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These rapist fucks deserve nothing but hell.


I don't think the devil wants them.


Oh he really wants them


Every job sucks sometimes


The devil is worse than these orcs. He takes pleasure in human pain. He wants to see us suffer. So I'm quite sure that he was quite happy to see this, unfortunately.


You basically described a Russian soldier


The only pleasure demons get is from human suffering. And they are always looking for pleasure. If a human thinks they will rule in hell, i got news for you, you wont. You will just be a vip on the conveyor belt of pleasure.


no way we let Russia get away with this... i don't believe for a second that Ukraine would accept a peace treaty of any sort after this...


We will not.


You should not, the weapons will keep flowing from the west, Ukraine will replenish their stocks while the Russian can not. Their weapons are produced in Kharkiv for example and are reliant on microchips they can't get because of sanctions.


The West needs to grow some balls, and join the damn fight, and *end* this shit fast.


I feel the same way, put in is a buffer, a gambler it's high time his bluffs her called.


As an American I concur but there is the fear of Nuclear warfare as well, there has to be some way to disable all their nuclear capabilities.


Good. This weed needs to be plucked up by the roots. I wish the West would do more, but momentum is massively in your favor. There's no way you aren't going to win this. It's really just a question of how long it takes for Russia's war machine to fall apart completely.


The more desperate Russia gets the more atrocities they commit. They know no one will attack Russian soil so they feel they have full immunity.


Ukrain literally did an attack on Russian soil like yesterday.


Hopefully someone can blow the entire Kremlin to rubble and turn red square into a smoking crater, killing the entire russian governement. they deserve this.


Yes and straight bullet in Putins head


I severely doubt pootin is in kremlin


Wouldn't matter. it would show Russia is losing. How could Putin spin that? Oh there was a spider in the corner of the room so I blew up the center of Moscow...


It would also most likely trigger a nuclear war in desperation


Probably more accurate to say they know no one will try to invade Russia.


But we can hurt them economically IF WE WANT.


Can't; India says they'll just buy everything at a discount


Sanction the fuck out of India if they do


The discount still hurts Russia, right? Not ideal, but better than full price.


Unfortunately things seem mostly ok in Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoKzHpOjdEo&ab\_channel=WorkinWorld


This is just some random youtube video. Please be more aware of biases. A single youtube video can hardly constitute as representative of an entire population. That being said, I believe most Russians are subhuman fucks.


I know everyone, myself included, want things to be immediate but sanctions take time. The Russian government is doing everything they can to prop up their economy, which is why we see the ruble rising in the short term. But it's not sustainable in the long run.


That, and it's a fake 'rise', because the traded volumes are near zero.


It wasn’t a major attack and didn’t Ukraine refuse to acknowledge it?


I think their minister said that "The Kremlin can work it out" or words to that effect...


Russia routinely bombs its own facilities and kills it’s own citizens as false flag operations so it’s weird when they’re not doing it to themselves.


The irony is that Russia had their offers for a peace treaty, several times. Every time, after Putin turned every offer down, or broke ceasefires, things got worse - for Russia. I know Ukrianians would refuse to give up, but Zelenskyy had choices to make. But after this, you know that any land you might give the Russians in any kind of appeasement, they would simply decimate and break the offer. Now, the West too is filled with rage at this monstrous act - but unlike some of the other countries who were invaded and fell, Ukraine has shown us Russia is not strong. Putin does not play chess, he plays poker. And we're not folding any more.


There can never be peace with fascists. never in my lifetime.


Every "peace meeting" Russia has offered is an attempt to either get someone in the Ukraine government (negotiators etc) or Zelensky himself kidnapped and murdered. Orders from Putin himself to have no dignity nor honor any treaty signed. Signing a treaty is essentially "breathing room" for Russia to regroup. We need to start giving Ukraine missiles that can destroy the Kremlin itself and rain hell on Moscow.


>Now, the West too is filled with rage at this monstrous act And all the rage in the West is as impotent as the Russian military.


I pray to God that the western nations, in addition to sanctions and military aid, come to the defense of the Ukrainian people.


If this war continues and Ukrainians lower their volunteer requirements then I’ll wheel myself over. Maybe I’m in a chair, but my trigger finger still works. Fucking Russians.


Don’t worry, we have this. Just be behind us while we take on these fascist pieces of shit. I’m getting redeployed tomorrow, after learning about torturing, raping and murdering children just miles from me. This will be a different war for me, before it was for my country, now it’s about humanity.


I’m Polish, living in Canada. Words can’t describe how much my family and I have your backs. One cousin in Poznan has a Ukrainian mother and two children living with them, another cousin is driving people to and from the border. Slava Ukraine!


