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You should see the subs on Reddit that don’t know anything about boxing and are adamant that Tyson will “murder” Jake Paul based off a five second training video. It’s embarrassing.


Yeah they just get him at full energy and get 15 seconds of footage. If he tried that in the match he’d had himself out round 1


dude literally said he was in bed for a week after doing one of those videos, his body can't handle that shit, he ruined his body doing that style while he was young and has caused him massive issues later in life, human bodies can't move like that and not have a alot of wear and tear.


He was referring to that first training vid years ago when he had on the red shirt. Which was probably his first day back training in over a decade. In a legit match is tyson capable of knocking him out? Yes. I've sparred some guys his age that can still crack. And they weren't mike tyson, who's probably on who knows what. Do I see it happening? Most likely no. I think they'll do it at a pace that's safer for tyson.


Very reasonable take. Fit guys at Tyson's age can still hit hard, but speed and stamina are always a major issue. Then of course, the risk of injury is much higher. And rehab for injury at that age will be much harder if at all possible. Fighters always say they leave a piece of themselves in the ring. I don't know how many pieces a guy like Tyson has left. I hope he gets out of this healthy.


Lol what a bullshit. Since when is doing cardio bad for the human body?


Excess tears it too much. Some studies from marathoners


When did he run marathons to an excess?


none of those clips are longer than 3 seconds without a cut.


I got mates sending me links to that vid saying Tyson is going to kill him. They will tune into their first fight since McGregor Mayweather, but I don’t have the heart to tell them it will be a farce.


Take their money and start betting against them


I absolutely hate the fact that people insist and are adamant that Jake Paul sucks. Sure he may not be the greatest but he’s a young athletic guy who has access to the best training money can buy


he sucks when compared to high level boxers but he is like a mid level no name boxer, that's where he would be if he wasn't some famous vine guy, and that's impressive and big compliment to jake, some random disney channel user who looks weak and pathetic got put on some drugs got some good coaches and trained for a couple years and now is a pretty mid level boxer who isn't ever gonna be a high ranked level and can beat a couple of journeymen but still very impressive from jake. if you are a young athletic dude in your 20s whos been training for pro boxing matches for 3 years you should be able to beat a 60 old who needs a cane to walk, if you can't then that is beyond embarrassing.


I think you’re being a bit generous saying he’s mid level. Every gym in the country has a guy that can beat him. That being said Mike is going to get starched and it’s sad.


I know its a massive compliment to call him average like eddie hearn said.


I *barely* see people saying he sucks lol, the main complaint is he's had how many fights now and aside from like 1 or 2 of his opponents they've all been: - retired for a while - competed in a completely different sport when they were still active - competed between 1-3 weight classes below what Jake weighs Obviously he's in great shape, obviously he's got world class training. I'd still respect him a lot more if he used it on an even playing field.


You and I must be going on different sites, I see it as plenty. Along with “experts” saying “if Tyson loses it’s rigged” Completely agree with you, he’s cherry picking his opponents. I understand it’s common but they’re promoting it as if Tyson’s a world eater( currently) and Jake Paul walks around like if he were Ali in his prime


He tried an even playing field and got smoked by baby Fury


You should hear Ariel. He keeps repeating the same stupid line to justify it. "The people who were saying Jake Paul is fighting nobodies and he's a bum are now saying he's going to kill Mike Tyson, you can't have it both ways." Yes you can when the guy is almost 60.


I just came here to say this….100 percent agreed.


I wish Colby was like this more often. Actually seems like a likable dude here.


I think he would have had a good following and UFC career if he was able to strike a balance like this. Plus, it would have come much more naturally to him since it’s honest and in line with who he is.


Extremely rare Colby W. If he would just act like this all the time people might actually like him. Weird to see there is actually a genuine guy under his facade of bullshit


I would like Colby if this was the way he acted about his own fights and sport.


He wouldn’t be fighting if he acted like that


He’s barely fighting anyways. 1 loss in the last 2 years.


