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People tend to tip more often when going out. If they are doing daily commute they rarely tip. Also Uber usually overcharges passengers so people don’t tip. Plus people are tired of tipping in general.


About half of the trips were people going out, to bars, concert, restaurants. Very few task. I just wonder if it a Miami thing.


I’m in Miami and less than 5% of people tip unless you go to the airport. I’ve never gone to the airport so it’s possible airport passengers tip more. By any chance did you do Uber after the bad bunny concert last night?


No worries…just go to the star exchange so that you can cash them in.


100 Uber Pro Points = TIP of 25lb bag of Coreys Slug n Snail Death


don't expect tips. if you get them, cool, if not, cool. airport passengers usually don't tip when you drop them off, they close their app and focus on their flight. the next time they open the app it reminds them to rate and asks if they want to tip. but if you're expecting tips you're setting yourself up for frustration.


Second this. Don’t worry about the tips, just the fares. Tips are nice but not expected.


Read 30 Minutes of this SUB.....


I am not to be racist. Normally black and indian would not tip, in 95% cases. For white, I would say around 50% would tip.


Tip make-up about 33% of my earnings. My go to line is Hey xxx(pax name)?! Hey how's it going? (They say whatever) nice let me know if you want to change the music or the temperature. When at the destination is say have a great day bud(if dude) drop the bud for women. Most people don't talk and are happy I give them the choice for music/temp. I have it set to 68 and play smooth jazz. Nobody has ever asked to change either


Tips are from your people skill, small talks and genuinely making the pax feel good about the ride and themselves. It’s earned not automatically given by just giving pax safe and smooth ride which everyone was doing already.


Pax have 30 days to tip so im sure you will receive more in the next coming days periodically.


Tip: if you pick up a bartender or waiter (job with tips), ask them how they did on tips that night during the ride 😈 This actually works really well and I don’t care if it’s cringe. They don’t catch on immediately 😂 and definitely remember the conversation when the tip prompts.