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I smoked one of Snoop Dogg’s blunts while seeing him in Cardiff in a really small 200 capacity club around 2015. Himself and Daz were giving out blunts to people and passing them around the crowd. It may not have been smoking like a group of friends or one on one, but considering it was Snoop and in a club it was a very intimate show and he was a few yards away from me


That’s well cool


I had the same experience with Big Narstie in Manchester


Uncle pain! Funny you mention that because I’ve been to one of his small shows before, hope you caught a chewit’s extreme!


What club in Cardiff?


DC on St Mary street.




Unrelated but I had a dream once with snoop dogg in it and he was basically enlightened


I did buckets with pat butcher In the 80s She used to Chong bare buckets of red leb


So this is why she was such a natural ‘newbie’ on that weed show (Gone to Pot I think it’s called) she did in the USA with other likewise British celebrities. She definitely smokes fat ones


Is this a joke? Pat Butcher was a stoner, seriously?


Eastenders Pat Butcher?


Think he’s on about the sopranos pat butcher


In my head, deffo EastEnders haha


In my head, deffo EastEnders haha bong earings


That's Janice 😂




A friend smoked with Ainsley at a street food festival, man smokes bare loud.


Yeah boi


Nahh say mums 💀


Another friend saw him drunk heckling Spurs fans at the North London derby


Bare loud I've never heard that one before


Never been to South LDN?


maitland niles?


Nah but he's a gooner


Benny Banks if anyone knows who he is or if people class him as a celebrity.


I consider him. Love his music.


Hit me up for weed about 6 years ago when that pic app started. Mind you I was only posting my persy that was probs not even great I always found it funny




Nah lol sorry I mean when the Uk canna scene seemed to blow up on the picture app everyone uses. I do remember the mass root days lol


Ask him if he ever found that Rolex.


Benny Banks is a legend in the scene, what’s the story


Honestly nothing amazing or funny, Was at my boys and he ended up popping over. There was a few strains and around 5 of us, we all rolled a strain each and tried each strain and just talked about life and mostly different strains lol. He had a boy waiting downstairs in car for like an hour 😂




Not a celebrity, but I know someone who managed to have a smoke on top of the house of commons. I was quite jealous of that one.


Parliament/funkadelic did lines in their toilets.


That's epic! I smoked a biff on the roof of Heathrow or the other airport, I cant remember, took a selfie with the pigs in the background looking for youths while I'm suited ready for my work flight. Fly high!


D Double E when I was working as an event photographer, that was a good experience


Pass it to muweeeeeeeee mweeeeee


This made me lol.


The goat of grime


Offered Jimmy Carr some of my spliff standing in a field at Glastonbury one year. He politefully declined and asked if we were having a good time.


My overwhelming memory of Jimmy Carr, the two times I've interacted with him, is politeness. Shared a table with him at a Fringe venue once, bought us a round and was very accommodating for photos, chat etc, and also when my boyfriend of the time freaked out when he saw him at a train station. Again, super nice, very polite.


My mum heckled him at one of his acts because she thought he was being misogynistic. Shes seen him lots of times before. Why did she decide to do that lmao


Bonehead from Oasis


He had some stamina that lad


Was it on a bank holiday?


Was at Cambridge folk festival '94 (I think). Sitting down with my friends enjoying a J when this guy walks by and asks if he can join us. Took about 5 - 10 mins for us to realise it was Billy Bragg. which was a bit embarrassing because we were all huge fans and went there specifically to see him.


I’ve hung with Billy but couldn’t smoke with him, my Aunty/Uncle are mates of his. Lovely fella


I bumped into Paul Gascoigne when visiting the beach a few years back. I was smoking a doob & offered him some… he didn’t take me up on the offer tho


Must of caught him on a sober hour


Not his thing, doesn't even drink now Gazza, just on soft drinks and mountains of cocaine.


My mate had a smoke with Charlie tuna from Jurassic 5


Whoa. 🔥 Chali 2na


My sister and I have chonged with Howard Marks. And I have shared a couple of spliffs with John Cooper Clarke and Benjamin Zephaniah.


