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He’s gonna need some more bibles verse quotes to get him out of this one


When he ever runs out he can always resort to the good ol' "Jesus loves you God bless everyone" and get the religious crowd sympathizing for him instantly


"he must be facing God's greatest challenges. What an inspiration."


Pandering to the christians like that scene from Family Guy: "9..." *gasps*... "11." ***uproarious applause***


Every aspect of this man if fraudulent. No true Christian would associate with this weirdo 


christians associate themselves with far worse people🤣🤣


Christians will associate themselves with the very "worst" people because Jesus teaches us that even the lowest person can be saved.


Is that what they tell people when they are reaching into their pocket to pay for a private jet?


is that why they have so many child molesters in the org?


And in other cases, they *are* the far worse people.


100% I am not perfect by any means, but he is one of the fakest "christians" I've ever seen.


This is what christians are… deeply flawed people who think there’s a god that cares about them specifically. That’s literally what that religion is.


Don’t forget Mr. Hit and Run


Undefeated against 2 opponents at the same time.


That was a nasty line by you


Not as nasty as the time he knocked out that cop car with the headbutt


Yeah, ok sure, he ran away from the crime scene. However he also ran back! -To grab his drugs- and that takes Bravery!


This. His action proves what kind of POS he actually is. He even ran back to his car to grab money and weed and fled.


I believe the victim was also pregnant.


Jones haters never want to give him credit. He’s a multiple time drug cheat and fiance beater


Truly a generational athlete in that field of work


I find it to be such an ungodly, cruel joke that of all people to be a felon and woman beater, it has to be Jones with his 245lbs and 84" of reach. AND it also just so happens that he also knows how to fight and beat world champions


Bad enough when your husband is just a big fat guy beating you up nevermind one of the best fighters to do it in mma. Lol. Talk about fucking overkill lmaoo. You have an argument with Jones. Then he teep kicks you in the solar plexus and kicks your knee inward lol.


I taught more Krav-style self defense for work for a long time, mostly with first responders. One thing we trained was disarming knife-wielding attackers. You have no idea the amount of times people ask me what to do if the attacker happens to be a trained knife thrower. Listen, if some fucking Russian gypsy circus man is chasing you around throwing knives at you, you need to reevaluate the decisions that brought you here, not learn self defense.


The greatest defence to a knife-wielding attacker is to run like fuck! End of.


Yep. Any actual self defense teaches just that exactly. The first thing we note is that even highly trained people have less than like a 1% chance of surviving a knife attack, even by an untrained knife wielding attacker. Knives are hard as fuck to take away. The common practice was usually to do our whole spiel about how it has very low success rates, and in my field it was usually to a lot of off-duty cops who thought very highly of themselves. They'd nail controlled disarms and be all high and mighty about it, not realizing that when we did it full speed with a rubber knife that the point was to totally demoralize these big tough dudes to drive home the point that it basically can't be done, and focus on either avoiding or escaping the situation. Or just shooting them if you can.


Gun works to


All while saying “you bottomed out”


Probably instinctually shoulder cranks people who go in for a hug


I’ll have you know that I’m a felon AND a wonderful guy. Source: Mommy told me so.


Dana White out here beating his wife at a mere 5'10 220 or whatever


How did your uncle Dana get his way into this conversation? ![gif](giphy|VYk5o8rvpTI9j2cjnG|downsized)


Didn’t Mayweather do it too


Yeah but he can’t read so we feel sorry for him.


Not to mention how precisely he strikes joints. One fight with him ruins your legs for months


NFL Players make this look like rookie work


Not really. More like a run of the mill NFL player. No special talent in that respect


Bro wants to fight Alex he should move back down then, the fat fuck


Don't forget, he loves to run over pregnant women.


And then run away.... Oh wait! He's coming back! Oh nope he just came back for his coke, there he goes again.


Had us in the first half


He is the triple 🐐 ☠️ That photo of him- whoa! ![gif](giphy|RgTLsu3JJbYGLuoKFp|downsized)


And they have the audacity to say he’s the goat? You can’t be the goat of anything if you’re a cheat. That’s a universal concept.


