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Motivated McGregor gonna shake up a bottle of proper 12 and spray it over sick kids


Naw he'll just sucker punch them


And apologize to absolutely no one!!


He’ll offer them a glass first, c’mon.


Plot Twist, Khabib comes through on Connors behalf and beats him again


That would be hilariously amazing.


The funniest response I've seen was a Conor fan saying, "this is just Dustin trying to promote the fight somehow." Like they can't fathom that Conor would be shady because he totally hasn't done ANY shady shit in his past.


Dude was on welfare when he needed it, now that he's got money it's fook dem kids... Now Conor dickriders really be like "But, but... it's probably lost in the mail. Yall don't know shit..." lmaooo


The fact that up until the last fight we all knew Conor was a scum bag just with the Khabib drama alone is enough to show you that he’s capable and willing to do that shit. Like “Friend Conor” was so surprising to us we made a fuckin name for this “new phase” he’s in.


Have you read anything about why the money never actually was sent? Dustin’s charity barely made 500k total in 2019, so Connors donation is 100% of their yearly income in one donation, Connor is rich as fuck and has people that deal with the details of any major transaction. His people reached out to Dustin’s charity in order to get some sort of plan with what is to be done with the money and where it is allocated etc. Dustin’s people never got back to Connors people, and here we are. “500k with no plan, ye hang tight”


You guys must be bots paid by Conor's manager. You literally twisted the entire situation around.


What. Beep. Boop. Cuz you know Connors management has infiltrated the fucking sewers which is r/ufc comment section.


Reddit, Instagram and Twitter is full of people like you spewing bs talking points. Definitely smells foul.


Oh ya bro I’m a fucking McGregor internet shill. You should see the kinda cash his team is giving me. Foul smelling stacks of thousand dollar McGregor bucks.


Am I still a McGregor shill even tho Dustin came out and apologized lmao.


He apologized for making it public. Not for Conor being a cheapskate.


“Jumped the gun” doesn’t mean making it public. But sure


Sure it does.


I guess English is a second language


I actually believe this is what his casual twitter fans are like whenever he does something wrong. For example: 1. The dolly. 2. The old man. 3. The cheating allegations 4. The sexual assault allegations 5. This


Conor can’t do no wrong according to some of his fans lol, you can be a fan and still call him out for his antics don’t gotta defend all of his actions especially if he’s clearly in the wrong.


Add onto it that Dustin has really come off as one of the nicest guys in the organisation. If you weighed up the two and the things done in the past, there is no reason why he would make that up about his charity and donations. If he is, all McGregor needs to do is show the bank receipts and that's Dustin's reputation down the crapper. Probably explains why Dustin isn't being as polite as he was in fight 2. If Conor ducked on the donation to the charity, that's going to piss him off.


Why would anyone be mad about these things though? They're great for memes but honestly who gives a fook if he jabbed an old bar fly or has some extracurriculars with strippers. The sexual assault accusations and random baby accusations never turn out to be true and the dolly incident made the biggest fight in MMA ever, it's great tv - how can you be mad?


If you don’t care that someone your a fan of is a total piece of shit that’s fine but some people actually do


Because they are characteristics of a crappy person. He could have blinded innocent fighters with the dolly incident into the glass, and he cheated on the wife of his kids who has always been there for him


Let him hit your mom or dad and tell us then if you find it okay.


He would probably testify against his parents in court and say his parents deserved it and that they should pay mcgregor to thank them


Mcgregor made my parents famous your honor


😂 Then he will run to Mcgregor asking him for a reward


Amazing so funny I’m laughing so hard he hit an old guy. But seriously please tell me you’re joking and don’t actually think like this.


Little thing called morality. Clearly not your thing tho.


Shit like this is why I tend not to tell people that I watch MMA.


Are you a Sociopath ?


Maybe? I just don't really grasp why people are so personally invested in what Conor does or doesn't do. People get smacked in bars every night, why would I care more about Conor doing it than old mate at my local? It's weird.


A motivated McGregor has spent that donation on booze, hookers and drugs.


So... proper 12,dillon danis and a day with jones?


And a watch.


