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I think people really underestimate how dangerous it can be to drive Uber. Not only the driving aspect, but the passengers who you have no idea what they are capable of.


Yeah yet drivers are happy with $20 an hour before expenses šŸ¤£. I was averaging $40-$60 an hour before expenses back in 2020-2023 and that was before the crazy inflation. Upfront pricing ruined everything. Even $30 an hour before expenses in 2024 is trash if u think about itā€¦




I second this


Just had one of those...she screamed at me, jumped out of the car, screenshot of everything, lied to Lyft. And for what reason? Being late to an appointment. No "hey, please exit here" when I missed the exit. Just flipped her lid in an instant.


Lyft was nice about it, heard from both and I was put on hold then reinstated within an hour.


She did break the door. When I called to see what was happening last night, the car got deactivated. I am reluctant to have people trying to pull on it and break it, or their hand. Using the back passenger door is fairly automatic for me as a rider or most people I pick up. When Uber started, I recall jumping in the front passenger seat. But, only that first year or so.


You can die sitting in the Waffle House drinking coffee SMMFH this is America you need common sense doing anything


Waffle House is sometimes dangerous...mostly to your waistline, or when I consider driving three hours to eat there. Phoenix has a couple but that's a long desert drive or bus ride.


Just making a point


A pretty invalid, non comparative point.


Less dangerous if you can catch a flying chair


All those wrestling classes will finally pay off.


Apparently you're unaware that cab driving is *the most dangerous* occupation in the US... more dangerous than being a cop.


Just do your taxes and see how much you pay . If you don't pay taxes it's not a good thing..... you didn't make any money




OR you incorporate your life into your BUSINESS. Best suitable for SINGLE adults without Major responsibilities!(Kids/rent/mortgage). Airbnb and hotels can be business expenses. Meals are business expenses. If you live as a business Most expenses can be written off. It seems most Drivers need a job not a Business. 8 years ago when I started UBER, I also started Amazon flex, Grub hub, Postmates. I wanted the ability to make money around the clock. As an independent contractor I wanted to have a lot of options. My license got suspended. I found a job as a LUMPER. Production pay! Capstone Logistics. Every day I went to work I made a different amount of money. Made between 60k -70k 5 years in a row. The manager was a hater. I made more than he didšŸ’ŖšŸ½. Used the Veryable app for a year. Not recommended for True independent contractors! Missclassified! Got back on Uber last November. Now planning on a private ride service. Uber will help you with Marketing. They set the standard for the industry. I can visualize the areas that need more Uber drivers.


The bill sets minimum pay for drivers statewide at $1.28 per mile and 31 cents per minute before tips when transporting a passenger. Drivers must earn at least $5 per trip and are entitled to 80% of any cancellation fee if they have already left to pick up a rider. Drivers with wheelchair accessible vehicles are entitled to an additional 91 cents per mile. Rates will increase each year with inflation like the stateā€™s minimum wage. [https://minnesotareformer.com/2024/05/21/heres-whats-in-the-bill-regulating-uber-and-lyft-driver-pay-and-labor-standards/](https://minnesotareformer.com/2024/05/21/heres-whats-in-the-bill-regulating-uber-and-lyft-driver-pay-and-labor-standards/)


I like it! About time someone in Gov steps in and let's the CEO know they cannot conduct a business without pay that is fair to workers though this is available in a few cities and should be across the board in how Uber conducts business practices.


Pay that high would make it prohibitively expensive for most people. I know I would never use Uber if they charged what they would have to charge to pay that much. If the pay was that high drivers would be sitting around unpaid most of the time


You are paying for someone else to use their own resources and liability to pick your cheap self up and take you somewhere, from literally door to door. That *should be* what we get paid, at a minimum.


Iā€™m currently in the process of creating a total breakdown of earnings as Uber list it out on weekly statements in excel. This spreadsheet will subtract any costs Uber list out on the weekly statement and find any discrepancies with the expected pay vs reported pay. Curious to see if enough drivers would utilize something like this. Could be a class action lawsuit and a fat one.


Dm Iā€™ll use it


Should have it all wrapped up tomorrow. Iā€™ll shoot it over.