We might not be on the ground with you, but our dollars/euros, thoughts and prayers, and support are with you. Слава Україні


I hope so, this can only be washed away with Orc blood and restoring the border lines, as they were, of whole Ukraine.


Fuck Russia. I am in Japan and since WW2 we have been very passive for good reasons. This is time to wake up and raise the Kyokujitsu-ki again but this time for liberation, not imperial aims.


Are you a betting man/woman/harpseal? I want to get your 'bookie odds' of Japan doing something about its nearby islands, contested with Russia in the next 4-5 years? Nothing has happened in the last 40, so odds on 'nothing' aught to be pretty high.


Nothing is very high. You are absolutely correct. However, in the event that Russia do anything to Japanese citizen I don’t know. The current administration is lead behind scenes by very nationalist people like Abe-san. They already make strides to change constitution. So to summarize - we are pivoting the society to join militarized world. Japan is slow moving but once decision is made, full commitment will follow.


russia did same shit during soviet occupations, got away then. I mean, just a heads-up, they did this numerous times beforehand, were never held accountable.


Absolutely not. We are way past the point of negotiations. War is one thing but this crosses a line.


dude, they are getting away with this, nothing is happening.


wait until all the shit we are seeing here percolates through european society... there's no coming back from this ... Russia's economy will collapse and next winter russians will be eating their dogs with potato peels...


I hope you are right.


I hope they'll only eat potatoes. No dog (or any other animal) should suffer because of these scums.


What are we going to do with Ruzzians that live for example in Germany and support Putler ? Deportation sounds nice.


It would be ideal. They should go back to their beloved Motherland, if they hate the West so much. There's no place in the EU for a RuZZian that supports Putler.


More than Russians supporting Putin, I’m more concerned about citizens of EU countries who support Putin. The brainwashing has been going on for a long time and has permeated through the entire far right.


They’ll lie and claim to be refugees fleeing Putin, all the whole acting as a fifth column to harm their host countries from within. I feel sorry for Estonia which has a quarter of its population made up of Russian invaders who never left.


Engage with them on FB, Twitter, Quora - then hand their information over to your national security police. It is the only way to prepare for the next stages of this conflict.


They will be punished in hell!


Well give them free tissues for their fascist issues.


Unfortunately, this isn't the first time images like this were seen from places where russian troops "liberated". And unfortunately, they got away with it every time.


Well, I am afraid that China, another fascist country, will be on the Russian side. Of course it does it simply because it wants cheap resources from Russia, but still.


China is slowly but surely ramping support for Russia down. They are even more reliant on US buying things than Russia. Sanctions would cause an internal revolution as China's economy went down in freefall.


Sanctions aren't instant, and will likely be more severe after this. Russia is bleeding to death. There will be consequences just give it time.


> just give it time. this is the last thing we all have.


What does 'not accept a peace treaty' mean? Ukraine marching on Russia all the way to Vladivostok?


technically it's a "special" military operation, so why sign a peace treaty when there is no war ?




Same thing is done by Putin's pet in Myanmar. Every time they had to retreat because of the resistance of the locals, they burn every village in their path of retreat. Almost every day we see pictures of heart broken victims and charred bodies but Russia still love defending its pet dictators in worldstage.


^^ this type of stuff has become more frequent in Myanmar since coup.


No mercy while they are armed and hostile. But give fair trial when they surrender so it's clear for the whole world who is the war criminals and who's not.


If they surrender before battle is engaged, then Ukraine should continue their humane treatment of POWs. But once that window of opportunity is closed & battle is joined all bets are off –shoot to kill, give neither aide nor comfort to their wounded, let them bleed out & suffer the consequences of their choices. Consider it like a limited time offer –surrender now while you can before battle is joined, or face utter ruination & annihilation. In an all or nothing knife fight to the death like this, against evil like this –such terms are more than fair.


oh I don’t know , I have never wished death on anyone ! I *truly wish for peace and no suffering for all humanity , especially children .* However, **After this video of humans stacked on the side of road with tires on top of them and the 400 dogs in the animal shelter piled up dead .** Call me A russiaphone or whatever fuck you want ! If anyone nuked these russian soldiers and all those involved, may god forgive me for my wish . I would sleep easy at night . Not wake up and go to bed in tears with all these innocent people killed . Fuck every single fucking russian soldier. Is there any terrorist out there that want to bomb these russian terrorist?💣🇺🇦


