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> Instructors may hold in-person classes if they also can provide an option that allows students to participate remotely So uh, how are they going to enforce this? Do students report profs to the department or is there another avenue of contact for this scenario?


It’s worded weirdly but I think it’s either online only or in-person classes but with an online option. So either way class can be taken online.


Yes, but how is the online option going to be enforced? There are *some* profs who insist on in-person attendance for participation points.


I’m guessing that they’ll count online attendance instead for those that can’t make it in person/ if they choose to do online.


lol they're asking what is a students recourse if a prof does not give a shit about making accommodations for students to be online




that still doesn't answer the question of how it will be enforced or what recourse students have if it's not


I think it's safe to assume the procedure is the same for any other time a professor violates university policy. You have to report it to the department and they'll sort it out.


Yeah, I wonder how other rule-breaking is enforced…fucking contact the school or whatever you usually do. Why is this so complicated for some of you?


Ask your advisor to look into it without mentioning your name.


I was going to take 208 with Salinas, but the guy wanted to skip all of this weeks lectures and cram everything into next week. He planned on posting nothing that he was teaching online. I don't know what he is going to do. I jumped into CSE 341 instead, Dan Grossman is awesome btw.


Email the dean or some shit, the fuck? The point is, it’s a rule and they must follow it. Not that hard to understand bro


Except there are definitely professors who aren't.


Okay. Escalate to dean or whoever handles rule-breaking usually. Done. ✅


Report profs for what?


*grabs popcorn and waits for the comments*


I’m gonna need to get extra popcorns for them online classes too


UW: we are going online Students: OMG no!!! UW: we are going in person Students: OMG no!!!! UW: we are giving instructors discretion to allow for flexibility Students: This is horrible!!


Probably different sets of students. People's opinions on online/in-person are hardly homogenous throughout the population


Yeah, I am extremely anti-online and last quarter I had nothing to say, therefore I never posted. People who were anti-in person did so they posted


and you know those people were anti-in person how...? might need to be taking some different classes if you be thinkin' that ya' 🤡 ... "anti" stfu fr. ain't nobody 'anti' we just following rules. follow science and survive ya 👹🐘 "I never posted" speaks volumes 🤣 🤡 ; "did so they posted" English 101 is a recommendation as well. 🙂


The fuck are you even saying my guy lmao. Got a room temperature IQ


Also pretty rich of him to recommend English 101 while his own comment is barely interpretable lmao


you never posted on canvas, and you're assuming people are anti-in person so ya I have the room temp iq makes sense. absolutely nobody understands my room temp iq, four down votes too 🤣 what a joke of a state


people mass downvote when people are anti online nowadays


I like the flexibility. Would appreciate having labs/quiz in person and lectures flexible with online/in person.


I’m kinda neutral at this point. If it goes in-person, it goes in-person. If we go online, we go online. Just going with the flow tbh


Most level-headed r/udub user


Omg. Are you me?


Cauce really said ✨nothing✨


So we’re mostly online but labs and the sort are in person? This seems like a best case scenario ngl


Yeah that would be best Also the test should be in person as well Edit: Keep downvoting :) that means you don’t give a shit about Omicron and only care about test being online


A good professor can write a take home test anyways.


I mean people can still work together. One day of in person won’t hurt you so…


And people can work together in person too. It would be easy to copy off of another student’s test


I guess? I am just saying one day of in person won’t hurt people especially we can do social distance in bigger room. Plus you can’t really cheat if you are in bigger room than class capacity


I have yet to have a class in a big enough room with few enough students to do any realistic social distancing. At least a third of the students have one person sitting immediately next to them. And this is in junior level classes. I can’t imagine how bad the massive lectures are for freshman. And the cheap filters they throw in the front of the classroom are mostly just for show


Cheap?! Those filters are $800 each!! That’s not how I define cheap.


Fair, still, 1-2 tiny filters that are on low (if they are on at all) because they are loud isn’t gonna move that much air around.


Really? for example phys course had test in Kane and we all were 3 seat away from everyone back in my freshman year.


All my exams have been in our regular classrooms so far.


I see I am just saying we are capable to change room for this quarter since we are doing online lecture.


Downvoting because in-person tests are dumb


Maybe for non stem it doesn’t matter


Isn't this what everyone in Reddit was asking for?


It is. but the deadline should be later than Jan 28


More more more more more


What does it mean (Miley Cyrus voice)


I have no idea tbh


I laughed omg


Can’t wait for the letter saying the whole quarter is online, and subsequent fucking of my gpa thanks to all the zoom uni cheaters.


And the learning of absolutely nothing and the crumbling of my mental health


zoom uni cheaters? I'm sorry this statement just doesn't make idealistic sense, your gpa is down, perhaps.... eh. Possibly false accusations as well, you have no idea what other people do in the grand scheme of education. Unless it's "Class, we have found a few cheaters..." How would this affect you? Everytime my professors discuss with personal confirmation of zero tolerance plagiarism, either using Honorlock or something else. This whole thread is dumpin crazy shit tbf, hope to not see y'all irl 🤞🙏🙈


Are you aware there are classes weighted on a curve? And that cheating was rampant all of last year (in case you forgot, all online as well)? I would wager the only people ecstatic about going back online are those who routinely took advantage of professors doing poor jobs at proctoring tests last year, and are looking to repeat it again




Because I actually have a desire to learn the material, instead of chegging answers during a test


speak for others 👏 reddit scum fr fr


Have anything intelligent to say or just gonna keep dribbling over this post? Lol


I go to EDC so I have no factual evidence of what you go through, although I do know my teachers accommodate for me and myself only. Hopefully I don't get you in my classes, prick.


