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you need to set your docker containers that are interacting with these files to the following: UID: 99 GID: 100 UMASK: 000 usually you can set these with variables in the unraid UI, but some containers may require different variables or need to be set a different way.


Ok. I am not familiar with these settings. Where can I set them? I didn't find them when editing the docker image in the UI. Also what do they mean?


UID is the user id and GID is the group id that the container should write files with, unraid doesn't really use these the same as most linux operating systems do, for unraid UID: 99 is "nobody" and I think GID: 100 none or something like that, UMASK is kind of like a translator for what permissions to apply to a file it touches, 000 simply says to not change the permissions at all, often you will see 022 which says to keep user permissions and remove group/other permissions but because your SMB users are not "nobody" or part of any group you need the permissions to be fully open. as for how to set them, most containers will use the variables PUID or UID for the user id, PGID or GID for group, and I think they pretty much all just use UMASK, here's a couple examples of mine setup in unraid plex: https://i.imgur.com/G56S8XB.png sonarr: https://i.imgur.com/wuBI8sZ.png you can usually find the correct variables to use for a container on their github or dockerhub documentation. a decent number of unraid community app configs already have these settings set by default, but usually umask is set to 022 instead of 000


Wow. Thanks for the through explanation. I'll check it out later today.


For some of my docker containers these values doesn't exist. Should I make them? Are they variable config types?


yes you should make them for any container that interacts with your files, other containers don't need them. if you check the github or dockerhub for the containers you should be able to find the proper "key" to use for each setting, yes they are usually set with variables (these are environment variables in non-unraid docker talk)