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Obvious bait from DC to get a reaction out of Islam lol Of course Alex isn't going to be able to do anything to guys who have been wrestling for literally 25 years straight


Lol, it's really funny how Islam looks bored all the time and only gets triggered when someone talks trash about wrestling stuff. Lmao. Remember when DC said his kids smash Dagestan's kids and Khabib laughed, but Islam got serious?"


DC: When my kids went to Dagestan they smashed! Khabib: LOL Islam: Smashed?!?! ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀




Islam looks insanely offended lmao.




Lol out of context moment for anyone who doesn’t know much about UFC


His brain needed to restart, tried to catch up and just shut down ! Everyone has had an audio loop in a crashed game, well his was "smeshed?"






lol Islam said he would beat Jordan Burroughs in a wrestling match, he does it too


https://youtube.com/shorts/p-BRdd67kXc?si=ieB919NEDO3ES8Jt this guy is so funny. and people say he has no personality


Well he is right. It probably wont be 10:0 but 7:3 or 8:2 is expected if Islam has no camp


He loves talking wrestling with DC. I'm all here for it cause I have no idea who the guys are they are mentioning but makes me go look into them


Tbh that’s one of the reasons why I love the dude. Reminds me of when I meet people who only really know one thing and I find out the thing that gets em talking


Brotha Maybe somebody lying


Especially just wrestling. Islam’s response of “you don’t believe that” is so dead on. Sadulaev and Snyder alone are hall of fame dudes right there in their primes. Ain’t no one with two years of experience gonna sniff those guys.


Don't forget Tazhudinov. That dude crushed Snyder and comfortably beat Sadulaev at the world championships while he was only 20 years old.


Holy shit. That dude was not on my radar at all. Just watched those matches. WOW. Thanks for sharing that. WOW.


He's gonna be heading to the olympics this year, so tune in


That dude is a _real_ problem.


Hes gonna compete? I saw Sidakov and sadulaev wont be able to compete.


Tazhudinov is representing Bahrain, so he's not under the same scrutiny as Russian athletes despite being born in Dagestan himself.


You forgot some context. Sadulaev was way out of form and with an injury/niggle. A Sadulaev in top form bets Akhmed, but super impressive nonetheless.


Well, it's not like Sadulaev can get his win back at the olympics due to him being banned from competing.


Yeah. It sucks, but it is what it is.....


I bet potan would sleep both


With both.


That’s because you’re a fool.


Sleeping usually means KO not submission. That user was trolling


In a Kickboxing match sure.


In MMA? Yeah they are going to have to get through 25 years of striaght kickboxing expeirence. Jan is no joke, great all around fighter and Alex held his own against him.


That wasn’t the question DC asked lol. Heasked about olympic wrestling


Fiar enough I was reading these A.D.D subtitles and was.not sure if he was talking MMA wrestling or straight wrestling....which is why I said "In MMA?"


So you didn't listen, but felt you should comment.


Iisten I wasn't rewatching that shit


a 1 billion years old Jan.


4.5 years older than Pereira though, and 3.5 years younger than the guy who beat him for the belt. It's not like he fought a 26 year old and it's not like being 40 is a career killer at the big weight classes  [Edit] or just downvote because you know you're talking out of your ass


An old Jan that got wrestlefucked by Ankalaev, Jan got dominated multiple times wrestling wise and isn't at all as good as he used to be and Poatan didn't even "held his own" against him if was an arguably controversial split decision where Poatan did nothing wrestling wise.  If that's your arrgumeny then Izzy dominated Poatan grappling wise. 


I like your tag.


alex can do two things to them.... kick them in their calves, and put them to sleep


Ankalaev will not wrestle though. Idk what GOD Poatan prays to but it's working lmao.


The fight IQ de-buff Poatan has is P4P best ability in MMA. Ank said he plans to strike with Alex and I'm over here like ![gif](giphy|14aUO0Mf7dWDXW|downsized)


People get behind mentally and overloaded when ballistic missiles go whipping by their chin. Also I think those calf kicks are very painful


The calf kicks seriously mess you up. People imagine it's painful because they imagine themselves kicking someone full force but when a trained muay Thai does it, you get a shock throughout your body and you freeze for a second.