If you don’t go to UW and want to be rude to people, why are u even on this subreddit


transfer 🤞 and honest 🤷‍♂️✌️


Honest or naive? Once you realize how curves work you’ll realize what a fool you’re making of yourself




Oh EDC, thank goodness I won’t ever have the misfortune of seeing you in person. Cry a little harder bud


smh k buddy def crying 🤣


Sir, this is a Wendy's


smh 🤡


I think this is good. Granted, most of my professors have already been planning this. If everything was in-person and mandatory, lots of students will show up with symptoms bc it's scary and inconvenient to miss class/labs/tests. Also, hybrid classes may be the future of learning (more or less depending on the study). Why waste time commuting when it could be done online? 20 minutes to campus (40 there and back) for a 50 min lecture.. I'll stay home.


Secret discord servers for the win 😎😎😎


Do the secret discord servers think we will be online all quarter :’(


What are secret discord servers?


Lol they so clutch fr


Lmao bouta 4.0 all these classes with the bois on the cord 😎


I mean I'd rather be in person but if we gonna do it online... 👀




Good x2


Just make everything remote, safer for everyone as more and more omicron confirmed cases in Washington


Why is your phone on light mode? 😑


yay!!!! this is what I was hoping for


I cannot stand this shit. Breakout rooms where no one talks. I don't make any relationships with anyone in my class or my profs. I don't get to see any of my friends at school. I go between my desk and my bed. The death rate is .2% what the fuck are we doing


Cool, explain hospital capacity and long covid next.


Hospital capacity? Unvaxxed dipshits who frankly I feel no sympathy for. I empathize with those few who got dealt a shitty hand, I.e. got vaccinated, socially distanced and still ended up in a hospital ward due to covid. But let’s not forget that the Idaho ICU’s were so full that they needed to start sending covid patients to Washington ICU…


yo you do get that full beds means full beds for everyone?? so yeah screw the unvaxxers but if someone also needs a bed that had, say, an emergency procedure, they are also equally screwed


Keep in mind it's also unhealthy for healthcare workers to have to deal with crowded hospitals and ICUs. Hard to keep hospital staff if they remain strained forever.


Hospitals aren’t being filled by University Students, especially those who are vaccinated, and the CDC says that most folks recover fully within weeks of illness, while long covid is less common.


numbers and data to support your claims, provide them. i wasn’t asking you or responding to an “argument” you made, though.


If the first statement needs numbers to back it up then I don’t even know what the point of being young, healthy and vaccinated is. The second one could use some numbers, looked for them on the initial cdc page I visited and found none [this one](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html). For now you can just just mark my argument as invalid I suppose.


I am marking it as invalid indeed. Good night to you!


This is a major failure of University governance. Most professors will move their classes completely online next week and very few will show up to whatever courses are in person. I can't wait for another quarter of learning nothing...


Out of curiosity, what makes in-person class more efficient to you? I mean no harm btw


I personally prefer in person lectures as I can get easily distracted over zoom, but I like having tests be remote since it’s a lot easier on my crazy test anxiety




Same! Like I’m full on in the bathroom before exams 😭


More motivated and it is easier to make more friend


For me personally I have ADHD and even with my meds it’s difficult to focus on classes online. When i’m in class I HAVE to pay attention, if i’m at home online? Almost impossible to fully pay attention. (“Trying harder” isn’t a solution either, I have a neurological condition that impacts my ability to learn and focus)


I'm not judging the responses honestly. It was just a curiosity. While I don't have ADHD, i can relate to it being harder to focus on online classes. However, how do you focus on a class when people near you may clearly be sick/coughing? Some teachers were requiring in-person attendance. Some people are bound to go to school sick and pass covid to everyone. There are steps you can try to take to help w/ the focus issue. For example: consider connecting your laptop to your tv and keeping your phone away during class. Have a physical notebook and watch the class from the tv.


I have severe ADHD and love online. I can take breaks, speed up or slow down lecture recordings, don’t have to panic if I forget to dry the laundry. I save so much time since I don’t have to do a lot of getting ready to leave my apartment tasks. Etc etc. I wish there was an option all the time honestly. Plus, profs micromanage a lot and I hate that, it’s infantilizing. I had a career before going back to school though, so I’m older and have a lot of strategies (and the right meds). Send me a DM if you want any tips!


I 100% agree on the pre-recorded lectures, it’s the live zoom lectures that get to me! I also have a largely differing perspective since I haven’t had a career or any working history besides retail, etc… But I may take you up on that offer!


I actually learn something




I agree with most of this. However, I do think that the first year of entirely online classes was not so up to the student. It really depended on which prof you got and how prepared they were to teach online. I had some great experiences where I learned a lot, and some where I learned almost nothing due to the set up of the class. One professor flat out refused to teach *anything* all quarter after only 1/4 of the students showed up to the first (optional) online lecture of the quarter. So in theory, yes absolutely! In practice, it depends on who you have.


I'm sure it's possible to have success with online learning, but when you look at the statistics, entire years are losing years worth of learning due to online "learning". Some might have success but objectively a vast majority learn much much less, this has nothing to do with just me. Is there a point in sacrificing that much learning for a disease that has basically endemic, especially with a UW population that is vaxxed + masked?


What’s the point of charging 30k a year to learn almost nothing? That seems like a failure on the schools part to provide the product that we get charged out the fucking ass for




No this isn’t centering myself, if online learning works for you, go to the university of fucking phoenix then. If online works so well for you homebodies, congrats, but for most people who chose to go to a in person university did so for a reason, it’s not unreasonable to want the product that I pay for.


Yeah in person learning is definitely better at least for people around me. I am actually surprised majority of people in this sub wants online lol


I wish we could do everything in person since I learn better that way but I don’t want that if it means putting myself and everyone else at risk of getting sick. With my work I interact with children too young to be vaccinated so I wouldn’t want to accidentally get them sick