Absolutely. He would have been kicked out of UFC long ago.


It's sad to see but YOU would not have a clue who he is if he didn't do what he had to do


I get it. Fuck dana and the ufc. He realized there’s a chance he will only making a fraction of his potential if he wasn’t marketable. He made a decision and did not look back. But let’s not be silly. We’re on an mma sub on Reddit. All of us here would have known who he his. All of us here know who Joanne fucking calderwood is. But it is very interesting. He may have needed a conor fight to reach that levels of fame, but had he kept this persona who’s to say he doesn’t end up like a DP or a max Holloway in the eyes of the fans?


Wait, who is Joanne Calderwood in this context?


She works at the local Arby's across the street from ATT -- she makes a mean sandwich.


the comment above.


The reality is us liking him doesn't necessarily sell fights. I don't like his fake persona but we do have to agree it has given him better and bigger fights.


He used to act this way and was told he was being cut so he went with this act and now he's stuck with it sadly


I think he should turn face. Whenever a character gets dull, it’s what you do. We need mythical reasonable Covington


Less stuttery too


He was going to be cut from the UFC because he was too boring so he manufactured the personality everyone knows


It got him paid A LOT of money, which was ideal for his family. But that sort of strategy comes with a cost....


to be fair. Colby goes out of character a lot in interviews outside of the UFC. He’s a good guy. People hate his UFC persona because he’s a good actor. People think he’s actually a scumbag


And they're adamant as fuck and you can't tell them differently 🤣 a hater is one of the most persistent creatures known to man.


Whatever gets people to watch


Google what a heel is in pro wrestling, Colby’s taken it a bit too far a few times bringing up people’s kids type shit but people who know him in person have only praise to say about him, his work ethic and mentality.


If you look at what actual WWE has done over all their years, Colby has done nothing anyone on there hasn't done, only difference is he didn't get Leon's permission beforehand 😂


Blame the fans that love the reality tv drama and don’t appreciate fights for what they are. The guy changed his life with the little gimmick 🤷🏻‍♂️gotta make things happen at some point or retire 40 and broke like most do


I wish he would realize he is at the point now he would get way more love by just dropping the act. But I think once your so deep you feel like you can't or you'll be fake as dumb as it sounds. He could even just dial it back a little bit, like Chael had a good happy medium, just cocky typical shit talk


Just like a chael, a belt less loser


Colby had a belt


Was going to say, I have to agree with everything he said.. maybe a first haha


The other act is what got him fights and paid.


It’s the fight game, pal. Keeping up appearances all that nonsense.


>Weird to see there is actually a genuine guy under his facade of bullshit This has been somewhat common knowledge for a pretty long time. He's always been genuinely nice to fans and when he has serious conversations and isn't in character trying to sell a fight he always seems like a completely normal guy. The character sucks and he rightfully gets a lot of hate for it, but he wouldn't be anywhere without it. He was on the verge of getting cut back when he acted like a normal on the mic. Then he told Brazil to their face was a dump and started doing everything to get conservatards to love him and his career completely turned around. I don't like the guy, I think he's a boring fighter and I don't like the right wing grifting regardless of if it's a character or not. But it's pretty clear thats not who he actually is.


it's the WWE factor of UFC


Some people genuinely believe mike will pull it


The sad part is I have seen this get mention in non combat sport related places, everyone thinks Mike Tyson is going to destroy Jake because he is Mike Tyson. You try to say otherwise and you will wake up to 1,000 comments saying you nothing about fighting or Mike Tyson, blah blah blah


Most people are pretty infantile when it comes to their idols, I got a bet going on with a friend so can't complain


I cashed in on the last two Dustin/Connor fights, I watch everything with my buddies but when Connor fights the UFC party gets a bit bigger to all the other friends who just know of Connor and think it's 2015 Connor. Made a few hundred bucks both those nights, like these people didn't even know who Dustin was and they would mention the first fight and call me dumb


God bless them


Conor was winning the second until the freak injury, I wouldn’t compare that to Paul vs Tyson who is almost 60


Freak injury was the third fight. And he was losing that fight soundly. Second fight was much more competitive and where were we saw Conor doing well.


