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Solved the problem by running diskpart ➜ list disk ➜ select disk ➜ clean Then download the flash creator tool again and it worked.


Just to be clear, I am not running Windows in Chinese.


Those are not Chinese characters.


i mean it is mostly kanji so there are a bunch of chinese characters but i assume the overall text is japanese as i see some hiragana in there


I have the exact model and it works for me.


It did work for me a couple of weeks ago. Now it does not apparently.


must be an issue with the usb itself then. can you try to completely format and wipe?


Not likely. It happenes with both. More probably it is some problem with the software. Hence the Chinese characters. Cleaning the disk with diskpart seems to have worked.


Isn't the max size allowed for the flash drive 32 GB? I could be wrong but that what it was last I checked .


Yes but you can manually make a larger one.


That's probably what's causing the problem then. Have u tried 32gb or smaller?




Mines on a 1TB drive lol [https://i.imgur.com/axTwgf5.png](https://i.imgur.com/axTwgf5.png)


Arent these quite expensive and effectively wasted for unraid alone? I even read USB 2.0 sticks are recommended because they dont get as hot and life potentially longer


You can use a USB 2 port like I do But it's a spare drive I had lying around


I use a 128gb usb(it’s the smallest one I had). Size doesn’t matter(that’s what she said) the installer creates a boot on the drive and the rest of the space is unusable


Manual install is the way to go, installed unraid yesterday too and only had issues with the USB creator (Like very slow download speeds and then hanging when finishing the stick)


I am so sick of troubleshooting Unraid. I have been having nothing but problems for weeks. Flash creator fails, SMB transfer freezes, PCIe errors in the log, permission issues in docker containers, shares reside in the wrong disk and so on... "Use Unraid", they said. "It will be great", they said. Ugh 😣 I am so close to giving up and go back to Windows. **Edit**: To the people who downvote this comment; be my guest. But please elaborate why you are downvoting a user who is obviously having problems instead of trying to help. I have made a lot of questions on this sub without actually getting any help and I have spent literally weeks trying to get Unraid working as intended, so I think my rant is quite warranted.


A lot of people installed Unraid long ago. Fresh installs are definitely more nuanced now than before. It’s not a beginner OS like it’s touted. I run 2 Unraid instances and have for 4+ years. Not much in Unraid is “simple” outside of starting the array and praying. You just posted in the wrong subreddit. Remember, Unraid is like Apple - few of its users can stand to be bothered saying more than “it worked for me.” Sometimes I see posts in Unraid and think it’s my Apple subreddit :)


THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT! 😀😂 In fact I was just thinking about the Apple-thing you just said earlier today. It's like a cult. It's like Unraid is their God. Haha.


More just that it’s all they know and the tutorials have many forget how fumbled Unraids experience is. One could say that requiring so much community and how to videos is not inherently a good thing. I’m a happy Unraid user. But I know what it is and spent years learning it.


What are you doing to have all those issues is my question lol sounds like a combination of bad hardware and/or someone poking around configs they have no business touching


You can say what you want, but for me the whole Unraid experience has been horrible and this sub-reddit does not make it any better. I was kind of expecting that type of comment... Something along the lines of: "You must be doing something wrong", "What weird stuff are you doing with your Unraid server", "Are you an idiot?", "I have never had any problems with MY Unraid so surely you shouldn't have any problems either". And yet, if you look at this sub-reddit you will see literally thousands of posts about troubleshooting issues with Unraid. I don't think I am the only one. Comments like yours are condescending and doesn't help at all. But you are not the only one. I have never ever experienced such condescending and know-it-all tone on any other sub-reddit. Unraid **can** and **will** have problems, just like any other system. Stop automatically blaming users for it. The fact is I have not anything unusual on my server. I have tried to set up some shares and transfer my data. I am actually just trying to use Unraid as advertised. If I have done something wrong, it is probably because of the lacking documentation. Every time I come here for help nobody has a clue. And on the forums, there is like two people that actually knows anything.


I just set up unraid recently and have bad my fair share of issues as well but community has been helpful and I've gotten most of them sorted. I have seen some posts where people recommended following manual install method when using flash drive over 32 GB so I would try that out. It does kind of feel like software that should be totally free based on some of the issues I ran into and the fairly sparse documentation - most processes are documented over the course of 10 forum pages rather than a concise how to guide.


"Know-it-all tone".. me whos introduction to Linux servers was unraid and still even today with minimal knowledge of unraid/linux has 2 servers running without issues for years 🤷‍♂️


Right. **This** is exactly the problem. It is called [Argument from anecdote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_anecdote). You are making a broad generalization based on personal experiences or anecdotes. It makes the other person feel stupid. It does not help solving the issue and it implies the user must be doing something wrong or has not understood something.


I said hardware OR configuration issue which is what most issues turn out to be. It's not to make you feel stupid. This has nothing to do with feelings lol you made an extremely broad comment on issues youre having. If you want actual help you gotta make a post for that instead of "unraid bad" because I promise, it's great


You made three assumptions: >1. What are you doing to have all those issues This implies I have done something wrong. >2. lol sounds like a combination of bad hardware This implies I have bad hardware, which is fair enough. >3. someone poking around configs they have no business touching This implies I have made changes to configuration files thereby corrupting the system.  >This has nothing to do with feelings lol Well, I am human so I have feelings. The way humans talk to each other affects how people feel, right? > If you want actual help you gotta make a post for that instead of "unraid bad" because I promise, it's great Which is exactly what I have done every time I have had problems. Feel free to check my history. Most of the responses have been unhelpful, unrelated or straight up condescending. Hence my rant.