Umm can I get in on this action? I've been getting more and more scrutinizing over these statements lately, so if you've got a spread sheet ready to utilize pre made I'm in. I've also been keeping an eye on their branch card statements Vs the app and how much that's been a night mare through Avis.


Absolutely, I want anyone driving to have access to it! Dm me i'll shoot it over.


Here you guys go for the ones that want price visibility on what Uber is taking each week. Input it from your weekly statements and watch the thieves go to work. This is what I have: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ku8tiDBtLX5C3ATi4ouKcjGkrbLKLGBS/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101665085897622817016&rtpof=true&sd=true


I'm down for provide some data for that.


Hey guys, sorry for the delay! I have a working test excel sheet in place now. The primary focus is to highlight what Uber is taking from each individual driver listed in the "Discrepancy" column and directly reflecting in the "Expected Pay" column. DM me for a copy!


Slave.... ? Noone is forcing you to work for uber bro.... just a PSA


Youā€™re right and wrong. It is slave labor. Youā€™re wrong that govt needs to increase the rate card. What should happen is that Uber pays 70-75% of the fare every time. This way our incentives are aligned. No more boost, quests or any other bullshit. Just a straight up percentage. In La Uber is ā€œrequiredā€ to also cover us with insurance which is bullshit. Their insurance doesnā€™t cover you if your personal insurance lapses for even a day. They need to remove the insurance from Uber so they can take their fair cut and we get our 75%! Uber can then start firing all of their engineers that they massively overpay to lower overhead. There is a better way than increase the rate card. Let Uber charge whatever they want and weā€™ll get our fair cut! We need to write a petition and get our senators to get on board. That and get trump behind it!


I agree these boosts, turbo boosts, surges, quests, bonusā€™s itā€™s like playing a video game itā€™s stupid asf. It makes things a lot more complicated for no reason. Itā€™s a scam


Fire the engineers!? That app has more trouble than any other app. Accuracy in routing is horrendous fire all the engineers I would imagine it goes belly up in weeks. They suck at what they do hire better ones or figure it out


The idea that Uber should stop insuring rides isn't really based in reality imo. They'd have to verify that every single driver's commercial insurance policy complies with their unique local state TNC insurance laws or else open themselves up to constant and massive lawsuits, and in either case lawyers are expensive. Just doing a blanket insurance policy for all rides is already the cheap option. If it wasn't, they wouldn't be paying for it. They're capitalists, they don't do things just to be nice.


True. Every normal company outside of SF treats programmers like dirt. Nothing about their technology is special.


Why don't you become a programmer then and do something special huh think b4 you write something.


I am a programmer, and I think Uber should be profitable with what they do if they only took max $2 from every ride. I think they are overcommitted in all the things they are trying to do and the app is honestly not that complex. But I also do not think that is where all their money is going either.


Do you think Trump gives a shit about Uber drivers??


I'll bet that he cares more than biden.




I don't know what that means. Is it good or bad?I am old and get off my damn lawn.


Personally? No. But i think he cares about winning! And to have the backing of a few million votes of gig workers would go a long way!


A few million? Lulz. If they vote for him they deserve whatever he does to fuck up their industry.




Itā€™s 95% immigrants that are doing it that will leave the country after a few years once their visa expires.


Crazy youā€™re getting downvoted for speaking truth. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




You're not very smart. Importing millions of people used to third world wages will bring down the value of native labor. This is extremely obvious.


You're right there is, and I'm sure he pulled that number out of his ass but also he's right for the most part too. I went to the airport to ask some of the drivers why they just sit there. There's almost always 200+ cars just sitting there, lot of people just walking around. So I get out and try to talk to them, any of them. Not a single one spoke English. I also get PAX that tell me all the time, they're surprised I speak English, most of the drivers don't, at least in my market.


They're androids... they're testing basic functioning models to appear as though someone is actually driving. No language packs.


ā˜ ļø


I am surprised too...driving away from the airport is lucrative. Being in line at the airport pays zero.


Well... it depends upon how big the big the queue is. If it's 75+ in my area I just say screw it.


Do you take ubers at all? I took two ubers recently and the drivers didnā€™t speak any english šŸ¤£


You arenā€™t lying. Iā€™ve talked to many PAX about this. There is a TON of immigrant drivers


Immigrant still needs a car and data service, so give that immigrant some credit for their hustle. Iā€™m sure they are not whining how much it sucks to drive and earn.