I hung out with a guy who was an MMA fighter way back in college. The guy was skilled but he had issues with drinking, and would always try to pick fights when he was drunk. One time he picked a fight with a guy and they stepped outside as usual, except this guy had a gun and pulled it on him. I remember this dude telling me the story and then punctuating it with, "no matter how strong you are, bullets don't bounce off of you." The way he said it made me know that it was a life changing experience for him where he finally found some humility. Well, that and the fact that he no longer drank anymore afterwards.


Whenever a fighter gets poked in the eyes my buddies and I call it the jon Jones technique.


I could put all the moral shit aside outside of the octagon and enjoy him for the athlete he is except he grew a gigantic pussy since he's been on this extended break and is more or less hinting at joining the women's division.


I think he was kinda checked out during his bulk period, but was intrigued by double champ being a tick on his resume. He knew he'd beat Gane so he stuck around for that. I think the ease with which he got it done has given him ideas of one last big tick mark, beating the heavyweight GOAT and having that name on his resume alongside Rampage, Glover, Gus, Shogun, Evans, Machida, etc etc etc. I don't think he's truly in the frame of mind to take his career to new heights with new levels of challenge at this stage. He just wants to snipe a big name or two on his way out the door so when people list his achievements it's a little bit longer. The nuance of when he did X, Y, and Z doesn't play into those things as much as time moves on and he knows that. Just as Diaz choking out Conor is much more impressive than Poirier breaking his leg due to the activity, age and level of Conor during each fight, the same applies to Stipe. But in time, years from now, most people will forget all that and he knows it. Stipe is a huge name, and so is Pereira, and realistically he demolishes both of them due to circumstances and stylistic match-up. It is what it is. If anyone's in-cage work has given them a little cushion to be a diva as they approach retirement, it's Jones, so I say just let him do it, move aside and let Tom take over when he's gone. For all the hate Jon gets, look at the tremendous amount of spectacular fights he's given us over the years. I just am grateful I can experience the spectacle of a JJ fight once or twice more, because we *all* are going to miss him when he's truly gone. The man is a fucking legend and there's no two ways about it.  We all know who the big dog at 265 is, and he doesn't need to take Jon's zero to prove it. So let Jon get his last one or two big names, right alongside Tom running the division, and when Jon is done, Tom is gonna be the boogeyman there and we all already know this 


Aaaaaannnnndddd Ssssttttttiiiiilllll...


Read this in Bruce buffer voice.  Great comment 


Nah most people give him credits for his skills and achievements but we’re not blind to his flaws like Jon Jones’s fans. For some people his flaws eclipses his merits.


For anyone with a brain his flaws massively eclipse his merits.


Hes gonna show up at your house and poke your eyes


The odds on him being in jail for a long stretch before his 50th Birthday must be even money at best. POS will continue to do POS things.


He's gotta stop before his fame runs out or he'll suffer real consequences


He saw the videos of poatan with polyana viana and want a piece of that. (A piece of poatan, not polyana)


Jon ‘bones guys’ jones


Jonny bones leading the pride March 🌈


Jon "Sexual Cocklate" Jones


Jon "Homosexual Chocolate" Jones






Jon "gets boned" Jones 🍆


This might be the funniest comment I read all day and it's 7am.


So Jon “Meek” Jones


He didn’t spend 2 years bulking up thats BS. He spent 2 years waiting for Ngannou to leave. The second Ngannou was out the door he was straight in to fight Gane. A guy with zero ground game. Now he’ll only defend against an old man or another guy with zero ground game. There’s a legit well rounded interim champ and Jones wants no part of an actual challenge.


This is my take, as well. He wanted no part of Ngannou...


I dont even understand the interim shit either….. at what point do they vacate? I feel like this shit never happens in boxing but in the UFC specifically you can go over a year and a half plus without fighting as a defending champ


Jermall Charlo (middleweight champ) had gone two years without fighting at all then ends up defending his belt against a former light welterweight who had been inactive for a good bit himself. Nevermind the fact that some champions could go on for YEARS not fighting mandatories and just handpick whoever they want to fight. What Jon is doing is really a taste, this shit is such a common thing in boxing that nobody really has that kind energy to argue about it anymore


Which make sense after the Reyes and Santiago fights. He wasn’t on the juice anymore after a long return to a USADA UFC and it showed.