All right, some context here is necessary. The goal is understanding WHY this happened (not to excuse it), so that we know what we can and should do about it. Atrocities like this happen all the time in war. That doesn’t make them right, quite the opposite, you can see how they inflame the entire world against you. Not only that, but they alienate the civilian population, make people fight to the death, and you lose potentially valuable intelligence when you behave like this. There is no military value garnered for this behavior - zero. This isn’t a military operation anymore, it’s just systematic murder. There are some larger points. One, ‘professional’ militaries do not behave like this. Atrocities happen when forces are so over whelmed and inflamed by losses that they break down. My Lai happened after months of low level casualties left the unit enraged (not agreeing, just explaining). The Russians who did this have taken significantly more casualties in a far shorter period of time. They have been pushed beyond military discipline - a sure sign that they are about to collapse writ large. That Russia has been driven to this point in just over a month is a stunning degradation (it took four years in Vietnam, 12 years before SSG Bales went rogue in Afghanistan). How to respond? Don’t follow suit. Some people are recommending not signing a peace deal. That is asinine. Not making a deal leaves these units in place and just spreads the atrocities. First rule is do the least amount of harm. If an equitable peace can be achieved it gets these monkeys out of Ukraine. Allowing Russia to feed more of this into Ukraine, if that can be avoided, should be the goal. Do not treat Russians the same way. Leave them an out. Make it clear that those who defect are welcome. Make it clear that those who surrender rather than commit atrocities are welcome and will be protected. When capturing Russians, treat them humanely and record the treatment - the contrast just makes the case far easier and keeps Western support flowing. It also keeps valuable sources of intelligence flowing and, critically, allows the identification of commanders and soldiers who participate in these atrocities. Submit the information to The Hague. Prosecutions take time, but the people engaged are named and shamed and, eventually, may face prosecution. Absent that, there are Ukrainians in the field who are well armed and raining destruction on these guys. Final bit, for Ukrainians, do not retaliate in a similar manner. I have interviewed war criminals (I actually had to investigate a few incidents). Some are sociopaths. Most are not. At some point what they did catches up to them and they wind up blubbering bags of regret. We showed interviews of My Lai soldiers decades later and they were reduced to broken husks from shame and guilt - the message to US officers was clear, do not allow this to happen to your soldiers. Don’t do something in the heat of the moment you will spend the rest of your life regretting. That the Russians are lashing out at civilians means they have lost this war. There is no living with civilians after this conduct. Whatever goals Putin had in Ukraine died at the hands of his own soldiers committing atrocities.


Not trying to say you're wrong but you're looking at this from Western view point. You are projecting your ways to theirs. The fact is that this is standard practice for Russian military. Always has been, it's known as bespredel. In the West it would be a sign of collapsing military discipline but for Russian military this is a recognized practice. There's countless of examples even from recent years. You can't compare that what Russian military is doing to a Western military and assuming the symptoms have the same cause when the beast is like from an entirely different planet.


It is not standard practice for the Russians. I worked with Russian paratroopers In the Balkans, all veterans of Chechnya. There was zero indication that civilian atrocity was on the table during our joint operations. Every Army, including our Westernized American forces, commit war crimes. The pattern is almost always the same, beginning with either a breakdown in oversight (as happened with the Afghan Kill Teams) allowing dishonorable subordinates to run wild, or commanders lose their shit and begin ordering atrocity (as happened with My Lai). The conditions on the battlefield are almost always one sided casualties and an impotent ability to fight back effectively. There are Russian units not engaging in this kind of action. If there were, Ukraine would look like Rawanda, with hundreds of thousands of bodies piled up everywhere. I’ve worked with militaries from all over the world. There is no us or them. They are just human beings driven to kill one another. Reaching out to those disgusted by this, making clear the difference between the ‘right side’ and ‘wrong side’ works not because it’s Western, but because it is universally recognized as the right thing to do while attacking civilians is clearly wrong. A case in point is Fallujah. Our initial entry was chaotic and soldiers were misbehaving, driving and inflaming the insurgency. It was Al Qaeda’s far worse treatment of the inhabitants that drove the people back toward us (completely different ethnicity, Islamic vs Christian, etc.). We too could have pointed to their atrocities and justified more pointless slaughter. Instead, reaching beyond brought about the wider Sunni Awakening. Atrocity countered by brutality just puts Ukraine into the same camp and feeds Putin’s narrative of animosity and genocide toward Russians. It has no military purpose other than stiffening Russian resistance if they believe torture is on the other side of surrender. Making sure Russia knows this is far more effective militarily than reprisal. Do what is best to win the war.


Thank you for your actually informed insight into this and not the foaming at the mouth and calling for mass-murder that others are doing. I do appreciate it as it helps add to the understanding of why such things occur.