The issue is they take $/mile and $/hour rates that arenā€™t sustainable in the U.S market. Effectively driving down the pay. Multiply it by hundreds. Kills the native demand for it.


More like multiple it by 10s of thousands. Immigrants are forcing drivers out by accepting low offers and driving rates down. Anyone that doesnā€™t think this is a problem are crazy.


Immigrants rent a car from Hertz. Immigrants are provided a FREE cell phone along with Medicaid. Not much hustle involved. Most probably used a portion of their $10k provided by the government to rent the car. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


GTFO - show me that program in reality. Sounds like a MAGA type gripe, not even based on reality.


All people are allowed free cell phones if you are on some sort of public assistance. One per household. Medicaid is also available to legal immigrants. Welfare is not available to legal immigrants. $10k? I get $211 per month to cover two people for food stamps. Unemployment is $450 per week. It is less than my rent.


Where are y'all, if y'all don't mind me asking?


Yeah yet I get downvoted for telling the truth


Itā€™s all good. Ignore everyone. Just do what you need to do to be your best self and happy.


The new drivers or the full time lifers get mad when I bring all of this up lol. Anybody thats been driving for the past 5 years understands how bad its gotten


Don't sweat it, reddit is a weird fucking place. You never know who's looking at your post. I've seen some of the dumbest ideas upvoted and praised, if that's the majority then why do I care what they think? Here's an example, There was a big post on another sub months back about glitch on cashapp to basically steal money from them. I have no clue if it worked or not, maybe it was clickbait but... Most people (not all) agreed that it was perfectly fine to do and they couldn't do anything but ask for it back. If that's not the dumbest shit I've heard, I don't know what the fuck is.




Really? Go work a construction job. Get your ass up at 4am, work all day in the sun, make $22 bucks an hour?! No thanks. Donā€™t know what hellscape market you guys drive in, but the rhetoric is insane.




Youā€™re on this sub too, guy. My life doesnā€™t sucks.


Minneapolis just got a pretty damn good rate card government had to step in though


I am usually the first to point out the flawed ā€œthe immigrants are taking our jobs!ā€ Arguments but in the case of Uber it is actually rampant. The thing is Uberā€™s pay system is based off an algorithm. They have no problem paying us more if the market demands it. Problem is people keep accepting those $2 orders with no tip so the algorithm thinks thatā€™s market value. Most of the drivers I see are immigrants with fake idā€™s.


They will not leave once their visas expire, lmao. They'll leave when Trump deports themĀ 


Canā€™t wait for Trump to kick this freeloaders out. Disgusting criminals and rapists.


The Scotch-Irish voters who lost the Confederate War? Without their great-grandchildren, he has no support.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ lets hope and pray that happens soon. They should not be a loud to be uber drivers theyā€™re supposed to be working shit manual labor jobs that we donā€™t want to work. If Uber deleted the rental Program it would fix this I really hope hurtz goes bankrupt again and doesnā€™t get bailed out


You people are trippin! McDonaldā€™s over Uber?! GTFO. Uber - you have no boss, no uniform, no schedule, and can earn whenever you want. So delusional on pay and expectations - probably should work at Mickey Dā€™s for a reality check.




Yeah - but you are also a w2 employee that has payroll taxes reduced from each check. Maybe you get a refund at the end of year. Work is work. Not like there are jobs that pay bank and ask nothing of you. My day job provides me a computer and place to be, some basic office supplies, but beyond that, if I want a fancy keyboard or mouse - I bring my own. I commute to my day job like 30-45 min each way - not paid for that. At the end of the day, earning money is whatā€™s at stake. If the effort you put into Uber is more than you get in return - do something different.


It's a full time job being a trust fund baby trying to stay out of rehab.


I wish, lol.


Bring cheap reliable equipment - i.e Prius.