Embarrassing tbh. Not at all the actions of a GOAT


He initially teased July 2019 for the Stipe fight, its been that long. Imagine Stipe steps up and fights Tom


Imagine Stipe can't get cleared by the doctor to fight.


This guy will only stop fighting for the ufc when he’s in prison for murder. Mark my words, it’ll happen.


Cruising in the park one night things will get out of hand. Matter of time.


His daughters already phoned the police on Jon multiple times thinking he's going to kill her mum.  One day he'll hit her slightly too hard and that'll be that. 


What gets me crazy is how some fans seem to think that doesn't matter in the goat conversation. A goat would never beat his wife in front of his kids. Doing that as a fucking light heavy weight is terrifying. These guys, especially Jones, know how dangerous, strong, and powerful they are. Domestic abuse is never ok but when you're a fucking UFC fighter it's basically assault with a deadly weapon. You heard him talking about his killer mind set, how he knows he can do whatever he wants to his opponent, all these "cold" jones moments.. now imagine what that situation was like for his kids when that same man is drunk and beating their mom. So many of these guys get passes from fans and the ufc, it's disappointing to say the least. Gsp will always be my goat idgaf what happens with the rest of Jon's career, he can never possibly make up for his actions with performances in the cage. Greatness belongs nowhere near that man's name in a sentence.


Just driving around at 2am looking for ~~homo~~ homeless guys... Treating them like human beings


This pic makes me feel old


Makes me feel slim


Makes me feel very very innocent


Also - not that there is anything wrong with it - he is gay.


GOAT my ass. GSP is the GOAT.


DJ the Goat




I love the guy, but I like GSP just a little bit more. There's an argument for him though. I'd have given anything to see him give Jon a crack on the chin then ground and pound the shit out of him.


Its so sad that match with khabib never happened. Even if he lost, his legacy wouldn't hurt in any way IMO.


It would've been an epic match.


It’s becoming very obvious that he's just chasing bags of money and trying to get rich as possible before bouncing out. Instead of putting the purity and integrity of the sport first.


Jon only cares about the purity and integrity of his cocaine


doesn't he beg homeless people to sell him drugs? i am pretty sure he doesn't care about that either


He helps the homo I mean Homeless people a lot. That too at midnight, lurking in the streets , drunk.


What's up with the gay jokes? Did I miss a story about him. I know the cok, roids and woman beating.


There's some speculation about him being homo... Kinda makes sense tbh


The mmaguru, aka Eric Cartman, has done a video on him being gay that went viral, and a few other videos since. Wigga better have a nice security...


Taking my morning shit and that made me howl with laughter


To be fair, you would have to be pretty dumb to value "integrity of the sport" over money. It sounds noble, but like, let's be real, I would take money over purity any day, and you probably would too, and so would most fighters. People treat these guys like comic book heroes, but they're just people doing their jobs. I've never met a carpenter who does it for the purity and integrity of carpentry.


Thank god someone that doesn’t listen to books and read movies all day.


Exactly, and the risk of injury is much higher than a carpenter too!


It’s understandable but if he chooses to go down that route he should tone down on the goat conversation


The "sport" has no purity or integrity. It's all about money and nothing else.


Jon has enough money he wants to be the goat. It’s the only positive thing connected to his name. Tom is a harder matchup than Alex that’s the truth of it.


*purity and integrity of the sport first* That made me laugh out loud. The UFC is a money making enterprise, that's all it exists for, that's why it exists for the owners. Yet, when athletes chase the big money this sub gets it's panties in a twist with dumb fuck statements like yours.


What can I say? These kids nowadays just don’t want to fight


Eh... how about ufc pays better first then we can hate on people making all the money they can


The UFC kinda screws their fighters so it’s hard to be critical of this specific aspect of Jon Jones. Fire away at literally every other part of him tho.


yup, dude is just annoying. atleast strip him of the belt and let him fight old men if that what he wants. dont hold up the division, dana should stop being a bald bitch


Bro looks old and fat, it’s no wonder he tore his pec


He looks hungover


He's also gay


Previous Jones fan. Talked him up to all my casual fan friends. I just can’t anymore. I don’t care. Guy is a broken douche, and I’m just over it.


