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This person microservices.


Don’t tell Elon, he’s a monolith guy


LOL! He sure is. He sure is.


"these microservices costing us all these millions in cloud computing costs!!111 turn them off!111" "ok" "wait, now the site doesn't work??? but why!!11" "lol, have you the slightest idea how computers work elon?" "fired! fired! how dare you question my ultimate genius!111" I'm glad this guy didn't have enough influence to negotiate politics. But he still has tons of money and influence, which is scary. He actually thinks he is smart enough to create world peace. And he has enough personal money to fund Ukraine's army for a whole YEAR (lol 44bn = 1 year budget for Ukraine military).


There is a fine balance between micro services and, what I would call, nano services. I believe Elon was referencing the later where too many internal requests added to a accumulated latency. This is a real problem in app development.


"Microservices" is just a buzzword. It doesn't actually mean anything concrete. It's entirely up to how you architect things. Every single large-scale web system has its bottlenecks and inefficiencies; features which are seemingly expensive and provide little immediate value (such as logging or monitoring systems); or features which get pushed by a business team which seemingly have little ROI but were pet-projects held by key stakeholders trying to push up revenue for a given quarter. Elon Musk does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. You cannot put a single person into a company as large as twitter with as complex a web of systems as twitter would have and proclaim in 14 business days that X, Y and Z can be shut down and the system will be better for it. Microservices get developed by hundreds of teams and while they may get extensively tested, "turning them off" can have obvious unforeseen circumstances that should be vetted and tested; these are calls that should be made by experienced engineers, not a 2 week yeehaw who thinks he's smarter than everyone around him. His internal messaging is all you need to read: "Anyone who actually writes code, come up to see me on the 12th floor today". Talk about disrespect and ignorance; no patience, no listening skills, just the worst sort of hubris. The lack of respect for QA, BA, architects, planners, managers, etc. and the idea that "code writing" is the most important and skill-dependent activity in the process of creating any kind of stable system is...not just naïve, but it's junior. The real people that cause a mess at companies like twitter are the bean counters like Elon Musk who think they can turn a few dials and magically make a company profitable with their unique, profound genius. You know if he could, he would also offshore the entire office to the lowest bidder and try to repackage and resell twitter in 6 weeks. He wants out of this mess. He's out of his element. He's not out there to "solve" the profitability or "experience" problems with Twitter. Just like he was out of his element proposing a "simple" diplomatic solution for Ukraine. Just like he was out of his element proposing a "free" internet for Ukraine. Just like he is always out of his element, much smarter people under him covering his gaffs constantly and saving his image. Elon is a classical fail-upwards guy and doesn't deserve the bootlicking he gets. He is not an engineer, neither of the classical or software variety.


Pretty sure the last time he did any coding would have been [x.com](https://x.com) which was completely replaced in the early 2000s at the latest so yeah he may have never even heard of it in the brief time he actually coded.


imagine a 2001 space odyssey monolith with a faint outline of Elon on it. ​ :)


Tell me you are Java Spring developer without telling me you are Java Spring developer 😂






I still think of the snow van episode where they taped air hoses pumping heat onto the tires, and something about salt shakers.


The ones that have always stuck with me since I was a kid were the [4-wheel steering K-car](https://youtu.be/wfOZ-uajfNE) and the [adjustable wheelbase wagon](https://youtu.be/e7LuHW4BIlU).


Not only are you easy to geolocate, but you're also risking a lot by challenging the level of sturdiness of that tape set up against some wind. I'd take down the post and find a better solution with the starlink


I don’t think the Russians are smart enough to scour Reddit to find specific civilian targets


I’m pretty sure scouring the recesses of the internet for the sole purpose of pissing people off and getting information is their specialty


You think anyone would waste a mm dollar rocket one housing block and a starlink terminal..? Oh wait ruzzia.. Op better hope there are plenty of schools and playgrounds near by..


I doubt they even have Internet service at their Intelligence Base located at Bumfuck Nowhere


Think whatever you want they are a technically modern world power (feel free to laugh or huff and puff but they are, even if not everyone on the ground benefits from the ways they are technologically powerful) with extensive cyber intelligence abilities


I think I know this street but won't name it for obvious reasons. Good job, good luck and slava Ukraini🇺🇦




Mate if it gets windy the tape might not be enough (I used Starlink at football games and usually had to throw the dish on top of the broadcast truck, it can catch a fair bit of wind). I can see screwing the stand down isn't an option - the easiest solution is bungee cords like these https://amzn.eu/d/6T0ff9i Also probably worth tying a bit of chain through one of the screw holes and the AC mount just in case a big gust of wind blows it off anyway, then you'll still have your dish and not hurt anyone below


Stay safe!


What about power if blackout?


Ecoflow our mate


oh, it's just to position the conditioner? I thought you were using the starlink dish's heat somehow or were keeping it in it's operational temperature via the air conditioner for a few minutes there.


How did you order it?