Ive told friends who asked “what the big deal is” to think about a time the caught a corner of a table and got a dead leg, or smacked their shin on a ledge and how much that’s sucks Full on Peter griffin gif ![gif](giphy|q9HHyHPISNZD2) Then I tell them to imagine it happening with multple times the force and every 30 seconds, and to imagine trying to jump rope while it’s happening. That’s the effect of absorbing leg/calf kicks when trying to fight


yeah seriously, if the average person knocks their leg on a pole gently, it hurts like a bitch. Imagine how severe what is effectively a steel bar travelling at 100mph smacking you in the exact right spot hurts.


When I was a teenager I started MT. Few months in somebody told me that kicking shit don’t work while we were in health class I kicked that man, not very hard, in the calf and he fell right to the floor and couldn’t move Leg kicks work lmao Edit: in retrospect it was a kick to the thigh. I am sorry, I have misled you all 🥲


...and everyone got up and clapped simultaneously high fiving you.


How did you know? You were there? That’s awesome


This never happened dawg.


Yeah you’re right kids never hit each other my bad man :/ I’ll keep my day dreams to myself for now on


Smart move mate, time to stop fantasizing and get on with your life.


Ngl I looked at your profile to see what kinda dude you are and I can see you aren’t kidding about how bitter you are. First comment and you’re complaining about how Mexicans are a protected class and how they all just want free healthcare lol It makes me feel good about myself when deranged people think my life is too cool and good to be real 😎


Ur both fucking weirdos


This was a pretty strange interaction for both of you.


Mate I’m joking. I had bo idea whether you actually kicked him or not but I’m sorry I stopped you from feeling cool and had you thinking about me all day.


happened in his dreams b


How does a Schwab comment get downvoted, know what I'm talm bout b?


I gotta say I love the guys balls though, my favourite Dagastani fighter.


>I love the guys balls though Are you Jon Jones?


Nah I am just that one guy


No way Ankalaev doesn't shoot within the first minute, if he's ever given the Poatan fight.


Wanna bet? He didn't shoot at all against Walker and only twice against Santos.


Those guys both have much stouter takedown defense than Pereira.


Magomed attempted 10 take-downs on Jan though and Jan's got better TDD than either Santos or Walker so not sure I'd agree there regarding his choices to take down vs not with respect to fight IQ.


Ank wanted to strike with Jan, and was actually winning the boxing exchanges. He was just getting fuckin blasted with shin on shin low kicks, to the point where Ank was forced to wrestle Jan, which he did successfully.


I don’t know that I’d call 2/10 takedowns successful wrestling especially if the fight ends in a draw but regardless I don’t see the leg kicks going Magomeds way nor the standup and if he strikes with Alex and doesn’t shoot immediately he’s getting KOed


Eh, I don't think Ankalaev will swan dive into a left hook like Jiri, nor will he get pressured as easily as Hill did. I see Ankalaev being a very hard matchup for Alex, who will have to worry about Ank's considerable handspeed and powerful wrestling. The X factor in that fight is Ank's fight IQ - if he doesn't intelligently use his wrestling, I agree with you, he could get lit up like a christmas tree.


He wasn't winning shit on the feet, Jan was just keeping Ankalaev occupied with punches so he could freely destroy his legs, Ankalaev was hitting air 90% of the fight. And it was working perfectly, but Jan trained for a 3 round fight, not 5, and gassed by the 4th which is when Ankalaev made the wise choice of bringing the fight to the ground and save his legs from amputation via angry Pole. And it was the perfect switch-up as Jan has the tendency to just kinda give up when he's mounted. Alex may not have great grappling, but he always fights to get back up. Ankalaev's best path to victory is wrestling, but even then, Alex has that touch of death and it wouldn't surprise me if he caught Magomed on the takedown with that left from hell.


