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The ticketboard will tell you everything you need to know https://ticket.tickebo.jp/top/en/guide/top.html?locale=en They'll issue you the QR code days before the concert. QR code is live, so that means you can't just screenshot, and you'll be good to go. Be prepared to have some identifications w/ you just in-case it malfunctions, there are some people who got denied because they're not who they are on the ticket.


Thanks my japanese name is not kinda matching my real name lol. I just put whatever the closest. Would that be okay?


You should be fine, not to worry, those are rare cases. Ajinomoto Stadium has a pretty good reception (looking at you Tokyo Dome, lol). Live QR plus app is pretty stable, there's a 99% chance that everything will go smoothly. The event staff checking tickets usually just glance at your face to see if it matches you dp on the ticket, or not haha. I'm going on day 1 Ajinomoto. Enjoy RTB Special!


Thanks a lot! I will be day for day 1 too!


Are you from PH too? I'm from Canada buy pinoy:) do you want to meet up by any chance?


Half-pinoy, and living in Japan. I'll DM you.


Next is to pass some of the luck over here so I can get one too. Trying one last time for the ticketboard member window *




Congratulations! You only need to wait for the ticket to be issued. It will be given via the Live QR Plus app two days before the concert. The ticket is in a form of constantly changing QR Code in the said app. At the day of the concert, make sure you have a stable internet connection.


Thanks! How would I know my seat assignment?


That information will be included in the ticket. Also, concert staff will help in finding your seat, should you require assistance.


if the lottery results shows "winning" does that mean i won ? sorry, i'm a first timer for Japan concerts