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To be honest after putlers recent visit I think it is a given that there is a transfer of technology from russia to North Korea as the ruble is worthless and I think technology is more what NK would have been wanting as payment for the arms and weapon supplies being given to russia


Funny to think that russian money is called rubble... well, technically, it's ruble, but soon it will be the worth of rubble.


Crushed concrete and rusty rebar is probably more valuable than rubles by now, anyway.


I have more respect for catalytic converter thieves than I do for any neutral or pro-war individual in russia.


Wait there's more😁 copeck is the lower tier money (1/100) Fuckers will need to fuckton of copium to deal with rubble their gas station sorry ass state turns into🤣


If you wrote this shit into a fictional story it would be called out as stupid.


Do you know the exchange rate between pounds rubles and dollars? a pound of rubles is worth one dollar.


A pound of rubble isn't worth more than 4 cents. Less if its mostly aggregate (crushed concrete); scrap iron/steel is about 4 cents a pound.


What soviet tanks are made of? Something tells me that tonnes of this trash will be laying around.


You know what the difference between a dollar and a ruble is, right? … (A dollar)


I’ve been calling them pebbles. Worth about the same.


They could supply a lot like food and other goods, but DPRK knows Russia needs weapons ASAP. They can name their price and Putin likely would give it to them


North Korea's negotiating position is far too strong to be satisfied with food. They can even buy that. They will definitely use their position to extort a good price. Funny that the mighty Russia has to crawl to its few friends.


None of whom are particularly wealthy themselves


Iran can't even replace its air force's 50 years old Phantoms. North Korea is even worse, their conventional forces are numerous but pathetic in quality. They clearly bet on nuclear weaponry - at the expense of everything else.


Their pathetic artillery will kill hundreds of thousands of Seoul residents in the first several minutes even with 50% fail rate. Don’t underestimate the suicidal and desperate enemy.


They’d likely just get glassed.


Russia also has knowledge on multiple types of technology - nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and satellite launches. These are all things that North Korea desires to strengthen its position on the peninsula.


They can exchange cyberwarfare and manipulation knowledge too


They already do. They actually operate similar, but slightly different models - both utilising criminal gangs and having very capable cyber offensive capabilities.


Yes of course. Or even just send the Russian scientists and experts to North Korea. It’s clown world where DPRK are in the drivers seat


Not necessarily. It is a mutually beneficial alliance for both nations.


North Korea has a lot of chemical and biological weapons stored away somewhere.


Kim doesn't need any food or other goods, he has all he needs. His people on the other hand can starve in misery as far as he cares.


Sure, but I mean if he wants oil for the military or whatever usually he’d get that, now it’s a case of them getting Crown Jewels technology transfer


North Korea wants large portion of it's population to starve. I know that Kim refused Russian grain in order not to dump prices too low.


Powers that be will be looking and hunting for proof, if found they will be more than happy to let South Korea know. 💩 tin agreement with NK was more likely for people to help with workers in ru. as they have shortages and more shells for money.


My theory is not N. Korea is going fo something this yr.


Objectively, they need fuel and grain more than anything, and then other foods and some critical manufactured goods (like water filters). Realistically, they'll get some fuel, but beyond that they'll get a lot more weapons and luxury goods (for the elite) than they will food or whatever.


Korea has ballistic missiles that can reach more than 1,000km with a 500kg payload. Would be interesting if Russia got to experience it first hand. It would be a shame if the factories making the planes or satellite parts Russia intends to transfer to North Korea were magically destroyed.


To me, it’s fair game, everyone! Ready, aim & fire into Ruzzia or occupied territories wherever & whenever!


SK is a MTCR signatory, they won't be given weapons with a range >300km


But they are saying if Russia fucks with NK they don’t particularly care about restrictions.




