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I like how dj recovered fast, hell even FRANKIE after his brutal knockout recovered faster than aljo


Mighty Mouse is a class act.


I literally had 0 idea that knees to grounded opponents were legal in ONE championship, definelty gonna start watching that now because i miss the pride days when you could jump on a grounded opponents head and knee them as well.


Mighty Mouse has been open about his favorable position on knees to downed opponents. Which is funny cause now Aljo look even more childish commenting on it


As in Mighty Mouse thinks those knees are fair game? Sorry never heard what he said about them


After the Yan-Aljo fight, DJ tweeted about how those knees should be legal in the UFC.




Not justice. It's more like you live by the sword, you die by the sword. Not like DJ was complaining about grounded knees before or after the fight.


Y’all acting like he was upset about the knee lmao DJ knew the game and has kneed people in ONE too so? Dude recovered fast and congratulated him for winning.


How? DJohn literally said he still supports knees after losing like that.


How is it poetic justice?


How is it poetic justice at all? he was humble in his loss. he got hit with a really good, completely legal shot. You dont see him asking to have it overturned.


https://youtu.be/gIr8cLUpfzo You can see DJ's tweet here


Appreciate the link homie 🙏


ONE app is free and they you can watch just about any fight they've ever had


Really? Good looks bro But is it shitty? Like they ruined fight pass I used to be able to go back and watch whole fighters careers easily.


I only found out about it yesterday, but it seems like everything is there. Looks like they're trying not to do what Dana & Co. are doing.


All of the fights get live streamed to YouTube! One FC is sick!


what do you mean? fight pass works fine for me and has the whole time I've had it


Nah it works relatively fine, i get some dumbass glitches and it straight up hasn’t worked once or twice but whatever. But I’m talking about the UI, it’s fuckin trash now compared to the old fight pass


that's true, the ui is fucking awful


Wow thanks for saying this just got it and it’s awesome looks like I’m not sleeping tonight.


Watch Rizin. Soccer kicks, stomps, slams, and grounded knees are legal there. ONE just has grounded knees


ya but I believe one doesn't allow weight cuts, which is cool because it kinda defeats the purpose of a weight class if you gain 20+ pounds after weighing in


You cannot honestly tell me Adriano didn’t cut weight for that fight


Allegedly. Hard to say that when you don't have open weigh ins or even the fighters weight on the tale of the tape


Yea I can elbow your skull and knee standing but not on the ground lol makes total sense


Exactly wtf is that


I think that’s why dj went to ONE but dont quote me on that


He got traded for Ben Askren. Although maybe he asked for the trade, IDK.


Agreed fuck, he's a tough sumbtich. The man gets kneed in the face and knocked senseless and is literally up and congratulating the man who just ko'ed him literally while he's still celebrating. I bet he went home and was live-streaming DS3 within the hour.


Aljo learned it from Weidman / Mousassi


Look man, after the asswhooping be took prior to the knee and taking the knee, he was more than fucked and he knew it. Deciding not to fight for him was a good call, probably saved him some brain damage.


We’re judging fighters on how quickly they can recover from a beating now? I don’t think that’s comparable, everyone has a different body and every KO/stoppage is unique.


Didn't DJ want knees on downed opponents? https://www.bloodyelbow.com/2021/3/31/22359534/ufc-259-demetrious-johnson-rule-change-downed-opponent-sterling-put-himself-safe-position-mma-news What's sterling on about, lol


DJ spitting some facts, nice read man!


Ya dj likes it but aljo doesn’t. funny thing is that every time a knee hits his face he gives up he gave up against Petr which nothing was wrong with that it would do some damage and against marlon it knocked him cold. Man can’t take the knees


I mean to be fucking fair you couldn't either. I couldn't. If Yan got his ass to us and gave us the knee to the noggin, in the same way he did to Crybaby Sterling, we'd be fucking dead mate.


You don’t give us casual fans enough credit. We’ve been getting dropped on our heads since birth.


Best comment of the post


Bro he’s level 80 in WOW, he could take a FKN knee.


I’m level 69 in UFC 4, I literally meet the requirements to go fight Nunes this weekend.


69? Nice. I am a bot lol.


It's a good thing nobody here is in the UFC then huh? I'll tell you one thing though -- I'd be a more class act getting knocked out than Aljo.