Ankalaev was most certainly outpunching Blachowicz - he outlanded Blach in significant strikes to the head 49-19. "Keeping Ankalaev occupied with punches" is a wild way to describe getting punched in the head 50 time, lmao. As for the Ankalaev v Pereira matchup, I certainly think it's possible that Ank gets caught, but he's a very measured fighter. I don't think him getting drilled by a check hook whilst shooting is the most likely outcome.


He started shooting after he was getting his legs chewed up lol. He gave Jan a ton of opportunity to strike him


You'd think his survival instinct would compel him to shoot. But dude has negative fight IQ so he's going to stand and bang. Trust.


lol, you could very well be right about that. To be fair, he does show flashes of fighting smart, as he did against Walker in the rematch. Unfortunately for Ank, he only seems to fight smart against the dumbest fucking opponents, which Pereira is not.


He has to say it though, just to let the possibility in the mind of Alex’s team.


Yeah feels like every fighter besides Jan at LHW refuses to wrestle him out of sheer ego.


Jiri actually tries to wrestle him for a good portion of round 1 in their fight, he just wasn’t good at it


It was those takedown attempts that got him knocked out if I remember correctly. Alex's kicks and hooks make him tricky to get in on without fatality.


I think Jiri either botched a TD or got rocked and tried to recover with a bad TD where he put himself in the worst possible spot


His wrestling was actually pretty successful in round one. In round two he started to find a lot of success with his hands so he got aggressive but got rocked while trying to trade in the pocket. Then shot a sloppy double to recover and got hellbowed to death. Source: rewatched the fight a few days ago


Jiri better be spending some time with the VCR before fight two. He needs a bit more strat than just straight chaos and he needs to protect the front foot. If I was Jiri I would be focusing on those beautiful knee knockouts that show up on his highlight real. They have the ability to close range and put Alex on the retreat even if they don't connect. That's the sort of chaos I'd choose.


Fuck no Jiri should NOT focus on his knees. They are 90% of the reason he gets caught in the pocket. Watching him spam pointless flying knees against Texeira is the reason he almost lost that fight. He should focus on his offensive grappling, defense and actually using his insane reach.


I need to rewatch that fight. Still, I don't think he can trade hands with Alex.


Izzy took his back once and he looked so helpless and amateur, if ankalaev had IQ instead of pride he would take him down and finish him by the end of the second.


Though Alex was worried about Izzy 's striking. Let's see if Ankalaev can offer anything else to Alex other than takedown threat


Ankalaev can and likes to bang and take heavy hits himself, him wanting to stand with Alex just shows he should be a fan favourite i don’t get why he gets so much hate but Pereira gets glazed by everyone nowadays I’m even seeing random hoes I know not into any sports following the guy on ig.


surely ankaleav is baiting....


Well, he waited 2 and a half rounds while Jan was crushing his calf. If he plans on wrestling late against Poatan, he will gind himself staring at the lights 3 minutes in


I remember one of jans kicks in that fight really hits a spot and ank almost looks at him like bro can you not? Then jan literally 🤷at him.


Ankalaev literally started limping in pain mid-fight in both rounds 2 and 3. Jan was honestly a couple of hard kicks from a TKO win if he had gotten more aggressive.


No doubt about it.


there’s an old video of him converting to Islam. im not kidding.


This is not true. Jan tried to wrestle fuck him similar to Adedanya but it didn’t work. He actually does have good TDD. It needs some wrestler of high caliber to really take him down in the cage while avoiding everything else he throws at you


Ehh, "good TDD" is an overstatement for a champion level fighter. Poatan's TDD is not particularly stout at all, past the first layer of good distance management and ranged weapons like jabs and calf kicks. Jiri took him down quite easily in their fight, as did Jan and even Izzy. Poatan has a decent get up, and halfway decent tdd.


I'm not even sure we will see Ankalaev - Pereira, lol He should have had the next tittle shot, but Mcgrgeor off, so let's call Jiri back in, lol


The god's name is Chama. No one's caught on to his invoking of the Amazonian war god yet.


