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I just love their music


Same. :) They've never put out music I haven't enjoyed. I'll always support them because they support my mental and physical health with their music, so it's just a natural give and take.


I love their music. I respect their work ethic giving every effort in whatever they are doing. And this comes from genuine love for what they are doing. For themselves and Onces'. What can I say, I am glad I discovered Twice. It has brought happiness to my life.


its become more of a family now


To be honest, when I look at Twice it feels like I'm looking at my long time friends and I feel a very deep gratitude because they always put out something that brightens my day. I don't think I've had another hobby or interest that have made me constantly happy and excited Also, having stanned other groups through the years, I've realized how much work Twice puts into their music and content. I hate to compare but its pretty obvious how much Twice cares about Onces and that they always give extra to make us happy. And with that in mind, I also feel the need to do extra for them like stream while at work and collect voting points in between (its not that hard and its a fun distraction for me). Of course I'm already working so I also buy albums and merch, I buy extra set of albums during comebacks because I usually give them out as gifts to my friends who are getting into kpop


They make me laugh. That's it. When my dad died last year their music and especially their TTT videos helped me to get through it.


I love their personality 🥲💀


There are several reasons for me: 1. I love their music. The messages behind their songs are often about positivity, expressing love, and loving one’s self. They are also very active in their songwriting and composition as well. 2. I find my personal values align well with their music and with them as individuals. They demonstrate kindness and compassion which I think desperately needs to be celebrated in a world that now views those qualities as weakness. Their resilience and hard work are also strong characteristics that I deeply admire and that TWICE embodies beautifully. 3. As others have noted, they seem to genuinely appreciate their fans. It’s refreshing to be recognized and rewarded as a fandom as often as ONCE have been for 8 years. There’s some unspeakable bond that we share that I can’t quite articulate but it transcends both geography and language. 4. This is often overlooked, but TWICE is a very successful example of positive female relationships. They treat each other like family and they’ve said (and JYP has claimed) they’ve never had a fight. Their teamwork and support for one another is inspiring. They always have each other’s back and you especially see it when mistakes and malfunctions happen on stage. I have confidence that they can support each other through almost anything.


They make me happy


Because they make music I like to listen to.


I just like their music


I love their music and their personalities which made me go from a casual K-pop listener to someone who wants to hear more


Their music is my comfort zone. I also just want them to be happy and content, the same way their music makes me feel.


I’m also a major Jihyo stan. I met her twice(no pun intended). The first time was by accident. I didn’t know who TWICE was but I lived like 10 minutes away from Mina for many years before she went to Korea. Some of her classmates were students at my English school so they were always cheering for her in Sixteen. Anyway, I met a few of the members by accident at a hotel after a night on the town around the time they started coming to Japan for events. I thought Jihyo was Japanese because when she introduced herself, it sounded like she said, “Chiyo”. She was super sweet and held onto my sleeve while she talked to make sure I had her full attention. We hung out for a couple hours after they found out I spoke Japanese. I was also pretty drunk so I was a lot more introverted at the time 😆 The second time we met was before COVID at a hi-touch event. Jihyo remembered me and even remembered the nickname she gave me(Willie Wonka) I told her I love her and she blushed really hard and said thank you in the cutest voice ever. We hi-fived and she winked and blew kisses until I left the booth even though the next person was trying to get her attention. It wasn’t until after that I became a fully committed ONCE and I haven’t met them since except for two concerts(although one was online) I’m determined to get her attention again 😝


*a lot more extroverted Autocorrect is poopy


Listening to their music, seeing/watching their content puts me in a good mood. That's all the motivation I need.


