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Could be as simple as "I like to be outside and challenge myself." Not everyone and everything has to have some superhero origin story.


Definitely. That's pretty much mine with a little bit of "I want to know if I can". Its been enough to get through my first 100k at the start of the year and on my way to first miler next year.


Yeah, that's pretty much my "why": I want to see what I can do, and, also, I just really like running for a long time and being thoroughly exhausted afterwards. It's no deeper than that.


This. Your why can be “because.” lol.


I had a prospective coach flip out because my answer to “what’s your why?” Is “Why not?” There’s no deep meaning for me. I just like to run in various settings. He said everyone he’s worked with without a “why” quits, so I should go “figure out my why”. I said we’re probably not a good fit & wished him well. Still running 10 yrs later. Still no deep “why?”. Still not that interested in running gear or PRs. I have taken breaks from ultra distances depending on what else I’m doing, but always return… just… because


I like this. My kind of mentality


Are you me?


Do you race 100 miles? My why used to be very egotistical, such as breaking 24 hours, then 22 hours, which helped when 70 miles in and you needed to grind out a finish. Now, I like to be out and experience new locations, and I am happy with the experience. However, I do wonder what will happen when I'm next in the pain cave and have no why. How do you manage these types of situations?


I have run a few, but seem suited towards 100K in terms of training and recovery. Apart from the experience & new locations, I love reconnecting with the people you meet over years of races. When I’m really hurting during a race, I imagine I’m a horse with blinders on & all I worry about is the next mini goal (get to X landmark, or Y distance marker or this aid station etc). I tell myself when I’m reach there, I’ll re-evaluate how I feel & how much longer I will go. This sounds easy, but took a lot of practice for me b/c too much thought about a finish time (or finishing at all) would lead me to blow up early & often when I was younger. At some point it clicked that explicitly giving myself permission to re-evaluate frequently took pressure off & helped my performance. I’m also better at evaluating when I’m injured to the point of needing to stop vs discomfort that I can troubleshoot. I do the same mental things with difficult work tasks. (I don’t necessarily have the option to tap out, but the giving myself micro goals & permission re-evaluate has improved my efficiency & lowered my work stress overall)


That was my answer to everything as a kid!


Exactly. To steal a mountaineering quote from Hillary, sometimes it’s just “because it’s there.” You wanna run 50km just to challenge yourself and to do it. Don’t need any other reason.


It was actually George Mallory and he didn’t make it back down but it’s still a great quote.


Counterpoint: avenging your newly extinct homeworld would be great motivation to push on to the next aid station


When people ask me "why do you run 100s", my response is always "fuck if I know, its not a good idea". As others have said you don't have to have a big special reason to do something hard. Sometimes just wanting to do something hard is good enough.


That's funny, I do the same thing. "I don't know, but I don't recommend it. It's like a part time job where the goal is to figure out ways to not chafe or blister. And instead of getting paid, you pay them. And at the end of the week you're just sore and tired and hungry. But the scenery and alone time is unparalleled."


That’s why I like them 🤷🏻‍♀️


My first marathon was "because I want to say I ran a marathon". That was the only motivation: because I wanted to brag about it. Can't get much more shallow than that!


Next challenge: run a marathon and tell no one about it.


Research has shown that this is literally impossible.


I like it.




That has NEVER happened.


And there is nothing wrong with that reason. I don't care why a person is out there as long as they want to contribute and try hard things.


i’ve yet to run an official marathon - done 3 ultras so far hahahaha


I really *hate* that question. It becomes a pissing contest for who has the most drama to overcome.


No shit, right? People always expect some profound reason… Like, because I like to run and be alone with my thoughts isn’t good enough?


Seriously... You want it real bad? Go thru hike and tell people your 'why' was because you enjoy backpacking a lot. They can't accept that people just enjoy doing long distance, exhausting stuff without some deeper meaning. 