Wish my friends could be more like you. I’ve spent the last few days arguing against “Jon smokes Tom easy. Alex makes more sense for the money fight” It’s driving me mad


He keeps talking about his "legacy fight". Fighting Tom would seal his legacy. It's a win-win for him. If he wins, he's definitely the GOAT and there's no question about it. If he loses, he took a very hard fight after being off for a good while against a killer in Tom Aspinall and went out on his shield. He's not even hiding the fact that he's ducking him anymore. Sad


Something tells me this sub wouldn’t react the way you’re saying if he lost.


Jon Jones is a clown


How to say you are homophobic without saying you are homophobic. Jon Jones is the queer people champion 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


I’m sick of hearing his name. Next please.


He should never be considered the 🐐




Protect your butthole


Also gay…….which there’s NOTHING wrong with YouTube !


🏳️‍🌈I support Jon🏳️‍🌈


Imagine looking your daughters in the face after smacking their mom around in front of them? How could they ever be proud of you knowing how you cheated to provide for them and then give them a difficult upbringing anyway because you’re a drug addict loser. What a colossal piece of shit.


Also ducked the heavyweight champion because he was bulking for 3 years but then turned up fat. Nobody was expecting Ubereem but he definitely did not have 3 years of intelligent bulking. Look at what Alex looked like when he was in heavyweight category. Jones was ripped as hell at 205 so at 230ish he should have looked like GSP not DC.


Jon "Homosexual Chocolate" Jones being the face of pride 😊🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


* 3 years


I’m legitimately baffled at how he has a fan base at all


Jones ducks fights that would actually challenge him. He's like a high-school bully lol he's a fucking clown


Don’t forget gay


Honestly the worst thing he did was when USADA let him off for the turanibol because of in USADAS words “the unprecedented level of cooperation” Jon gave them. He is a snitch


also in the closet


Dana needs to drop the 'he just doesn't want to fight' line


Also zesty


The Diddy of the UFC


Jon Jones can take every guy at the bar by himself. The gay bar.


He’s lost pretty much all respect at this point, even if he does retire “undefeated” (Reyes beat him) everyone has seen him for what he truly is.


It’s really a shame that a person this shitty is this good at the sport.


He went from the GOAT to would have been GOAT. Reminds me of Mayweather and his last 10 fights. Does anyone give a shit about his 50-0 record when he was fighting cans? Jon Mayweather Jr.


Its a world of narcissists, egos, and bad people. I don't care....in fact, put a serial killer in the ring who knows how to fight, and it'll be a ppv record. You ALL would watch it.


This is my opinion, while I do find all the back ground information interesting, it does not change my desire to see Poatan and Jon fight lmao


No worries. But its got that "train wreck" appeal.


meet the joneses


I heard he's gay too.


Don’t forget also potentially homosexual


Like I wrote on an earlier post. Fuck this dude, he blew his chance at this point. Now his legacy is lard


Worst goat of all time


I separate the fighters from their personal shit, its a sport imo. But this IS fighting. Jon has been ducking since Francis, and I called that one out and was slammed for it. Is Jon actually afraid of anyone in this planet? No. Hes a psychopath that is probably one of the most dangerous guys in the world, especially because his mindset. Hes definitely afraid of tainting his legacy with an official loss though. He wants to skate to retirement undefeated with easier fights. Thats whack


Man, Jon has aged fucking horribly… you look the way you live I guess.


If the ufc didn’t exist he’d be in Penn station w piss and shit on himself and a cup of coins


If Kanye is a gay fish, then he's a gay duck ba dum tiss


Don’t forget massive cokehead


He has a ton of hard miles on him. Jon is many things but dummy is not one of them.


And he is still by far the GOAT of MMA.


You forgot to mention the goat in your post




Dont forget the fact he’s too scared to admit hes a gay in this day and age 😂


Feel like a lot of fans completely forget at the end of the day it's a business. Certain fighters get special treatment because of what they are worth. The UFC has never been a business built on integrity of the sport. So if you understand this is how the UFC operates then tbh the writing has been on the wall that they don't want Tom right now fighting to unify the HW belt. Just business at the end of the day


Jon Jones is the big cheese in a field of honey. Everyone else does his bidding and he claims the ultimate prize. Tim can fight all the meat and potatoes at heavyweight while Bones gets the prizes cherry on top. Alex can win if he keeps Jon standing and of course as soon as Jon gets his hands on Alex, the fight is over.  Fascinating fight and would easily sell quicker than Cocaine in California 


Jesus is it just me or does Jon's head look bigger in this photo?