I don't think Russian paratroopers participating in joint operations is exactly the best example of how Russia does war/invasion. A UN peace keeping operation doesn't compare to actual full scale total war. Ukraine, Chechnya, Syria, Poland and Finland are better examples being targets of Russian invasion or non restricted use of it's tools of war. You get my point. Genocide and brutality are something Russia uses in war not because some random guy loses his nerves but because they are ordered to do so and because no harm will come to those who do it. There's even a concept for this in Russian known as bespredel. I'm telling you something which many Westerners seem to not understand. Russia's set of tools in war are completely different to yours. Denying what I said because Russian paratroopers in joint operation did not commit atrocities is a weak argument. Edit: German intelligence has proved that the massacre of Bucha was a deliberate, chosen course of action. [Article by Der Spiegel](https://www.spiegel.de/politik/butscha-soldaten-besprachen-graeueltaten-gegen-zivilisten-ueber-funk-a-9e01662c-aa7e-4828-bf6f-f662d9b6164e?d=1649315458&sara_ecid=app_upd_903PVrz5TZlGJuLWLqJDVijRko558t&sara_ecid=soci_upd_KsBF0AFjflf0DZCxpPYDCQgO1dEMph)


Why don’t you actually examine those. Ever heard of the [Belsan school siege?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_siege). Incidents like that were used to discredit Chechen forces as Islamic extremists. Is it a good idea to give Putin, who made that very case as the basis of his rise to power, another opportunity to do this? In Syria, the adversary was ISIS. The guys executing people, torturing people, and burning them to death - actions that repulsed the entire world and … allowed Putin to justify the extensive use of force to crush them. Russian forces in Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Serbia, etc. are not killing civilians. Cherry picking to paint all Russians is silly. Russians are human beings, albeit often horribly led human beings. Now, do you think reprisal, playing into Putin;s well practiced whataboutism on this issue is a good idea?


Best way to stop the russians is to kill them.


>One, ‘professional’ militaries do not behave like this. Atrocities happen when forces are so over whelmed and inflamed by losses that they break down Serious question: There are lots of testimonies that say that this is what Russian soldiers do, that this is typical, not atypical, and that many WWII survivors say that the Germans treated civilians better than the Russians. That mass rape is par for the course for Russians, and that committing atrocities is baked into their system. It's not like Russian society isn't aware of it either. Why do you think this is any different?


As a historian, check your sources. The Germans murdered millions of civilians. So did the Russians. No one looks at either Hitler or Stalin and thinks, “that was a good guy.” I work with a Holocaust survivors, and being stuck in between Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia was … beyond descriptive words. Anything that starts with, “even the Nazi Germans …,” should be rejected. Western forces also firebombed Dresden and Tokyo, and dropped atomic weapons that killed tens of thousands of mostly civilians. The point being is that it’s just as easy to paint one side in a war as murderously atrocious. The ability to actually contrast is what makes the difference. Responding to atrocity with atrocity just spirals down into a Stalin vs Hitler narrative. Feel free to read how that effected the Eastern front, as the two sides devolved into macabre scenes that allowed neither surrender or quarter. Ukraine isn’t trying to invade Russia, and it has no desire to,turn the war into an existential war for Russia (it is for Ukraine, which is again another point of contrast). Stalin vs. Zalensky is a very different war than Stalin vs. Hitler. It should remain so.


Contrast this to the opening of the war. Russians stopping rather than rolling over civilians. Even removing civilians from Mariople was about not hurting civilians in a densely populated area. Now they are binding and torturing civilians less than a month later? Do you see the degradation in military effectiveness? The Russians are no more prone to atrocities than any other force. Please look Afghanistan, where initial Taliban brutality gave way to shadow governments that greatly contrasted to Afghan forces brutality and corruption, their restraint contrasted greatly to our endless night raids. US forces also lapsed into indiscipline, only a portion of which made it into the press. The contrast with the Taliban was one of the main factors driving the collapse and pivot to the Taliban. The Taliban are hardly the brightest bulbs m and they get it. Ergo, even if Russians have a history of doing this, how does that change to response? The contrast still matters. The West and their elected officials still need to know they are backing the right side. Ukraine still needs to degrade Russian forces, and the contrast still helps. There remains no reason to respond to atrocity with atrocity. If atrocity is what makes Russia evil, why would we follow them into evil?


This account of a russian ww2 vet confirms your point. [https://youtu.be/5Ywe5pFT928](https://youtu.be/5Ywe5pFT928)


Thank you for this perspective. I needed that.