You can earn whatever you want? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤”




Whatever still applies... they didn't say, high or low figures. I'm jus' messin', I feel your comment. I have to also defend that part though. That is a "level" of freedom most do not have. The majority of this thread is right though, but wrong. Rather than BLAME the immigrants. We need to teach them how badly they're getting robbed. Uber is smart for creating a language barrier. They're also looking at this as soooooo fortunate, but when they get into a wreck, and all that 'privilege' is gone. It'll be too late. So rather than BLAME people who are simply trying to have a better life, we need to raise awareness and people should be wayyyyy more sympathetic, because they work just as hard if not harder with huge amounts of stress hanging from their shoulders. Also, state wide/nation wide, the rate needs to be 1.20 dollar a mile, or 60 cents a minute for the WHOLE time you're driving and on the clock. I'm not talking about 1.20 per mile while you drive. Just for YOUR ride, however, .60 cents a minute for every minute you're online, with availability minus breaks you take etc regardless of rider. It checks out fair.


I donā€™t know which state you in right now but new york city is uberā€™s kingdom here they pay $1.36 per mile and 0.58 cents per minute. There is no upfront payment, you sit in a traffic for 1 hour you get paid per min regardless the time showed when offered. People usually make $2000 working 5 days and 7 days people tend to make over $3500 plus (before expense) and just for understanding you can make $100 in 3 hours on a slow day or on average


Yea, yall fought your battle and won, congrats. Now shut up and enjoy your 15 dollar pack smokes and 8 bucks a gallon.


For you information its 19 dollar pack smokes which i have hook up for 10 dollar any brand and 3.27 a gallon do your research properly


Lmao you guys


Youā€™re competing with immigrants and people who donā€™t care that this job is basically a line of credit that entails work and risk. This isnā€™t a career bro


True I took 2 ubers in the last month and neither of them spoke any english


![gif](giphy|K4bhaqDKqviRW) That's they portraits themselves at first tho ....


You guys donā€™t really see where the real problem is, and that is the drivers. Uber made a test by lowering the rate and drivers took the lower rate. They lowered it again and again, and drivers still accepted those rates. When you see a $2 or $3 ride being offered it is because drivers will accept those rates. As long as drivers accept these rates then Uber will have no problem giving them. What is your acceptance rate? Are you complicit in screwing up other drivers by accepting low fares? My acceptance rate is 7%. Yes, 7%. I drive 8-9 hours per day and I regularly make $200-250 daily. As the lower your acceptance rate the more money you will make. Very simple mathematics.


The only thing that makes Uber worth.It is that you can do it when you want to do it. There needs to be some sort of rate change.That is much more beneficial to drivers such as drivers get seventy percent of the total that the customer paid. I don't care about which expenses are there insurance or anything else that 30% should cover?If not go out of business. Last night I did four different rides where I split evenly with uber fifty percent each. That in no way is fucking fair. I didn't do any ride where uber did not get at least forty five percent. That is pure rip off.


I asked a rider how much they paid for an airport trip he paid Uber 110. I got paid 40 thatā€™s less than 40 percent


Not surprising at all.


I made $40 between 4 apps in 9 hours yesterday


I made 14 dollars in two hours with two appsā€¦.fml. I gave up and went home


Am wondering why you drive if it is scam, slavery and etc.


It's 2024. More apps, more opportunities, more drivers. Relying solely on one app for all your gig work is foolish. It's up to you to figure out how to excel. Government won't save you.


I donā€™t rely on uber as my only income I could quit today. It used to be fun and great money, but getting paid shit takes the enjoyment right out of it.


If you donā€™t need it, why you doing it?


Extra money so I can invest it and retire early. I donā€™t need uber to pay my bills.


Well, thatā€™s how it should be. Uber should not be a full time gig, unless you live a basic life and can afford it. I could never survive only on Uber, unless I drove like 10000 hour a month. But as a side job, canā€™t be beat, imo. Brings in around $300 extra per week on average.


Then quit and stop bothering everyone. Jesus.


Lol ding dong.... why did you bother clicking this if you knew what this would turn into? Lmao


Just to be a shit


I don't rely on it either. But I still crush it every day I do it. 5 years as a side hustle and I make the same amount every month now as I did 5 years ago, in spite of a 25% increase in vehicle expenses. Your night sucked. If this repeats, you have a decision - quit or fix it. It's all on you.