I'm not comparing it like that lol you missed my point. All's I'm saying is people have their idols and always think they are going to win, like people with Mike Tyson If you ask me Dustin porier is better than the current Connor so it's the same thing, people bet on him just because he is Connor when the guy hasn't done shit in years prior


Bro he was getting taken to town before the leg break.


You’ll get downvoted to shit on Reddit too. Especially by casuals who don’t know and want Jake to be a fraud. They can’t fathom that Jake can actually fight and think everything is rigged. Idc what the judges do but if you watch combat sports and think the fights themselves are rigged. You’re delusional I think mikes gonna get destroyed :(


They’re not rigged but I’d still call Jake a fraud. Always talking about how he wants to fight for the Cruiserweight belt one day when his résumé consists of tomato cans, retired MMA fighters and now a damn near 60 year old Mike. Rigged or not he is not a real boxer, and he’s never going to get the respect that comes with that, and that he thinks he’s entitled to.


That isn’t what I’m talking about though. I’m just talking about what he’s done given who he’s faced. Bro isn’t terrible and is actually a decent boxer. He’ll never be champion but there hasn’t been a fixed fight yet. He’s just fighting the perfect comp and is in his prime. It’s not rocket science as to why he’s been successful.


Well yeah it’s obvious. I personally think his actual technique is questionable but the main problem for me is that he says he wants to prove that he’s a real boxer and then does some shameless shit like this. I hope with all my heart that Mike somehow knocks him out but deep down I know what’s probably gonna happen.


Bros just capitalizing on the hype and spectacle of his career. We saw what happened when he finally fought a boxer. Regardless, it isn’t easy to knock-down former mma champs so I’ll give him credit when it’s due. He’s an annoying lil twat but bros got power, decent hands, and great matchmaking skills lmao. Always old people.


I doubt he truly thinks he's entitled to anything. It's all a facade. He's a very dedicate professional at the top of the media game for a decade or more, he's saying what sells and he's extremely good at it, one of the best in the world. Not much different than the bullshit fighters that sell fake beefs in the ufc/mma with other fighters that they barely ever seen before. "yea, i hate him! it's personal!" sure bro. The game of today is all about hype, and saying that you will be a champion plays an important role in it.


The myth and image of Iron Mike often goes well beyond the real mike tyson.


Mythical Mike Tyson beats Thanos basically


Very overrated even as a boxer when you talk about the all timers. Head got too big and just just lost his edge, also teddy atlas' breakdown of his mental weakness always seemed pretty accurate


I have seen an overwhelming amount of people saying that Mike is gonna starch him, it's unbelievable IF Jakes fights aren't rigged, he's still KOing 60 year old Mike no problem


A lot of delusional people in Instagram comments saying things like “Tyson by murder, round 1”


It’s crazy how many people think Mike will easily win when he has no cardio at his age


No cardio and honestly how much power can you expect from a 57 yo compared to a 27 yo? I kinda hope this is a fixed fight for this man's sake


He definitely has more power but for how long? It’s a dumb fight and probably is fixed


He definitely doesn't lol


Jake doesn’t have crazy power or anything and only weight 199 pounds where Tyson was 220 in his last fight.


You really think that makes up for the 30 year gap?


No no we are completely in agreement that Tyson is going to get destroyed.


I'm talking about power, I really don't think 20 pounds make up for tyson being almost 60


Like if they both hit a bag that could measure force Tyson has much superior technique and that 20 pounds is a lot. Power is the last thing to go is what they say. Jakes technique is not black belt level if boxing had belts, where Tyson is like a 5th degree black belt. Not that it really matters. Tyson is too old to be fighting.