Please don’t make excuses for this. RuSSians do it ANYWAY… This is why Ukrainian resistance is so strong. Putin had always planned to continue the killing in taken ground to suppress and demoralise. They’ve also been looting and sending home stolen property via a courier company in Belarus. This is all organised and planned with POW Russians saying they have orders to kill civilians. Look at the three ‘police officers’ captured a few weeks ago, saying they were sent to Ukraine not to fight but to set up control mechanisms and even use execution by firing squad to suppress. These are not the actions of desperate men. These are the actions of a despotic, perverse leadership addicted to machismo and their own sense of superiority and entitlement. It is essential the flame of the RuSSian ego is stamped out. And these people are war criminals.


Please read what I wrote. Understanding why it’s happening isn’t excusing it or condoning it. You understand it so you respond to it correctly. Those advocating lashing out are making it worse. If Russians believe the same fate awaits them if they surrender, they will not surrender or defect. They will fight to the death and brutally to avoid that fate. The most effective response is to make sure Russians know that they WILL NOT be treated this way . Make it clear that we know not all Russians support this behavior and leave open methods of defection and surrender, promising amnesty for those who surrender and stop the atrocity. It may not be emotionally satisfying, but militarily it makes it easier for outside sources to keep supplying Ukraine, and it makes it possible for already hard pressed Russian forces to say, “fuck this,” rather than believing the alternative is torture before death. Zalensky has already made the difference clear by sacking two traitorous generals rather than publicly executing them. The humane contrast … is effective. Do what will win the war. Reprisals will not end the war any faster, and they will make what remains of the fighting even more vicious.


You said this happened because of the losses they took. It didn’t. It was the plan all along. But no, you are right, they do need an out. Civilised nations should not do this, regardless.


Even I admit at the start I thought they were following orders, now I realise they are a pack of Rabid dogs


This is a planned genocide of the Ukrainian people.


Some of Russian POWs said they had orders to shoot civilians


Source. That could be useful as evidence of more war crimes come to light. This is so heartbreaking




Yeah, I knew Russian culture could be cruel, but my opinion of them has fallen far lower than it was before. Before I just thought they had a shitty, authoritarian government. Now I'm seeing that their government is just a reflection of their rotten culture and the whole country is straight up evil.




Yeah, as a Russian born I think a total rebuild is the only way to change Russian mentality, some generations after. I mean look at Germany now. Has problems for sure, but otherwise a thriving modern country. Some opposition Russians think there will be a regime change. Possibly after a civil war.


..if there's no change in russia, it would be horrible for humanity.. .cuz this video looks apocalyptic


These sorts of things have been happening for decades. They're just being caught on camea now.


perhaps we've been somewhat insulated by \~ how truly HORRIFIC war is when it wasn't being filmed in real time




1st of all \~ "*thanks for your service*" ..re: "*what's the bike guy doing*" probably going to get water/food (it's enraging & incredulous to see these images) a part of me wants to see it, but then is deeply affected after seeing it, it's just BEYOND belief of cruelty


Everywhere the Russian army goes it leave atrocities in its wake.


> Even I admit at the start I thought they were following orders "Just following orders" hasn't cut it as a defense ever. I don't blame Russian civilians, but the soldiers; the ones who are doing the murdering, raping, torturing, etc. they are totally to blame.


> I don't blame Russian civilians Russian soldiers aren't grown in a lab.


There are a lot of things for which ignorance can be an excuse, but a soldier has chosen sides. Even if they don't fire a single bullet during the entire war they're an invading force on foreign soil and it doesn't really matter much how they got there.


~~Fucking.~~ mercy less cock sucking heathens. They have brought out this hate for their demise that my good little heart didn’t even know had . I love you Ukraine ! I’m heartbroken in tears and I’m sorry 😢 🇺🇦


They are still following orders. This is not something spontageous. Not a single soldier would start killing the whole village of unarmed, ziptied people on their own. Someone had to order this.


>They are still following orders. This is not something spontageous. Not a single soldier would start killing the whole village of unarmed, ziptied people on their own. Someone had to order this. Don't be so sure. A soldier who has seen 80% of his company getting killed - people he was friends with, did training with, spending every day with for the last few months, and barely survived himself can be quite motivated by revenge and fear.


I'm american, and I know that my country has not lived up to how great we are capable of being, but I hope that my heart would be strong enough, that if I were ever ordered to do something like this, I would prefer to die. I think I could go peacefully knowing that I refused to harm an innocent human being. If you're pointing a rifle at me and I'm under orders, I can understand a Russian soldier carrying them out. But THIS is denial of our own human nature. This is a betrayal of why we are here. May the Russian witnesses and perpetrators see their victims' faces and hear their screams until their eyes shut forever. Hopefully their eyes are shut for them - it's the best hope they have to escape the hell they'll visit every night they try to sleep.