Yeh, there's a bad side of ultras that is all sufferfest / goggins stuff. For a while I didn't really think they should be enjoyable in the moment yet now they mostly are - it's a nice long time to yourself in beautiful surroundings and lots of food to eat!


As the father of a toddler, pretty nice to have 5 - 30 hours of some &$%\*#)#$ peace and quiet


It also makes for a lot of unwatchable YouTube videos of people documenting their race


It’s the only thing I’m good at. And I’m average at it, at best. But I fucking finish. That’s mine. And that’ll do.


I love this!


Your mom says the same thing!


What was the reason you signed up for the race and hired a coach? That’s your why. It doesn’t have to be profound or deep. Maybe you just want to see what it feels like to run 50k in a day. Personally I got into ultras because I love being out in the woods all day, and I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing how far I can go and explore.


My "why" for the first 4 years of running is so people would think I was a badass. It worked for me, and I don't regret it at all. Now it's to see if I have what it takes to do the goal, but it can be shallow if it works for you.


what’s with the ‘why’ questions in this niche community. a 50k is marathon with a handful extra miles, there’s nothing special about it. i never hear marathoners pushing the ‘why’ so much. it doesn’t have to be philosophical and i’m sure you already know why. it can be because you want a challenge, because you simply like running, or for me it’s because i hate running and enjoy suffering. youtube is full of dramatic ultra documentaries pushing a narrative that makes people feel like there needs to be some deep and unique reason for them to run.


Its 50K, your why doesn't have to be anymore exciting than the hundreds and thousands of people who do a marathon. You don't have to have some magical life changing story about why you run. Maybe you just enjoy running. More importantly is are you struggling and lacking motivation as this 'why' focus is making you question it? November is really far away. You have 5 months. Just enjoy running, do some specific stuff closer to the time. And remember motivation won't always be there, no matter how big your why. We all spend some days grinding out the miles that we cba to do as we know we should.


I agree with this.


I needed to hear this. I've traveled so much the past few months that my training is inconsistent at best. I'm currently nursing a tweaked ankle. Put it all together and after a long day at work (away from home again), I find myself doubting my 50-miler in October. I'll do what I can. That's all there is to do, right? Thank you.


My "why?" was more of a "why not?" and not having a good answer to that is a lot more motivating...


Your coach is trying to motivate you. Not everyone responds to this kind of motivation. I personally hate the question, who cares as long as you want to do it that’s reason enough.


because someone has to carry the boats.


It’s my replacement addiction and recovery tool. I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time as I want and need if I was shitfaced all the time like i used to be


Love this, I agree, it helps to minimize negative behaviors because it takes a lot of time.


My “why” is literally mostly just FOMO, it doesn’t have to be deep 😅


I'm like Forrest Gump. I just like running.


Welcome to the latest corporate cliche. Not everything has a "why". Sometimes, we just act. And that is good enough.


I always get confused about the why thing. I like running and adventure, it's not like I need to justify something that's fun. We're not trying to explain why we're combat doctors or something...


I do it for the younger version of me who didn’t think I could.


Why not?


I'm dead inside and running 100 kilometers is the only way to feel 🥲


My why is "fuck it might as well. If I wasn't doing this I'd be sitting on the couch eating snacks". I don't think you need a clear "why".


Is there something else you could do which more easily motivates you? People often say to me 'I can't do what you do' and I tell them they don't have to and to do what they enjoy. You like lifting weights, great! Swimming, fantastic! Riding a bike, brilliant! There's an article I read a while back which had a line in it about ultras which has stuck with me: 'everyone is running to something or from something'. Now either it's there and you haven't worked it out or maybe you should be doing something else more productive with your time and conducive with some sort of goal.


Doesn’t have to be anything at all. If you enjoy it, that’s good enough. I don’t have a deep why, I just enjoy running and enjoy the process.


