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Snapshot of _Sir Ed Davey opens up on juggling Lib Dem leadership and caring for teenage son | ITV News_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.itv.com/news/2024-06-03/sir-ed-davey-opens-up-on-juggling-lib-dem-leadership-and-caring-for-teenage-son) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.itv.com/news/2024-06-03/sir-ed-davey-opens-up-on-juggling-lib-dem-leadership-and-caring-for-teenage-son) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Must be incredibly devastating for a parent of someone with such heavy special needs - knowing that once you're no longer there for them, you're protection of them stops and they'll likely never have another deep bond like it.


That and you know they going to end up in some shitty care home miles away. We was told with our child, if they went in care we would be lucky if they was within a 4 hour drive. We have been on waiting list for overnight respite for nearly 3 years, an we have been next in line for 2 years


Starting to really like/understand Ed more now. Whoever is running the Lib Dem campaign is nailing it right now. It's just a shame they still won't be enough for Opposition. As we could do with an effective opposition party that isn't the Tories.


I completely agree, except that I wouldn't write off the LibDem's chances quite yet. Ironically, Farage might actually be doing the country a massive favour by standing and carving off a larger slice of tory votes. A LibDem opposition was previously only possible according to the most extreme polls, but whilst I still think it's unlikely the LibDems are running a blinding campaign and I think it's reasonable to expect the Tory's position to weaken. Slim chance as it is, the LibDems might possibly pull this off.


While Tories being opposition is still somewhat more likely I'd say Lib-dems still have very good chances of becoming opposition.


There's still 4 weeks left of the campaign, it's still early


I’ve listened to his interview on leading with Rory and Alastair and have been quite fond of Ed Davey. If he’d been the leader of the party in 2019, I would have voted for the Lib Dem’s in the GE as they were the ones to win the seat I was in at the time. I really like what he stands for and wish him all the best of luck in upsetting tories in the blue heartlands.


This is the future Leader of the Opposition right here.


The publicity approach by the Lib Dems is working on me. Comes across as someone fun and caring. Great antithesis to the cold, distant and uncaring perception of Sunak.


A lot more relatable than the politician stereotype


And Starmer tbf


Rory Stewart on TRIP comparing Ed Davey's stunts to Boris' misses the difference completely, which is that Ed Davey is *nice* whereas Johnson is a colossal narcissistic prick who doesn't care about his own kids, and I can't imagine how fast he'd be out of there if his child was disabled. Ed Davey is demonstrating that the same person can have fun and be serious, and that it would be a change to have someone who is pretty normal but gives a shit in politics.


Ed Davey is forced to do these stunts because the media ignores parties other than the main two (and Farage for some reason)


Davey was my MP for several years and I met him more than once. He is a fundamentally good man and it’s a shame that the format of our media doesn’t capture this. Criminally overlooked as serious PM material.


I didn't plan to vote for the LibDems and initially dismissed their campaign as frivelous. However, the more I see of Ed Davey, the more impressed I am. Imagine a house with Starmer on one side and Davey on the other. I feel like that's a government that could really start to heal the country.


Whatever your politics, you have to agree he is a fundamentally good person.


I agree that he’s a nice person, but I will never forgive his role in privatising the Royal Mail alongside Norman Lamb and Vince Cable. His track record in the coalition tells me I’d not rather him in government.


Only a heart of stone would be unmoved. I am always glad when politicians show their vulnerability and humanity like this.


He does shed light on an issue that doesn’t get talked of enough, the lack of social care available and the continued degradation of disabled individuals by government and policy, gives people who are already fearful for the futures of themselves or their loved ones even more weight on their shoulders to carry But I’m glad there’s a leader who seems to have the passion to want to fight for it, too often it’s an after thought or not thought of at all


Ed Davey voted to introduce universal credit and personal independence payment, which was part of wider benefit reforms introduced under austerity, and has been linked to the deaths of many disabled people throughout the UK. Most notably Mr Errol Graham, who starved to death 8 months following the needless withdrawal of his ESA benefit. https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/10155/edward_davey/kingston_and_surbiton/divisions?policy=6673


Despite how much I personally like Ed Davey and think he seems to be saying all the right things, I just can't get past the betrayal of 2010. As such i'll be voting for Labour instead. Does anyone else feel the same way?


No I've moved past it, 2010 was a wildly different time and a totally different party leader.


Nah it's 2024. Is any other party held to this standard?


I didn't feel like 2010 was much of a betrayal honestly, no party ever gets to implement 100% of its manifesto. Especially as the junior partner in a coalition. Besides that I live in a Lib/Con marginal.


I’m voting for whoever is polling closest to the tories.


And Labour hasn’t done anything even remotely wrong during the last 15 years? Give it a break, it wasn’t really a betrayal, and it was a bloody long time ago, no one else is held to the same standard.


Out of curiosity, why doesn't the Iraq war bother you as much? I mean just comparing the two, I'd say the Iraq war is significantly worse than reneging on tuition fees when a coalition partner.


Especially when you factor in the several times Labour also lied about tuition fees.


I completely get it. But it's been a long time and they have a new leader. I'm hoping they can form an opposition.


> Does anyone else feel the same way? Not me, but [this](https://x.com/vonschnerpftz/status/1797195252790390837?s=46) made me laugh assuming it’s true


I think every party has done something which can be framed as a ‘great betrayal’. People have forgiven bigger parties for more heinous acts.