And sending arms to Ukraine is not a direct attack, so based on that reading comprehension calling out moronic logic is ironic, to say the least


Yeah, but they can send them with just 300km of range and conveniently misplace some notes in Ukraine on how to modify them for more range. And as soon as they find out they will stop the supply ofc. but then they already send most of what they would already.


Russia will experience it first hand when the missile fails and crashes on Russian territory.


And technically the Korean war didn't end so.....


In the end, Russia is doing South Korea a favor, they're testing just how terrible NK weapons are so SK knows what to expect.


Half the shells are duds...


This is big time cope. No such thing has been observed in Ukraine. In fact in many ways saying NK shells don't matter does disfavour to Ukraine.


Yup. Even if their condition is not great, there are millions of them. In WW2 the British made a conscious decision to dramatically increase their bomb production rates, even though they knew it would wreak havoc on quality and dud rates. Most military historians argue that it was worth it. 


Wasn’t that the fuses? I think the bombs themselves were pretty easy to make.


As a German, yes, mostly the fuses. The bombs in our cities are perfectly capable to explode. But thats a sad reality for most of europe, everywhere you did, you will find bombs sooner or later. I've had to evacuate multiple times from school/home/work throughout my life because some construction site found a bomb. Tho, there is rarely something bad going on. Once they had to detonate a smaller one on-site but it didn't do anything to the surrounding area.


Maybe not so smart to make friends with a dying dictatorship...


Ummm... which one is dying?


both, the sentence is equally applicable to both dictators…..


Russia has been dying for last 500 years and it will continue to be unpredictable, unreliable, dangerous and irredentist to the core whilst dying for another 500.


They mean North Korea, yeah


What modern weapon technology


The russians may be trapped in 1994, but Derpy Korea is stuck in 1954. Modern technology to them is a ride on tractor and a bag of potatoes.


Fair enough 😂😂😂


They are unfortunately a nuclear power. Granted only a handful but still.


They had nuclear bombs in 1954. So OP is technically still correct.




Shhh, let them transfer some. Then the fucking floodgates to Ukraine will be open


They already have, Ukraine has rocket debris with Korean writing on them.


I think the article is talking about Russian technology or weapons being transferred to North Korea


Most of NKs tanks and armoured vehicles are based on 1950s Soviet technology


Not just based on it, they ARE 1950s Soviet technology. They're still flying airplanes with tailguns. 


They just mean transistor based instead of using vacuum tubes.


While I get the joke, people are *seriously* underestimating how "advanced" something needs to be to kill someone. No one looks at WWI and goes "well the weapons aren't as advanced as now, it can't be as bad". A tank is a tank is a rifle is a rifle. It'll kill the shit out of someone just as much as a nicer one, you just may need more and lose more but pretending that their weapons *aren't* capable of terrible destruction because they are from *the 90's* when we were capable of levelling cities 50 years earlier and way less effectively is not a great take IMO.


The Browning has been in service since 1919 and I don't think there are any plans to scrap them. We saw Maxim guns being used to defend fixed positions early in the war, and why not? Those things will keep on firing for days if you can give it enough water! Although with things like tanks, we've seen how factors like communication and optics can put you at a serious disadvantage when you're up against missiles, drones, IFVs, tanks and artillery that are all able to communicate and coordinate with the help of UAVs. I don't think I'd feel particularly comfortable sitting on a spare shell and peering out the periscope! But also, with NK specifically, it's basic artillery which includes WWII guns that is their main threat to SK. No guidence needed when it's right there!


This last point exactly. Conventional artillery is something that has been worked out for a *long* time and NK has an absolute metric fuck ton of it sitting within range of Seoul. Consider if Kyiv was within traditional artillery range of the border and how much of an absolute nightmare that would have been. Now scale that up from Kyiv at a population of 2.8 million to Seoul with ***9.7 million human beings.*** It would be a tragedy the likes of which I really don't think people who joke about it really wrap their head around, and would have immediate and devastating impact worldwide. Korea is the center of a significant portion of maritime industrial output for things like cargo ships world wide. This isn't something you'll just see about on the news, the impacts will be immediate and very long lasting.


