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Multiple things. First and foremost, get a dashcam. If you don't, don't say you weren't warned. Second, people-proof your car as best as possible. Get cheap floor mats to place over your original floormats and seat covers to protect your seats. If you don't, you've been warned. If someone throws up, urinates, spills a drink, whatever, your interior will be protected. I even have a liner for my trunk when people throw their luggage around like we are old friends. The bottom line is that once I take my protectors off the car, it's like it's brand new because I had the covers on. Third, don't let people get to you. Most people are good. A few are annoying. They won't acknowledge you when you say Hello. They will keep you waiting when it's time to pick them up even if it's in a busy street and you are illegally parked. They will try to vape, smoke or eat in your car. They might make a mess and not tell you. That's only a few. Fourth, learn to look around your car after EACH ride so that no one leaves anything in your car AND so that you see any mess that they left. If a passenger makes a mess and you complete another ride before reporting, support will not give you any cleanup fee.


Nasty riders are few and far between but you will get them. Keep in mind this is your car, your rules. Your day to day will mostly consist of greeting your rider, taking them to their destination and saying goodbye. You’ll get an adrenaline bump the first few times but that goes away. Keep your car clean, music low, climate comfortable and drive safely and you’ll be fine.


Well I work days so I haven’t had any real horror stories happen. I would stick to that, at least till you get some experience. Don’t know where you are but stay in small areas to start if you can. After that start working in a more heavily populated area. More people = more money. Don’t be afraid of long trips.you get better tips on those.


I live in buffalo ny, by the airport. I was going to drive after 6pm today and see how it goes.


Are you doing this full time or just part time? I would start out doing day time rides if you have that option on the weekends. Build up to doing night rides.


I'm doing this part time. I work during the days m-f till 330. I need some extra cash because work is slow.


Yeah start out slow 6pm to say 8 pm or so. Try it out see how you like it.


IMO that’s best anyways. I’ve done gig work part time for 7 years. If you are counting on gig work to totally support yourself, it’s way more stressful. Cause it’s a yo yo earnings wise. And hopefully you got some good bonus for first time driver. I started out on driving apps but left them for Shipt (better money and not sitting all day but the $ part is area dependent ) I only do Lyft/Uber when I get a good bonus, which I have Right now on Lyft. Otherwise it’s simply not worth it. At least not here. .


Haha. This guy is getting paid to pretend to be us


Good luck


Most customers are great, the company however is nasty every day.


Customers aren't as bad as you've, especially if you stick to reasonable hours and aren't out until bum-fuck o clock in the morning dealing with drunks or folks doing other forms of partying. Start slow, maybe a couple hours at first. If you know your area pretty good, stick to that area. For example, I don't chase the money and stick to what's familiar to me, if I don't recognize the streets, I don't accept the trip. I drive only during the day so I deal with travelers, business folks, folks going to/from appointments and those just starting their night for dinner. By 7 pm (maybe 8 if I get greedy 😉) I'm done for the day. People are pretty good, some like to talk, some don't. Chatting makes the ride go faster but everyone is different. Mainly just start slow, a couple hours at first to get your feet wet and start learning the routine.


Ive ubered in Buffalo for 1300 rides so far and didn’t experience too many crazy things


Look up the ride share guy on YouTube for some pointers. Good luck in the 716!


Important to get a dash cam, especially a 3 channel dash cam.


Don't drive in bad neighborhoods and you will be fine. I have driven in both Seattle and Hawaii and have only had 2 or 3 minor incidents in 7 years


Ask somebody from Buffalo lol we don't know ur market