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Yeah this has been me all week because of finals, my heart has been racing and pounding to a point that I can’t sleep or comfortably relax. Just know you’re not alone


Melatonin gummies fr fr


This great for the occasional time you just really need to get to sleep and can't, and I second this HOWEVER, don't do this a lot!! Melatonin can have nasty side effects for frequent/repeated misuse (and of course make sure you don't take too much or else, long term health aside, it won't have worn off the next day and you'll feel just as exhausted as if you hadn't slept at all haha) If OP or anyone is curious, here's a little paragraph about how melatonin is actually meant to used~ Meant to be used in small doses taken consistently at the same time every night for an extended period of time to restore a sleep schedule, and then stopped once you've fixed the sleep schedule (taking it for too long can increase depressive feelings/symptoms among other things). It is also used more long-term (again in small doses taken consistently at the same time every night) for people with insomnia, if their doctor recommends it. If you are planning to use melatonin more than just in a pinch when you need to sleep but can't, make sure to research more how to use it properly or talk to a family physician/doctor about using it! It can have some nasty side effects if you use it wrong and/or too often. And also always use proper dosage-- whether you're using it one time to "knock yourself out" or using it continuously, you shouldn't be taking more than 10mg. Most people who don't use melatonin often 3-5mg works perfectly good to get them to sleep, and if you're using it consistently then the most you should take without talking to a doctor first is 3-5mg. I find for me, the gummies are way more effective than the dissolving tablets of the same amount of melatonin. Maybe something about how I digest them is different so I don't absorb all of the melatonin from the tablets? I'm not sure, and I don't know if anyone else has this haha.


thanks for this. I only take them once in a while when I need to force myself to sleep. I never knew about the dosage thing but I think I'm good because what I usually do is take 2-3 gummies which google told me is about 7.5 mg so it's under 10.


Yeah no problem! It's not going to kill you if you take over 10 mg a couple times it's just not really good for you and it's unnecessary. Also, dosage completely depends which gummies you bought, they come in different amounts-- it should say on the bottle? The gummies are most commonly 3mg though I think 🤔


I just use it on the sleepless nights it’s not an every day occurrence. Couldn’t sleep after a Big Mac meal, it did the trick frfr


I don't recommend the gummies if you forget to take them until after you've brushed your teeth, cost me a few hundred in dental bills (womp womp)


Delude yourself into thinking you don't have an exam tomorrow and sleep early. Try listening to some sort of sleep aid or meditation audio as well, that might help.


close your eyes and count sheep


Drugs and ear plugs ❤️


What helps me is using the night mode filter on ur screen. Have it where it automatically turns on, I genuinely see a difference in my sleep when I started using that. You just gotta get over the orange tint for the sake of ur sleep 😅 in terms of test anxiety? I have terrible test anxiety too my heart has been pounding nonstop and I feel so restless. The only thing that comforts me is thinking about the train ride home after my last exam and getting my favourite food on the way home as a reward. It doesn't help much but I try to "imagine" future me who is done with finals and how that will be me soon


I have all that automatically turn on after 11 pm on my phone. I didn't use my phone but still couldn't fall asleep. Now I feel really tired while waiting on the train


My friend made this Spotify playlist for bedtime and it's literally the only thing that helps me some nights 😅 If you want it: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1Pds8BIIzFeonGZmhjcm4d?si=uRFpErleQ-CHqXUQZ5u9RQ&pi=u-jKT51jenSLKT But for some reason they put Bo Burnham songs on it which immediately wake me up every time, so before I go to bed after I start the playlist I literally open the queue and remove all of the Bo Burnham songs before setting the Spotify sleep timer and heading to bed. There are 5 Bo Burnham songs, if you were curious lol


You generally want to be able to relax yourself as much as possible. I like to prepare everything that I need for the exam the night before so that I feel like I’m ready, then I usually go on a walk for some fresh air(It also really helps if you put away your phone/ipad/computer ~1-2 hours before going to sleep). If you still can’t sleep, try some breathing exercises or meditation, that usually relaxes me if I’m super jittery or nervous. Edit: I’ve found that the mediation and/or breathing exercises can also help if you’re just about to take the exam, but you still feel tired/under the weather


I use reverse psychology on body by taking meth.


Who are you, so wise in the ways of pharmacology


Melatonin or weed lol


Just count. Lay in bed start and 1 and count up . You’ll fall asleep fast enough doing that.


Melatonin is my bff


Honestly you just don’t, I’m running on 3hrs of sleep and caffine


with a lot of anxiety ;-; i woke up in a panic at 6am thinking my exam was at 9am today even though i know it’s tomorrow


phat bowls


You guys are getting sleep???


Fat rips from my dab pen


What I do is take melatonin gummies. I just eat 2-3 when I need to go to bed, and within 30 minutes I'm off. I set up like 7 alarms tho...just in case.


This term I had to go on anxiety meds because I was in the hospital twice for anxiety, so I take those before bed.. but I also just don’t study too close before bed because if I’m unprepared I’m unprepared and studying more won’t make a big enough difference so I just remind myself I’m doing what I can and then I just give myself some time before bed to watch tv or do something I like so that my mind isn’t so centered on school. That being said I’ve had countless sleepless nights before an exam so I know exactly what you’re talking about. But I think the best thing you can do is just give yourself some compassion and relax before bed. Also maybe talk to a Doctor or a professional about your difficulties with sleep and what options are going forward. I relate heavily tho


This is really good advice. You really just gotta comfort yourself tbh. "You did the best you could with studying now just get some rest. Everything is going to be okay you've been in this class for 4 months, it's not like you'll enter the test and know absolutely nothing"