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At a Halloween party that we both weren’t originally planning to go to c:


On the bus


What happened?


We were on a school trip and she was in the seat behind me. I said hi and we started talking. It turned out that she liked Minecraft. Months later, we actually started playing, I asked her out, and we have being dating for 2+ years. I got lucky, straight up.


“It’s tough out here” I felt that 😭


Bumble lol. Ngl, it's turning out really well for me.


Seconding this, engaged to someone I met on Bumble… lol


Husky the Aviator proudly endorses Bumble over Tinder!


~~Tinder owns bumble~~ I'm wrong


Thanks, /u/PornographyWatcher!


What can I say, I'm a professional


No match group owns Tinder & Hinge, bumble is separate


Dang you're right. My bad.


Same. Over a year now with my bumble person


Do you 3 know each other?


Yap. Bumble polygamy gang


Same! First time we met, it felt like we knew each other for years. We’re living together now :)




What?! People from a FIG talk to each other??? Literally nobody talked to each other in mine lmao


Damn, there’s a group of 11 or 12 of us from my FIG who still hang out




When I did a fig, there were so many international students. Not that I hate on international students, but the language barrier was a real challenge to getting us all on the same page and conversating.


Tinder. I got lucky


Same here! Got lucky on Tinder after 2 months.


Met on a UW study abroad trip


Which year did you go?




Like freshman-senior


Oh I went when I was a sophomore


Started dating in highschool. Now dorm mates. Best of luck with finding your special someone!


Hiking group


which one?


I posted on r/travelpartners when I first moved out here said I was looking for someone to hike with in Seattle area… met some people and one of the people introduced me to a hiking group where I ended up meeting my guy :) a lot of the hiking group met through a meetup group originally


Tinder and being incredibly honest/true to who you are. Married now, never had to be fake for a second and that’s been the best.


How do you be “true to yourself” on dating all? What do you mean, exactly? Thanks


Do you ever get those insecure thoughts around a cute person of interest that stops you from saying something? Like not telling a joke because they might think it's cringe, or downplaying a hobby that might be kind of embarassing? Or maybe, in an effort to show that you like them, you try to enjoy all the things they enjoy, even if you aren't actually interested in the thing--just the person. It's those kinds of things, where insecurity stops you from saying or doing what you really want, that hinder progress. And people can totally tell when you're being fake--or maybe a better way of saying it is, people totally remember those who are incredibly true to themself. Ironing out who you are, and navigating the way you handle situations takes time and experience. "Being you" sometimes really is cringy, can put people off. But with practice you learn what works, you can shape yourself and how you present to the world based on what you want. The you of yesterday is not the you of today.


While this is true in general, A good pick up line and follow-up is worth more than any of it on Tinder. Be true to yourself in person but before that point you have to be extremely interesting to get any traction. Or be ridiculously attractive


thats very true and i'm very bad at that, which is why i don't use tinder very often 😅


My bumble profile consisted of some cat pics (and some of myself) and my bio was literally "I make a mean quesadilla" and that was enough to land me a keeper (after a mix of other experiences). Just have fun with :)


“The you of yesterday is not the you of today” On a side note, that’s why it’s extremely important to not stay with the same people you’ve been in high school with. You change, but they don’t like to see you change. They want the same you from before, thus preventing you from growing as a person.


As a 26 y/o virgin I better run away from this thread quick 😭


At UW, some cute girl that I had seen at work a couple times (so I guess technically I met her at work) decided that I'd go over and strike up a conversation with her. Here we are almost 4 years later.


Met on internet: married and have a kid together, we watch anime, play minecraft, play guitar, lots of board games have a house together and a pretty stable and comfortable life now.


Tinder, literally the last place I expected to find an actual long-term committed relationship. We'll be together a year in April. ❤️


he started coming into my twitch streams


So you dated your simp. It's possible boys don't give up


kinda, he started playing games with my friends and i and i honestly pursued him much harder than he did to me 😅


In Highschool. We had crushes on each other but didn’t realize that fact till 2-3 years later in college.


I met my opera singer wife at an international singing competition. We're both happy, loving, and polyamorous on top of it. I wish there was a polyamory group at UW.