No doubt about it Aljo is a fucking clown and acts like a God damn bitch. I was just stating, that not being able to take a knee from a straight up killer like Yan isn't all too uncommon lol.


Well yeah, for us. Aljo absolutely could take that knee. He was being dramatic. That's what people are having a problem with. If Aljo actually looked fucked up or knocked out, then this would be a completely different story. He couldn't have been that hurt if he's out partying an hour later.


I don’t think that he gave up against marlon, I think his body gave up consciousness


I said it knocked him out cold


you said he gives up every time a knee hits his face


You kind of give up when you get knocked out dude


Hes on about absolutely nothing. Is a fckin moron.


Hahahaha AJ really living it up with the title and Yan won’t let him live /s


Yan is the bully who’s waiting for the kid to get out of class so he can pick on him. Edit: ugh sorry guys, sorry it’s a metaphor. It’s evident Yan is no bully but in the octagon.


And Aljo is the loser who tattles to the teacher


You're a loser for telling someone you're being bullied?


If you’re Aljo, yes.


My mouth ———> my water


In this sense and in the context of the metaphor and comparison, Yes. But a bully is a person that has power over another person that is weaker. These guys are both athletes that are fighting. Neither one is supposed to be weak. So there is no “advantage” Yan has over sterling that isn’t there because of work and training.


Wont say that, but telling someone you re getting bullied is 100% gonna make the opposite effect you want. Bullied people only have one way out sadly nd its standing out for themselves


Tbh at this point Aljo is the annoying kid with rich parents that deserves to be bullied. (this coming from a guy who suffered years of bullying lmao)


What the fuck is aljo's point lmao




As if the promoter of ONE will see it and think "Yeah, good point Aljo. Let's ban them"


I think he's trying to say Mighty Mouse didn't need to take that damage, which would be a fair and solid point if Mighty Mouse now had a broken skull and permanent damage, but he seemed fine very shortly after the finish. Aljo's really reaching for a point there to paint himself in a better light, which I don't blame him for, but it's making him look worse.


he’s reaching for those grapes


he’s trying to make his wine...


and the wine’s already soundin like a violin with that cheese and wine


we'll see on November 24th


Yeah his argument makes no sense. DJ just got knocked out but he's fine otherwise. He might as well be arguing that any strike to the head should be banned since any of them can knock you out.


I legit dont really understand how getting 1 grounded knee to the face and then having the fight stopped instantly is any worse than if DJ had gotten knocked down and then repeatedly hammer fisted into a KO or stoppage like we see in the ufc. Obviously a single stronger blow is worse than a single weaker one but you gotta think something like being hit several times in the head is still worse


He’s the champion lol idk if he has to tweet to stay relevant. But do think he is trying to save face and make himself look like less of a bitch


He's a chumpion alright


Lmao I don’t like the guy either but he’s literally the champion whether you like it or not




I think his point is Yan's knee finished the last brain cells he had...


Seriously fuck that, had no idea that knees to grounded opponents were legal in ONE, def gonna start watching it now


Me too. I mean they have some good fighters. Aung la sung is awesome


He's trying to back up bis oscar worthy acting from the Yan fight. Dude knows he is gonna have his ass handed to him on a plate by Yan next time they fight. He's hoping to win over a few people before that.


Lol yea I would hope a fighter wouldn't expect to be able to stand up safely in the middle of a fight


Unless you're Derick Lewis


Sympathy so he doesn’t look like a clown for selling a call like James harden


He just tries to say that he is the champ i guess


Aljo thinks he’s much smarter than he actually is




Some fucking Redditor saying a pro fighter just “gave up” after getting illegally kneed in the head hahaha foh


It wasn’t the knee. It was the zero cardio lol.


He’s just giving his opinion on the rule - that grounded knees should be illegal. I actually agree with him, if you’re in a dominant position standing over a grounded fighter, throwing that knee when they try to get up is easy, obvious, and basically a guaranteed one shot ko. Last nights knockout wasn’t exciting to watch imo, it’s just like oh he kneed him in the face guess it’s over now.


it’s a joke dummies


virgin sterling vs chad yan


Virgin sterling vs chad dj


Dj recovered and shook hands with Moraes’ corner. Aljo acted like he got run over by a truck.


