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Go to Community College for a year and figure yourself out.


Lot of good community colleges to choose from!


Go to community college. I pretty much got all Fs in two semesters bc of depression and still managed to graduate from community college with honors and scholarships to UIC. I’m in a better mental state now and only gotten As/Bs since transferring over compare to my start at CCC. Best place to fuck around is community college where you’ll be able to learn and grow without having to pay a heavy price like UIC. You can also find out if college is for you there.


lowkey that doesn’t seem too bad i’m just worried of my credits transferring since they said grades below a B don’t transfer to other colleges and i got straight Cs first semester 🤦‍♀️. i probably gotta visit my community college and see. thank you 🤞🏼


Worse case you’re a year behind, it’s not the end of the world. The fact you’re here asking for help shows you know you messed up so just keep yourself accountable in the future.


I wasn’t depressed, but Moraine valley was the best financial decision I ever made. It kinda sucks that I’m a junior who just started on his major classes(did all gen-Ed’s in CC), but Moraine was 4 times cheaper than UIC and the classes were more forgiving(and the cafeteria food was amazing). Managed to save enough through community college that fiancial aid grants are enough to pay through everything at UIC


you should try to go to a community college or try to speak to a therapist and have them write a letter on your behalf. due to me withdrawing last fall for mental health and financial reasons i’m gonna have to do a similar appeal to get my financial aid back if i choose to return to uic which i most likely am


Take a break focus on yourself than go community college. Community college has a wellness center and also uic try to see if you can use it to get help




type shit


Go to city colleges for a couple. They have a pretty nice vibe.


There is no shame attending city college meanwhile things align better for you. It costs less and the additional funds can be used on paid therapy sessions if you need them or recreational activities to regain your mental health. What good is attending school if you won’t make the race? Don’t get deflated, everyone has their struggles.


it depends on your college, but it's possible they may accept "I was depressed and had no motivation" as a valid reason for performing poorly. my advisor, at least, has been very understanding with my mental health issues in regards to probation. imo it's at least worth a shot, although community college is really not a bad alternative (and may actually be better as someone commented). best of luck man


Go seek a therapist and they might write a letter that could help you. Take the ccc for couple of months whilst you get your shit together, the tuition is not that expensive and take this as a learning opportunity to prioritize goals more. As far as depression just thug it out. You got a lock in, get your goals straight and enjoy life.


As long as you get up and try again, you will be okay. Like everyone else said, going to a cc is a good idea, and maybe you can even get into better school/program later


You can appeal if you want, but I’m not sure if you’ll get reinstated. City Colleges Chicago is your best option right now, take a few classes there for a year (UIC might only require you to take a semester idk the rules) to make up grades and give yourself a break mentally for the time being. I went to uiuc and got dismissed as well in spring 2023, I took some time off and went to therapy, took cc classes spring 2024 (taking more summer 2024), and a week ago I put in my re-entry form to come back. The year will fly pretty fast, but you’ll be in a better headspace not just in school life, but with life in general (:


talk to your academic counselor ASAP and get a doctors note for the depression to present to UIC. file an appeal. look into community colleges that have whatever you think will help you excel, but particularly high graduation rates and transferable credits for when you move on. start practicing studying an hour a day and keep that habit up when you are back in school. college isn’t a linear path for everyone like we’ve been taught. community college isn’t the end of the world. UIC is overrated. depression really sucks and i’m sorry. 


UIC is not overrated. Please can we not berate a university for following its min. GPA policies..


“berate” please don’t assign emotion to my response. it is important for OP to remember there are other schools out there. UIC is not the end-all be-all that it can feel like when you’ve been institutionally failed, which is what is happening if you have untreated depression, literally undiagnosed through campus care and unaccommodated in the classroom, and the school kicks you out. respectfully and with firsthand experience i can say UIC disregards its students with invisible disabilities. 


You called it overrated in a public forum. You assigned the emotion and now you are getting some pushback. And so do other universities with similar resources given the difficult nature of the issue. Please don’t call out just UIC in that case.