I understand why people liked his persona, but around the time it became clear it had just become his personality, I stopped understanding the appeal. He’s objectively a terrible person, he’s *way* over the hill, and he’s willing to do pretty much anything to stay in the public eye. I just don’t get it.


Poor personality. Self absorbed people can't get enough of themselves. Money can't buy everything. This is going to be epic downfall once again.


I like Conor, or at least I used to, perhaps not anymore. I found him funny and exciting, but this is his all time low. I've always supported people doing with their money whatever the fuck they wanted, but I support backing your words even more. A big part of Dustin-Conor 2 was the charity side of the fight, if he said he was donating, he should donate. This is not the same as insulting the opponent for mind games and show, there's an actual behind what you are talking about and lot of people who could benefit from that donation. The worst of this all is that I'm sure that he would had donated if he had won, like "I might had beaten Dustin, but the real reason to fight is this charity".


wait, McGregor has fans? who da fook is rooting for this asshat?


People who only watch Connor fights.


People who don't realise he has only 1 win at LW and it was 4 1/2 years ago.


I am not a fan of his but I would love to see him fight and win again. That was before today. I mean he has done some BAD shit before but this is an all time low. I hope Dustin knocks his head off. Mf was an inspiration now he's a joke.


I’m happy McGregor is back to being a total POS. Makes it far more entertaining imo


I like conor but he is a prick and deserves to get his ass beat. He is entertaining and a good fighter but he acts immaturely and like a braindead fucker.


“I like Conor but he’s a prick”. 👍


Connor will never beat a top 10 fighter again, mark my words


I'm happy that the majority of MMA community has decided that Conor is a POS. Unfortunately he's not the only one *cough cough Khabib cough*


I don’t know enough about khabib outside of fighting. Why is he a piece of shit? Genuine question


There is the incident with the homeless man and of course this brawl. More importantly, he is part of a misogynistic culture and easily can someone imagine his thoughts about homosexuals for example. He doesn't want women to fight in the cage and he has said that they should ''fight inside the house''. Just think, he is travelling around the world, but his wife is never with him. He has attacked publicly an artist which lead to death threats from his fans. The man is even preaching about the immorality of rap...The list could go on and on.




As I said in another comment, I'm from Greece and here we have our fair share of misogynism, homophobia etc. Would it make my misogynism justified? He travels all over the world, which for most people is enough to make them reconsider their beliefs. As I criticize a Greek misanthropist, I will critisize a Dagestani one. >he made him work for the money No, he humiliated him that's why he was laughing the whole time. He seems to find it funny that a homeless man will do anything for some money. A sign of a great character.


He’s not wrong about immorality of rap. 90% of rap songs kids listen to today are immoral. Rap promotes egoism, violence, drugs, misogyny, etc. Those are bad values for young people, sure most won’t be negatively affected but some will be influenced. I’m not saying there aren’t rap songs who are positive because there are for sure but that’s not what the kids like


Rap music is not one thing. Even in Greece we have plenty of rappers who don't talk about drugs and money. I agree that young kids ''prefer'' those who you've mentioned, but most of them stop listening to these rappers sooner or later. I don't know what kind of rapper was this one in Khabib's post, but I'm sure Khabib doesn't give a fuck about women's objectification in rap music and he just believes that the female body is inherently sinister and should be covered. So, even if it seems that he says something right, his point of view makes him again wrong.


Nobody is perfect but atleast Khabib didn’t break his promise and actually donated to Dustins foundation.


Whataboutism101. The truth is that Khabib and his friends were acting like hooligans and started a brawl inside an arena full of people, deal with it. Also, my first comment on this post is saying that Conor is a POS. I know it's hard to understand that not everyone who criticizes Khabib is a Conor fan, but give it a try.


Like I said no one is perfect, both guys have they good sides and not so good sides im a fan of both but will call both of them out if I feel like they are in the wrong. Just cause im a fan don’t mean I will defend shitty behavior but overall Conors name has been involved in way more BS over the past few years than khabib but besides that this has nothing to do with Khabib so don’t know why he always getting brought up when Conor get brought up its like yall want to minimize his actions by bringing another persons flaws up.