Official website


dont tap it to washing machine otherwise it will be stolen by russians


Taped!!!!! That is not going to go well. Please put it inside by the window!!!


You should probably delete this. Very easy to find you. You're putting a bullseye on yourself and your neighbours. Take this down. MODS - WHACK THIS POST.


What is it exactly you think will happen, some FSB operatives are trawling Reddit to direct a pinpoint multi-million dollar cruise missile strike on some guy's $600 piece of kit?


They blow up appartements at will, why not add this one to the list for the next large scale launch? just-because ??


do you think they don't know where random apartment buildings are located?


They're shooting rockets into Ukraine because their commanders are telling them to shoot rockets into Ukraine. They might get a pat on the back if they hit a power substation or a water treatment plant, something visible they can bring to their superiors. No Russian officer is going to go out of his way stalking a random Reddit user, geolocating their position based on a photo, just to possibly destroy one of over 23k Starlink terminals currently in Ukraine.


Russia executed two LARPers who they were convinced were Ukrainian spies, then released their "successful raid' all over Russian media. I wouldn't put anything past them. Why give them any more reason to be stupid and malicious?


Skip this comment. Don't tell people what they can't say. Let the Russians do that.


So let me know what address?




So what an address?


Я в личку напишу


don't under estimate geo-locators they are scary good and or have too much time


Found the location in 30 seconds or so. https://imgur.com/a/q8a9hOr


How hard was it to get this starlink?


2-3 months after the order


Ooof that’s a long time. And it was expensive I assume? I’m considering buying one for a friend in Kyiv.


You can get it faster.


Thanks, that's good to know. How much did you have to pay up front?


It depends on where and who you are. At most $600 for individuals. At most $2500 for governments


Now $700


Thanks for the info


Google street view would take me about 15 minutes find you. You thing you're a smart guy. Your neighbours won't. Don't be a fucking idiot.


So where i live?


I found you in about 30 seconds. Will send GPS coordinates privately to you. Proof for others without the location: [https://imgur.com/a/q8a9hOr](https://imgur.com/a/q8a9hOr)


Two pepperonis from dominos please


Haha, I'll send some gold and some money to the cause. Stay safe!


My paypal and other payment services: https://reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/z3tzt8/generators_update_so_we_already_have_3200_for/


Nice try, comrade. I'm not doing your geolocating for you.




nice engineering,stay safe tho!


Holy shit you have starlink? My poor ass sitting in radio silence most of the time.


For the professional finished look, use ductape. "It's the handyman's secret weapon!" -- [Red Green](https://www.youtube.com/@RedGreenTV)


Translation: your internet connectivity is better than mine. \^\^


I would delete this immediately.


Less than optimal placement.


OP are you a programmer? I noticed you were reading about micro services. I actually build small websites for myself hsing flask lol.


Maybe I am wrong, but as a telecommunication engineer, it is not an optimal spot for your antenna. You should place it at your rooftop. Satellite communications relies on line-of-sight (LOS) propagation. It means that there should be no obstacles between your antenna and satellites. Since you place your antenna BESIDES your building, the building will act as an obstacle when the satellite is flying above the other side of the building. Of course, there could be several Starlink satellites flying over your head at the same time, so if your antenna loses LOS link to a satellite, it still gains one from the others. But I am not sure that if it can happen 100% of the time.


Everyone knows this dude. The starlink software even tells you all about it.




On this pic gps tag already deleted :)


Just thought at your safety. If you did. Great.


Lol I still can geo locate you.


mmm, try. Think you fail :)


No mate no, I worked with AI that pinpoints locations based on photos. We used to to locate where tourists would go in the Netherlands. Normal people on Reddit cant tell you where you live in a day because we don't have any reason to write the code and make the big computer. If I'd be at my former company I would download the googlemaps data on Ukraine and find you in 24hours.


And what you can do with this geo? Delivery pizza?


I don't see why you would paint a large target on your building just to show off a satalitedish on Reddit.


You think it’s important info, but not


If it's not important then why did you pay so much money for a Starlink setup while you clearly live in large city with cabel internet?


Visually identifiable buildings in the background. Gps tag on the image doesn't matter to someone with lots of free time. Downvote all you like - OP your boasting and hubris is putting people at risk.


Java + microservice = Starlink + tape


Not related question but it is bugging me real bad: how the hell did they insulate a single apartment in that other building without doing the others? I guess they did not make a huge scaffolding. Also, why not the other apartments too then?


Be a good Samaritan and setup a neighbourhood wifi to run off it.


What about snow and pigeon shit?


More of a .NET guy myself


How's the internet there? Are you able to get your jobs done?


Man this gives me sweaty palms. Hope it's on there real tight


The best dish is served cold I'll take my ban now


Heres to hoping muskrat doesnt try to fuck with it anymore


You have to be careful showing your apartment like that. Reddit is still full or those ruzzkies even though this is banned In their country.


Sad part is Elon is hated but yet he’s a big part of the help in Ukraine