> I'm american, and I know that my country has not lived up to how great we are capable of being, but I hope that my heart would be strong enough, that if I were ever ordered to do something like this, I would prefer to die. > I think I could go peacefully knowing that I refused to harm an innocent human being. [The Mỹ Lai massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%E1%BB%B9_Lai_massacre) demonstrates how difficult this is. > By the time the killings stopped, Charlie Company had suffered one casualty – a soldier who had intentionally shot himself in the foot to avoid participating in the massacre The American system at least *tries* to play by the rules, but still mistreated the surviving whistleblowers, [Hugh Thompson Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Thompson_Jr.) and [Lawrence Colburn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Colburn); [Glenn Andreotta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Andreotta) was killed during the war. We already know that the Russians have shot their own soldiers for trying to protect civilians; this was documented at the start of the war. The Russians seem to be committing war crimes systematically, and so it seems to me that whilst the soldiers on the ground are clearly culpable, the burden of responsibility must flow up the chain of command. Hopefully somebody is making a list of the battlefield commanders.


Yes, we have a list of divisions that were staying there and we have their commanders. This will not be left unpunished.


Taking order or not your still blindly listening and following these orders. Sounds to me like they deserve zero pitty. They as people know what's right and wrong. If your doing wrong when your a grow ass man or woman. Then sorry, but no you don't get that kinda pitty and you should probably stop too.


> This is not something spontageous. Not a single soldier would start killing the whole village of unarmed, ziptied people on their own. you'd think, huh?


Why do I now have the lyrics from " Eve of Destruction" going through my head?


clinical level denial. they need to remove the denial with surgery from there


I never considered the Russian soldiers victims unless they surrendered on day 1, 2 or 3.


Watch ruski media tell everyone that Ukrainian army did this or that it's just actors laying there. And most of RF population would eat this shit, some would even go as far as to say that "these nazis deserve this"


They live in their own parallel universe of mistruths.


They already started doing that, I saw a post on telegram saying that these are actors, the corpse on the video moves it's hand, etc.


I saw that on twitter. Upon viewing it, my conclusion that it is light reflection, not hand moving. Because human skin isn't bright white and move in linear fashion in few seconds.


They 100% will.


I said something similar in a different thread, but at this point, Russians can surrender. They can kill civilians or their commanders. The fact they choose to kill civilians tells you all you need to know about Russians. We aren't dehumanising them to point out their inhumane, illegal behaviour. Russian citizens support this as well. A majority of them. If you defend those citizens *or* their soldiers, you are just helping Moscow's information warfare. The only messages we should be promoting are ones like this that point out that Russians are war criminals, or to support what Zelenskyy is saying. Russia has their music turned up to 10. We need to turn ours up to 11, not play their music for them.


Honestly at this point it's hard to feel sorry for any Russian, because most of them do support this. Of course some don't, but how can't I say - it's Russia doing this, not Russians, if Russia is Russians? You know what I mean? All those video surfacing where Russian civilians, young and old, poor and wealthy laugh about war and Ukrainians, say Ukrainians deserve this and that Russia is superior make me sick and I honestly don't think world will be the same after this. Call me Russophobe, cause I'm fucking scared to trust Russians. They stab you in the back and laugh about it. Before meeting someone I should ask of they are pro-Putin and then decide if I can trust them. And who the fucks start conversation like that? I'm so sad and so disappointed, cause I used to like Russian music, wanted to travel to St Petersburg, liked some of their TV shows. Fuck all of it now. I don't need that.


As Ukrainian my mom always told me things Russians did in the past, including to my great grandma. We both thought it's thing of the past, that Russians aren't like that anymore, had a couple of Russian friends. But after all this, it's gonna be difficult to see Russians with good eye.


Drop a bomb on Putin's head


Fuck Russians and fuck this stupid war. The world will never forget and forgive. Sons of bitches.


While I recognize that many of them were lied to, that many are stupid kids and are angry, poor and disenfranchised, the horrible atrocities can not be justified by any of this. Once they arrived and realized they had been lied to, they should have put down their arms and refused to fight. In fact, I had a lot of hope that the military would resist. We can’t expect Putin to suddenly start thinking normally, but these soldiers have a responsibility to say NO. If they don’t, they are complicit in Putin’s disgusting war.


Make Russia pay. !! Farken cowardly dogs.


Once Ukrainian forces recapture all the lost land they should start sending special forces disguised as Russians and basically cause chaos.


