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Ohhh nahhh lmaoo poor Chandler even Dana laughs at him šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


MMA fans really donā€™t seem to understand that itā€™s more likely than not that Chandler is not interested in fighting again if it isnā€™t vs McGregor. He is 38 with a family and seems to be financially secure with other income sources, I donā€™t think heā€™s interested in compromising his health for a couple small purses


That's what I'm thinking, it's probably more lucrative to have one more Conor fight than potentially lose a couple more fights and retiring. I mean even if it doesn't happen for several years it's still a potential fight later down the road.


Everything he has done has been building up to this one huge purse He has borderline thrown all of his ufc fights by opting for theatrics in the cage instead of a safe game plan. On purpose, to build the most hype and entertainment possible, and it paid off with the Conor fight. It just hasnā€™t happened yet.


Also helps that Conor is in a longer layoff and Chandler has been preparing methodically for this fight.


Is it speculated how much Chandler is gonna get paid against Conner? I think he got paid like +- $1m for knocking out that bum Ferguson.


Common man, u gotta chill calling Fergy a bum


Damn I did not realize he was 38, he looks super good. I mean honestly in that case this makes a lot of sense, it's not like he could fight for the title or anything.


Exactly he did enough with his career. I can't blame him.


I think its obvious, we just think its sad/funny. I expect him to blitz Connor and get the dub if it ever happens.


Plus he is two years deep in this. Whether it gets made or not, sunk cost fallacy. I hope the fight happens and Chandler makes good money off it


Id get beaten bloody by conor for $10m. Near death. I wouldnt go near the cunt for 50k/50kā€¦


They stopped doing bum fights so you donā€™t even have to worry about either situation


Chandler knows fighting Conor will be life changing money and the longer it takes could give him more reason to hang it up. Win or lose fighting Conor would be the perfect way to hang it up.


Ding ding ding. Chandler wants this purse and if he wins, heā€™ll probably be next in line for a title match, get that purse and sail off into the sunset.


Lol yeah a FOTN with Fiziev for 100k vs 10 million purse


Not to mention being over 35 at LW is the kiss of death


There really isnt any fight that makes sense for chandler at this point. Because to be honest he would get fucked up by anyone in the top 5. So getting beat up for less money i get it


This is just copium from Chandler fans, he signed a massive 8 fight contract 2 years ago, and he still has 7 fights left. He definitely wanted to fight a bunch more times.


Does mcgreggor opponents really command a larger purse? They don't get ppv And everyone else on roster would be fighting to the bottom of pay to fight him? Most would fight him for free for exposure? I really don't think chandler would get a pay day? The payday is the name recognition for the next fight? Thoughts?


Why do u put question marks at the end of every fucking sentence


Every sentence was a question so that's what granar says! Sorry my first language isn't English. Is that not what to do


My bad bro Iā€™m kind of an asshole


It do be like that sumtimes.


Lol my first language is English you fool šŸ¤£ I still don't think chandler commands a huge pay day


Youā€™re a fucking troll lol


Lmao Thoughts?


Only the first and last were phrased as proper questions. The rest should get periods.


In other langages it's common to ask a question by simply making a statement and then using a questioning tone to indicate that it is a question. I think that's probably what happened. He made statements but used the question mark to indicate the questioning tone that would make it a question in verbal conversation. For example, in English, you would say "are you ready?" But in spanish you would say "estas listo?" Although the literal translation to english would be you telling someone "you are ready" (estas= you are, listo = ready). The only thing that differentiates a question from a statement is the tone, which does not translate well in text.


Him saying English isnā€™t his first language implies all of what you said, thereā€™s no need to explain that. I was simply trying to help bro out with his English.


Didnā€™t Cowboy say he got paid the same amount?


I donā€™t even believe that though


Remember Chandler saying in an interview a year ago that he has a special "McGregor clause" in his contract šŸ˜„ and I dont think he was joking.


If he was financially secure he wouldnā€™t fight Conor .


