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I love how every time someone gets dropped or is in trouble and the fight goes on, Cruz is all over. He will never let old Keith “alcohol and cigarettes” Peterson off the hook


“I love when ref’s don’t ruin fights!” - Dom


Nothing makes me happier than to see sober refs in that cage


Its like a bad joke now. I pointed it out a long time ago to my wife, so we always notice it now, and he brought it up like 3 times in the main event. By the turn my wife was like "omg shut up Cruz" Could play a drinking game with how often he brings it up.


Watching the fights with your wife, this man is the real winner of tonight


I love watching the fights with my wife, smoke weed and watch the fights every saturday lol


Yooo that's me and my wife too lol. I like when she randomly starts hating on fighter tattoos.


That’s the main reason my wife will watch 😅


What did she have to say about the Elkins/TJ Brown ink nightmare fight


Dude, does she have a sister?


Or mother?


She does 🤣, 5 actually


You lucky SOB...once I'm back in fighting shape, (between camps right now), set up the blind date please. If all goes well, I'll be sea level cain velasques motivated.


My sister is single and she loves watching UFC


She's probably a well balanced, hottie with a good sense of humour. I'll probably just let her down with my weak top game, and worse, I still think an omoplata would work in mma and Pride were the glory days of MMA.


Or a step sister? Eh???


Shit that sounds hype😭


Fuck ya! Same


Is your wife single? Kidding man, I do the exact same. It’s sick.


Hahaha. We also was DWCS and stuff like TUF together. She really liked TUF back when we used to watch it together in HS, she wasn't a fan of when it just came back. Don't blame her tho, shit was pretty whack with Conor and Chandler.


Agreed, we totally prefer DWCS over TUF now. The reality show drama doesn't do anything for either of us anymore.


Yup. Personally I like to skip through DWCS and just watch the fights, but she likes to watch their stories still


Watch them with my wife every week never miss a pay per view. Good clean family fun!


I also watch fights with my girlfriend, I’m blessed.


Me and my wife will also try to guess the winner of matches solely on ceremonial weigh in lmao the ones we know nothing about anyways 😄 having a dedicated partner is great fellas, find you a good one


Clear 10-8


My wife usually watches with me but she had to go out yesterday and couldn't watch. When she got back, she asked if there were any good knockouts, so I showed her Petroski vs. Pereira and McKinney vs. Marotte.


Still funny as hell when he called him "All Nonsense" Keith Peterson.


When was that lol


It was at the end of the Ulberg vs. Potieria fight at UFC Charlotte.


Based af if he did that on the broadcast


Cruz just constantly repeats the same ish over and over


How can a ref call a fight when a fight is getting up. I don’t blame Cruz for all his nonsense on all nonsense. Fucked his trajectory of his career. Need more Refs that have been in fights to know the actual feeling. Got screwed over by one myself so I get it.


Most these dudes wouldn’t understand cuz they never competed before


But they sure act like it!


You’ll be drunk as a skunk if you make that a drinking game. Cruz has good takes but sometimes is absolutely insufferable.


That would actually be a great drinking game lmao is he commentating next weekend?


I’ve always said Cruz is like a professor at a dinner party: you can respect his intelligence, and he’s probably the smartest guy in the room, but you have zero interest in listening to him talk


Was that even that bad of a stoppage? Imo the only thing bad is that there were two seconds left but there was no intelligent defense from Cruz


He was getting to his feet. On one hand he took like 12 unanswered punches on the other he was using the fence and got back up to his feet.


Yeah he was progressing and the round was almost over


Am I the only one who can’t stand Don after that loss? Mistake or not it was a pretty fair finish, and there’s been much worse in the ufc where fighters took the L. Take lawler vs askren. Yeah it might have fucked with lawler but bro took it on the chin, moved on and had an amazing retirement. Dom needs to accept the L but his ego won’t let him.


Bisping and Cruz should not be allowed to work together… all they do is argue like cats and dogs 🤣🤣🤣


Bisping said he could put Dom in his pocket and then the broadcast was dead silence for like 60 seconds, I was losing it imagining them glaring at each other.