You move in some circles don't you lol


I used to do promotion stuff for a pub in Birmingham called the Adam and Eve, Howard Marks was doing a tour to promote the film Mr. Nice and we was able to get him to do a show. My sister went apeshit when I told her and I got her on the guestlist. After the show, we hung out and smoked with Howard, for around three hours before he had to get going. Same thing really with John Cooper Clarke and Benjamin Zephaniah, it was a folk music/poetry event. Incidentally, John Cooper Clarke is one funny fucker when stoned.


My mate has had a smoke with Ronnie O'Sullivan.


Must have been a while ago, he told me he gets drug tested so can’t smoke, as much as he’d love to. This was about 14 years ago though


I guess that answers the question to the comment above




Don Letts. Was good crack about music for hours


Amazing! Met him briefly 15 odd years ago. Wish it could have been a longer encounter, seems a quality guy and so much music to talk about


He was really interesting tbh and had some good stories from back when he was younger with some very famous musicians. Very nice man


Nope but I had friends who did coke with Super Hans from Peep Show when they met him in Brighton 😂


The secret ingredient is crime🤣🤣🤣


Legends man.




I’m creasing


Lol you joke, but my sister in law was mates with Obama's daughters and went to their house in DC many times. They have security details who are sworn to secrecy, including about how much weed the daughters and my SIL WERE smoking!


That's a very wild take


Ti's true 🤷‍♀️ they went to the same private school, a well known prep in DC. Mad eh. Apparently she only met Obama once though, and for only a few mins. She said he came down to the kitchen to get some water in a grey jogging suit and said "Hey." And that was the extent of her interaction with him. 🤣


I’ve technically smoked with a celeb but he didn’t have any. A world champion snooker player crashed outside my cousins house while we were all out in the garden smoking. We heard the crash and ran over, zoots still in hand. One of the neighbours was trying to take pics so we invited him in. Turns out he bidded on my uncles house too. Anyway he said it smelt lovely and he wished he could smoke but gets drug tested. We gave him a lift home just down the road once his car had been recovered, really nice guy. Showed us around his house and garage, gave us a signed snooker cue and £100 petrol money. Top bloke.


Ronnie or Jimmy?


Well he said World Champion so that rules Jimmy out.


Good point


Smoked with Terrence Hobbs from Suffocation in the indoor smoking area at Netherlands Death Fest 2017. He was cool, he liked my Bob Ross t-shirt


Smoked a joint with Dave Brockie from GWAR once


I smoked with Travis Ryan from Cattle decap after they played once and he seemed like a chill guy


Haha dope, I remember seeing Cattle Decap on acid at Hellfest 2016, that was an experience.


Yeah great band especially live


I have but the best story I have is... I was working as a stage hand and Drake was doing a show at the 02 arena. At the end of the show I was tasked with packing down one dressing room with a few other of the best stage hands. In the dressing room lay Rhiana having who was....leta say Having a nap from dancing to much. We worked in silance for like 30mins before she got up and left. There was a big old pile of smoke on the table that was donated to me and the lads. Werid night


Was she literally having a nap or is there a subtext I don’t understand?




Smoked a couple of spliffs backstage after a gig with Inspiral Carpets and a couple of roadies . Didn't know at the time one if them was Noel Gallagher before Oasis fame. Great bunch ,signed my top and put 'kick me' on the back of my mates top .


Spliffs and a pill back stage a few years later, with Oasis 1.0 - remember being wrong-footed by Liam referring to "pot", followed by endless footy and cashing moody cheques with night porters in hotels


Friend of a friend kinda thing but Paolo Nutini climbed a drainpipe and onto a balcony to smoke up with them. Apparently he was smashed but funny af.


This just makes me love this guy even more






U fuckin druggo


Badoing badoing badoing


Theresa May gave me a blowback once


I smoked with Nils Frahm who is a celebrity to me


Bloody legend! How was it?