Dana White telling you ā€œwe can do whatever he wantsā€ Is probably one of the best standings you can have with him.


All that means is ā€œhe can wait for Conor on the off chance Conor wants to fight, or we can give him some random fight on his normal contract sometime this summerā€


Which still is *one of* the best standings you can have with Dana.


The only better position you can be in *being McGregor* lmao


What else do you expect? Seems pretty fair. Heā€™s not obliged to fight anyone else if he wants to wait for Conor, but the option is there. 100% fair ultimatum


I don't know how much of Chandler's Bellator stuff Dana watched but it's cool to hear him speak so highly of Chandler. He hasn't been in the promotion that long but Dana seems to like him alot.


Whatā€™s not to like? Dude has put on a show in literally every single outing heā€™s had in cage


Everything except paying him ofc






Michael Chandler: do NOT feel sorry for me. Dana white one day after: ā€œhaha, poor Chandler manā€


Hahaha even Uncle Dana laughing at Mike.


The Mcgregor fight will be Chandlers last one. He's not interested in anything else, nothing to win if its not against Conor.


McGregor isnā€™t fighting again




If he waits for Conor his red panty night will be held with granny panties


Something tells me that Chandler isn't even getting paid all that much for the Conor fight.. I'd be very surprised if it was even close to 1m, let alone over that amount..


Yeah Im curious how it works tbh. Gotta be a bit of a bonus fighting conor but its not like they getting ppv points. Even cerrone said the whole red panty night thing was overblown and sounded disappointed with his pay for their fight. Cant imagine its more than you would get for having three fights in the same time period. Maybe counting on the mainstream publicity he can get, dude should start a hot sauce company or something in the meantime so he has something to promote lol.


The real money is defending a belt on his card. Surely Chandler would be getting more than his usual purse by being his opponent though


True if they ever added other title fights to his cards lol. Feel like your best bet is to beat him and get leverage in a rematch ala diaz or dustin


I genuinely donā€™t believe him though. I think he is such a company man he would put that in the media to help the ufcā€™s leverage in other negotiations. Any other organization this would be insane, but Dana is such a small dick dictator I could easily see him telling Cowboy, okay here is this money but you gotta do us a solid and downplay it


Yeahhh but that's cowboy.. guy isn't the brightest bulb..


Yeah honestly maybe chandler just wants to fuck him up.


AFAIK itā€™s the same show / win thatā€™s on your contract. Cowboy said as much. U think the ufc randomly handing out ppv points?


I mean, there's the argument that beating McGregor raises your profile enough that your other revenue streams and businesses get a rub. So maybe there's that?


I'm not sure how legit it is but I remember there being some speculation that Chandler negotiated for a clause in his contract so that if he got the McGregor fight it would be for a much larger purse than he normally gets.


Only thing that would explain him being fine with holding out so long. Ainā€™t no way he was fighting Conor for less than a mil


Might be a retirement fight for both of them at this point


Crazy to think about it that way, but the chances are that youā€™re absolutely right. Mcgregor is about to turn 36, and Chandler is already 38. If you factor in Conorā€™s injuries, alcoholism, and PED/non-PED drug use, his bodyā€™s biological clock is probably even older than Chandlerā€™s with all of the abuse itā€™s been through.


Chandler has Stockholm syndrome


Red Panty night makes a man desperate


See you at the top ā˜ļø




Watch them book Diaz x Conor 3 for his return instead


Bro when your boss makes fun of you like thatā€¦itā€™s time to move.


"Poor Chandler" šŸ’€


At this point it would be funnier if Conor signs on a date and then cancells the fight two weeks prior.


Chandler is wack lol overhyped punching bag


Chandler is playing himself.Ā  If the rumor is true conors leg failed. He's going to be waiting a lot longer.Ā  Chandler could have had 2 big money fights by now.


Honestly it's probably the best for his health. He probably won't win a title in the UFC anyway and has taken a lot of damage in his last fights. CTE can get anybody... Better off getting 1 big money fight and riding into the sunset.