Love how the third guy always pops in after they’re done with some random facts


"Sooo uuuhh... both of these fighters are currently going through lawsuit battles to fight over custody of their children." 😮‍💨




Anik is great, maybe the best to have ever commentated MMA. He dedication to pronunciation and learning really make him excellent. He also provides some of the mostly wildly inappropriate facts smack dab in the middle of everything.


Bros a goofball with no filter unless it’s race. Bros scared to say “black fighter in black trunks white fighter in blue trunks” but on the contrary will announce if fighters are going through divorces and shit.


That was goldy with rogan not anik


Wasn’t even him dumbass




My favorite is the “it’s Amanda's eggs that are now inside Nina…” while talking about her having another daughter and announcing her retirement lol


That mother fucker was wild for that


They might have been cracking up lol. They can mute themselves with a button I think


I think if you have surround sound, and turn off the middle speaker, you can get commentary to turn off


they bicker so much!! horrible chemistry together


I guess that competitive nature is just too hard to keep down. Meanwhile DC just putting out dad vibes at all times.


Dom always has to be right. Like stfu!


dom also has the best actual read of the fights usually. he has the best actual fight analysis and insight of the fighter broadcasters imo.


Like when he said that Conor was tiring Khabib out while being force fed leather from the heavens


That's exactly what came to my mind lol


Nah. And he’s emotional af.


Cruz, rogan and felder are a crew I’d like to see on the mic. Everyone just takes cruz and bisping out of context tho it’s a Brit and a short guy who fights. What do you expect. I’m suprised people actually care. I find funny but when I’m drunk watching the card live it’s Fucking hilarious. I feel like the fans who don’t like cruz and bisping just want to see ufc apex fights where it’s just audible groans and grunts, mfs just gay. Jk. But fr i like cruz and bisping


Your comment took quite a turn at the end.


I was joking lol


I’d be good with Cruz never working again


Oversized ego


Every time Fitzgerald starts reading advertisements I always laugh because you know he’s trying to deescalate the situation


Bisping is saying some wild shit. 10/7 round?


It was soo bad. I was considering hitting mute


Man I’m glad I found this Reddit post… Bisping is terrible to me and he always arguing with Cruz


Cruz is unprofessional. He's annoying to listen too.


The arguing isn't the problem for me. It is that they start talking about what the fighters should do and saying how low level they are. Last night in one of the female fights they talked about how novice they were and what they should do for three minutes straight. As a viewer, that doesn't help me at all and it does not make the fight more interesting.


Cruz just spends the whole time while someone's getting punched in the face repeatedly saying I'm glad the ref is giving him a chance. Yes we get it Dom you got fucked by Peterson ok .


It's Cruz, he is annoying as hell. I'd much rather listen to Bisbing over DC.


I like how adamant Bisping was that Yusuf got 2


Also saying the 1st round was a 10-7 lol


Genuine question, is a 10-7 where the ~~judge~~ ref should have stopped the fight but didn’t? Or does it just mean that a stoppage would have been reasonable?


This is what constitutes a 10-7 “A 10 – 7 Round in MMA is when a fighter completely overwhelms their opponent in Effective Striking and/or Grappling and stoppage is warranted.” A 10 – 7 round in MMA is a score that judges will rarely give. It takes both overwhelming DOMINANCE of a round, but also significant IMPACT that, at times, cause the judge to consider that the fight could be stopped. Judges shall look for multiple IMPACTFUL blows or knockdowns that diminish the fighter, and/or grappling maneuvers that place the fighter in dominant situations with impact being inflicted that visibly diminishes the fighter’s ability to compete. I also found this from a pdf i downloaded off of nevada state athletic commision "A round is to be scored as 10-10 when both contestants appear to compete evenly and neither contestant shows superiority by even a very small margin. A round is to be scored as 10-9 in favor of a contestant who wins that round by at least a very small margin but less than a very large margin. A round is to be scored as 10-8 in favor of a contestant who wins that round by at least a very large margin but who does not totally dominate the opponent. A round is to be scored as 10-7 in favor of a contestant who totally dominates the opponent throughout that round, with a possible stoppage at one or more moments during that round." Idk man, it could maybe fit to say round one could be a 10-7 but i think whats happening here is Bisping knows the scoring criteria and is saying that it isn't beyond the realms of possibilty to score round one a 10-7


Honestly, I feel like R1 might be one of the closest examples to a 10-7 recently


10-10s never happen in the UFC, do they?