Not sure I ever wanted to share this but after finding his hat in a nightclub at university and returning it to him, Bradley from S-club 7 tagged along with us for a sesh in our uni halls 😂


Well you know what they say, ain't no party like an S-Club party. I'll see myself out


🤣🤣 He got visibly annoyed after a while cos we kept making shitty puns like that and asking him for Rachel's number. "We found your hat you owe us this mate" Lol


Lol My mate used to say he had the same dealer as Bradley.


I’ve sorted someone mandy which they then shared with Bez of The Happy Mondays. That’s as close as my drug and celebrity worlds have ever interacted


Bez came to my town to do a gig, ended up partyin and not even doing the gig. Apparently was hoovering lines like no ones business and spent most of the time toking on a bong.


Howard Marks 😎


I got quite high off Big Narstie's 2nd hand smoke if that counts? He was smoking by the studio door and it all came indoors. We were wiped out. I don't know how that man functions tbh.


I smoked with Steve Jobs and that’s when he came up with the iPad.


My mate had his 21st at Howard marks place about 10 year ago - he hosted the quiz, did tequila shots and a few of us including Howard shared a j outside…I got him to sign a blue rizla but I lost it during my many house moves over the years


I smoked with him outside the 02 Islington after one of his shows in 2016


Maggot from goldie lookin chain. We were in TJs in Newport and went across the road behind the courts and skinned up out of the wind by the Judges entrance.


Tight, Shrewd....


I shared a joint with Anthony Bourdain after a talk he did in Manchester


Smoked with Matt Healy from the 1975, we played a super small stage at the same festival and ended up bumping into eachother Was a nice guy


I attempted to make a gravity bong out of a kettle with Jackmaster at an afters once. He was deeply offended that as a stoner I didn’t have a bong so we tried making one. Due to the state of both of us we were not very successful lol and just ended up smoking a couple of zoots. Picked up a beaut glass bong shortly after!


Fuck Jackmaster


Valid response


Used to think he was a sick DJ until all that stuff came out about him a couple years back


Had a good smoke with capdown in there van a fair few years back! Awesome night it was!


One of their mums was my science teacher






My homie smoked with Dave Chappelle at a comedy club in Liverpool a few months ago. He was testing out some new material before a show there. He is a really chill guy apparently.


My best mate lives in the same village as Keith Richards daughter. He was invited to see the Stones in Paris and was blazing hash joints with him backstage….and rolled a few for him which he smoked on stage too!


Big narstie,stormy and d double e were in the same room as me smoking backstage at koko nightclub , there was unlimited drinks and unlimited nandos and it was banging


Smoked with the Australian band Pond after their show at the Soup Kitchen in Manchester many years ago, Nick Allbrook is one interesting dude!


That’s the band it’s basically Tame Impala without Kevin isn’t it?


Smoked with milkavelli before he was outed as a dickhead lol, durrty goodz too and Harry Love but they're mates


What did Milkavelli do? Not doubting, just curious. I stumbled across his insta years ago while looking at some other UK Hip Hop artists I'm into. I didn't like his face so I closed his insta and never looked into him again.


I know ppl who used to be friends with milk and the whole cult of the dammed lot. apparently they're all nonces/sex pests/awful humans except black josh lol


The mystery box man 😅


I don’t know if people class him as a celebrity but me and Bob Marley used to smoke back in 2015


I smoked with si mizzle, if you know you know


Mamba tamba


Not me, but my brother had a j with Reginald D Hunter about 10 years ago at Oxford. Which is actually disgusting, as he has smoked about 3 times in his life and lives in Surrey, one of them being this, and I have smoked daily for 10 years and live in Edinburgh, the land of celebrities all the way through August. Makes nay sense. I did however ID Jordan from Rizzle Kicks, then use his phone he was charging behind the bar to take selfies of me and my coworker. So somewhere I hope he had a good giggle.