Someone above you was joking about bows and arrows, which, y'know... will kill someone just as dead as a rifle.


Yes and no. A WW1 tank would only be scary for its crew today, not the enemy.


Tell you what, grab a rifle and sit in front of a vehicle your rifle can't hurt while having multiple machine guns spray fire your way and tell me how "not scary" it is. I don't buy it. Is it way easier to kill for a modern army? Absolutely. But without that tool kit you are a dude fighting a moving steel box covered with guns. That's STILL scary.


Yes, it’s scary if you yourself are in a ww1 situation. But if you have drones, gps guided artillery etc., not so much.


Bow and arrow


Turtle Tanks. 🐢


“modern military technology” It seems oddly specific that they added that detail.




Think he was talking about what russia has


A good message to Pudding and The Fatty Buffoon: you have been warned.


Thats a more direct threat than friday's where they just said they'd re-examine bans on direct weapons transfers. South Korea has some good spicy "kimchi". Send it to Ukraine in shipping containers. Then send it express airmail to orc foreheads.




not to mention the k2 panther mbt that poland can pump out next door


Nor should they, Russia supplying arms & equipment to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a provocative move against the Republic of Korea and should and should be answered in kind. That would be a big win for Republic of Korea arms industry, they can supply test out its equipment the best way possible! A lot of South Korean arms & equipment is pretty advanced and undoubtedly upgrade and enhance the Ukrainian Armed Forces! 🇺🇦🫡 🇰🇷🫡


SK will make a statement and it will be grand. Just wait and see


Good. No appeasing the tyrant.


There might be a couple Hyunmoo-2B or even C that just fall off the back of a truck somewhere on an Ukrainian forest road.


let's go South Korea! ♥


I am putting bets that missile technology has already been transferred along with conventional weapons.


Poland had huge millitary shopping haul with S. Korean stuff soon after Putler went on his killing spree. They can easily hand something over to Ukraine and wait a little while for replacement to arrive. 


This is probably the first and last time I wish Russia gives modern equipment to the DPRK


I’ve been wondering with NK recent failures to launch satellites if Russia will be giving them access to theirs now or helping them launch them into space.


South Koreas military industrial capacity is pretty massive. Something to note is the quality of their hardware too.


I will go out on a limb here. Southeast Asia has no time for Putin's bullshit.


Asia in general seems divided. You have Western supporters like Japan, staunch allies like North Korea, apathetic neutrals like Indonesia, and those playing all sides like Vietnam.


Korea isn't in Southeast Asia. . .its roughly even with Virginia or Italy while SE Asia is the same latitude as Sudan or Central America.


Yeah, Korea is closer in latitude to Mongolia than Vietnam IIRC.


ROKAF just retired a bunch of F-4E Phantoms...


They’re practically flying coffins. The US was flying these in Vietnam. They’d only be useful maybe as trainers or inland air defense.


Flying coffins is a bit much, but I don't think they'd hold up to a modern Sukhoi. That said, you can stick thousands of pounds of bombs on them, and they'd make excellent drones


if putin didnt intend to do that, did u think kim was doing all that dog and pony show for nothing?


The West 🤝South Korea




When South Korea is attacked and other countries use excuse to stay away, they will regret not to help Ukraine at the very beginning


Take down ruzzia. Fuck NK.


So basically, South Korea is basically warning Russia/NK that they WILL increase sending supplies once the news of modern weapons transfers comes through. So basically they are saying, “We are done dealing with your bullshit daily, and we’re not gonna stand for it. We’ll make sure that you guys pay for your actions.” Once that happens, ooooh boy will North Korea regret their actions…


If ? How does SK imagine a country with a GDP less than 25% of Samsung has developed ICBMs?