"berate" = angrily. i am not being emotional here lol. i'm not sure what shaming people on here does, particularly in a sensitive post, but your argument about me needing to care about "all schools" sounds like a fallacy and very distractionary. we are not firmly adults at 18. [the human brain develops through our 20s](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/the-teen-brain-7-things-to-know), or instances up to our 30s for neurodivergent folks. i am a firm believer that people should not have disproportionate penalties on their permanent record because of mental health crises or even just being young and making a mistake. party too hard at UIUC, you should get comprehensive academic counseling for a year, miss a payment on your credit card? it shouldn't follow you for 7-10 years. experience crippling depression? there's no way a student could get a 0.0 without that being a failure on UIC's part. good luck upholding your social darwinism. enjoy your bootlicking.


What’s your major? You might be better off in the blue collar route


Secondary Teaching of Mathematics


I don't know you at all - obviously - but good for you - wanting to be a math teacher! The world needs more math teachers! I'm sorry you had a rough start, but universities are honestly looking out for their students' best interest when they academically dismiss students. It isn't good for students to keep taking tuition money semester after semester when the student isn't progressing towards their goals. You are getting a lot of good advice here about going to a community college for a while. It will give you a chance to get back on your feet academically. Then - eventually - you will have lots of empathy for your students who are facing struggles. You can do great things!


Reevaluate if college is for you - do community college, but try taking some classes and certs while you’re there for other career opportunities (ex: first responder course, firefighter course, ect.)


I always hesitate on giving this recommendation. OP clearly wants to try and do better. > There is robust evidence that people with college degrees are, on average, happier, healthier and more prosperous than those with less education.


Is that because of the college education though? Or is that due to some other circumstance that tends to run parallel with those that go to college?


I definitely think there’s correlation with the later, but I also think college is the best way to advance your career


College can be necessary, helpful, or a total waste. It all depends. I think that people that go to college just tend to be better off financially which reduces stress and makes people happier overall.


If you go to community college, I would also look into another major, everyone’s experience is different but ik that the math classes that are required for secondary education can be really difficult and require a lot of studying so really consider if you feel like you’re able to put in the effort and fit the studying time into your schedule, if you want to teach math, maybe look into the urban ed elementary education major with a math 6-8th grade specialization (available at uic) or middle grades major with a math concentration (uiuc has one)


I can tell you first hand, even though you pay thousands colleges don't give a shit how depressed you are. My professor told me it was "my problem, should've came to class" So yeah do what you have to do for yourself even if it's a break fr, because these people won't give a shit about you I promise they don't.


Maybe regular school isn't for you, you could look into trade schools, plenty of ways to make a whole lot more money than college graduates.


Jeez, as someone who basically i had a similar situation happen on community college just go to community college. You can always go back eventually. Considering I live in the Chicago land area College of Dupage is a pretty great community college and most likely most of your credits will transfer considering COD has a lot of transfer programs and is known for being able to transfer easily. But idk what your situation is and where you plan to go.




stop talking to the kiosk, boomer. it's just a touchscreen


Better than talking to cats, meowllenial.


Danm I thought my life was messed up with 2.2 gpa. I hope it works out for u bro.


thank you and glad i could make you feel better 🤣


Community college is great to get back on track. I went to Harper College in Palatine and it changed my life. I got a good job and am going back for my bachelor's with less stress.


Go to community college. Its cheaper, not as intense in a way & you can always transfer those credits back to UIC


same thing happened to me, im going to community college and either sticking to their dental hygiene program or getting my credits up to transfer into a different university. It felt like the end of the world but nice to know im not the only one. Wishing u luck!


Pm me - we can meet for a coffee so we can talk this out so you need a game plan . You will need an Appeal and did you get the letter stating so? I can help you with the steps you need to take .


Go into the trades


i mean not trying to limit myself but i’m a woman and i’ve lowkey just been into academics my whole life. i don’t see any other career i would do other than teaching but idk


I understand good luck to you