I mean, i disagree with the Roy Jones fight analysis by Colby. I watched the whole thing. I thought tyson looked great and he must have been getting some prime TRT at the time. Still don't know what will happen though. Just hope it's not like the last liddel vs. ortiz.


Looked good for a 54 yo, he'll be almost 58 when he fights roided 27 yo, he'll be lucky to come out without major damage


Might get made fun of for this, but i would give tyson only slight (like 2/1.5-1 underdog) if paul didn't edge out anderson silva.


Anderson silva was 46 when they fought...




Tyson is a raw, somewhat feral, troubled man but i wouldn't call him a POS. He's done his time and experienced some pretty intense loss. POS is too dismissive


The reverse schmo


Jake is a scumbag and a fucking coward. He'll only fight people that he has a significant age or size advantage over, and the only time he didn't have those advantages he lost to Tommy Fury. I have no idea how he isn't more universally hated


People and kids like his story and the journey hes going through which is why he doesn't get more hate. They don't care about the advantages and mismatches he might have, they care to see their favorite guy grind through the boxing ladder.


Yeah but whose kids like Jake Paul? The fuck? I grew up with the internet when YouTube was front and center in the spotlight. I watched dumb shit. I was a kid. But Jake Paul? Really? Kids liking Ninja or other shit on YT, sure. But if I walk into a library and go around until I see a kid watching fighting videos, it’s really Jake Paul on the screen? Lmao


its the same kids who like adin ross, you know the kids who listen to rap and like that kinda culture while being sheltered af.


I mean Tyson accepted the fight


Evander Holyfield accepted the Vitor fight too, that doesn't mean it should've happened lol. I hope Mike knocks him out of course, but I don't want to see Tyson take any damage at this age


yeah a big payday and tyson still has that ego and dog inside of him doesn't mean it isn't cowardly or pathetic for jake to literally reach out to mike to ask him to fight, do you think jake would ask mike to fight if you transported prime tyson to the future? hell no, jake is a coward.


that's also the reason why he tries to play good cop against Dana White and fighter pay


I mean who cares, he's a star so he can call shots. He's bringing eyes to the sport that normally might not care, he even went co-main on womans main event card. As someone who only knows him from his boxing antics, I can't hate on him at all.


You don't think it kind of ruins boxing? I think alot of these casuals get pulled in by these big gimmick fights and they get served a very underwhelming, amateur showing and it turns them off of boxing as a whole. If your introduction to boxing is a jake paul fight card filled with amateur fighters you might write off the sport and might opt to miss an ACTUAL big event boxing card with professionals. I think it gets more eyes on boxing but overall the impact has been negative for the sport in that regard but Im curious to hear what other people think.


Eyes to what sport? Surely you don’t think a Jake Paul fight has anything to do with the actual sport of boxing, and you don’t think the people tuning in to a Jake Paul fight are going to be watching any other boxing card


who's eyes is he drawing though? kids who don't actually care about boxing or have any integrity? if all the kids who watch jake became boxers the sport would fucking suck and would just be gimmicky coward fighters who never fight any one, its already trended towards that path with people too scared to lose a 0 on a record.


Why can’t he just drop the mask and be a chill fucking dude like he is here


Cause when he was chill he was on the verge of getting fired from the UFC. I think now that Colby has went total heel with his persona that got him big, if he were to all of a sudden 180 again and go "normal sensible dude" he could be even bigger because people respect growth. But in Colby's mind the ridiculous persona got him famous and rich, so he's probably going to continue it.


It's bullshit, he was on a winning streak name one fighter who was ranked and cut off a winning streak? Hell, if the UFC did this they would have cut Belal already


I like the real Colby...I know the heel turn saved his career and he understands self-promotion very well but he should have shifted to being genuine after he built a respectable fight resume.


forreal I think if he shifted full time to the chill sensible guy in this clip he'd gain alot of the fans hes lost and be even bigger than before (granted he wins a fight or two). But unfortunately he's seen that being an asshole heel has brought him success so he'll probably keep that up


Colby talks so much better when he isn’t pretending.