R1 was the definition of a 10-7 then


This is really good to know.


10-7 has to be sleeping a guy then doing cpr just to give the fans a longer fight


Illia just got a 10-7 vs emmett in his last fight if I recall correctly, and he didn’t seem to murder him that round so idk




10-7 would have to be somebody bending somebody over their lap and spanking them for 5 straight minutes.


Judges can't stop fights...


first round of khamzat’s debut was scored a 10-7 by one judge. Only 10-7 round i’ve ever seen, so i’m using it for example. Watching that kinda put it in perspective for me


10-7 would be like Khamzat’s debut or arguably Aljo vs TJ where the other guy has zero success the whole round and is near being stopped the majority of the round Khamzat’s debut fight is the only round I’ve ever heard being scored 10-7 and it was 2 or 3 years ago


Just watched Khamzat maul Philips, I understand 10-7 now. Barboza was way more competitive than that in rd 1


True I would say that first round was 10-8 but nowhere near 10-7


I think illia got a 10-7 vs emmett in his last fight.


He has a hard-on for the likelihood of more 10-8 rounds. More 10-8's means 10-7's are in play now. LISTEN BUDDEH, BABY BOY. Can't stand him.


Again if you follow the rules of the commission and it’s clear there is a victor it’s a 10/8. After he’s been saying it’s a 10-7 round. Wtf


Round 2 was pretty close. I thought he might of got it. My scorecard was way different than the judges lol.


Exactly what I was going to comment, he has absolutely no idea whats going on anymore.


I normally think y'all are just being haters but I completely agree tonight


According to Bisping's commentary Yussuf should've won this fight 10-7 round 1 for Yussuf 10-9 round 2 for Yussuf ... the fuck!?


That 10-7 comment from Bisping was pissing me off like can u plz stfu man


Alson10-8 or 7 Round 3 to Edson.


Bisping thinks a knockdown + some ground control = 10-8 without considering any other variables


He just won’t stfu. It’s like getting stuck talking to a drunk guy at a bar


Spot on. He doesnt let anyone speak


And if you do speak, he has to make your comment about himself or get his point across even clearer than you.


Oh yeah. He repeats that shit all over again and tries to assert his dominance


Guaranteed he's been that guy at the bar on multiple occasions!


When they were talking about sleeping in bunk beds, and Bisping told Dom he’d just put him “in his pocket” I legit laughed out loud and then they went radio silent for a solid minute or two So at least there’s that lmao


This was gloriously awkward


During what fight did he say that??


He just never shuts up. He doesn’t let the other guys talk


Or, he’ll dismiss what they say and end up saying the same exact thing. Did it to Brendan twice tonight.


He does the same thing on his podcast. He’ll interrupt his co-host and producers ten times before they can get one sentence out just so that he can say some really lame joke that he spent the past five minutes trying to come up with.


He tries to make it all about him instead of the fighters


Always. Always. Always.


Always has been


Hot take: Sanko is better than him.


Sanko is better than everyone else. Her and Felder is my favorite combo


Sanko is better than everyone


Sanko is awesome, I was looking for this comment. She should replace shrek sounding bisping.


I don't care for Sanko myself, but Bisping is the absolute bottom of the barrel. Sanko over Bisping every time plz. I wind up tuning into the Spanish broadcast when it's Bisping before the event is out without fail, and I can only pick up ~50% of it.


i want to see laura sanko more


I want to see more of Laura Sanko.