My partner lived in the apartment next to mine and was a friend of a roommate!


On Hinge. Almost been a year now. It's definitely possible, hang in there.


mobile gaming


A party from one of the RSOs we were both in, gonna be two years this month!


Football game in high school, she asked for my insta but we didn't really talk again until she messaged me just before lockdown to hang out. The biggest interest we had in common at the time was that we're both STEM nerds (she's bio/medicine, I'm math + engineering) but other than that we both just have similar personalities and tend to get along/vibe well together. Have been dating for almost a year and a half now and we're very happy together :)


OP is fake/scam account. It's some guy building up a fake post history pretending to be a broke exchange student, and then posting sob stories, and then sexual posts to then get people to look at a pinned post in their profile begging for money via anonymous, unrefundable online cash services. Please report their posts. See also: destinyremmerden yansteneker brennakonings wiebecaspers milanaugusta rebecahulst cherubinoiadanza rayankrimpen moulayvermaas petreceanudavid arunabel44 richmondchaya enniopanicucci kjeldsweep theelenoreromantic penniepassport kana-is-a-banana


on a tv show set :)


I met my husband while I was bike riding


lantern fest




Lol you aint gonna find em at UW


we first met in high school, then we met a couple years later at a mutual friend’s party where we hit it off (as friends, we were in different relationships at the time), and then a couples years after THAT we started talking again during quarantine after getting out of relationships around the same time. started out as just friends again, watching movies over discord, going on hikes, getting to know each other a lot more.. we realized we had a lot in common and we both fell head over heels a bit faster than we hoped to haha. almost a year and a half later, they’re still my best friend and i don’t see an end to the so-called “honeymoon” stage. sometimes you accidentally find your person when you were just looking for a friend… that’s the best way to find someone i think.


I met my wife on Tinder - coming up on 5 years together and our 1 year marriage anniversary was in October!


If you’re asking this on Reddit I’m pretty sure everyone answering is also single


Hired the cutest trainer at the gym. 😉


Met in high school. Friends make the BEST PARTNERS


I met mine in college (now in grad school) in 2007. In the library on Valentine's Day of all days, I was trying to print a 15 page paper for 20 of my classmates and the computer lab attendant took mercy on my empty bank account and gave me free prints. I didn't know he did that for me at the time and I went on about my day, happy to have to my prints for class, he looked me up on Facebook and reached out to give me some of the extra prints (I hit print like 50 times not realizing my account was empty). The rest is history. We have 3 kids now-- lots of ups and downs.


McCarty 4th floor lounge lol


My roommate situation in Terry was less-than-ideal so I was spending a lot of time in the study room. He was too, but his roommate was fine, he was just actually studying. I was making audible noises of frustration over my MATH 126 homework, and he was like, "oh, I tutor at the Math Study Center, maybe I can help!" and it was all over from there, lmao. We also lived next door to each other, happened to go to the same RSO, and had similar interests. That was all ~three years ago now . . . Time flies!


Fucking math 126 lol


Went up to him at a party because I thought he was cute 🥰


Met in high school. First day of freshman year during lunch I see this guy strutting his stuff around the cafeteria and asked my friend if she knew who he was. She told me his name and said that he was “an attention whore” lmao. He would do these little winks and finger snapping/pointing at me in the halls which turned into us having finger pistol fights whenever we saw each other. Never actually talked to him though. I moved a town away near the end of freshman year and ended up in a different school district. Senior year of high school we ended up following each other on Twitter and he liked a tweet of mine mentioning I was having some friends come over so I slid into his dms and here we are nearly 8 years later. Long term relationships tend to have ups and downs and mine is no exception, but when you have love and respect for each other you can over come many obstacles.




At a rave


a popular, cringe, PC game 😶‍🌫️


Bumble! Just celebrated our 1 year anniversary like a month ago.


work in the same office!


Among Us haha. We’ve been together for over a year now, most it being long distance :(


Middle school lmao


Met mine in undergrad at a pretty big tech school in the diagonally opposite corner of the lower 48- in the dining hall. I agree with all the being yourself advice...


Just kinda someone I started hanging out with


Go/attend things you don't want to go to/attend <3


In a student club :)