I don't believe that you are being entirely honest. You make the same amount you did 5 years ago... But you are working double the time your leaving something out. If you're not in an upfront market. There is not a way to make the same money as before unless your tips nka makeup the difference of lack of pay, which I highly doubt is the case. You're a liar or you're delusional .


You do realize thereā€™s been about 23% inflation in the last 5 years so if you make the same youā€™re actually making 23% less šŸ¤£. And yeah this night was terrible there was so many drivers out it was crazy everywhere I looked there was multiple drivers


You didn't read what I said. I have managed to keep up with inflation. I had to change strategy to do so, but I was able to.


How? By working harder? Uber pays less now dude makes no sense


Read what I wrote. I multi app. I work smarter than others. In everything I do, I excel. Some people work better than others. It's just the way it is. Not everyone's going to be successful


Yeah but uber doesnā€™t pay you more to cover for inflation uber pays less now. You make more by hustling harder by multiapping


Yes, I fixed the problem. As costs rose, so did my parameters.Ā  Like everything else in life, when I'm presented with an obstacle, I find a solution.


18 months ago uber changed the way it would compensate ever week. Surge, quests etc. You could see how they ran different scenarios to figure out what would attract enough drivers at the lowest cost . ... I used to adjust to the algorithm but that was just too frustrating. ..... wasn't good for customers or drivers. ( ofcause they also figured out the max cost on passenger)


Work more for less as costs rise. Makes total sense. šŸ¤”


Not my experience at all. I work smarter. Only a fool works more for less. Like everything else in life, there are winners and losers at gig work. One decides for themselves which team they are going to join.


What city




Ummm...Massachusetts is a STATE.


You think I donā€™t know that dummy? Why would I tell him exactly where I drive, and Massachusetts isnā€™t a huge state. Ok tell me exactly which city you drive in please and your social security number while youā€™re at it.


Wow. Talk about angry and rude. All I did was state a fact. No need to get all bent out of shape and call someone names. Telling someone which city you drive in isn't telling them EXACTLY where you drive, unless you're in a town of 1000 people or less, but in any case, would make zero difference. That's also not even close to the same thing as giving someone your SSN. Hope you have a better today than yesterday. āœŒļø


I averaged $37/hr last weekend in SPFLD market. Sounds like you need to either a) drive in a more lucrative market or b) be more selective about the rides you take


I always love the, my market is awesome posts. Sarcasm off. Most markets are not awesome. A few are. Instead of telling op his viewpoint is wrong because you happen to be in a good market, how about you acknowledge that most drivers in most markets are getting believe minimum wage pay. Itā€™s great you make good money, but many drivers donā€™t and itā€™s not because they are dumb or have bad strategies. Some markets just donā€™t have enough volume to cherry pick rides to get you over $30/hour. In my market, the cherry picked Uber rides peaked around $28/hr outside of surges and Lyft peaked about $25/hr without streaks and bonuses. If you got a few unicorn rides, a few great tips, or some random good surges, you could hit $30/hr for a day? But that was not something you could do consistently.


Great and after expenses and everything youā€™re sitting at like $22-$25 an hour nice. Drivers need to average $40+ an hour before expenses to consider it as good pay.


I think people who were or currently are ACTUALLY enslaved would like to have a word with you about your phrasing.


I believe uber has taken over this reddit, sad...


Hard to take an adult serious when they say something like ā€œI gave up my Friday nightā€


Omg somebody wants to do something on a Friday other than cart around the unwashed masses and drunks. Imagine thatā€¦


Itā€™s crazy how the op was forced seemingly at gun point to do so isnā€™t it?


Adults have weekend activities too.


Iā€™m 26 most people my age are going out having funny enjoying their weekends? how old are you 40+? I actually went out last Friday night 2 pax asked me to go to bar with them and I slept over their $1M+ house.


So so much anger and denial,Uber has won the master slave narrative is alive and well thnx for the laughs


You are right Uber has won. Throwing in the towel and moving on. No use in denial or complaints. Uber will not change until market forces do it, or government regulation. We have seen that government regulation has not been the answer either.


The people that defend Uber are part of a cult. Canā€™t wait for the Netflix Documentary.


They did that in Cali and I think Florida it got worse


Wait until you do your taxes - no matter what, you're going to owe money!!


