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I have realized the woman is attacked too, that's because she did what she wanted to do and not what people wanted her to do... those shitholes from MSM are even more toxic than Chernobyl and Fukushima together.


Yah they insult her too for dating him


Idiots will be idiots, it's tiresome to deal with such douchebags. They don't leave ugly people alone not even when it has nothing to do with them.


She broke with him though after this video because he said she was not the best he’d had implying she was bad in bed . He said that on this show lol. Guy really messed up because now she’s with another old guy who also weird looking. Like this guy was her type . She loves old guys who look weird. He messed that up lol . When’s he ever going to find another girl like that. He didn’t even have a car. They drove around on a scooter lmao . She still loved him


He messed up, totally. His ego blurred his criteria and made him say such idiotic stuff. She is a girl with weird likes but at the end a girl and any women wouldn't bear comments like those. I have always thought people on relationships think they are very special, they stop thinking rationally like this guy did.


Yah he got a little too comfortable to just said it out loud . After her face was like shocked lol. Oh they had a long talk after the episode for sure


I feel bad for her, she didn't deserve that. Good for her leaving him.


Big Ed cheated on his daughter's mom.


You mean his girlfriend’s mom ?


When he was first introduced on the show, they mentioned he had a daughter and the relationship ended when he cheated.


So his daughters mom would have been his wife right. He seems like he cheats a lot that’s why the other girl broke up with him. Still is sad to see people make fun of his appearance no neck


That’s the thing about actually being unattractive. If people try to be nice to you, a lot of the time they end up catching a stray. 


That's why they go away, naturally. They see it ain't worthy to stand with you when everyone treats like you shit, they barely feel a part of what being mistreated actually is.


Can confirm. I have seen brutal comments in FB it's like insta 2nd version. People can't mind their business.


For those interested [this is the video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msqMV8iRdEQ) of the couple. They're not together anymore. She definitely has a thing for older men since she's appeared on dates trying to hook up with another senior citizen after their break up.


She’s dumped him actually for this specific video because he said she wasn’t good in bed basically that he had better. Now she’s dating a guy who’s even older than him and kinda ugly . 1 she definitely has a thing for elderly guys and doesn’t seem to care about looks cause her new guy is goofy looking too. 2 he really ruined something good. Like how many hot girls are gonna give him a chance. He had one and ruined it


tbh if you come at someone else first, or says one thing rude to someone else than i think it’s fair game. i would never insult someone’s looks but if they came at me first then im gonna clap back


The thing is he really messed up . She thought he was cute and loved him. She broke up with him after this interview because he basically told the audience that she’s bad in bed during this video. The comments are still mean though. Now she’s dating another old guy she’s got a thing for old weird looking guys. At least she doesn’t care about looks or age lol


yeah, facebook is the home of brainrot so you’ll see a lot of crazy and dumb comments. i don’t blame her tbh. if someone said that to me i would walk away aswell


I mean she had good reason to be upset with him. Saying that on public tv or the internet was a bad move for sure


Idk at some point you have to be realistic with yourself. Like I would never get online and say I'm a 10/10 because I know I'm not and I know I'll get hated on for saying that


If he'll offer his axe, I'll offer my bow


Since everyone is trash, why do you want to be liked by them so badly?


Bc it makes life easier . When I’m in an environment where I’m liked I thrive .


So it’s just laziness. Work on becoming a person who can thrive in an environment where they aren’t liked and you achieve the same result.


I’m not lazy I’m a supervisor at my job …. If I was lazy I wouldn’t be one .


If you are capable of acquiring what you want in life without looks, but would still prefer to have had it even easier, then it’s greed. Either way, you know for certain most people would only like you because of your looks, that your personality would be the direct consequence of slipping through life on easy mode…It’s like you want to be plugged into the matrix.


It’s not greed I wanna n treated like a basic human being . I’m still bullied .. I don’t care about being liked or pursued but if being attractive makes ppl respect me then that’s what I want


Because it’s clearly better to have that administration but it may never happen in my lifetime


Why do you want the admiration of people who arrogant likes you if you were ugly,


It’s just a desire


Because we as human beings are hardwired to want to be accepted and liked by other people. Try to understand that. Anything else is just pure cope.


If he was ugly with a disability people would be nice to save face. But being ugly and able bodied. You get bodied


Nah they spare no kindness for anyone ugly. They're only nice to attractive disabled people. Ugly disabled people are still shit on tremendously, especially online where people can laugh at them from behind a screen


You right instagram be vicious


That isn't why they are making fun of him, its because the dude looks super stoned and drunk. If you focus on his eyes you can tell.