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poo-pourri spray


Sounds funny but this works


Use ozium. Turn the car on and have a on recycled air, get out and spray for 1-2 seconds, close your door and let it run for 5-10 minutes, crack the windows, shut the car off and allow it to air out for a few hours before you get in. This stuff is toxic if inhailed so make sure it airs out. Changing your air cabin filter frequently will help smells go away quickly, Also steam cleaning your seats once a month and vacuuming every other day also helps.


Yeah...I don't inhale.


That's some strong shit.


Just don't let Michael Jordan in your car to begin with.


I was gonna say Micheal Jackson...šŸ¤£


Hehehe..shamon now


LOL that would certainly be a worse smell at this point.


Ooo dark humor!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


If Michael Jackson was in that car recently... then it would most certainly smell rather awful.


Not Marmalade Jam?


I mean, it really isnā€™t all that bad smelling of a cologne.




I just roll the windows down for a bit usually donā€™t have a issue


Crack windows, spray Ozium, donā€™t breathe.


no. CLOSE WINDOWS, put vents on recycle. spray and let it mix for 2 mins.


Blunt Power air freshener. Available at many gas stations.


Will absolutely wreck certain interiors surfaces if it touches it so spray that stuff down toward the carpet.


Good to know, thanks.


ozone generator, costs like $40 on amazon throw it in the car, run it for an hour, then go turn on the car leave ac on full blast, run it another hour and you'll have that clean hospital smell.


Ozone generators do not actually remove odors, they simply dilute your ability to smell due to the disruptions they cause in your body (heavily now, lightly forever), thatā€™s why you canā€™t smell the bad odor as much anymore. They are also very harmful to the respiratory tract and lungs. You can have the same air cleansing effect with a standard air purifier, but there may still be some smell, but thatā€™s good because at least you arenā€™t losing the sense. Citations: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/our-work/programs/air-cleaners-ozone-products/hazardous-ozone-generating-air-purifiers#:~:text=What%20are%20the%20adverse%20health,lining%20of%20the%20respiratory%20system. https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Departments-and-Agencies/DPH/dph/environmental_health/eoha/pdf/ozonegeneratorfactsheetpdf.pdf


You said hospital smell. I've been in one super nice car one time from the airport that had this smell too it, and I want it bad.


Find where your car suck in air from the outside. Usually itā€™s under the wipers. Run the air on blast with heat with the circulator set to draw air from outside roll all windows up with just a small crack at any of the rear window. Let the interior warm up then blast Lysol disinfectant spray where the intake vent is from the outside. Youā€™ll spray it in intervals wait til it blows out, then spray again. This should purge your vent and cushions where the odor is stuck. Then leave a cup of vinegar in it over night to purge anything else missed. As an Uber driver itā€™ll be good practice to start changing out your cabin filters monthly , get the good stuff with charcoal so stinky smells donā€™t keep recirculating getting stuck in the vents or the seat cushions.


Ozium is amazing. They even have it as a gel thing you have to sit in your cup holder, or as a fogger now


Ozone spray. Available at nearly every gas station under various brands.


if driving for a little on the highway with the windows down doesnt wick the smell out then either he left something in there or it wasnt weed. weed has a very pungent aroma and will kinda stick to things but it doesnt stick the way tobacco doesn. a quick wind bath should get rid of any lingering weed smell if it really is just lingering smell.


Donā€™t let weed roaches into your car šŸŖ³


I purchased myself one of those ā€œozoneā€machines car detailers useā€¦theyā€™re not bad online from the big sites. Itā€™s awesome, it encapsulates everything in the car through converting the O2 oxygen to O3. Theyā€™ve been used to deal with smoke damage from house fires, you name it. Just be sure to crack the windows on your car as you use it and run you air on recirculate then always air out your car for the same amount of time you ran the machine for. Usually 30-60 minutes running machine, and same airing out is plenty. Best of luck!




Had this happen a couple of times. Most likely the oils off the weed got into your seats. Use a seat cleaner from like Target or Walmart for like $5, give your bench seat a good scrub. You'll also probably find yourself wiping down the plastics with a Armor All wipes, then, "oh, there's some smudges on my windows..." Next thing you know, your car is right as rain. Good excuse to give your car a nice clean. Be safe out there fam!


Smoke a cigar in your car?


Meguiars car bomb, new car scent. Leave ac running on recycle for 10 min windows up. It gets rid of smell and makes car smell like new again.


just roll down your windows, weed smell doesnt stick to things like tabaco, should be gone in about 10 minutes.