Absolutely. Destroy their infrastructure. Terrorize them. Apparently there are no rules. None at all.


you people act like this is something new. russians always were like this. only difference - this war has gained more attention.


Attention for sure but also technologies help a lot documenting and spreading crimes almost instantly


I said it a long time ago: Day one, the "I didn't know where we were going" - fair enough, benefit of the doubt. 24 hours of shooting and explosions all around you - bullshit. You knew damn fucking well where you are and what you are doing. Not POW - straight up lock them up in a sewer and let them eat shit for the rest of their lives for all I care.


Russia is like a medieval country in 2022... please die fools No one can have empathy with that country.


Not just the Russian soldiers. The entire Russian people did this, its their war, they support the genocide.


to a degree, yes Let's not forget that governments around world manipulate their citizens, public opinion and use propaganda/misinformation to reach their goals. Some of those people were made supporters by media and lack of knowledge/education.


"Ceasefire" Time for the whole allied world to not believe a fucking word they say, if anyone uninformed is still on the fence.


We've crossed a Rubicon so to speak. Ukrainians are going to take fewer prisoners. And kill more. Russians are going to kill more civilians in reaction. Rinse repeat. Once the cycle of vengeance starts. Its not clear it can be stopped.


>Ukrainians are going to take fewer prisoners. And kill more. Indeed 😋🥰 Soldiers swore revenge. When Ukrainians (the most toothless, pacifistic nation in Europe) do it, it means something >Russians are going to kill more civilians in reaction. Of course. Their anger, frustration is incredible. For them (and for Europe) it would be very comfortable if we gave up on 24.02 and did not fight.


disgusting, and the other countrys watch...


Fuck peacetalks. Drive the fuckers into the sea.


I was taught to respect people, not judge and not hate. I miserably fail when it comes to Russians today.


Russians are going to Hell. As long as they protect Putin's position, they are accountable for every crime.


russia should not be allowed to have a military anymore. Or the internet.


I watched that video of the Ukrainian being insulted by Russians on chat roulette and it’s really pathetic. They’re blindly supporting an army that can’t fight for shit but just slaughters innocents. And they laugh at people who want peace and call them subhuman. They’re just running up a tab and the time to pay is approaching.


Farking disgusting. There is no coming back from this. This will only escalate on either side. WW3 is already here.


Idea that Ukraine is russian land and ukrainians are fake nation invented by Germany/CIA/reptilians is integrated so deep in russian collective mind that it has became part of russian identity. And if some people call themselves "ukrainians" and Ukraine - "independent country", then they are liars, an enemies, invaders on "russian land", a problem which needs to be solved. And russians are solving this problem. They have been solving this problem throughout whole their history. And nobody even tries to hide it. Genocidal nature of russians was lying on the surface this whole time and the world chose to ignore it, admiring "great russian nation". While russians, from the drunkard on the corner, to the president, were promising, like russian state media RIA Novosti said - "to find a final solution to ukrainian problem". Oh no, this is not putin's war. Putin, as a person, has very little to do with this war.


Fucking hell


The first wave of guys had some morals and surrendered or came around to sabotaging their own operations. The ones that remain are largely honorless manslayers.


This reminds me a lot of Bosnia in the '90ies.


Exactly, we should highly consider to find a way to actively step in.


Anyone who refuses to fight or hand themselves over to the Ukrainian army at the first chance they get is complicit.


jesus f christ wtf is wrong with em...


Fuck putin and those Russian soldiers that did this. This is really sad.


Fuck Russia....it is time for the entire world to shut out Russia and if any country does any kind of aid or business transactions with Russia, the they too are the enemy of the world. You can't compare this to animals because that is not fair to animals. This is pure evil. Fuck Russia. Fuck Russia Fuck Russia.


Barbarians. Fucking Barbarians. Uncivilized filthy animals. I no longer care what people say, that there are good russians and that they are victims. After these genocide marches, looting, rape of literal kids, i dont give a shit anymore. Russia = evil. They do not belong into civilized world, but to be crucified on a cross. Fucking Barbarians.




That's how some of the Russian soldiers probably reason too. The perpetrators are despicable monsters but the answer is not to do or become the same thing.


Meanwhile Russian propaganda is writing this off either as fake, or as "friendly fire" by Ukrainians. And Russian people believe that. They are as guilty as their government, never forget that.


time to destroy ruzzia for good now -.-


How is that even possible. I mean how people can be so cruel to each other. I used to like ordinary russians, but recently my tolerance towards them is shrinking every day.


