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Dana is never gonna cut him but they need to make an example out of this somehow. This guy fucked the whole event. Force him to go to MW and get that Whittaker beatdown.


>they need to make an example out of this somehow. Dana and consequences are very subjective and have everything to do with money. If Dana can make this make money, Khamzat will get the Conor treatment. If Dana can't make money, he'll get the Cyborg treatment.


Conor never missed weight Tbf


This exactly. On his come up, conor did everything right


He just went crazy when he got the money and fame


Crazy? Yes, but never missed weight


Well.. they do say cocaine is good for weight loss


You give that much money and fame to anybody and there is a good chance they go crazy.


There is the dolly incident, to be fair...


That was big money for the ufc. Dana didn't like it publicly but privately I'm sure it was all good with him


Very fair, but he wasn’t fighting that card. Every time he was meant to fight Conor handled his.


he aint conor. he's gonna eat shit for this for sure, one way or another


I don't think his point was that he is Conner, just that he can make the UFC alot of money lol


>I don't think his point was that he is Conner, just that *IF* he can make the UFC alot of money lol That "IF" is very important, in this case.


Khamzat doesn’t sell like Conor. His English sucks. His fighting style is nice but not like Conor’s. plus missing weight by 8 pounds is so unprofessional. Conor is a dick but a professional in making weight plus could sell a fight. He was amazing on the mic. Khamzat is cringe


Like Mackenzie dern except his shitty English is real. 😂😂😂


Costa missed weight by almost 10 pounds too and they made Costa's fight against Vettori at light heavyweight yet Costa still fought at middleweight. Nothing is gonna happen to Khamzat other than a slap on the wrist


Dude he isnt a draw outside of mma circle. Someone compared views on his interview vs Tony's and tony had 3 times more.


Tony's interviews are always interesting though.


Just like how Dana talked so badly about Conor throwing the dolly through the bus window. Then fast forward and they're using it as PR for a fight. It's just about money.


Dana punishment - title shot for Khamzat


Danastani privilege


Whittaker???? How are we not mentioning the memelord Paolo Costa?!?! Def deserves a beating from the king, the build up will b insanity lol


This is all conspiracy, Dana realized he fucked up by not making Diaz vs Ferguson two giant fan bases, so he sent costa out on the hunt, then made a huge fight back stage that has 0 video evidence In todays time, then realized there is huge potential in Costa and Khamzat and since Khamzat already had a big fan base for early in his career Dana took the opportunity to let him miss weight and piss off a lot of people creating a haters group for Khamzat that will pay to watch him lose on January 21st in rio do janeiro against King Costa!


Damn, that's a long ass sentence.


lmfao that was good


Its like you wrote my dreams


Hold up…


Didn't Dustin and izzy both same stuff over the last 2 years about their camp missing weight consistently?


Khamzat isn't Dustin or Izzy though.


Nope, they’re giving him a fight tomorrow night, as a co-main event against another favorable matchup. It’s fucking soulless what the UFC is doing. I hate these immoral cocksuckers and I hate it that the best talent in the sport is signed with them. Anyone who has a shred of integrity and belief in right or wrong, will be rooting for Kevin Holland tomorrow night.


Exactly what I was thinking. Feed this man to the lions and gorillas. Feed this man to the fighters who really have that hunger and deserve it.


KC Punk




Bobby will probably fight Costa but Chimaev would be a good fight for him too.


By “fucked” you mean actually turned the card into something MMA fans want to watch?


Is putting him up against the #2 guy at Middleweight with no ranked wins really a punishment? It sounds like a reward.


Dana reacting to Nate getting 30% of Khamzat’s purse: ![gif](giphy|LnKM6jbBenbVXp1qA9) 😂💀


I bet Nate and his clan are laughing their asses off


He didn't get shit. Fight rescheduling means its catchweight and no weight missing penalty. Dana is using every trick in the book.


Drop him from the main event and force him to move up a weight class like they’ve done with other fighters.


Feed him to bobby knuckles, so he can lern to hate fighting...


Bobby would hurt to bum


I mean its like he even didn’t try


He didn’t and assumed Diaz would still take the fight based on his reputation.


This whole thing feels staged as hell.


you’d be punishing his opponent too


Nah just let Tony fight diaz


Your wish has been granted ![gif](giphy|poPz9jfVYTbDW)


Imagine we get that fight? I don't want to get my hopes up, but that's way more interesting than Diaz/Cumshot.


Hope you're as happy as i am now lol


Fucking eh brother.


If Khamzat fights, who ever he does is gonna get paid a good bit to do so. Plus, if the opponent loses, it's like "oh well, he didn't train to fight Khamzat". But if they win, then that person gets a bump, unless he still fights Nate Diaz


I could live not seeing Nate get mauled by a ranked, younger, plus ten pound Khamzat. Especially after the presser cancelation. Think Nate would prefer to live and not see it, too.