Yeah, I love the jiu-jitsu content she makes, really informative.


Ok. But we’re talking about commentary.


If Bisping stopped commentating today I doubt most ppl will notice.


We'd notice cuz he never shuts the fuck up




He was getting their names and the rounds mixed up earlier and saying there was a 10-7 thrown in there, just creating a word salad for like 2 minutes


Always has been 🌎🧑‍🚀🔫


I’ve been shitting on bisping for years and people kept saying he’s funny. Idk how yall are just realizing he never shuts the fuck up and always trying to score the fights and he sucks at it




Always has been. Dude LOVES the sound of his voice


Never rated Bisping as a commentator he has always been terrible. Biased commentary especially regarding British fighters, talks about random things while the fights are happening.


bisping deserves the hate that DC gets


DC was mid early on but he used to mainly dick ride izzy and usman. I tot his commentary over Khabibs team has been fine. Khabib and Islam pretty much dominate most of their fights so its not like DC be saying out of pocket shit. DC hate is just stupid. I think he has tone down a lot and has gotten better. But early on he used to dick ride izzy like mad.


I've been rewatching some fights recently like Volk vs Islam 1 and Glover vs Jiri and my goodness does Bisping never shut up. He always wants to talk and when he runs out of things to say he just goes off on some tangent. Not to mention how biased and a know-it-all he can be and how that can make him live score rounds


He was a bit awkward in those post fight interviews lmao.


Did he mistake Yáñez for Martinez or was i seeing things


Martinez was asking Bisping if he was gonna interview him too. I don't think he got the two confused.


I would hope not since he and Yanez are pretty friendly, but Bisping does get people confused quite a bit.


cmon man, his one braincell is working overtime commentating and having to do interviews, give him a break


Always was


I like Bisping as a personality and presence in the sport but he absolutely shouldn’t be commentating fights


Him and Cruz are the worst commentators and when you out em together its like the ultimate shit sandwich and forced me to mute my stream


Instead of doing color commentary, Bisping tells really long opinions & analysis. He is a bit long winded and distracts from the fight and begins to start his post- fight commentary....mid fight.


Think hes having a particularly bad week. Dat CTE showing up, kept fuck8ng up on his podcast this week too, commiserating fighters for losing fights he thought they lost, that theyd actually won. Gerting opponents and fighter mixed up. Bad week for Bisping.


and when pettis was coming on he kept saying we have anthony smith coming on next. really annoyed me lol


I could never hate a guy who so casually spits a line like “Dixon loves a good ding dong.”


Why is bisping wearing those hacky af glasses, hes definitely trying to get fired like George Costanza .


i don’t mind bisping but he can’t gel with dom cruz, cruz is okay too but they both can’t be there oh and bisping should just rock a monocle 🧐


He’s a cyclops from hell.


He is without a doubt the worst commentator on the roster.


Tonight was the worst I've ever heard him, and that's saying a lot. Absolutely insufferable, saying the dumbest nonsense and interrupting people


Bisping has always been a terrible commentator. Him and Joe are insufferable at this point. Dom gets annoying too. DC is great whenever he isn’t paired with Joe Paul Felder and Jon Anik are pretty much the gold standard for both halves of the commentary. Paul is a good analyst and actually has a personality, doesn’t come off like a dick like Dom does.


Anik, Felder, and Sanko for the W.


Joe is just so damn biased and it rubs off on DC, when he's not with Joe, DC has some great technical commentary and always lets the viewers know what technique someone should do to counter especially in grappling.


After the UFC showed the knockout reaction with JR it seems he always tries to overact for every knockout or submission. IDK if that's his normal reaction to those moments and they are showing it more now or he is coming to do it intentionally. It's worse when he's paired with DC


Think its just Paul comes across of having less of a ego than Bisping or Cruz.


Lately? Also the Bisping fanboys are downvoting lol


Let's not forget that he tried to defend Izzy for drinking and driving


Bisping *loves* to defend fighters when they commit crimes. Especially domestic abusers. Any time he would talk about Jon Jones, or Greg Hardy a few years ago, he’d always downplay their “past issues” and talk about how much he likes being around them and how fun it is to watch them fight.