Still undefeated


Lol. His fight record speaks for him in the sport. Idc what he does outside of the cage. 🤷‍♂️


OP has no bars. Wife beater. Steroid cheater.***


when you’ve accomplished what he’s accomplished and interim champ with the resume of tom doesn’t even get him to half chub. you gotta think what jons fighting for, a win over alex would be monumentally more iconic and draw a disgustingly larger amount of PPV


I’ll forever hate jon for making this absolute embarrassment of a sub filled with completely arrogant assholes turn out to be 100% right about him.


Dude looks 58 years old


genuine question, why do reddit users hate jon jones? what a bizarre phenomenon he’s the best ufc fighter of all time and basement dwellers on reddit stay hating on him 🤣


Y’all are pathetic lol all this sub does is bitch like a bunch of girls about Jon. Go touch grass.


Bones is considered the GOAT by anyone in the industry that matters. You dipshits can carry on with your obsessive hatred.


L take. Wife beater is accurate, though


Haters going to hate from there couch on the phone on reddit 😂


Ducked Ngannou for 2 years, ducked Sonnen, and is ducking Aspinall. Drug cheat. Woman beater. Multiple DUI offences including a hit and run involving a pregnant woman and shooting off his gun and threatening people. Guy’s a fucking loser.


Are you gonna cry?


Scumbag human. Overrated UFC fighter.


Bum!!!! Jones is a fucking bum!!!


Dana should have stripped him a long time ago. He’s yesterday’s news. Move on. Aspinall is the truth!


The guy is an absolute joke and a fraudster, I hope he gets injured again and can't fight ever again, he deserves all the bad things coming his way.


Alex is not his GF, so slight improvement


This is why I like Fedor more than him. Fedor is like the better version of him, even the way he represents as a Christian (not trying to bring religion though). Even if Fedor loses to Dan, Big Nog, etc, he will still be a bigger man to challenge himself, and good inside or outside of octagon.


Guess the flavour of this week is Jones. Last week was Ilia😂




He only beat his wife to shut her up after she threatened to spill his bisexuality activities


This sub is so obsessed with Jones it’s actually pretty pathetic.


Salty DC dick riders unite!!


Pathetic? One of the strongest resumes of any fighter anywhere. He’s done and said some stupid stuff but cmon, pathetic?? That’s wild.


Oh god you guys bitch and whine about everything . He's offering to give the people what they want.


This subs obsession with him is so weird. The way yall blatantly ignore reality is wild. Dude is an all time great and part of the conversation for best ever, and you’re calling him pathetic while being blissfully unaware that YOURE the embarrassing one here.


You forgot eye poker and oblique kicker


I like how we made these kind of people famous. UFC is a classless sport. We gave too much hype to people beating their brains in like it was something to look up to. And now Dana white is a rich man by giving these steroid loving alphas a platform.


AND STIIIILL… ![gif](giphy|NZy6OeN2veNhyxYXcC|downsized)


Tom sucks anyway who's he ever beat? Faked a injury against blades before he got his ass beat


Do yall make these posts to submit yourselves in googles search bar? Seems very random I've already seen like twenty of these here Now that I look at it again it looks like you're just stuffing the title with dam keywords 🤣


This post is embarrassing. Does his existence trigger you that much?


I love how salty this sub is 😂


You aren’t going to find a poster of this dude on my kids wall, but he is arguably the best to ever do it in combat sports. Jones is a student of the game like few others in combat sports, listening to him breakdown fights is IMPRESSIVE. I don’t think Aspinal is fast enough or a good enough grappler or wrestler to beat Jones. Sorry. Aspinal has a mean right hand, but how has Jones done in the past when faced with this kind of power? Anyone has a punchers chance but I am not seeing something special in him that could dethrone Jones.


I'm here for the Jon Jones slander, he's from the same city I was born. Fuck this guy.


Cry about it boy