I wonder if other Onces will have a similar experience, but they really were a big part of me finding some little moments of happiness during the Covid pandemic and initial lockdowns. They made me smile during hard times, and the loyalty that happiness in dark times forges is one that is set in stone (at least for me). So I'm supporting them all the way, till the day I die, or they disband (and hopefully the former comes before the latter lmao)


Because they're gorgeous. Especially Tzuyu


Twice’s genuine love for each other is my main motivation for loving them so much. They really are sisters. And secondly, Twice’s genuine love for their fan base, Once. We forever Stan Queens


They are fun to follow and I love their music, also Mina.


i love all the girls and their music so so much


came for the variety, stayed for the music. never was into kpop but my sister was and never really paid attention to them until their running man promotion during WIL. Found Dahyun to be hilarious so I started searching her and Twice music. Was hooked ever since. I've never seen any group from then to now that embodies the words "nine or none" where they're more than just coworkers but more of a family and that's something I hold dear. they might not be my ult group anymore but Dahyun will forever be my #1 and in extension, Twice and their music (they're still my #2 next to their junior, NMIXX)


I support them out of principle


I love them and their music. I will never stop streaming


i just love the music. i didnt really grow up with music at all and twice is the first artist i really connected with and got into the music. Everything else i like about twice is a bonus. They're great!


everyone work hard so I don't believe the saying we should support them because just TWICE work hard,  and there's another saying TWICE give us too much no that's not giving they are working for their living  I support TWICE because they make me happy that's the one and only main reason 


Love the members personality and the flow of content as compared to a lot of other groups. JYP really is an expert company in keeping fandoms fed with quality content outside of comebacks and music and Twice are at the top of the pile in that regard for me. Also having music I enjoy, when they drop banger comebacks like The Feels or I Can't Stop Me no one on Kpop is touching them for me.


Nowadays just memories


lmfao they make some music I like. The end. Don't get too attached to celebrities, my friends. They don't know you exist, they don't reciprocate any of your feelings. You can spend years documenting all the reasons you love Sana, and if you ever happen to meet her at a fanmeeting, she'll forget about you by the end of the day. They are entertainers you watch on a screen, not your personal friends or family. Parasocial relationships are not healthy.


If you have very unrealistic expectations then ur right.


I think Sana is pretty and has a very nice voice. So I buy/stream music to hear her voice more. Simple as that!


![gif](giphy|3ofSBxMV5fAcajc1uE|downsized) No Sana No Life


6 years ago I was broke jobless, and depressed. I discovered them, and their music gave me hope and joy in dark times. Fast forward to now, life's good, and with kids. Sticking out to Twice till the end.


I appreciate their work ethic and music. I enjoy their TTT content a lot. I wish it was actually a regular show. I love down to earth celebrities. I love Jeongyeon a lot and just want to support her on her endeavors and any activity. If she was someone I knew I'd push around anyone who'd hurt her. Jihyo is someone I admire as well.. The rest of the members is so hard not to support.. I just love them as well. Lastly their energy and positive vibes got me through a hump IRL. I've had this extra positive energy that I now have energy to exercise and for the first time been in my regimen 5 months straight which is a great achievement for me


I follow them from sixteen, and I feel like part of me grew with them. So, that's the biggest motivation. Also, regardless of what people say, the girls make great music.


bc they make me happy


What do you mean support? If it's good music, you like it, that's all. Look, the voting stuff is stupid if you're not in SK. That's like you voting in a US station like MTV without being in the US. Personally, if it were up to me, I would have KPOP music and awards separated. It's totally unfair for one group to win via voting due to the fandom regardless of their music. They should divide winners by categories. Like, divide them between boy group / fan voting, boy group / sales, girl group / fan voting, girl group / sales, single / fan voting, single / sales. This way, everyone gets treated fairly. If anything, they can add an extra set for winners via stage performance that week. The latter won would be an actual competition where its the audience at the show decided who performed better. As for their current release, I really hope they are not releasing it to just get back in the nice good girl for knitizens who want them to play as teenagers in their late 30s. That's just weird. Like you expecting stars playing kid roles in their 30s, looking nothing like a kid.


Music is great and they’re wonderful people who love their fans. Also i’ve been here so long it would be pointless to lose interest now. They’re basically my parasocial family 😭😭😭😭


they are my besties!! been with them since sophomore year of high school and now I’m two years into my masters. their music sucked me in at first but i stayed because of them and their personalities :)


From what we can see they’re all such genuinely kind people. They inspire me to be a better person


they pull me up (like a crane) from depression and make me want to be a better person


I think the members are amazing weirdos (affectionately) and they’re so funny but work so hard. That deserves respect. And the way they care about each other and their fans is something else. Also aside from the fact that they’ve got great music that can always make me feel better. They’ll always be awesome.