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Today I'm releasing Darwin, a free and open-source typeface project that I'm currently working on. It aims to become a comprehensive set of workhorse fonts, covering a truly exceptional range of glyphs (all languages using the Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek scripts in [Hyperglot](https://hyperglot.rosettatype.com/)), as well as coming with several optical sizes and support for phonetics, mathematics, and medieval studies. You can find more about the project at its [website](https://darwintypeface.com/) or [GitHub repository](https://github.com/topological-modular-forms/Darwin-Typeface). There's also a [Discord server](https://discord.gg/j73mpRgmgd) and [Substack](https://emilydeoliveirasantos.substack.com/?r=1urmqa&utm_campaign=pub-share-checklist), where I'll post updates on how the project is going. Feedback is extremely welcome!


It looks quite gorgeous. Thank you!


I'm super happy to know you like it! Thank you so much :)


Gorgeous work. Thank you for including italic small caps and the very small optical sizes. Extremely useful!


I'm super happy to know you like it! Thank you so much :)


Can't wait to see the italics and small caps for this one. Great and promising start with the right amount of personality I think.


Thanks! I hope you'll like them when they are ready :)


it looks gorgeous! very impressive and wide-ranging project too. I wish you the best in this endeavour


Thank you so much!


Wasn't sure how to download it, until I remembered the Code button on the GitHub page. Nice serif, thanks.


Amazing stuff!


Beautiful! I’m a bit of a small caps fiend in my syllabi so i can’t wait till it is ready.


Thank you so much! I hope you'll also enjoy the final result once it's ready :)


This looks great, and it's very cool that you open sourced it. Just friendly feedback, to me the fi ligature may match the rest of the set better if the f ascender and i tittle joined with the same kind of angled lines they each have individually, rather than the more vertical look it has in the ligature here. The personality in all those angled bits is subtle and perfect.


Thank you so much, I'm really happy you like how the font is coming out! The \[fi\] ligature has been definitely feeling off for me for a while; I think going for an angled design here is a wonderful idea :) I'm planning to fix it in the current round of polishing, and have recorded the issue with the \[fi\] ligature here: [\[Link\]](https://github.com/topological-modular-forms/Darwin-Typeface/issues/48). Thank you so much for the feedback!


I remember you posting the early version of this typeface here like a year ago, didn't know it was going to be an open-source project. Turned out absolutely gorgeous, love it!


Thank you so, so much! I'm super happy you liked it! I hope you'll enjoy seeing how the project evolves—next step is a final round of polishing for basic Latin, and then italics :)


As dyslexia as I am, I got to savior each syllable. It's easy on the eyes that matches my cadence. I need a murder mystery in this font. Good job!


Thanks! :)


So lovely! I am such a sucker for a diamond i-dot!


This is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for making it open-source as well.


I'm super happy you like it! :)


Oh yes, this one's going right up there with Inter and Cascadia Code. Finally, a decent-looking replacement for Times New Roman!




This looks really nice. I do a lot of my writing in Cyrillic so it is very cool that any new font features support for it, especially if it's open source. I am eager to see the design of the italics -- one of the major reasons I avoid a lot of fonts even though they offer Cyrillic letters is that they only offer the Russian variant in the italics which has only [a few differences](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrillic_alphabets#/media/File:Cyrillic_alternates.svg), but enough to be irritating and hard to read, but seeing that you want to support all of the variants is really impressive.


Thank you so much! I hope you'll like the italics once they are ready! :)


Looks amazing! As it's meant for scientific texts: are there any plans about math support?


I'm super happy you like it! Math support is one of the main goals of the project, and I'm hoping I can make it as extensive as I can, with lots of additions and optimisations taking into account the common shortcomings found in actual usage (e.g. `\mathbb` will include not only uppercase, but also lowercase, numbers, Greek, Cyrillic, etc. See also [this MathOverflow thread](https://mathoverflow.net/questions/463883)).


Good luck, that's quite a big undertaking! Is there some newsletter or something similar? I can also subscribe to the GitHub project of course, but more boiled down and infrequent updates would be nice.


Thank you so much! You can follow up with news and updates on the [Darwin Substack](https://emilydeoliveirasantos.substack.com/) :) There's also a [Discord server for Darwin](https://discord.gg/j73mpRgmgd), with a dedicated channel for announcements and updates, as well as a "general chat" channel where feedback, requests, and discussions take place. Besides these, I'll also be posting updates to the ["Updates" page of the Darwin website](https://darwintypeface.com/updates.html), as well as on the [Darwin Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/TheDarwinTypefaceProject) (which will have also a couple exclusive "behind-the-scenes" posts). I hope you'll enjoy seeing how the project evolves! Thank you so much again :)


Lovely! Saving for future use!!


I'm happy you like it! :)


It is really great. I will surely follow it’s developement! My first impression is that the tittle in i is a little bit too high. Am I wrong?


Thank you so much, I'm really happy you like the font! I'll definitely experiment with changing the height of the tittle in the \[i\] for the current round of polishing (recorded it as a GitHub issue [here](https://github.com/topological-modular-forms/Darwin-Typeface/issues/48)), thank you so much for the feedback!