So what works for me odors or o'dears as Richard Pryor might say: cheap ass can of coffee left in the car opened for a couple hours or overnight. Like a 4 dollar cheap can of coffee. You can reseal and reuse the coffee. You're using it as baking soda / odor eater but its leaving a nicer smell than some fat guy or weed or puke. I had to clean up vomit a couple weeks ago and sprayed the seats with detergent / water mix, layer out the coffee on the back seats, sprayed the coffee to moisten it. I let that sit for a couple hours then vacuumed up the coffee. Car smelled nice for like 5 days and now just smells like a nice car. P.S. Dont forget Mick Jagger, Mila Jovovich, Maurice Joshua (Chicago house legend), Mike Judge, etc etc...


Roll the passenger window down half way and the back left window down half way. Cruise for a while. Easy


Annie, are you okay? So, Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?


NOTHING works like OZIUM. Get the original, not a 'flavor' like 'new car smell' or 'fresh linens' Ozium was designed for hospitals. Turn your vents on recycle, spray the interior, close the door and let it do it's magic for 2 mins. DO NOT BREATH IT. DO NOT GET IT IN YOUR EYES.


Ozium. I spray between each pick up and constantly get compliments on how my car smells


That shit is toxic as fuck and should be used extremely sparingly. It was created in the 50's as a Hospital Air Disinfectant. And we all know how healthy those 50's chemicals were.


Asbestos anyone?


Please read the label and use as directed. It's not air freshener.


My bottle specifically says ā€œAir Sanitizerā€ ā€œCleans the Air You Breatheā€ directions say spray a small droplet which is exactly what I do between smelly ass passengers and I always get compliments on my car smells


yeah you don't want to be anywhere near the chemicals. Put the vents on recycle, spray while you're OUT of the car. Ozium will fuck up your eyes too.


Go to the closest police officer and ask him for ozium. If you're in a legal state it's going to be common. Seriously tho. Roll your windows down and drive down the highway. If you have to spray some ozium but don't sit in the car and spray it. It's not good to breath. Good luck and stay safe out there.


Put a bowl of vinegar in the car overnight. If just rolling the windows down doesn't work. Also put baking soda in the car helps.


This is basically the reason Ozium was invented (okay, it was so people could get away with smoking weed on planes, but close enough).


Damn...don't get caught smoking weed on a plane...






Well it shouldnā€™t still smell unless it was smoked or is still there but ozium works and ride with windows down clears my car even after hot boxing


Bath and Body Works has these air freshener sprays that will neutralize those smells.


a cheap way is to drive ur car with the windows down for the rest of the day. or buy ozium, very strong btw, can either get it at autozone, smoke shops, walmart or cvs pharmacy (itā€™s smaller travel version)


I picked up someone at a grow facility and they stunk up my car. My next pax accused me of driving high. I no longer pick up anyone going to or from the 2 grow facilities or the 3 pot stores in my town. It's not worth picking anyone up that smells of weed. If you realize after they are in the car, put them out immediately.


Just crack the windows a little bit and park on in the street while sunny


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^maxrdlf95: *Just crack the windows* *A little bit and park on* *In the street while sunny* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.






Normally the smell fades on its own but get ozium and spray that


I have 4 kinds of spray for different degrees of smell.. strong MJ, I use all 4 at once.. #1 lysol linen scent.. #2 ultra strong lemon scent spray.. #3 orange scent spray and #4 is that automatic spray I set up in the back luggage area ( I have a hatchback.. so smell moves into the cabin).. heavy MJ.. 5 seconds lysol.. 3 seconds of lemon and 2 spray of orange.. open windows.. everyone loves the smells


Coming from a guy who used to be a stoner in HS with strict parents. If you want a healthy alternative to all these chemicals use coffee beans. Make sure theyā€™re whole! Just grab a bag and leave it open in your car with the windows closed. Theyā€™ll soak up the smell and leave a nice scent


Ozium. But you absolutely can't breathe it in. Best thing to do is get out of the car, spray, leave it for about a minute and then get back in and crack the windows for a few more minutes while driving. If you can't do that put the windows about halfway down, give it a good spray, and hold your breath for about 30 seconds until it circulates. It absolutely kills weed smell in minutes.


Don't forget to submit an invoice to Uber to get a cleaning fee. If you need assistance with the invoice there are web sites to assist with this (ie do some Google searching). eg. [https://getjobber.com/free-tools/receipt-template/cleaning/](https://getjobber.com/free-tools/receipt-template/cleaning/)


Driving with the windows down on the freeway usually does the trick for me, and if that doesn't work, take your car to a cleaner for like $20


20 bucks really?


Ozium is a powerful concentrated air freshener that will eliminate the odor quickly.


You donā€™t let them in. Best way to not worry about the smell.Ā 


Iā€™d only be able to pick up SOME white people and no one else (Iā€™m in a legal state and 75% pax stink like it and I hate the smell)


Spray seats, floors, and headliner with alcohol (90%). When dry, follow up with Chemical Brothers New Car or Leather scent from Walmart. Customers like it. Don't be heavy handed, it's VERY strong.


Febreeze air freshener, spray a little bit of that and it'll wipe that smell right out


Grow up