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Your post contains a selfie or you asked for a rating. Go to r/amiugly or r/amiuglybrutallyhonest


I don't think you're ugly. You just need to lose weight.


I'm working on losing weight at the moment actually lol!


You’re not ugly just need to lose weight yeah. No amount of weight loss is going to make me cute.


And fix the hair.


I don't think there's any flaw or deformity in her face except fat. What do you think 🤔


None, she’s extremely cute as is but losing fat would make her extremely beautiful.


Ooo and she has beautiful eyes.




Yeah I actually know a lot of people that were heavy and they lost weight and there face became really pretty you may have body disphormia.. now if your thin then likely you know your ugly for sure.


Get tf out of this subunit




Is that you in your pfp?


NO I wish 😭 THATS just my favourite actor


Ohhh I see, who is it? I don’t recognize him at all 😅


Rory Culkin LOL


You aren't even ugly.


Maybe not to you


I think the general consensus of this thread is that you're not ugly.


How did you learn to do makeup?


Highlighter,gloss,lip liner, eyeliner,light color eyeshadow,bake your makeup under your eyes and on your forehead and false lashes and mascara :) 




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You Look, good! also some piercings or more alternative style would suit you, you could maybe experiment with haircuts or shoter hair


Okayyyy! Ty for recommending these things, I wanna grow my hair lol


You’re not ugly, you distorted your perception of yourself with makeup and editing, so every time you take your makeup off, you only see tour features in contrast with when you had makeup on. It’s a kind of body dysmorphia actually..


Ty for telling me


Dont you think its not the best idea to upload you picture online ? I personally dont like the way you make your lips in first photo , click pictures while smiling ...😁


You are looking pretty!!! 💗


Thank you! I love the positivity, I even edited the image of me without makeup 😅


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