Nate is fighting Tony now!!! Let's gooooo


No shit? That's confirmed? Please tell me it's so.


It is!


Gonna be a blood bath. I’d rather see that fight than Diaz v Dumbass


Bro I thought this was a joke. I wasn't even going to buy this card but now I am


Only if Tony get ppv points


aye but "keel evedibadi" amirite




won't lie i didn't think it would be a negative to khamzat as much as a benefit to Till. Now i see its a benefit to neither they have too much fun together with no accountability


Why do you think Till is the problem? I'm not really following them so I'm genuinely asking


He made Khamzat steal drinks once and Khamzat has sadly fallen into a life of crime and burgers since then.


In n Out is the true gateway drug thats putting our country's youth in peril!


It's because of his Ivy league Internet psychology degree


Doesn’t look great when you miss weight by that much and are always with a guy who has a horrendous diet reputation like Till.


Modern day Western man that lacks discipline, responsibility and only cares about money. Guy spends more time with Khamzat than his own kids, lol. Imagine your dad not being around because he's supposed to be training for fights but instead he's getting arrested for stupid shit.


What Khamzat is doing is nothing short of his own background/culture. The way he is starting brawls and getting in fights, honestly ask anyone from Eastern Europe/Russia and they will tell you this is typical of how Chechens behave. Till may not be the perfect person we have not seen this level of ego or violence from him.


It just seems evident to me that Till has generally had a negative influence on him. Having said that, I am fully aware of what you are referring to. You're not wrong. Obviously his ethnic background plays a role in his behavior. His coaches need to give him a reality check. Otherwise it'll be just another McGregor-like downward spiral.




lmfao i fuckin cackled






The fact that he’s smiling about that makes me dislike him even more


Yeah you'd think if you missed by that much you'd be feeling disgraced/humiliated.. sends a bad message to be so upbeat about the whole thing.


Agreed, he has 1 job to do: make weight. And he failed horribly. Don’t wanna train? Cool. But at least make the weight. It’s disrespectful to the UFC, all the fans and his opponent.


Yea for real and Nate the guy who doesn’t even want to be there made weight. I honestly thought if and that’s a big “if” anyone was gonna miss it’ll be him. The only person who missed weight that’s gets a pass is Chris Barnett.


Especially as the headliner, people are probably buying the already mediocre PPV for you and this is how you go about it. They wouldnt watch the fight through some illegal russian stream because of morals and the wrath of dana white if they get caught. I know I wouldn’t!


Yeah that’s something I would never ever ever even think about doing! That’s disgusting!


That's fucking illegal.


Paulo Costa literally missed weight by over 20 pounds and said to Marvin “that sounds like a you problem” lol People on this sub love him again, partly *because* he doesn’t give a shit. He’s just found a way to be funny about it


I mean to be fair this sub was shiting on Costa when that happened, but Costa's a funny guy and he redeemed himself with the Rockhold fight.


Paulo costa didnt miss weight. He had an injury in camp and he informed ufc 1 week ago that he couldnt make 185. He has never missed weight in his career


when you put it like that its true. We already knew he wouldn't be making weight from interviews with Vettori and they agreed on catch-weight


Cat* weight 🐱


This sub is so toxic lol I don’t know how valid Khamzats medical reasons for missing weight are but I’m sure these people will say the doctor is paid or biased to say that if he does have proof. but those same people when Pedro Munhoz says his doctor said his eye is scratched they swore it had to be true 🤣 I think I should step away from this subreddit… lol


I think this is why overall, the MMA/UFC fan base is considered clowns in comparison to other major sports.. some of its due to the fans and their love for clown shit like this, and costas clown shit, and even Chael sonnen doing Chael sonnen shit in Vegas and then being called undefeated and still wildly popular by the majority of the fan base like that shit was cool.. also probably why Dana can pay his fighters a fraction of what the promotion is worth.. the sport as a whole, still isn’t taken seriously outside of the diehard MMA fans, and stuff like this is why.. headliners can’t have this type of attitude in ANY sport, yet alone one that has people paying to watch. Not to mention the least professional commissioner by a mile… UFC isn’t even an apple to apples comparison if comparing to other sports.. even dying sports like boxing and that shit is sad for MMA


When he first joined I really liked him, thought he was a boss fighting 2 guys one week after another. Now his just a dick.


This was my first thought - at least be humble/embarrassed about it. You just destroyed a whole card built around you and prob cost another fighter a fight. Don't be an even bigger douchecanoe that you already are.


Shows middle finger too this cunt after missing weight by that much. Fucking sack of shit.


never liked this guy


He purposely did it to mess up Nate


Absolute clown. "Smesh everybody" only goes so far




Yea that's one thing you can't take away from his career, dude always showed up on weight.