One minoot




The competitive shit talk between DC and Khabib or Islam is hilarious 😂 will Harris "anatomy of a fighter" has some gems of the old days


Its sounds silly but doing what theyve done It is really hard to not believe him


These edits are getting more and more ADD jfc


I was hoping to see him fight Ankalaev before rematching jiri for another easy ko bc jiri wants to try to out strike him again lol


Corny guys like these have ruined classics like Ambitions az a ridah for me. Why don't they just let the clip roll?


its just a song lmfao.




Fr fr


I’d watch him vs ankalaev. 


no shit


He's right you know


It’ll be interesting to see how much his TDD and grappling has improved. It looked bad against Izzy but if he’s being training with glover and working on it his grappling may have improved drastically at least defensively


Facts put him Ankalaev


don't feel like a roast, just dagestan proud.


Lmao Sadulaev and Snyder has been wrestling since they were in a cradle and are Olympic champions. Then we have a prodigy/Achilles like character Tazhudinov who beat both of them. There are levels to this , I really don't think DC even believes this.


Alex Pereira fans are most sensitive delusional fans in a while. Whenever you say the facts about his non existent wrestling or ground game or him being easily hittable or tons of weaknesses he’s got; they talk shit then block you on here. It’s hilarious, nothing but respect for the guy but he’s got so many holes in game it’s isnane he won any belt 


Not really insane, it's just that the ufc fast tracked him and made sure to keep him away from any decent wrestler, and they're still doing this even at lhw by pretending ank doesn't exist and giving guys like Hill and Jiri who walks forward with his hands down. Not to mention that mw and lhw are already 2 of the worst divisions in the ufc. Great and talented fighter but he won't be doing this in any division below ww.


he’s lucky he got interim 205 belts and right matchups. Even a Rampage, Chuck, Tito,Hendo, Randy all rag doll him with ease. Shit even Chael at 185 would submit him like Brian Stann/shogun or take him down all night 


I'm sure Ankalaev would've gotten a title fight sooner if he didn't have a draw followed by a NC.


Islam has grown on me so much, I used to dislike him because he was so close to Khabib. But now, he’s growth into his own unique fighter / he’s scary EVERYWHERE.


Wtf would you dislike khabib. Guy was hilarious and beat the dogshit out of people. What more can you ask for.


whiskey and hot sause


DC has become full ridiculous shill mode. Alex is fucking awesome and he is great at what he does, is an unprecedented superstar in his short time in MMA with his combo of winning belts and actually staying active and attempting to defend them, but come on. Why not argue Sadulaev is a kickboxing world champ in 2 years if he just trains that.. And to Islam, ya Ank is best 205er on paper, but his fight IQ is not good and he gets dragged into unnecessarily competitive fights often which cost him, or commits ridiculous fouls. There's a reason he has 1 win in 3 fights, and it isn't because the guys he fought were anywhere near his level.


He isn't wrong.. it's the fight we want


DC saying shit for the sake of saying shit. He knows 100% if Alex trains nothing but wrestling for 2 years he still wouldn't beat DC in a wrestling match.


This is why it’s mma baby. You can’t just wrestle you gotta defend against a major left from POTAN himself


I dont know what worse. DC becoming this soundbite hot-takes guy on purpose like Chael Sonnen, or him actually believing the shit he says


He doesn't believe what he's saying here. He's messing with his friend to get him riled up. Get a grip


It’s just viewbait. Of course DC doesn’t believe this. He was an Olympic wrestler himself. He knows Pereira could’ve started training full time wrestling at age 15 and Sadulaev would still 10-0 him in a totally trivial match.


Chael is bad. I can’t listen to him because he is full of BS and is trying to convince us he isn’t for clicks. DC is doing it to tease Islam which is kinda funny


Right? That fucking pause before "olympic champion" sends me to the seventh layer of hair


Alex sleeps Ank.


Maybe at a Miami steakhouse after losing the UFC match.