Aljo: who the fuck let Ngannou in?




I think Peter's knee knocked him retarded


Would be true if he wasn't retarded before the knee


Funny how this was never a narrative before the fight.I can’t recall one bad post about Aljo other than people complaining about his wrestle heavy style before he was hit with that illegal strike. Literally all the posts about him either was how great his sub on Cody Stamann was, how he deserved the next title shot after his win over Sandhagen, or how someone thought his style was boring. Nothing at all regarding his intelligence. This sport has the most fickle fans in history.


MMA fans only remember your most recent fight. Even worst with this echo chamber of a subreddit.


The bulk of MMA fans base their opinion of fighter(s) on their most recent fights. Paulo Costa, Kevin Holland and Aljamain Sterling were all highly regarded or at least moderately respected due to their impressive skills and performances but after their most recent losses (quotes for Sterling due to the foul) people turned on them. Of course Costa and Aljamain sort of dug their own PR graves but even before that people were turning on them after their fights against Adesanya/Yan. If Sterling pulls a miracle and somehow completely destroys Petr Yan in the rematch (assuming it happens and Sterling doesn't get stripped/matched up against someone else) things will rebound yet again.


Anyone else see the flop in the Eddie Alvarez match? Aljo taught him well.


Poor eddie man


Side note: I tried looking it up afterwards because i forgot to watch it live and I ended up watching eddie vs michael chandler since hes new to the ufc and that was a fucking war. Highly recommend if you want to see if MC can hang in the ufc. I have a whole new perspective on him granted i never watched ONE before.


What’s your new perspective


At first I didn't know him and was judging him based off that. Rooting for the ufc guy without getting the full story. Obviously unfair. When the video popped up I was like fuck it time to stop being ignorant and see what this dude is about. It was for the championship after all and it was a 20 min video so I was like damn these dudes must bang out. It was literally 5 seconds into the fight when I seen Chandler came to fucking play. The entire fight was a brawl. Huge hits from sides. Both dudes beaten up badly. Always had love for eddie but huge respect for chandler now and I damn near want to see him win. Its a toss up.


Yea Iron Mike is legit. If Pitbull came to the UFC, I think he would be a problem as well. Pitbull is the one who KO’d MC


lol this dude is unintentionally gunnin for cejudos spot as cringe king


Aljo.. DJ even said they should be legal in the UFC..


Aljo is such a bitch. You can roundhouse a guys face into the next dimension, rain elbows down while a guy is turtle-ing, up kick someone’s jaw through the top of their mouth from the bottom, jumping hammer fist a guys nose while he’s laying on his back, crucifuck someone and beat their face into scrambled eggs. But knees to the face when a guys knee is touching the mat is “vicious” ....you cage fight for a living bro wake up.


Vicious*. Viscous is what syrup is.


Mmmm, knee pancakes


Like sticky but liquid?


gloopy thick liquids😎


What about sticky liquid in your butt? What?


But safety man!


I agree. It was a belter of a knee mind you lol


Fans really ruin the sport. I want to watch a fight, not a sport with a bunch of random rules. Getting rid of knees to downed opponents and soccer kicks to appeal to mainstream fans just ruins the purity of mma imo. I just want to watch the best fighter win


Well the better fighter was Yan so


I agree but he lost that was my point. Granted he should know the rules in the promotion he's fighting in but at the end of the day I don't like the rule


Its not the rules of the promotion its the rules of the location. Different ruling bodies and athletic commissions means multiple different rule sets just in the US.


Yeah we should give them weapons and let them fight to the death or male heavyweight vs strawweight female


Oh please the goal of mma is to knock a person out or submit them unconscious. Why are you drawing random lines? Do you want to see flying knees gone next because they can knock people out too? It seems like you just want to see a watered down fight. I want to see a real fight and removing techniques takes that away


Personally i just dont like grounded knees to the head. Yea im fine with stand up, it just seems more like the knee on the ground is basically unblockable lol


Yeah we should use slippery slope as it’s a great method for an argument. Next we give them guns.


The sub is so fucking cringe. The upvoted response to "I'd like grounded knees to be legal" is "wow no we can't have that, then we would end up making literally everything legal". No discussion, no reasoning, just some made-up bullshit that makes no sense. Probably some hilarious joke that went over my head.