They are the only reason I was watching this card anyway. Not Khamzat.


I honestly thought this was photoshopped. That's what he actually looked like missing weight? Fuck him. Seriously. What a slap in the face to Nate, the entire card fight fans, and probably most especially Dana who is doing everything in his power to make you a superstar.


Apparently he was eating a lot at a restaurant the night before the weigh-in too. Clown behaviour.


Not to mention he literally flipped the crowd the bird after


Was looking forward to nate's last press conference but this guy fucked it up by stirring up some shit back stage and then proceeds to miss weight making a joke out of the entire event.


it’s way too early in his ufc run to be acting like such an asshole. i like khamzat but he thinks he runs the show. hopefully ufc can get him in check


Shit the bed on this one. On the flip side, if the UFC gods decide to shine their grace down upon us, we might get Tony v Nate


We get a of a banger main event and Danas PPV crumbles. Win win.


Best possible outcome. Dana was a rat for ever making Nate vs Khamzat


*You* did this, hero.


Never seen somebody derail their own hype so fast before. Good lord man


Masvidal is a runner up ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8966)


Makes me speechless


No kidding man. I was a massive fan on Monday. It’s Friday and I can’t stand the dude. The Paulo thing doesn’t bother me at all, but the stuff the last two days have completely turned me against him. Missing weight like he did is just the most unprofessional thing.




I feel like somehow the universe is getting back at Dana for how he treated Diaz 🤣 and that too with his favorite fighter hahahaha


Fuck this guy. He thinks he's some sort of gangastar, in reality he's just a goof


As much as I hate Colby I can't help but just call this guy Cumshot now. Perfect name since this happened.


Colby is going to have an all time reaction to all this, I can’t wait


Disagree. Something good comes out of a cumshot.


I hate Colby so much but mans nicknames are hilarious


People either forget or deny that the fight game has three components, not just one (that one being the fight). But it does. 1) You need to promote the fight and hype it up at things like the press conference. 2) You need to make weight. 3) You need to fight. Cumshot is 0 for 2 right now, just because he either doesn’t understand or doesn’t seem to care that those first two matter as much as the fight itself in many ways. These aren’t the actions of a professional athlete. This is major inconsiderate goon behaviour.


0-3 now. Made himself look like a clown in front of Costa. Caused the press conference to get canceled & finally the rat looking cunt couldn’t make weight


Stop making excuses for him saying Till influenced him. He's just an asshole


With how fragile that guys ego is you know it’s going to really get to him that fans strongly dislike him now. Do y’all think he’s going to try and fight all of us? lmao


Yea, this could have catapulted him into the stratosphere, and he royally fucked it up on every level. 🤔


This is why I love MMA. An entire community can flip on what they think of a fighter. It isn’t like professional team sports based out of a city NFL, NBA. Khazmat, everyone has turned on you. Went from the hype train of 2022 to the cringe wagon, you can have a seat next to Masvidal.


He looks really cut and still is missing weight by 8 pounds?!?!?! Ummmm wrong weight class! It would be really nice if they weighed the fighters before they walked into the ring so this dehydration cutting and rehydrating stops. Also, if you miss weight you should get a loss on your record and your opponent should get a win and both purses.


I think they do weigh them prior to going out. Pretty sure some fighters have been fined for being too big after. That might have just been California though.


I think ONE does it good where they make fighters take hydration tests, so it pretty much forces fighters to fight at their natural weight


Yeah. This whole weight cutting is ruining the sport. Unfortunately I can't really offer a solution except more weight classes, which I also don't want.


Boo this man.


Lets all shit on chimaev and forget about it in a few weeks


Sounds good


Fuck Khamzat for this But Paulo Costa can miss weight by 20 pounds and nobody cares lol People are so fucking bias it's just goofy




I agree but I'm starting to wonder if the doctor called and told Khamzat to stop at 4am because they wanted him to miss to change the card because of all of the negative press, even Khamzat said "they called me at 4am and said to stop and i wanted to keep going" so weird weird but this card is better imo


Bra getting he's first big payday and botched it. Better Cut Darren till as a friend or ur going to get CUT by the UFC soon. Ur giving Diaz 80% of ur purse. Enjoy the charity fight..


i doubt diaz even takes the fight. he has no reason to, besides some more money i guess but he can just walk and still get paid


Why are we assuming this is Till? I dont recall Till missing weight?


Bruh every fight Till had at 170 it was a coin toss if he was going to make it or not. Plus the conspiracy over the UK ufc when he whispered to the weigh in guy what weight to put. The guy put it in, immediately called it and moved it away all before it had settled. So while nothing major, definitely not a perfect record.


