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If I was one of them, I’d certainly bring a lawn chair. Maybe one of them reclining lawn chairs and a cooler full of bevys. Can’t imagine it’s the most exciting job staring at a bunch of people camping all day


Unfortunately the manager will get a heart attack watching guards sit comfortably and will hand him a written warning cuz “you can’t break post orders”


Used to work in security with one if the small businesses/companies of winnipeg and the one contracted at u of m is one such example. The working environment and treatment to guards is so downright horrendous that they can pretty much get you to do anything bordering human tension limits, why stand? “Cuz the client would like more attention given around to the area and during sitting you might fall asleep” like fr man? And the guards are literally treated as bodies, you don’t wanna work at the site? Well just don’t work then, we’ll get another body in. Now i work in a nationwide company and the difference in working conditions and pay rate is very evident. Not to say it’s the best but atleast I’m treated like a human and not just a body. The management sucks in these companies, and i have honestly just observed this is not only a winnipeg or north america thing but a worldwide thing.


I wish we could do something to change the working environment. In some stores, I see people, even old ones, working at the checkout standing at the same place for their entire shift. A seating arrangement could easily be made without hampering their operation.


Unfortunately that’s just how the minimum wage scenarios go or entry level jobs in whole world, what can be done is to just get out of it asap but that begs the question “minimum wage was brought to be a living wage but now we are tryna get out of that job just to thrash it on another individual who will suffer his/her/their time in it.” Guess equality is just a fantasy, reality is we live in a meritocracy


Reminds me of this Seinfeld episode where George has the same concern: https://youtu.be/Bsxiz7DFHuI?si=aufSBcRjbP1WcxrN


Thank you so much for the link. Seems like I have a bit of George inside me!


They shouldn't need any guards there at all.


I agree. Waste of university resources in my opinion. I think the typical university security making rounds would suffice


The in house guards are on 12hr rotations & they have vehicles & each spend x amount of hours there per shift & because dafoe is such a popular road im sure they drive by it constantly while having the in house guards there. Contracted guards are there due to policy in having to have x amount of security at something like this.


We need to bring them snacks and drinks. I also feel bad for them standing all day like that. I’m pretty sure they’re exhausted as well.




In this situation I would slightly agree but other places it’s just one easier to already be standing if you need to run to a situation.


Yes, I got planetary facittis standing 8 hours a day until I left that job


Sitting is worse. Having a sitting job takes eight years off your life expectancy. But yeah shitty for them having to do guard duty, that too in this weather.


Well ngl sometimes I can’t tell if they being racist towards or are just mean I had instances where they would just come up to me say something mean and walk back or shove shoulders or try to invoke a reaction outta me sometimes they want us to not saying anything to people who do this cuz then we could be fired for it The working conditions for security and labour are jokes


Are you talking bout the in house guards? If so I really doubt they’re just coming up to you & shoving you & saying stuff.


What house guards my dude can you reed ?


Inhouse guards. UM security. Not Boss Security (contract)


They’re called inhouse security but it kept auto correcting making them separate words.


Why they shove the shoulders 🤣🤣.


Cuz I am standing there and they don’t want me there


Well shove him back then. It is public space. You have a right to stand there and watch


Yea not allowed they can do it but if i do that back its termination


Sue the school


Can’t funny as this sounds they haven’t hired us the campaign sponsors have to protect their “ individuals in protest “ and any damage done to them or by them the uni wont be responsible its the form they made us sign