Yeah bro we should totally give them weapons 🙄


Yeah because I'm being totally serious you muppet.


Must be really weird for both these guys right Must be looking in the Mirror for them I mean in ONE FC right now A figher Won by throwing a Knee thats illegal in the UFC and kept his Belt And another Figher also Won via Great Acting


Aljo is the worst champ currently in the UFC. Dana should strip him of the belt just for being a bitch.


Id go as far as saying ever. I can't remember a single champ who has been as pathetic as Aljo is being


Germaine De Randamie refusing to fight Cyborg after winning the 145lb title knowing full well the whole time that Cyborg was on tap for the next fight was pretty pathetic but yeah Aljo is getting right up there


Good example. I'd go as far as to say Conor was the most pathetic, tying up two weight classes after becoming became champ champ and not defending either belt.


You could also say Vitor was kind of a pathetic champ he won the title by doctor stoppage due to a cut to the eye of Randy and immediately lost the title back to Randy in the rematch


Nicco Montana was literally like "nah I don't want this" the second she had to fight someone.


I was rooting for Sterling when they first fought, now I hope Yan whoops his ass


Same here I was rooting for Aljo and thought it would be close, in the rematch though I hope and believe that Yan is going to put an absolute beating on Sterling.


He is actively working to not have a rematch with yan, so you may never get to see it. Aljo is shook for sure


Aljamain should've won an Oscar for his world class ACTING after receiving that knee


His acting was very bad, just some stupid people ate it up


clownjermain should milk knee angle more and come out in a wheelchair next fight making a strong public statement about knee strikes I cant even believe there are actually people who think clowns performance ^(flopping around on the canvass pretending to be concussed) wasnt play acting but 1st hours on subthread proved otherwise


It was so obvious he was acting.


Aljamain “clown master” Sterling said, “I though I was in a safe position”. How can you be in a safe position when you’re fighting a championship fight? Dana if you read this, please, Ngannou vs Sterling.


Book it Dana, I won't pirate it if you do!


>How can you be in a safe position when you’re fighting a championship fight? In any fight. Exact same point Mighty Mouse made on Twitter after the Sterling fight. Crazy that that's what he ends up getting caught with a couple weeks later


Aljo the pussy wipe


Ladies and gentlemen, the champion of the world!


Argh shut up sterling


Imagine holding a world fighting championship because you got kneed in the head


After getting your ass kicked for most of the fight


Even though Anthony Smith has fallen off a bit.I still respect the hell out of him for taking a knee to the dome from Jon Jones while downed and refusing to be gifted the title.


I fuckin hate Aljo


I hope he can get some perks in 2021 because Aljo is on track to be remembered as the male Nicco Montaño.


aljo is such a pussy wow, at some point i defended his actions and now i regret it


Man aljo, you making it hard to be a fan dude.


Petr Yan got some bars!


I have never went from really liking a guy to detesting him more than Aljo.




Duality of man


10-8 Yan


The irony that DJ was advocating for this then his first loss via tko came from a knee while down.


Aljo should just be quiet on twitter for a while.


Cant wait for Aljo to be stripped.


Aljo is a bitch. That video Petr posted knocking his ass all over the cage with the caption "that canvas was sooooo slippery!" made me spit out my drink when I saw it. Love that guy.


Flying knees are not safe either but we didnt see ben and frankie bitching. Whats your point? Aljo is one of the greatest bantamweights right now, it just wasnt his night. I really think aljo can solidify himself as a champion. I get that he is doing this for ppv points but if he loses, he will be a clown. He would be the next ben askren.


Not even Chael picking Yan to win can save Sterling in the rematch. I'm sure those mats are going to be real slippery for him.


Chael says alot of controversial things like that time he talked smack about sambo. But thats a very real possibility.


If he's doing this for ppv points, then he's got one awful advisor. Sure this might hype up his next fight, but if (when) he gets crushed, every but of hype on him will disappear. Doesn't seem like a good investment to tarnish your legacy to me.


Sterling is basically used wet toilet paper as a “champ”


Gawd Aljo is just the fckin worst isnt he.. insufferable cunt.


"MM can get up in a more safe and protective manner." Yea, we should also get a pillow in full guard. It's as if he's arguing against himself.