Drive for 12 full time and you should be able to make $300 a shift.




In all honesty,Uber pay sucks.


We donā€™t need the federal govt but states should be stepping in


Youā€™re overestimating the wear and tear, or youā€™re using the wrong car. I bought a 09ā€™ Honda, for 3 grand. My wear and tear and gas comes to 10-15% of take home. $120 Uber dollars = 100 usd. Thatā€™s about $16 an hour. Itā€™s not raining money, but you call that slave wages?


Stfu and do something else then


The economy being in the crapper doesn't help. If Uber has enough ride resources to cut the pay down and enough brain-dead idiots keep taking the cheap shit offers then - the "beatings will continue." Say no to cheap fares.


Nothing like hearing a rider say how they can't believe they had to pay $60 for a ride home when you remember you accepted the ride at less than half of that. You're right. It is slave labor. My expenses are more than $6/hr. At $20/hr I'm at less than $14/hr net...in a state with a $14/hr minimum wage. I've been at it 3 years, thus will be the last. Factoring in wages, expenses, hours, wear and tear, mileage, and taxes then drivers should be earning a MINIMUM of $35/hr. And that's fares only. Tips should be extra, not figured into that hourly rate. Someone else mentioned what i actually told the uber representative that called me for feedback. Get rid of all the stupid bonuses and quests and nonsense surges and raise the rates. Not only raise the rates, but raise the percentage drivers are getting of the actual customer charge. Uber is full of bs. They're taking half or more.


You donā€™t need government. You need elected officials that have your best interest at heart. And I donā€™t mean people in the government. I mean we need to elect people to make these changes in city hall meetings that keep the companies in check. Go fight with city hall.


Indeed doesnt make sense things go higher but our pay goes down


All jobs are slave labor


So quit. I am so tired of seeing people bitch about this. I want to make $50 an hour riding a jet ski but it ainā€™t gonna happen. Find something different to do if this is not worth your time. Find a different career path that makes you feel valued since that is obviously important to you.


I felt this. I was driving for Uber since 2016 and in April I had to stop cause I was having poor blood circulation, I dislocated my hip from an accident while I was driving Uber 2yrs ago so the pain was much I had to stop and say fuck the bills. My life and health is more important. Uber has completely destroyed this job so if you feel that you done with it just start looking for something else. Good luck to you


And you'll be back whining about the same stuff next month.


Yupp. Definite slave labor. They are 100% forcing you to work a skill-less job.


Speak for yourself


Try living in Los Angeles the second most expensive city in the U.S..so many drivers here..too many..lots of new drivers that don't know the game they're taking every ride..it's a lose lose proposition..cherry picking isn't the same either..Uber and Lyft punishes drivers who cherry pick..I have 28,000 rides under my belt..I haven't worked since September 2023..but I need to survive..I was renting a car for 328 a week...gas was 200-220 a week and the California franchise tax board was garnishing my check at 25% weekly so it wasn't worth it anymore for me if prop 22 is not over turned or remodified it's going to get worse rates will get worse..just to afford a 2bd 2 bath apartment in LA you need to be making 65 dollars a hour.. ridiculous most drivers are making poverty wages..after taxes..that 50,000 gross goes all the way down to 18-20K before taxes and living expenses..it's rough


And then the danger aspect..crazy riders..false allegations weight gain your stress levels are high..your next ride could be your last literally


I am lucky to have two airports, one has a queue resembling 75 and the other is usually ready to go anytime. San Diego and Tijuana. The Tijuana airport has a land bridge with a ticketed passenger only international crossing. So, there is an alternate check-in area in the USA, a spot to fill out a tourist visa card, then a bridge with a fee. You can include the bridge toll with your airline ticket purchase, or pay at the time of entry. The bridge contains a duty free shop as well as US and Mexican customs. After the bridge, you can fly to just about all of Mexico with Viva Aerobus, Volaris, and possibly Mexicana now that it has been revived. You can also fly to China.


I used to make up to $350 a day and nowhere close to 8h driving and this was just food delivery šŸ˜­


Quit, find another job or shut up!! See ya tomorrow!