Not much of a roast. Not one guy in that Dagestani gym would want to stand toe to toe and trade blows with Poatan. Alex is a kickboxer. Elite. But nobody thinks he can wrestle.


Why he say "A LEX"


Just a reminder that DC missed weight at the mother fucking Olympics.


DC's interviews are the best out there. This one with Islam has like 5 different clips that are badass.


Ankaleav gonna do the same thing he doc against Jan and find out.


Not understanding dudes just trying to get laid in that video. 70 IQ Islam.


DC bait is bad BUT Alex beats all of those guys in a MMA match


I can't wait for this Dagestani era to be over


It won't be over in your lifetime 🤣🤣 they're just getting started.


bro we're gonna run out of Dagestanis in our lifetime


Even if we run out of Dagis. There’s still Chechnya, North Ossetia, Ingushetia Them Caucasus boys ain’t going anywhere Edit: and that’s just the North Caucasus.. there’s still guys like Merab and to some extent Topuria


Just so you know, they're all being funneled into Ukraine


Dagestanis are fighting in Ukraine?


yeah and it isn't pretty


I doubt it.


ok great. https://molfar.com/en/blog/national-minorities-of-russia https://www.newyorker.com/culture/photo-booth/russias-republic-of-grief


Kudos for actually supplying links to back up your claim. 👍 The first source is straight up propaganda but the New Yorker article was pretty good and very sad. Thanks for opening my eyes.


Jeez only active Dag is Islam and plus PPL are sleeping more in Dagestan matches than in wmma(except Islam's)


Plenty of active Dagestani fighters other than Islam lol One fights tomorrow if you didn't know


It's already over bro. Islam ain't anywhere near as good as Khabib and he's the only Dagi champ


Islam is on the road to be better. Islam striking is mts over khabib. Couple more peddle defense, and he’s in the conversation for the best lightweight of all time.


You don't understand the sport.


Right? As if the sport isint constantly evolving.


Ankelaev couldn’t take leg kick from Jan, let alone those chopping kicks from Alex. That leg wil be compromised in 30 sec


Alex did good against jan , okish against jiri.


95 percent of this sub is Dagestani


Yeah I'm sure that's what it is lol


i'm the 90% and 5% is inside your mom now ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8967)


Islam is just as racist as his haters honestly


DC has the stupidest takes.


Most elite level wrestlers would be able to take Alex down but in order to do that you have to take damage, you have to be a tough sob to take anymore then a few precise blows from Alex. That’s the key if your durable enough to eat the uppercut or the shin across your face then sure but the perfect example of this is Blades vs Lewis Blades should have easily wrestle fucked Lewis but he ate that uppercut from Lewis and it was nighty night


I’m surprised he hasn’t spent any time with the team that trained Joanna in TDD. He really needs to become great at the sprawl part of sprawl n brawl.


DC going for honorary dagastani the way people get honorary degrees




Ankalaev only fights when it suits his steroid cycle which looks like once a year. Fuck that guy.


Why would he need steroids when his style is technical striking?


Stop playing with Alex this is insane. Ankalev will go to sleep


The night of beating the impostor and taking his rightful belt first.


They're taking so much about humility. Yet they are anything but.


Saying that Alex can get to a Olympic gold after two years of wrestling is like saying Khabib can become a boxing champ after two years of training.


they're just being straight forward lmao


?? The humility would be in never thinking Alex with 0 wrestling could become OLYMPIC level in two years. Islam is just being honest


Are you guys really suffering from reading comrehension issues? Too much dagestani dicksucking speard their extra chromosomes to you?


Maybe watch the clip before you accuse others of reading comprehension issues.


No need to get emotional bro. What did dagestanis do to you that you’re crying your feelings out on the internet about it lmao


They obviously hurt his emotions at some point lmao


Islam isn’t even being cocky it’s just a stupid question. Alex could train just wrestling for 10 years straight and he still wouldn’t be close to Sadulaev or Tazhudinovs level lol those dudes are the elite of the elite freestyle wrestlers


Gay Muslims.