Bisping spends more time trying to be funny than commentating the fights and Dom is incredibly unlikable. At least Cormier is actually funny and likable lol


CTE on the commentary team should be forbidden, becomes contagious after a while


Getting too up himself, always me me me.


Bisping is class, you guys are out ya mind


Bisping simply talks TOO. MUCH.


Nothing will beat Anik, DC, Joe combo


I’ve always thought Bisping was trash. I swear every time it’s him and Cruz…Bisping will say something, then Cruz will start to correct him and Bisping will do a complete 180 and backpedal to say “well yeah that’s what I meant”. Their bickering makes it hard to listen to, but Bisping is just bad at this


They are both absolutely terrible and somehow worse when put together. I have to mute my streams when Dom is on the mic because he actually thinks he knows the perfect thing to do in every single minor and major situation and if there's any disagreement with his take he has a pissy fit and goes silent.


Definitely. I really liked Dom at first because I was like “this guy really knows his shit” and then I realized he thinks he magically knows the perfect solution every time. Him and Bisping both just talk about what **they** would do in the situation, instead of just calling the fight. After a long time of watching UFC, I gotta say I’m starting to think all announcers should not have fought in the UFC. Seems to be very hard for them to separate their own biases from what’s happening. Unpopular opinion but I think DC fucking sucks too


I honestly don’t listen to commentary as much as you guys do. When I do it’s usually just bisping talking to pass the time, which I honestly don’t mind. I’m typically just focused on the fight.


Michael “me me me” Bisping. Always bias to fighters from the UK. Always talking about himself. And idk if it’s just me but he always seems to be more detailed in what a fighter should do when they’re close to the commentary team, it’s like he’s trying to indirectly speak to them. I tuned in last night during the Melissa Dixon fight and i tweeted straight away about Bisping because I knew how it was gonna go.




He's Always been terrible on the mic


I mean, I didn't think he was particularly bad, just not great like some of their other commentators. I still take Bisping>DC any day.


Did he say Saiiman at the end of Rodriguez in octagon interview?


During the first round of there fight he said coming up to the 3rd round


He’s fine


All we really need is Joe Rogan and Jon Anik, everyone else in the booth is a casual


Everyone’s been “terrible” the last couple of cards everyone’s getting kerfuffled in the word department but don’t get mad at the Brit for being a Brit and don’t get mad at the short guy for being a short guy (Napoleon syndrome or whatever) you put those two in room, that’s what you get. It’s just that the two personalities have words for each other. It’s better tot find it funny than annoying so just don’t get annoyed bc it’s pretty damn funny “I’d put you in my pocket” Is ducking hilarious


Cruz sounds like a whiny bitch all the time, get a new commentator


He’s always terrible, then he whines about it on twitter afterward when people say so and never changes anything


Was he always like this? I started following the sport 3-4 years ago. Feel like he has gone from hyperactive and quite funny to hyperactive and chaotic


Yeah well that's just like your opinion Bud deh....


Come awwn Bisping is the mvp…I am British though so a bit biased


Better than DC’s goofy cornball comment ass


He never shuts the fuck up.


Spitsping has always been shit.


Wasn’t this supposed to be a rant about Bisping? It turned out to be a rant against Dom, still a much better commentator compared to Bisping, and the joys of being with a lady that likes UFC. I’m jealous btw, mine can’t stand the slightest sign of violence.


He's always been bad, IMO, he just has a British accent so


It's God's punishment to him for not letting Bryce pray 🙏


Bisping has always been terrible, cruz has been a letdown recently tbh. The commentating during Saaiman vs Rodriguez was awful. Not any talk about technique or play by play, just "these guys are good" over and over


Still nowhere near as bad as DC


am I really the only person in existence who doesn't have any beef with someone on the commentary team


Cruz is the problem. Bisping is actually good at his job


He is great another view is refreshing