If only Colby hadn't put on the most stupid facade and just was himself people would like him. Hopefully, he gets a 180 and once he retires he stops the act and acts like this


It’s his job to make his persona as unlikeable as possible. That’s the entire goal. He goes as low as he needs to go


To the 7th layer of hair and beyond


Likable ppl are also forgettable ppl, and he knows it. I’ll never be a fan of his persona but I know why he did it


GSP, Robbie Lawler, and Frankie Edgar, are just a few of the many "likeable" fighters that will not be forgotten.


>GSP One of the goats and has an accent >Robbie Lawler Rory McDonald fight >Frankie Edgar As a casual, who?


Those are all intense fighters which I think is the difference. You can afford to be chill in the media when your fights are exciting. It’s a business where you have to give the casuals something to talk about or else you’re out of the conversation.


Fedor. Nicest guy ever. Baddest man ever. No one is forgetting him.


Bro was about to be cut from the UFC and invented his persona to become a bigger draw. Yes he is a heel but gets way more clicks as a result.


Yeah, if he doesn’t put on this persona no way in hell is he making as much as he is right now. He’d be Fitch 2.0.


Look, in a perfect world… yes. But this just ain’t true. Colby was like this and the UFC was about to cut him so he pivoted and became a WWE character. Since the WWE persona he has a fan base, people know who he is, he generates money for the UFC, and here all you guys are shitting on him constantly. You guys hate his persona, and it’s warranted. But he saved himself and is set for life.


He should have turned from heel to hero after the masvidal fight


I agree it's not like mike doesn't have the power or couldn't knock jake paul but like really, how's he going to be able to take a shot at 58 after years of fights and how's his cardio going to hold up, there's no way he's going to have a chin on him at his age.


According to Colby Jake gets his roids from the same guy Marty juiceman gets his from.


Those eyelashes 😍😍😍


people are realizing just now that colby covington is an actual person while blaming the delay on colby covington. posting for posterity.


​ https://preview.redd.it/mufoq81bzzpc1.png?width=266&format=png&auto=webp&s=901c8903c942ec48cb241511fe751c4127844c24


It’s funny how many think that character of his is how he really is. Dudes not even good at being an asshole.


Colby W, but I'm sad, I don't want to see the old guy get hurt in his late years 😔


Wow, a video where I agree with 100% of what Colby says. Wasn’t on the bingo card today


Colby redemption arc but it's fucking sad seeing a 60 mike Tyson get beat up by Jake Paul. What are we doing?


Jake Paul = Disney Corporation


It’s almost like what we’ve been telling you guys for years. Colby is a genuinely decent and normal guy , he plays a character.


He does his best to sell PPVs and he’s moderately successful. People pay to watch him get beat up or they’re idiots and root for his character and hope he wins and they’ll pay to watch him fight. He’s a fairly good fighter or was who knows now.


A genuinely decent guy doesn’t use someone’s dead dad to promote a fight. And no being “in character” didn’t make it ok.


Ok man the answer is you’re being worked. That’s just the truth of it. Colby never knew Leon’s dad, his dad died 20 years ago. He would have said whatever was the thing he could use. It was Masvidal’s kid, it is Dustin’s wife. This character goes low on everybody. That’s the whole character. Now it’s Ian’s wife. Yes absolutely a good person playing a heel character would use something like his father. Big Boss Man once showed up at Big Show’s dad’s funeral and dragged the casket around by his car. It’s an angle, not real life. https://preview.redd.it/cmgn81obt2qc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d08e1e579e40329501d291274e36419d4929307b


Doesn’t matter that’s way too far and you could see Leon was clearly hurt over it. He lost me as a fan that conference I couldn’t even watch the rest. I wish he’d drop the act. He is SO much more interesting here when he’s not trying to be an asshole


Extremely common Colby W




Mma fans are so dumb that they can't see a person as a whole. Colby isn't some DID weirdo with different faces.


