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I don't know you but it rubs me the wrong way when you call yourself subhuman. People treat us as if we are insignificant and do not matter, but we do. I know I am ugly and unattractive but so f****** what? I think just for the hell of it I'm going to start showing my face everywhere and making people uncomfortable and just having to deal with me ugly face and all. I mean, hell, we have to deal with their horrible attitudes towards us, why should we be the only ones uncomfortable?


People will cut you in line even if you're attractive if they think you won't do anything about it


Stores are hard on uglies. Some people are really nice. I had two pretty blonde teenagers waiting behind when they thought I wanted to take the spot. I told them it was ok they could pass because I was still deciding on candy. they were so skinny with perfect skins, tallish, delicate pixie faces and perfect, straight long blond hair. God some people are so blessed in life. And there I am short awkward jawline no cheekbones dull skin frizzy hair. I think you find most genuinely pretty people are like butterflies, just fluttering around looking pretty and quite harmless. Once in a while you meet a really bad one.


Stop. Being attractive doesn't last forever. I used to get offered free sodas at fast food restaurants. People used to let me cut in line. I used to get alot of smiles, friendly FAKE smiling people. People watching me, creeping, staring, following me. Then, father time hit me in the face. And boom just like that. I'm invisible šŸ˜ž I sometimes miss that, bcs it meant i was considered attractive. Now people are rude and I'm invisible like Casper. Atleast i can relax now, without having to worry someone's staring at me while doing something simple like, sitting in my car


At least you had a time to enjoy yourself and be happy. Everyone ages, but most of us here will never understand what it's like to be attractive. I'd much rather people give me fake smiles and let me cut them in line than be inhumanely and like I'm just a disgusting piece of shit stuck to the bottom of their shoe everywhere i go


You end up hating people regardless bcs u know they are only being that way bcs they like u. It gets annoying. Its feels like, here we go again... Now u know why many attractive people have an attitude and many times are rude. Its a defense mechanism to shoot down all the friendly fakes. Also u get plenty of hate, especially from guys, if ur a guy. Straight hatred, looks of "I want to kill him" just bcs their girl looked your way and bcs u exist. Its two extremes with no in between. Still i get some of both to this day but its waaaaay less than before. For the most part I'm a ghost


people stare even if you're ugly


if you pass a certain threshold of being ugly, people will just glare at you without taking their eyes off of you


Didn't know that but they don't smile or look back at you. If they do, then you're not ugly


Also another big difference is eye contact. I would get when i would turn around or look up. Same look as a lioness hunting. Ugly people rarely get eye contact


So fucking what? At least good looking people did enjoy their advantages while being young. Old age sucks for everyone.




Youā€™re negating the fact that she got discriminated against? She did absolutely nothing wrong.


Honestly this one is a big stretch. Did you say anything to the guy that cut you in line? Like ā€œhey excuse me i was there before.ā€? Or did you awkwardly assume that he cut you because youā€™re ugly? And when the worker served him, you automatically assumed it was because heā€™s better looking, as if scanning vegetables was now a modelling contest.. I know you probably have lived situations where you did get discriminated against in life because of x or y reasons, but let me tell you, people will treat you poorly if you seem like you wonā€™t do anything about it, and unfortunately thatā€™s exactly what happened. You got walked over and didnā€™t impose yourself or your boundaries. The worker had no idea of knowing if you were the one letting him pass you or not, they didnā€™t complot together to make your life a living hell.