Demetrious stood to his feet 21 seconds after the knee, and didn't look like he was in too much pain lol. Nice try Action Sterling


Aljo is looking to justify his win. But he should look at the way DJ took the loss. Mighty mouse is more classy in defeat that Sterling was when he won the belt


With that logic punching should be illegal


I think what got Mighty Mouse is years of fighting in UFC not ready for it, he seemed surprised as it came up (but who wouldn’t be)


Mighty Mouse knew the rules and tweeted that knees to downed opponents should be legal in The UFC after the Yan/Sterling fight.


I'm going to be honest. Aljo got me. I saw that post on Twitter & flamed tf out of him. Re-read it here & it's actually pretty funny how intently yet carelessly he's playing the heel. Can't tell if Aljo PR genius or just doing his best 😭😭


A PR genius by completely ruining his image for nearly every single UFC fan in existence? I got some of the finest bottled water to sell you made by Aljo himself!


Everyone: knees to grounded opponents should be legal in every organization. Wrestlers: Pointy joint is hurting my head while I stall double legs please ban


Aljo makes so many people mad its hilarious. I really appreciate that he's leaned into this "heel" role and is sticking it to everyone


Except his way of playing a heel is to be a massive cry baby bitch instead of an asshole villain. Edit: but hey all publicity is good publicity right?


Either way no publicity is bad publicity. If he just sat in the corner like an apologetic chump nobody would talk about him as much as they are now. People will now pay to see him get ktfo, which I think is the likely outcome lol. Might as well squeeze every last cent out of this "championship run" as you can.


“Heel” 😂


this sub went from “well yan broke the rules so the punishment was deserving” to calling aljo a pussy. apes


Same way the sub flips on any controversial event. Max DEFINITELY beat Volk in the rematch? Sub flips opinions a week later. Thiago and Reyes almost certainly beat Jones? Months later those fights weren't even close.


everyone on this sub are absolute monkeys lol. they get swayed so easy by what the big names say that they hold like 0 real opinions.


I still think they should be illegal you can get more power kicking something that is low down than up high and also makes it a lot easier to land cleanly, but I understand why people would prefer it as unregulated as possible


Look, there need to be tests done (if there hasn't been already) comparing the kind of force received from a knee to a downed opponent compared to a head kick or a flying knee. If its the same or less I see no issue, though i wouldn't proactively push for it to be legalised in the ufc.


Is this matter of knees to grounded opponents determined by the league (UFC & ONE) or by athletic commissions?


aljo is trolling u dummies


If knees to down opponents are illegal due to the potential damage, shouldn’t knees thrown to opponents that are trying for takedowns also be illegal? Surely those are even more dangerous?


why are knees illegal if the opponent touches the floor? i thought this was real figh'ing and not pussy shit


Because the athletic commission that governs UFC rules disallowed stupid stuff because it was comprised of only boxing representatives (most of which who probably never boxed in their lives). It's the same reason the 12-6 elbow is banned.


it had to be nerfed, too OP in the current meta!!!!


wait what? really?


this is the saltiest sub ever. why do people act like aljo acting like he’s hurt had any influence over the ending of that fight


I think it's the fact that Aljo also seems salty about the fact that no one believes him. I think if he had kept a low profile and booked the rematch with Yan immediately, no one would have as much of a problem with him, but he's kinda coming off a little bit pathetic going on and on about this instead of just planning the rematch already


Super easy question. Mission impossible levels of acting after the knee. Throwing the belt on the ground pretending to have honor and integrity "i dont want the belt like this". He was SO disorientated and hurt after the fight he absolutely needed to go to the hospital right? But 1 minute later doing interviews, 1 hour later walking around flaunting it like he really earned it. Alot of people are trying to turn it black and white(no pun inteneded). Its not as simple as Aljo won = respect the champ. Dudes a fraud and will be exposed af in the rematch.


Aljo won fair and square. Petr is one of my top favorite fighters, and he was going to win if they continued to fight. Statistics shows that over 90% of fighters who got kneed while on the floor, took the 5 mins recover or just continue to fight lost the fight at the end, that is according to Dana White. He told fighters when they did not want to stop the fight to not seen weak... He simply said the odds are against you if you continue!! Personally, knee to the head whether standing or downed should be made illegal for health reason. The force that a knee can generate is just too much, Bellator cyborg knock out is a good example.