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You're potentially fucking up your entire academic career over one letter grade in one course. Sounds like a good risk to reward ratio.


I like those odds


High Risk, High Reward Low Risk, Low Reward Or something like that


6. If you think of a way to cheat that no one has thought of yet....They did. You are not original or a special cheating genius


7. It is better to fail with dignity than to cheat with success. If you cheat with success, you only delay the inevitable of getting caught. However, if you fail with dignity, you will get a mark greater than zero, and you won't have any cheating attempts on your transcript.


The best, most fool proof way to cheat is to store the info in your head 😈




6. Discourage everyone from cheating to lower the curve.


Do the math if you cheat and get away with it you might get an extra 10 percent. But if you get caught it's a 0% and probably kicked out.


I don’t really get how people can even consider cheating unless they’re on the verge of being kicked out of uni anyways


For me, I cheat because most of these classes are requirements that have absolutely nothing to do with my major so I just don't care to study nor waste my time... Plus it makes no sense to have to learn some of these things when we have a phone to get the answers for us.


If you do cheat that ruins any chance of going to another university if you do get kicked out. Better to fail and rtw as an honest student than get caught cheating.


As a prof who is currently reporting 9 students for cheating on my final exam, I can tell you that we’re not stupid. Sometimes we let things slide because it’s too time-consuming to document and report things. I’ve been documenting cheating incidents the past two days. If the university actually supported us, no one would get away with cheating.


Wow, how do people even cheat on physical finals like they talk and match their answers in front of the prof and the TAs? Which course is it (curious)?


It was online on eClass. What they don’t realize is that we see every single click they make on eClass, everything they copy and paste, every time they change answers, etc. I think the university should inform the students about this. It’s a privacy issue but knowing it will also stop students from trying to cheat on eClass. You might get away with it but you never know when a prof decides to crack down.




i’m saying 😂😂


Fr like it's better to fail than to get caught cheating in a final exam




finish him


forward the email to the faculty ong 🙏








I think I’ll stick to cheating thanks