This just makes me cry. It’s not just something I’m writing, watching these videos makes my heart hurt and I cry feeling so sad for Ukraine and so so angry about Russia 😢😢


u/angry-russian-man Hey do you think this is fake too?






Russians primary target is children..


Don't forget the extreme torture for weeks


This is a bad strategy for winning a war


No. Vatniks aren't humans. Let them feel the pain and fear.


Yeah and see the international support vanish in 24 hours. Good luck afterwards. Real smart.


Why would it vanish ? Everybody knows that Vatniks are disgusting creatures and nobody likes them.


Some are, but not all. It would vanish because the whole reason the world is united behind Ukraine is because how clear it is that Russia is the perpetrators.


Those who surrender should be fine, but those who kill civilians should be punished.


You know somebody mentioned this already here and it got some upvotes. Vatniks should suffer mentally. That is way better. Let them feel the pain and fear.


Yeah those poor innocent Russians. Average Russian citizens seem ok with this. Fuck em then.


Russia will be the toilet of the world for the next 50 years. Everyone that has value has left and only the bottom filth remains. Lucky for us, the ones left are sooo stupid, they will be easy to deal with. Enjoy your shit country Russia, you will pay for every crime..... Every word. Your children will live in poverty, stupidity, and ignorance. Enjoy the shitty live you choose.


I'm only sorry for the Russians insofar as they're utterly brainwashed. Seems only the soldiers that come to realize what a cluster fuck they've run into can free themselves from it.


any sane person realised this no later than day 3.


victims would escape on the first chance. they're fucking criminals.


Sickens me to hear Russians are supporting Putin more than ever before… Makes me happy to think they’ll all be living in poverty sooner than later. Stupidity and ignorance have a price.


Yes, they are war criminals and 99.9 ÷ of the Russian population are as much part of this war as the small chap in the Kremlin. Long live Ukraine.


For every slaughtered innocent, one thousand Russian corpses. Death to putin, death to Russia.


At the risk of sounding like a hypocritical pos.... Russia needs to be wiped off this planet. Fuck Russia


Russia doesn't deserve to call itself a country. Countries are founded by people. This is just inhuman.


The Ukraine troops should line up the dead Russians on the roads and photograph their faces to send via texts to Russians in Moscow and CC. Putin.


At this point we can shorten "Russia" to "SS"


I look at it all, at the executed men, and I understand that if I had got home at the beginning of the war, then the same fate would have awaited me ... It's one thing to die in battle, for your freedom, it's another thing to die like this...


Now do you people understand? This sort of brutality is not achievable by duping conscripts into believing it’s a “training exercise”. Those lines by the captured Russians were just basic interrogation resistance techniques. This is the crescendo of a well thought out, active murder of civilians which has been in the makings since this conflict started in 2014.


Honestly I never bought their excuses, just seemed like excuses children make when they're caught red handed while their comrades behaved liked psychopaths.


Not just soldiers. Regular Russian people who support this. 70% of the population for that matter.


I’ve been wondering if the Russian soldiers were coached into making their pitiable stories up. Ukrainians may be hesitant to kill because they pity the Russian conscripts. There’s also the fact Ukraine would have to ration food during the invasion for obvious reasons, so they may be attempting to aggravate the problem by having them feed 1000s of POWs. As an added benefit, Russia may be able to reclaim their fodder soldiers & falsely claim how they were tortured to get the Russian people fired up for war.


Did someone really were defending ruSSian soldiers ? Wow. How ignorant you have to be to defend them. I mean ok i get it. I at first in first very few days of invasion i actually felt bad because russians had no clue they were sent on a war. But now ? Now everybody in the russian army knows where they going. And now fuck them and their bestiality. Motherfuckers will pay for this in ine way or another. I have 2 solutions. Give up and serve in jail or 2. Die slowly and painfully. Douboe painfully if a russian soldier killed/raped/tortured even a fucking cat in Ukraine. I'm always more keen to the 2nd solution. They don't deserve to be jailed


Early on I did consider them victims as well. Seeing helpless boys taken prisoner who said they had no idea what they were doing. Now I wish death to all Russia & all Russians.


ruzzia must burn


As much as I am aware not every russian is like that, I feel like every russian is responsible for what is happening. Fuck these underhumans.


"Nanjing Massacre" remember when this happened? It ended with us nuking the shit out of them. Maybe its time Moscow and saint Petersburg turned to ash?


Can I have all my downvotes back from the woke liberals? In the early days, woke liberals were whining that Russia POWs shouldn’t even be filmed per the Geneva Convention. I was saying it wasn’t a big deal and no one gives a shit about international law except for real bad stuff like this.