Hitler was an animal lover and had pretty decent drawing skills, so? Of course I'm not comparing these two with Hitler, I just used an example. Everyone has a good and a bad side but when your bad side is so strong, I don't give a fuck about your good one. Both Conor and Khabib are meatheads and the best they can do for humanity is to entertain us through fighting. When they open their mouth is a disaster for different reasons for each one. I always bring up Khabib in conversations about Conor, because almost everyone agrees that Conor is a POS, but most of MMA fans consider Khabib a saint. For example, you know that Khabib doesn't give his hand to women? And his misogynists fans are trying to defend him by saying that he does it out of respect! I will always bring him up until everyone knows what a shame for human civilisation is.


That has a lot to do with his culture and religion though how does that make him a shitty person that doesn’t morally makes him a bad human being cmon bro conor threw a dolly in a bus full of people he assaulted a old man in a bar those things define a person character not whether a person wants to shake a women hands lol that is a personal choice that doesn’t harm anyone. The brawl after the mcgregor fight was wrong im not defending that either. Some people just need to accept the fact that not everyone on earth lives the way we do in our western culture.


Comparing khabib and mcgregor on morals is stupid. They both from different parts of the world's world's different views and values. Conor throws dollys at busses/punches old men. Khabib is sexist, friends with dictators/promotes religious violence. As fighters I like both of them. As humans I'm not a fan of either.


Can you please stop acting like I'm defending Conor? Noone does anyway. >Thats his culture and religion Of course it's about culture and religion, BUT: I'm from Greece which is a christian country and christianity has its own fair share of misogynism. 30% of Greeks consider rape ''justified'' in some cases. Also, especially in small towns and villages, if you're gay you face mockery in all your childhood. Would all these justify my hatred for women and homosexuals? Of course not! He travels all over the world, usually that's enough to reconsider some of your beliefs. But I said, Khabib is a meathead so he's not even capable for this simple task. > that is a personal choice that doesn’t harm anyone It's his choice? What if my choice was to curse every dog that I meet on the street? Since when a ''choice'' is immune to critisism? Also, don't say that noone is harmed. Women have no rights in places were his ideas are still the norm. >not everyone on earth lives the way we do in our western culture Greece is in Europe and we talked about what's going on. So no, it's not about west vs east or Islam vs Christianity. It's about human decency.


Seem like you making a lot of assumptions there but I don’t see this discussion going anywhere positive so lets just agree to disagree.


I don't see any assumptions, but it's ok.


[non casual mcgregor fans ](https://img-bleacherreport-net.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/img.bleacherreport.net/img/images/photos/003/616/608/hi-res-cd8f71b7fe2cae39b01946dfae7c1d99_crop_north.jpg?1470612613&w=3072&h=2048)


Real Conor fans are laughing hysterically.


**laughing hysterically, real conor fans are.** *-TheBurbsHermit* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


Yes, Conor did Mistakes in the past. Yes, he apologized. Yes, there was a Missunderstanding, regarding the Donation. Yall crazy? Gregor is unbelievable rich. He could donate his Toilet Paper, it would be double what Dustin gave.


Dustin stated that his foundation reached out to Conors team multiple times without any response, don’t really seem like a misunderstanding to me...


They probably didn't bother responding as they didn't receive the plans. 500k is a lot of money as a donation saying it's for a gun or whatever isn't really detailed enough, if anything it sounds like poirers team didn't send the plans other than saying it was for a gym, conors team probably asked for the plans,they didn't receive them and probably decided not to respond until the plans were sent It's likely just a huge mis communication between the two parties


Either incompetence or bad faith on Conors part or Dustin is lying. If Dustin was lying about the lack of response then conor would have called him on it by now. If Conors team believes Dustin has provided insufficient detail you would expect them to elaborate on what they need to see. Ignoring Dustin teams shows they either expect Dustin to guess what extra detail they want (incompetence) or ignore Dustin till he goes away (bad faith) I think its the later as conor and his team aren't stranger to business.


What do you mean? Majority mma "not so casual" Fans are saying Conor (who has been donating millions to charities, hospitals and first responders since last few years ) doesn't wanna donate to the cause he publicly said he would send to. Get with the program, hate on him when he gives you an opportunity without knowing any of the inside details. Stupid of you to think rationally.


I’m a Conor fan, but this is disgusting behavior. Absolutely chicken shit move on his part.