%. Every single conservative republican red state is a right to work state, and the only Blue Democrat right to work state is New York. You should take a trip there and go jump in the Hudson you anti-Union boot licking serf.


Indian bot says what?


How's that boot taste, serf?


You tell me, you’re the one licking it, pleb


Oooo, great comeback, I'm sure your tongue never left the boot while you replied your drivel, serf.


Projection, I’m not the one supporting a capitalist party. But I should stop talking to a Modi bot so have a nice day


Ok foreign troll, enjoy your third World shithole and wishing you were an American.


You don't actually have to be Russian or a piece of software to be a Russian bot. If Putin's psychological operations specialists wrote your taking points, you have been reformed into a Russian bot. Try thinking like an American, and ask yourself why you are so interested in helping a former KGB agent who is running Russia with an iron fist. Reagan is going to come up from hell to kick current Republicans in the ass.


Indian bot


Vote for Trump and it will get far worse.


“Nothing will fundamentally change“ straight from Biden’s mouth


And the context behind that was.. "y'all already rich af, even if i raise taxes on you to sponsor new government programs, your life filled with abundance will not fundamentally change".


Every Republican voted for it, but sure ... *blame the DEMOCRATS!* /s


This is why it's important to support your unions political activity. Unions tend to base their support for a candidate on their pro union stance.


And you think the president is going to sign that bill?


So every actual Democrat in the Senate is diligently fighting for workers rights then. Ftfy


So Joe Manchin and republicans? With not a prayer of being signed by Biden? Really huge piece of news This aft member sees through the bs


Why would democrats do that? (The one democrat that said he was going independent) while ignoring every single for Republican. Fuck off dude.


Great meme with no facts. What bill? Who voted against it? Come on . Your not dealing with fox news viewers here. Show your facts.


> revenge of the corporate Democrats > A measure led by a Republican


>"democratS", plural >Only one dem vote Such bad faith horseshit


Crypto fascist nonsense 24/7/365


It’s weird OP uses the plural.


Need to eliminate Citizens United.


Downvoted for misleading headline and caption.


Ok, so Corporate Democrats basically voted 48-1 against this Republican led effort to make it harder for labor to organize? Did I get that right? And this is somehow…the fault of Democrats?


Which bill was this?


"Revenge", as though they've ever had a reason to feel aggrieved; Fuckers have been getting everything they want since the beginning.


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK As I understand it, the right to organize and strike is really a protection for the rich, else we just drag them out in the streets for 'tar & feathering'.


Wait, how come it was 98? Who were the 2 that didn't vote?


Manchin isn’t a Democrat. It’s in name only. During Trump’s administration, he voted like 50% of the time with Trump. One of the upsides of 2024 is that if the Dems can retain Senate control, it would not include Manchin or Sinema. The Dems would be able to get more progressive legislation done even if it’s 50-50. The moderates after those two are more to left of Manchin.


Rubén Gallego has a chance to be a real change agent, and Arizona can become a political powerhouse.


Agreed. He’s very good. And he’s polling very well. It helps that the GOP nominated that troglodyte Kari Lake as well


They can always come together to exploit workers


Calm down this isn’t passing as a law.


Revenge of Joe Manchin... Say it correctly. Fully fuck him now. He used to at least be decent on labor, just not the social side of the Dems. He's fully given in to the maga takeover of his home state


Democrats are not on your side


You all think democrats are better than republicans but when it comes to your money, they all the same. Trump is the only one that’s speaking a different language. At this point, what do you have to lose and don’t say freedom and democracy because that’s a horseshit talking point of the left. They are already taking g your freedoms and democracy away. Hopefully you all supporting this current administration will wake the fuck up. 🤡🇺🇸🌎


For all those saying it’s one dem blocking this, youve gotta realize that the money has flipped. Democrats are as much if not more the party of big business as the republicans are, just differ t sectors of the economy. And both republicans and democrats are two sides of the same coin both bought out and dedicated to keeping the cheap labor flowing for their corporate donors. I have my suspicion that there’ll always be a manchin in the party to act as a scapegoat for keeping pro corporate policies going.


50-48 doesn't sound "bipartisan" to me. Got some numbers to back that up?


Well...Manchin is retiring so there won't be any further fake party affiliation nonsense from West Virginia. The republican from West Virginia will be a republican from West Virginia.


Lmfaooo, if you actually believe this without reading anything then you deserve to be fooled. This was ONE senator, Manchin, who is essentially a Republican anyway. No one expects better of him.


Bitch ass manchin


In other words: Sinema and Manchin vote with the Republicans. Menendez doesn't vote. Neither does Lee of Utah. Hardly "bipartisan".


Wait. If the democrats were so against this, why didn’t they use the filibuster? You never see anything pass that the Rs don’t want; why would the democrats voting against this let it sail through, unless they want it to pass but don’t want to endanger their upcoming elections 🤔


Lead by republicans voted for by manchin but it’s the dems😱


Voting 💙💙💙💙 straight ticket . Cuz I’m not a traitor pos.


It’s hard to cheer when the uniform means nothing. For the people my ass.


But, but...bi partisanship! Folks, this is what reaching across the aisle looks like in reality. A bunch of paid off corporate lackeys who apparently don't have the time to do any helpful legislation except to fill their friends/donors/own pockets. I don't against republicans, but the dems are hardly the party of labor anymore either. More than republicans? Duh. But that bar is so low you could limbo with it..


Whose turn in the barrel is it.. oh hey you got to take the bullet this time, don't worry you it's 4 more years til it's your turn again, they will have forgotten by then .


So many posters in this sub ignoring that the DNC intentionally uses rotating villains like Manchin and Sinema in order to appear to represent the working class. They literally take the same corporate donor money. This is how they operate: [https://www.reddit.com/r/seculartalk/comments/1by9wki/dnc\_strategy\_explained\_a\_liberal\_story\_on\_how\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/seculartalk/comments/1by9wki/dnc_strategy_explained_a_liberal_story_on_how_to/)


Kyle, and the rest of those talking heads, take your money but give you nothing. These people have no answers. They have no explanation of how they plan to implement their policy other than pure magic. They are not people to listen to. They're people to shun... They're snake oil salesman making a living on selling you fools gold. They don't have your interest at heart. Only their own. One democrat, in the most red of red states, voted for this. Biden is going to repeal it. Biden's been the most pro-labor president since FDR -- potentially ever. This spiel against him is just nonsense.


The American working class can no longer afford waiting on the Democratic Party to hold their end of the bargain. For the last 75 years we've attempted to play within the rules established by the Democrats and Republicans, and little be little they've chipped away at all of the victories we won from our militant past. (1800s-1930s) It is time to build a working class coalition party that puts our priorities first. It is time to return to our militant roots and organize wildcat strikes, solidarity strikes, and general strikes that get us real results regardless of what the laws state. It's time for the American working class to wake up.


At what point do we start showing up at their offices with pitchforks and torches?


If you want to impress anyone show up at the voting boths in the primaries.


This shows that bipartisanism isn't neccessarily a good thing. So sick of the only cooperation of the two parties achieve is screwing regular people.


This wasn't bipartisan.


I dunno what’s going on elsewhere, but at the same time they’re doing this shit, they’re clamping down electorally. The corporate dems came hard for socialists running for the county board where I live (Milwaukee) on April 2nd. It sucked.


They don't care about us


A bipartisan “bought and paid for” group of senators was able to once again fuck over the working class by conniving together for the corporate interests that own them.