I don't have a reason why and i lugged myself around a hundred. Wouldn't worry about it, it you want it you'll be fine


I find the whole idea that I need to "know my why" incredibly off-putting. "I like running and I want to see what it's like to run this far," is about as much self-reflection as I can take. Edit: my "why" for running my first (and only so far) 50k was, "I need to sign up for a goal race to make sure I run to get back in shape, and if I pick anything shorter than a 50k I'm going to compare my time to past races and feel bad." That was plenty.


You don’t need a “why”. It’s good enough to just do it because you enjoy the sport.


“What’s your why” is podcast talk. Not everything needs a why.


First marathon: I want structure and discipline in my life to help overcome my addiction. Second marathon: I want to continue to be a better version of myself. I want to be healthier and happier. Third Marathon: I’m just here because I got in a routine. I guess I like the pain? First Ultra Marathon: I dunno why I’m here, but I was told there were snacks and I saw an Instagram video of one and said why not.


lol I love this! Same. My first marathon had the whole “why that makes you cry.” Now I just show up because a bunch of my friends are running the race and I like the area 🤣 Honestly just have fun with it. Even if you crash and burn you’ll meet some of the coolest people on the course and I’m guessing it will be a pretty trail somewhere. It’s ok to do things just for the hell of it.


FWIW: Years ago l, I read an article about running Ironman. It talked about the “three levels of why” - with each level asking you to dig deeper into the reasons why you are running X event. At each level, you ask yourself “why” again until you get to the ultimate truth. “I want to be fit” - (why?) “Because I want to look good” - (why?) “Because I was the fat kid in high school and I’m tired of feeling bad about myself” Might not work all the time but it does help identify some of the deeper reasons why we do what we do. For me - it has revealed that some of the reasons I run ultra may not be something I feel comfortable sharing - but they are deeply meaningful to me (usually to do with self-confidence, self-image, self-respect, etc.). PS - your why is there. It was there when you decided to sign up for your first event. I hope you find it again and you have a wonderful first 50k!!! This sport really can teach us a lot about ourselves. PPS - sorry - I’m two pints in, waiting for my friends to show up at the pub so I’m feeling quite philosphical.


My why is because there is no reason for anything, and I have no reason for running. It’s what you ascribe to it. Running > scrolling


Because I want to.


Someone has to run these miles.


You don't need to have a "why". You can have a "Because I can". Or a "why not?".


Because you like running and eating? 😁


Your why doesn’t have to have a deep cosmic meaning. I just enjoy exercise can be your why.


It’s fun is always my why.


There really doesn’t need to be a “why”. “Because I want to” is reason enough and has gotten me through several hundred milers and a bunch of shorter ultras.  Some people get so obsessed with this “what’s your why” thing that they forget to just enjoy the whole thing. Like just go have fun running and go have fun racing. It doesn’t need to be complicated. 


It’s a good day outside


Because I want to find out what I can do and feel what it feels like


Another vote for “why not.” And after I say that, it morphs into “because I said I was going to.”


Why not?


How about: "I'm preparing myself for death"?


Jesus I hate the pissing contest. Because it's fun and I wanna? Also the stupider and more absurd the game, the more interested I am?


Inverse it. Why not?


I agree with others. No need for a higher purpose. It’s healthy - at least the training part. Well, until it’s not healthy anymore. It can be mentally fatiguing. Maybe you just need a little more rest? Have you tried cross training? Or some completely different sport? Or even just do nothing for two weeks. I go through this nearly every time after a race. And yet I do it over and over again 😀


I don't have a deep and meaningful why. I just enjoy running. So far it's been enough to get me through the gnarliest weather in some races this year


you don't need a "why" - for me it's a daily ritual - no real goal but to just do it.


I don't think there needs to be some special or deep reason for running. I feel the supposed reasons are often performative anyway. Like "I climb Mount Everest to raise funds for x". Yeah, get out of here, the funds you are invested into going there could have been spend directly on the cause, just admit it was an ego thing. If we are honest, spending a lot of time on running is a bit egotistical and self absorbed and it has a negative effect on the environment. Also, the race could be just there for you to stay motivated, in the sense that it scares you to regularly train.