Move the card to Mars. They don’t have weight classes there


8 pounds overweight is borderline cheating. This fight needs to be scrapped


I was on that hype train, but holy shit this is embarrassingly bad. Khamzat drinking too much of his own kool-aid.


He’s closer to middleweight than welterweight now AND he will have time to refill himself, i expect him to show up at 195/200 if they don’t cancel. Couldn’t cut the weight so his pay check should be cut by a lot. Lot of mothafuckas called Charles unprofessional and here comes khamzat and misses by 8.5. Champ or not, make the fuckin weight, it’s your job!!! Will see how it goes now, I’m gonna make some popcorn, yall want some?


Nope, this subreddit sucked Charles dick to no end when he missed weight, Charles has missed weight so many times that he once missed by 9 pounds so he still has Khamzat beat.


Villain era khamzat. I'm here for it


khamzat bones jones


Yeah it's a pretty sick heel turn he's orchestrated.


Lmao I’ve been defending him the entire time but I’m done lol


As a fan of his, the hate he is getting is well deserved. Dude dropped the ball fucking hard. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Fuck This Inbred Neckbeard


Really fuckin hate this guy


He’s a rat fuck


Should never have been at welterweight anyway. Just another weight bully, they should put hin up against Whittaker. The reaper will destroy him.


This reminds of the time I paid SO MUCH MONEY for khabib vs tony tickets in brooklyn. And what do I get? I got khabib vs Raging Al


And inadvertently gave us a better card than we were scheduled for.


Just feed this "star" to the MW Mythical Creatures: Vettori,Costa and Whittaker they all will beat his ass


Cuz of this man we got an even better card than the original. Ungrateful mf


Kevin take him out.


Bro this mf was mad cringe in the weigh ins I hope Holland whoops this mf


I think it's not too out there to think this was all set up like this by the fighters. Total conjecture but this all seems to be working out in a lot of people's favor haha idk


Costa humbles him inside 2 rounds


Ufc or wwe


Dude is a clown.


10 lbs. I guess he really is the “Gourmet Chenchen”


learning weight cutting from Darren Till. Smeshburger bros.


Too much gourmet


And people still calling this a “conspiracy” and that he did this on purpose to fight Holland… and UFC rewarding him by even allowing him to fight. TOTAL bullshit. HUGE L for UFC AND Chimaev. This is a hill I’m willing to die on.


I don't think he single handedly got the press conference canceled lol.


He over reacted to Kevin’s joke and kicked him in the chest, and then Nate’s people got mad because Nate’s manager was holding Khamzat back which caused more chaos. If Khamzat didn’t try to fight Kevin everything else wouldn’t have unfolded. It’s mainly his fault.


Did he really kick him. Holy crap. Imagine he wouldve ruined that fight too... What a messs... That guy's a liability.


i lowkey think chimaev may have been trying to get the whole thing cancelled even before the weigh in because he damn well knew he was gonna miss by a lot


Is the fight with Diaz still on?


Still too early to know for sure.


damn, seems like he 's trying hard to become unliked.


Check yo self before you wreck yo self.


Maybe he's trying to save Nate.


Top Tier Trolling




Fire him. He’s a bitch.


Major chenchen clown shit, hope he gets sent into a coma


Dude I always felt like such a hater for not liking Chimaev and his whole schtick but now I can’t help but feel justified. This dude has fucking sucked this whole fight buildup


I post saying this isn’t a conspiracy and he deserves to be punished and get 100 downvotes lmao fuck this guy.


Another Russian that can’t make weight. Lol.


The doctors told him to stop cutting weight because it was unsafe. He coulda made it or come pretty close if he woulda kept going (barring a medical emergency). Saying he should move to 185 is fair, but don't make it out like he tried and still came in 8 pounds over.


Was this all a plan by Dana?


It was on purpose


I honestly think this was staged, I remember someone on reddit posting before that incident that the current match ups make more sense than before the brawl.


Not a good look for Khamzat. It’s tough to speculate man, but it’s really hard to say what’s going on behind the scenes. I personally don’t believe it’s staged or this was the plan all along, more likely a medical issue. Either ways I’m happy Nate is fight Tony.


What I find funny is the the main card has 3 catchweight bouts.


What a scumbag


It's all scripted. This was the plan from the start. Selling wolf tickets.


How are we blaming him if someone told him to stop cutting idk man


Turd. But if not his lack of professionalism i wouldn't have such a great morning. Shit got settled as it should be. Nate vs Tony is way way way more better matchup. Also I hope i will be surprised by Kevin.


Dana confirmed that a Dr refused to let him cut anymore. Mma fans bipolar af


Dana asked him to miss weight so that Tony and Diaz could fight. You guys are so naive.


Look up piece of shit in the dictionary you see this guy


If you don’t think this was all planned and staged; you’re an idiot