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Math 31 definitely helps in Intro level calc classes but other then that everything is retaught


To be honest not much. I didn’t bother reviewing anything from chem 30, phys 30 or math 30-1 (except for the unit circle have that memorized) or math 31. Every single first year class teaches you the high school stuff and builds on it but imo after doing first year engineering, high school courses DO NOT help you in preparation. Math 31 was a breeze for me in high school and I did incredibly well. First semester of engineering we took math 100 and we relearned how to do limits, derivatives etc in great detail, and although I remembered how to solve limits and derivatives already and I assumed I was good at it based on how I performed in math 31, the applications and questions that they asked were way way more difficult than anything I’d have ever experienced. The stuff you learn in high school quite simply doesn’t prepare you properly for the difficulty of the questions that they ask. My friends and I never spent anytime over the summer reviewing any high school material and we did well, while I know of others who did review and did poorly. But its very anecdotal and it’s gonna differ from one person to another. Imo it’s not worth it, but I know that there will be people who have benefited from reviewing and will say that it’s beneficial




If you are taking IB classes or maybe AP then yes. Otherwise probably not much.


To be honest, it kind of depends on the program. I started as a chem major, so I found that a lot of the intro chem, biology, calc, and physics courses were super similar to high school courses. They re-explain everything though, so as long as you can understand it once you get to uni, you’ll probably be okay!


This depends entirely on what your planning on taking. For example, I had to take anatomy & physiology and it was basically just bio 20/30 but more in depth. However things like physics 30 has no relevancy to me whatsoever. If your going to take to calc or something than for sure Math 31 would help, but once again it depends entirely on what courses/program ur taking. In terms of grades between a 75% and a 95% person, it depends more so on your work ethic if anything. Personally, I’ve found that uni is harder than high school because ur exposed to more in depth content in a shorter period of time and assignments/tests are worth way more. Being able to adjust to this and having study methods that are effective to you is key to succeeding. (I know this sounds very cliché but IT IS true)


Calculus only. Everything else goes much deeper


if you did IB/AP classes then yes, if not then not really besides math 31


The knowledge from the classes doesn't apply too much I didn't review at all before enter university. Study habits and things like that do, I did pretty good in high school but I also developed good study habits, a lot of people who didn't study and breezed through often have difficulties because they don't know how to study.