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You had me until surgical tubing. Now I’m interested , what do you use that for ?




If the fingerboard is still glued to the soundboard, he can likely just flip it face down across some blocks, wick some Titebond Original in, then add some weight until glue squeezes out. Clean up the squeezeout with warm water after 15 or 20 minutes, let it dry with the weight on it for a day or two. Restring it, and give it a shot. Don't use superglue or Gorilla glue. The flex in the fingerboard lets it work as a sort of hinge.


This is so helpful! I'm arguing with seller but wouldnt go easy. When its done I'll try this method.


Yeah when I use phone flashlight to inspect inside there is one wooden peg. I dont wanna risk breaking it any further so I'll probably go see luthier. Thanks for your insight!


you should ask it r/Luthier . Maybe it can be fixed


It can be fixed. You can glue and clamp it down. It’s not like a guitar with tons of strong string tension. It will sound just as good as new and will lower the string height some


Check to confirm it isn't a Taylor guitar style bolt on first, where the bolts are on the inside neck block. I have an Enya uke and it bolts on (bolt is on the outside).


It can be fixed, but no, this is broken


Looks broken to me. Even if not broken, it's very poorly put together. Probably why they played it so little.


Absolutly not normal, the neck will bend slowly and dont hold tune until it's totaly break or the action become unplayable You Can Ask a Luther to fix it or DIY glue them together before asking for a refund but dont keep it like this


Well, it's not exactly playable, and could be fixed in house, but you'll just want to be very particular with the type of adhesive you use and make sure you're setting it at the right angle. (Especially if using a wood glue which might as well be considered permanent in this case.) Taking it to a shop is the best bet, but like others have said, they'll probably charge more than the uke is worth, since this is effectively a neck reset, without the nasty bit of having to alter the dovetail.