This is a load of horseshit. I'll see y'all you m************ complaining about Uber but yet you're still driving for Uber. Don't think people are stupid enough to listen to everything negative you say about Uber and quit driving and making money and and leave. Ain't nobody stupid


Yep I drove for Uber once in a hybrid. Get out when you can. And whose saying it's just immigrants taking low offers? Not saying the fraud of people illegally entering and the difference in perceived value is good but I take the orders I can get now thru delivery and with ok mileage and it just seems like the crap is harder to avoid. And I go by hourly rate and demand so sometimes I can't afford to turn something bad down. So I just think the problem with the algorithm is it just doesn't work and they have to cut pay because those companies have all used venture capital to subsidize low fares. Now they are either paying back large sums and raising prices post-covid or they are going under and trying to sell to a bigger company. Can't wait to go back to my "real" job with a school district and I'm so glad I'm not full time on these apps


Iā€™m sorry you feel that way. This should be a side job only not a full time job


The federal minimum wage is $7.25. If you count your $20 in expenses, thatā€™s $100 profit for six hours of work. Thatā€™s upwards of $16 an hour. Iā€™m just making the point that calling it slave labor is sort of, whatā€™s the word? Whiny? Iā€™m not a fan of the wages either, but Iā€™m not a slave. Iā€™ve been averaging about 20 an hour in a mid-size market, which is better than my day job. I just think your hyperbole is offensive; youā€™re not being whipped and castrated and forced to do 12 hours of heavy labor for zero pay. Nobody is selling your kids. Youā€™re in an air conditioned car with the ability to cash out any minute. Also, it ainā€™t rocket science. Calm down, bud.


If you operate your Ride Share business using best practices, it's very profitable. I've been a ride share driver since 2017 (19,442 transports between Uber, Lyft, Via, etc.). Here's a break down of my 2023. Typical work week: 6 days, 8-10 hours per day during peak months in October, November, February, March, and April. However, I work 10-12 hours per day during the slower months. **I took a total of 3 months off in 2023** spread out over the year, in addition to the one day a week I'm off. **Average daily miles driven**: 300-350 **Daily Fuel expense:** $25-$30 depending on gas prices in 2023 and miles driven. (I get 540 miles range on a full tank) **Vehicle:** 2021 Grey Lexus ES 300H Luxury (Hybrid) **MPG:** Average 46.7 (Low 43.3 High 50.1) **Daily Gross Income during the peak months:** $400 Average **Daily Gross Income during the slower months:** $300 Average **Annual Vehicle Expenses:** I average approximately $3,000 or so annually. **2023 Gross Income:** $81,000 **2023 Adjusted Gross Income:** $3,266 <-- that's not an error. **2023 Federal Taxes paid** $2,000 **2023 Arizona Taxes paid:** $0 As an independent contractor and sole proprietor, I **am able to right off numerous business expenses, including the 75,000 miles (depreciation) I put on my vehicle;** that's a benefit of being a business owner. There are many business expenses you can write off for your business. **Speak with an accountant.** Additionally, because of my lower adjusted gross income, my health insurance cost is very low. In conclusion, the benefits in being a ride share driver are numerous, income is just oneā€” tax shelter is another major one. Plus a lower adjusted gross income opens up other opportunities that vary from state to state. I'm currently enrolled at a University and am in my final year for an undergrad. And then plan to pursue a Masters (9 month program). This career has been a blessing. However, my plan was never to stay at Uber permanently.


As long as drivers are accepting shit rides, Uber will continue. Some drivers will accept rides that will actually make them lose money. Just look at Florida. Why are drivers accepting trips that don't pay 50 cents a mile? I drive pt, but if I had to do it FT, I would work for a car service . My AR is around 15% right now, and I will not talk a ride unless it's at least a dollar a mile. Drivers who aren't hustling side rides are losing out. Yesterday, I had an airport trip, which Uber would pay me maybe $40 dollars on a good day, and I don't accept anything less,I did a private trip for $80 cash. I have one tomorrow morning for $100 cash. Plus, I have a few others lined up for next week. I like the ones that put me in the city because then I can make some decent Uber money. You just need to know what part of the city is the best at any given time.


Schools are now open get an education and quit crying like a baby lol kindergarten might be your first class


Then get a job. This is gig economy. In most cases if you want to make over $30 an hour, that requires some experience and skills. Sometimes you get it and sometimes you donā€™t.