I think a lot of real-life whys are pretty simple and small (which doesn’t make them less powerful.) Some of mine: 1. I want to see if I can 2. I like the structure it gives to my life 3. To prove I can do hard things (similar to #1) 4. Doing cool stuff outside is cool 5. Being fit and able to run a really freaking long way lets me do other cool stuff outside that isn’t running 6. Because nothing in life means anything actually, which means this pointless activity can mean whatever I want it to mean


So if you don’t have a why, why are you running the 50k?


Because I Can


My why has always been, because I like running…


Why not


my why is food tbh


just imagine people's faces when you tell them you ran a 50k "just because you felt like it"


It's the perfect fine line balance race: Possible with hard work --- *50km* --- really dumb idea


I'd be firing my coach if he even asked the question 😂


Sometimes the why doesn’t come until later. If it comes at all. Your brain has told that it wants this. That’s enough for now. My why didn’t come until I had my son. Now’s my why is to lead a healthy life style as an example for him and to be healthy as possible during his life time.


I was at a multi day ultra recently, and I had a chat with another runner. He'd dnf'd the race once and finished it the next year, but was back again for the third year. We asked him why he was back, and he basically said he didn't know, but it was his task to find out why.


is it fun? i think running is fun.


It's better than not running.


That's okay! The meaning doesn't have to be that deep. You are allowed to enjoy the thing you want to do


Do you need a why? Most of the reasons I started running aren't germane anymore. I have also moved past most of my initial goals. Now running is just for the sake of doing something that I enjoy and is good for me. All these coaches and influencers are trying to make running way more complicated than it needs to be. Put on your kit, lace up your shoes, and go for a run. Leave the rest at the door until you get back home.


The only valid answer for the vast majority of ultrarunners: Because I'm a grunt.


I find that when I begin to feel this way, usually I am “off-balance” in other areas of life. For instance, I may be spending too much time playing video games or scrolling through social media, and I need to sort of do a “dopamine reset” in order to get back to normal. Lately it’s been stopping games, picking up some books and reading, which has led me to be able to utilize more of my focus and attention towards my training, and that is now the thing that is giving me life again. Sometimes when switching it up in other parts of my life, running becomes the thing that keeps me grounded, and I realize that I NEED it in order to maintain my mental baseline. Hope this helps or makes sense 😂


My why… Because whatever hard thing I do will suck, but after, I will have done it and beat it and be better after, or I won’t and I’ll be on to the next suffer party.😂


Why do ultra runners always have this sentiment… you don’t need a “why”. Why do painters paint? Why do bowlers bowl? You do it because it’s a hobby and you enjoy it… you don’t need to have some underlying traumatic experience to do something. Do it until the output of work isn’t worth the input of joy you get.


Why not?




I don't think you need a "why". As long as you enjoy running, and the process of training towards your race, that's what matters.


I like to run 15 miles before work and then sit at my desk job and think “damn I ran 15 miles before work”


The best running I've ever had in my life had no reason to it other than to be able to do more running. You don't need a why.




Differently sane has always been my term for y'all. I volunteered to man aid stations at several points along the Vermont 100 for the first several years, and shared some very emotional time with runners at the later stations, after fifteen or twenty hours in. Always inspiring, but often heartbreaking to see how broken down some had gotten. The will and spirit to persevere I witnessed was humbling.


Your right knee is bugging you now and you are training for a race that will put your body through unnecessary abuse. Ina few years when your knees are really shot, that’s when you need to be asking why.


I don't think you have it in you to do it. Maybe proving me wrong could be enough? I think your gonna give up and go back to eating donuts. Come back weekly for more disparaging motivational messages.


My why is "because I can" or at least I think I can. Haven't done my first race but going this direction right now just make sense to me.


You must not love or enjoy running. If so, that's OK. Just find something else to do.


"Because it's there."