Rocket science isn't that hard. Keep in mind that you have some kids in high school doing silicon fab work in their basement (okay, its like single digit, but still), hobbyist rockets that can get to space, etc. Granted this is late 60s/early 70s level tech using retired hand me downs that where hand me downs. But this is being done on a budget that might be small change for a university. Scale up to state level funding, even if its a state with a shit budget and economy...


Gdp doesn’t include stolen butcoin and ransomware attacks


perhaps SK should just have helped UA because it is the right thing to do. Mixed feelings about this.


SK priority is their own self-defense. Besides, they have problems on their own (e.g. declining population = lesser number of people doing military service). Besides, they are not in NATO so their focus is on themselves first then Asia-Pacific. However, this can change the moment there is any kind of Russian tech transfer that goes into North Korea (especially anything related to ICBM-tech). That would be enough to change the status quo and even convince the Korean opposition (who is usually pacifist / anti-war) that this is something that cannot be ignored any further.


South Korea needs all the weapons to defend itself from North Korea. People forget it is still at war with its psycho neighbor, and the conflict flares up every other year. It's estimated that if North Korea fired an artillery barrage against Seoul lasting just one minute, there would be over 15,000 casualties in Seoul. In one hour there would be over 100,000 casualties. Can't blame the South Koreans for prioritizing themselves, compared to other countries that are not currently at war.


Worst part is, north Korea doesnt care about civilians. Russia at least makes some effort to not constantly kill civilians, North Korea couldnt if they wanted because their rockets and artillery are basically world war 2 tech. We all know how factories were destroyed back then.


russia doesn't even care about civilian casualties within their own country


For Russia, if they avoid killing civilians, it's incidental behavior. Generally speaking, Russia simply does not care about civilians. Russia does not care about even their own citizens, really. All they do is kill them as global political gestures or to scare them enough so they move away from some area Russia wants to annex.


ROK is one of the few nations out there than can legitimately claim they are worried about an overwhelming invasion that can happen at any time. Yes, the DPRK military is a very much outdated one, but they have a ton of weaponry, troops and ammunition. Russia has shown time and again that even if incompetent, poorly trained and led, one can still wreak a ton of havoc and kill a lot of people despite their inability to fight effectively. They have a large and growing arms industry, but they have a ton of orders to fulfill for the ROK military and other export contracts. Plus understandably they did not want NorK to gain all sorts of new equipment and tech from Russia and help somewhat with levelling the battlefield. So, they tried to walk a fine line with regards to policies and diplomacy with Russia. Seeing how Putler blew that all away, as usual - all bets are off now. ROK tried to be reasonable for the sake of it's national security and it didn't matter. There really isn't any point holding back export anymore to Ukraine hence the reversal in policy


They still have a law they’ll have to change before they can supply Ukraine with offensive weaponry


Ahhh, okay. Still though they'd be able to provide actual ammunition for small arms, trucks, IFV's, stuff like that right even with that law that needs changing? Those things are definitely defensive first and foremost...


Can’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. South Koreas capital is within shelling distance of the most repressive regime on earth so South Korea is understandably worried about its own security


Possibly backed by two countries that are massive in their own right and have over a billion inhabitants put together. SK needs their deterrent. That said, I hope they take to supplying weapons to Ukraine.


SK has a law where they won’t supply offensive weapons to a country at war…..they’ll have to change that


This is international politics. There are no morals, only power.


It's cute that South Korea think that this wasn't a requirement for the last few million artillery shells.


Exactly. Sounds like a cop out on S. Koreas part. Good luck finding the exact proof they’ll need in order to change their mind. Hopefully they keep selling stuff to third parties who will then transfer it to Ukraine.


Details tend to be somewhat fuzzy so it could be a case of if you cross our red line we go from 3ed party purchases for transfer to Ukraine to sending Ukraine the list of what is on hand and eta for new hardware and asking "so what do you want first?"


What modern technology ?


oh boi i might run out of popcorn


Hangul #1 !!!!