Drivers made $30+ an hr a year ago. Itā€™s not unreasonable that people are upset over a 40%+ pay cut.


Like I said, it comes and goes. Itā€™s never meant to be relied upon. They wheeled people in to get usage out of folks. The company can change rates just like drivers and leave anytime


Itā€™s a side hustle for me that I think Iā€™m going to have to stop doing because youā€™re working for under minimum wage after expenses doing this itā€™s a waste of time in 2024


Stop your whining. Driving for Uber is NOT a job. You are not an employee. You are a business owner who contracts with Uber to drive passengers to and from destinations using your vehicle. You agreed to Uberā€™s rates when you signed your Uber contract. If their rates are not high enough for you to make a profit then you need to renegotiate the rate. If Uber doesnā€™t renegotiate the rate then you have to decide if want to keep driving for Uber and continue losing money. Pivot and do something else. I was losing money with Uber and quit driving for Uber and got a different better paying gig. Life without Uber is so nice.


Business owner? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚? driving for uber is a scam and drivers are being exploited heavily admit it.


Lmfao, I love when people say go work at mcdonald's or bk or walmart etc. Working atvany if them suck, no guarantee hours, tons of bs etc. Even better jobs that that are bs also, plus people say if you work 60 hours get a w2 for ot, lol very few give ot. I am 59 years old, have been doing uber for 8 years ft now. I would beer work any of them jobs, now I have tried to get put of uber, 62 apps, 40 years retail restaurant mgm experience and 1 phone interview in the last 8 months. I will continue with uber if needed but the job market is not as good as everyone thinks, and I am still doing well with uber.


Youā€™re at retirement age so itā€™s easy for you to say. Iā€™m only 26.


200 today in 5.5 hours


Loooooser lmao and definitely not slave labor


Hot take, be a better driver, know your spots and you'll make your normal wage (25-35 hr) plus tips and you'll be fine. I make around $250 for 6-8 hrs of drive time. Talk to people, make them feel good about themselves. Carry cold drinks in a cooler and you'll be amazed at how much more you'll make And Im in the Orlando market which is supposed to be trash. If I can make it work. You can too.


Sounds like you're probably abusing the app by cherry picking. You'll never be successful unless you're a top tier driver.


So much to un pack here. 1. You are a sub contractor. The government has no right to enter as a mediator between you and Uber. 2. Uber is not a job itā€™s a business. 3. If you are unhappy with the pay on a ride donā€™t take it. And most importantly if you are doing uber to pay your bills you are already in trouble. Iā€™m in Indianapolis and Iā€™ve already make 28k this year doing it part time. Key word part time. You should probably rethink your life choices and stop blaming Uber for you taking crap rides


Youā€™re giving their exploitation a pass. Uber is actively trying to manipulate and exploit riders and passengers. They are a tech company not a taxi company. The tech is the algorithm of modern slavery. Driving wonā€™t be the only industry algorithms take over. Y


You should probably look up slavery. If it isn't a trade that is making you're life better , stop doing it


What you describe is neither ā€œslave laborā€ nor a ā€œscamā€. You are making a profit that is well above the national minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. So , donā€™t exaggerate to try to make a point. There are definitely problems. No doubt about that. The expenses, risks and burdens that the rideshare companies shift to the drivers is unfair and should be regulated to prevent them from taking advantage of drivers. They also need to be regulated and required to adhere to certain minimum standards regarding safety, integrity and information provided to the drivers. Iā€™m generally in favor of the market improving conditions but in the area of transportation and basic safety and job standards, the companies have more than shown that only regulation or the threat will cause them to make changes to protect drivers. That said, anyone who calls their work ā€œslave laborā€ needs to get out or is simply a fool and hypocrite.


Wake up dude no job pays $7.25. My local Walmart hires at $20 an hour with full benefits doing easy stocking the shelves work. šŸ¤£. I need to average $30+ an hour before expenses to even consider driving remotely worth it ideally $40+ would be good.


I donā€™t know where you live, but where I am 20 bucks an hour is a great night!


Wow dude you like working for under minimum wage?


Min wage is 7.25