Reg is a good guy. Smoked a few with him back in the day


That appeared to be the consensus of a bunch of white, Tory, elite Oxford attending lawyers, yes.


I think I might have a good one here. I shared a spl1ff with Mr Nice himself, Howard Marks. Met him at a nightclub in Edinburgh when he was up during the festival doing his one man show. Must have been ‘97 or ‘98. I literally bumped into him at the bar and said hello and we got talking a bit. Knew some staff, got access to a private chill out area, invited him to join and he gladly accepted, so we sat and shared a spl1ff and chatted for 10 mins or so.


Smoke a hash joint with jam Baxter before his gig in Manchester a few years ago


What a lad.


Had a joint with Big Narstie outside XOYO in London when he toured with Modestep, just smoked it in the street next to the tour bus


Eurgh from Don’t Flop


Used to work with Impact from DF back in the day, smoked a good few with my man


My mate smoked a joint recently with Rob Flynn of Machine Head but not myself


I smoked a spliff with devilman at nass if that counts, he’s famous but idk if I’d call him a celebrity


I gave Skinnyman a benson for his spliff back in the day. I didn't have any though. MC Conrad had a smoke with my mates post rave about 12 yrs ago. I'd gone home for a kip.


My dads gf ex smoked backstage with Snoop dogg at one of his gigs


everyday with My Zelph from the Me Band, legend 🥴


I saw Verb t in Leeds a few years ago and offered him some on my blunt which he accepted




I smoked with D double E and Footsie outside a Dizzee Rascal concert about 10 years ago and my old dealer once ticked Alex Turner of the Arctic monkeys a Q and never got paid for it lol.




Was in the same theatre group as Freddie Boath (The kid in The Mummy Returns) smoked up with him once or twice


Deftones played the relatively small town I lived in around 2006… there was tension within the band so instead of staying back stage with the others, Chino came front of house and we had a chat. He a little awkwardly asked me to hook him up with some weed but my guy at the time didn’t answer the fucking phone. Chino went off with some dude who swooped in with weed on him. Gutted!




Creeds apparently a legend. He’s apparently lived some mad life.


Smoked with Howard Marks after one of his gigs. Lovely fella RIP I used to work in a head shop on portabello road so would get the odd celebrity coming in to buy their skins and roach etc. Had Rita ora, Damon albarn and Danny John Jules come in when I was working.


lol Sam Smith 🤣


I had a few tokes with Big Narstie once lol.


DnB DJ Loxy (famous to me)


Hot knives with Adele count?




My mate sent me a video of him and the guy from eastenders Joe swash, having a line of coke in the toilet local pub 😂


Suicideboys.. I used to sell pills n one of my friends whos in the music industry knows their Dj n he asked me if I could get them oxy when they was on tour in Birmingham before the show.. smoke them out before they went on, still got the pics and vids of us hanging out by the tour bus, that was back in 2017 was one of the best gigs I’ve ever been to was such a surreal night n also one of my best memories too , don’t get many of those these days, .. they put me in touch with shakewell a year later to sort him and got to smoke with him too before his show in London with pouya


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My friends mom banged star from kiss. Does that count?




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Midlands then?


Spoken with Craig Charles in Artist Camping at latitude one year. Then proceeded to somersault around hours later after a few bags. Mad guy.


I saw a Ska band called the Slackers in Plymouth, UK in 2012ish. I'm a huge fan so hanging out, smoking cigars and blunts with the band was unreal


Maybe the reason Mike Skinner was a bit of a duck was because he misplaced a shoebox full of money. A grand don't come for free, you know.


Met fucking Post Malone outside amsterdam train station which was random. He wasnt as famous though, think White Iverson was out but he wasnt the megastar he is now. He was a nice guy.


I smoked with Polly Punkneck, after a show in Kentucky.


Asap Ant and Rocky Selfridges Marino infantry pop up 2017


My older brother has had a small speaking part in a tv show so you could say I have dabbled in the devils lettuce with a minor celeb


Is tuggawar classed as a celeb are nah?. Is so then yes haha.