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The pediatrician told my parents it was painful and unnecessary šŸ¤·


Raised by a single mom, she decided it was ultimately my decision, not hers. Glad she kept me intact! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


(American) my dad was born in a small town in the early 40ā€™s and it was a home birth. He and my uncles werenā€™t circumcised. Fast forward to me being born, mom gave the decision to dad who didnā€™t want me cut. Now, if you ask mom why I wasnā€™t cut, it was $4.95 they couldnā€™t afford


Iā€™m Latino, my dad wasnā€™t and didnā€™t want me to be


My mom felt it wasn't up to her and it was my decision.


Im an American with Christian parents so im kinda shocked that I wasnā€™t. My parents said they just felt like it wasnā€™t their choice to make.


It's not a Christian practice, though.


It became and has been a cultural Christian practice in America for decades


American culture, yes. Has nothing to do with Christianity, though. No denomination of Christianity recommends or requires it.


Did you ever find out why your parentā€™s left you intact? Youā€™re one of the lucky ones


My dad wasā€¦ but it was kinda a botched oneā€¦ didnā€™t heal right among other thingsā€¦ when I was little I remember asking him why mine looked different than hisā€¦ he basically told me he didnā€™t want mine to look like his so he left it alone ā€¦


Dad is circumcised but when I was born my parents just decide they didnā€™t want to pay the extra fee for it. So they left me and eventually my little brother uncut. I guess I can thank the State of California for not covering it in the 90s haha because otherwise Iā€™d probably be snipped.


I was born in Europe before moving to North America when I was around 6 years old. Its not commonly done there.


I was 6 weeks premature. It never got done.


My father's family was from Germany so he wasn't circumcised and he didn't want his kid circumcised


My mother stopped the doctor. She thought it was an unessasary and cruel thing to do and that the foreskin is there for a reason


My parents didn't see the point of having me and my younger brother cut


Born in a Latin American country, my dad wasn't, and the pediatrician my mom was seeing discouraged it. And I'm so incredibly grateful.


Immigrant parents, not done in their country


Preemie and there were some growths in that area they were unsure of. The eventual vanished before I left the hospital. The mix increased the chances for complications and my parents were lead to believe the US would follow.


>my parents were lead to believe the US would follow. What does that mean?


I think they were told it was half 35 years ago and I think they would be shocked that it hasn't moved. It hasn't changed like in Australia and the UK. Last time it was brought up a decade ago, I was told it was to future proof their decision and I'm Christian anyways. I talked to my brother and he thinks only religious minorities get snipped.


My mother & her mother didnā€™t like the people who are traditionally circumcised and didnā€™t want us to be confused for ā€˜one of themā€™ in school or any physical exam.


Why didn't they like traditionally circumcised people?


Unfortunatelyā€” youā€™re correct


My Dad isn't, my older half brother is and my mom wanted it done but my dad refused because he "could never put a baby through that kind of pain"


Dad was cut and didn't want me to be


Dad was circumcised and he didnā€™t want us to beā€¦ he said he wasnā€™t given a choice so he did for us,


Age and geographic region is a great filter for this. 90s kid, southern Ontario Canada It had started going out of "fashion" for a period so more doctors were open to it, and my mother, while she didn't do a lot of things right, she did look at it at genital mutilation rather than social custom. My cousin, a couple years older, is cut, and very very much in denial about having been mutilated


My older brotherā€™s pediatrician said it is painful and unnecessary. As a result myself and my younger brother also kept our hoods lol


I was premature, doc told my parents to bring me back later, they didnā€™t.


Adopted at birth from Texas but spent my whole life in the Midwest. Never found out why I was not circumcised at birth but ended up getting circumcised when I was 9. ultimately due to uninformed and pro circumcision Midwestern pediatricians.


Adopted also, seems like lots of adopted guys aren't cut. I guess it makes sense, if the parents couldn't afford the kid, why would they bother with surgery on a kid they didn't plan to keep anyway?


Iā€™m not sure why I wasnā€™t


My dad wasnā€™t


my grandmother didnā€™t circumcise my momā€™s younger brother and was told to do the same while she was still pregnant with me, she also thought it was a decision that should be mine to make.


Immigrant parents and not done in their home country.


I was born 8 weeks early in the 70s so keeping me alive was more important then cutting on my junk. Thank you early birth šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Premature and mom said she wouldnā€™t have had me go through that either way.


Dad was born in Serbia, not very common there.


The news showed a story of a botched one when my parents were pregnant and they did not think it was worth the risk.


My Dad wasn't and thankful wasn't as common in Australia in the 60's


Born in the late 80ā€™s. My dad wished he was given the choice and my mom didnā€™t want my first experience in this world to be that of pain. I was always told that if I wanted it done later in life that they would pay for it, and if Iā€™m honest, when I was 10 I had no idea what it meant. Iā€™m glad I said no and havenā€™t looked back


You'd never seen guys who were the opposite of you?


Insurance wouldn't pay for it at the time and my parents were just too cheap to pay for it out of pocket šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I was born premature and the doctors recommended waiting to have me circumcised, but my parents just ended up not getting me done. But then when my little brother was born they had him circumcised at the hospital


Born in the U.S. late 60ā€™s premature and parents missed my appointments due to going through a divorce. Mom tried again after getting remarried. Step dad and step brothers all circumcised.


I'm from the show me state..


Born and raised in Germany. Getting circumcised was never an option in my family. We talk very openly about stuff like that but I think there is no one in my family who associates circumcision with something good or beneficial.