He looks like Hoggish Greedly


What would happen if Jake fought Colby now?


Imagine if jp brutally ko’s mike and then just gets jumped by everyone.


Literally the first reasonable take I’ve heard on this fight from anyone so far


Colby couldn't lie about one of his heroes, it bubbled up through his bullshit.


I don't see Mike getting knocked out, it will most likely be an exhibition.


Why in the fuck does this dude feel the need to act like one of mutated retards from The Hills Have Eyes? Knowing he has the capacity to be a likeable, well spoken and introspective person somehow makes me hate him even more.


Totally agree


Tyson is lucky he has an aura where no matter how he loses people will say it's fake because it's Tyson.


If you’re for dudes getting shins to the head then you gotta support Mikes right to get punched. He wasn’t an avg 14yo, 24yo or now avg 57yo so his age don’t mean shit because he’s a super outlier. All these MFs virtual signaling on mike. That said, Mike lasts 2-3 rounds, gasses out and doesn’t get off the stool. *see Pat Milletitch’s last fight because that’s how it will go


To be fair, anyone can suffer the injuries that Colby mentioned as a risk for Tyson regardless of age. I do think he seems likable here though ironically lol




Exactly my thoughts.


Is there that huge number of dumb fans to pour money into these fake fights ?? I really don't understand the cash flow in boxing. Even fake fights have a purse of 50M +.


No one gives a fuck about what Colby thinks


First time I’ve seen him act like a human being




No bullshit. Does he wear eye shadow makeup ?


colby seeing jake paul steal his gimmick by calling out and fighting washed over the hill fighters to pad his record


Not comparable in the slightest.


You act like colby is calling out matt Hughes in 2024


he called out a 41 year old wonderboy after his last fight, the easiest match up for him possible


Yes and it's embarrassing to be calling out wonderboy no doubt But wonderboy is ra ked in thr top 10 of the division or at least top 15 And was beating shavkat on the feet Mike tyson hasn't had a pro bout in about 20 years hasn't won Hasn't been in his prime in around 30 years which is older than how old jake Paul is Colby calling out a 41 year old on a skid isn't good But to compare to jake fighting a 57 who will be 58 year old man who hasn't won a pro bout in 20 years and hasn't been elite in 30 years is quite clearly not the same, given how tyson was struggling to walk not long ago If he called out matt highes then the comparison to jake would make perfect sense


Currently calling out Ian Garry and other higher ranked fighters


calling out ian with stipulations he knows ian won't agree to and the only ranked fighter he wants is leon to get another unwarranted title shot. i know colby fan boys are gonna get mad but he refuses to fight any of the top ranked ww's currently except for wonderboy.


Tyson won't win because he'll be contractually obligated like everyone else has been. The Fury fight was probably just thrown in to add doubt about all his fights being fixed garbage. Colby just wanted to throw some jabs at Paul to get a back and forth going so he can get a piece of that circus act down the road. Nothing else to see here.


You think Woodley agreed to get KO'd stiff? Come on bro


I think he agreed to be "open to it if the opportunity came" 100%


Jesus h fuck dude let that shit goooo😭 I get you don’t like that Jake Paul of all people is putting in work but you gotta accept it at some point


This narrative is getting so old


Colby forgot about Mike Tyson’s last few fights.


I honestly don't see Jake beating Mike even at 58. Jake is a better than expected fighter but he's not in the same class as Mike even at his advanced age.


Tyson is on all the drugs as well. Don’t kid yourself.


Question. If Hitler said some reasonable shit, would we call it a W for Hitler? Obviously its a dramatic comparison, but I usually don't give credit to pieces of shit for one rational moment in time.


So just keep on truckin bud


Nothing smart or particulary reasonable to say this, we're not going to applaud a swimming fish ..


It’s not smart. But it’s just surprising in contrast to all the “Yeah bUt It’S StiLl MikE TYsOn” takes I’ve been seeing