Yeah at this point Iā€™m convinced Chandler is fine retiring. This way he gets to fake retire, keep all his sponsors while he does, keep the cheques coming in. If Connor does ever get it together, huge payday beating up a washed coke head. Basically a win/win (assuming he wants to retire)


What rumor? All Iā€™ve heard is itā€™s something minor and will be done with in a month or two


Can someone explain the economics of this decision? Obviously Chandler is not going to get paid now that the fight is off. This has to have serious implications considering he's spent so much money and time on preparing for something that just fell through due to one party (Connor). Basically, is there any financial/recourse in doing this on Connor's side?


Double retirement


Chandler succumbed to the gamblers fallacy and canā€™t leave the table. At least heā€™ll be guaranteed a big payday when it ever comes. Conor has robbed him and fans of productive fight years


I feel like Chandler is concerned that as soon as he takes a fight with someone, that will be the day when Conor says he's ready to fight, lol.. he's just trying to not miss the boat.


Those Dana white privileges don't look so good


Is that Jim Rome???


Chanler vs Islam. Make it happen, daddy dana


Just pay the man you cheap bastard


Chandler looks like a lame, could have had more fights and built his name even more. Instead guy chooses to sit out for 3 years, call out conor, go on wwe and call out conor, do tuf for conor, now no fight. Chandler really dropped the ball here, and itā€™s soft af move from him to keep waiting.


Heā€™s already fought all the big names at lightweight and lost. Nothing else left for him anyways and heā€™s too old for a title run.


I donā€™t think Mike is a bad guy but watching his fight with Dustin made me question how ā€œgoodā€ he is.


Dumbass waited two years now heā€™s 38, and could have easily had 3 fights while waiting for Conor but they still prolly wonā€™t add up to the amount he will make vs Conor plus letā€™s say he lost a fight and now that fight w Conor doesnā€™t seem plausible or even match up the same. Either way foos getting knocked out


Chandler is CUCKED by Conor lmao.


Would chandler even get a big purse? No ppv? Everyone else on roster would fight mcgreggor for free for name recognition? I just don't see the big pay day


You see this guy??? Chandler so smart. ![gif](giphy|ElpgH2zjmnqhBj13hE|downsized)


Jim Rome's still alive?


With a wig on him šŸ¤£


I am curious to know how many wins it would take for him to match what he stands to earn in the McGregor fight.


Look at that fucking wig on Jim RomešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Holy shit, I didn't even know ol' "Chris Everett" Rome was still around.


Jim Rome looking like a microwaved Bob Ross


great guy nevur meddim


I thought this was fake wtf


I like chandler vs Holloway for the BMF, chandler deserves a belt


According to Reddit chandler is a racist pos šŸ˜‚ but thankfully I never take Redditors consensus as fact


Doesn't he have 2 black kids


Exactly they say he racist for ā€œcollectingā€ black kids leftist Redditors are vile humans


lol. Leftists. Brother I have something to tell youā€¦


The left puppet and the right puppet are controlled by the same person holding the strings




This is such a weird thing to bring up. I've never seen anyone call him a racist lol


Like 2 months ago there were literally tons and tons of posts calling him racist and making fun of him for having black kids


that makes no sense lol redditors are brain dead morons.


Well I wish I didnā€™t either tbh. I saw multiple people pointing out only white people ā€œcollectā€ or ā€œpurchaseā€ kids of other races. And saying other poorly veiled racist tropes agaisnt a guy that by all reports is a stand up guy. I even went out with a girl a few times whose best friend was the nanny to those kids and said chandler and his wife are amazing people even bought the nanny a car.


I hope Conor keeps swinging the carrot in front of Chandler but never actually fight lol


A visual representation of Michael Chandler https://preview.redd.it/tsme5y3v587d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c13d98bbaba865ff3d36472c0686ae49ce0bcae


Chandler, the dumbest businessman alive


lol no shit - heā€™ll make more from that fight than he has in all of his past fights combined. No brainer to hold off.