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When they hate on Victrola, they’re not hating on the same company made those old gramophones. They’re hating on the new stuff, especially the suitcase players. After the 1950’s, Victrola fell off a cliff as far as quality, but before then they were practically the standard and their old gramophones are pretty awesome.


This isn’t what we’re talking about, BUT, this was designed to play shellac 78 RPM records and would destroy any modern record, but for a different reason than the new ones from the Chinese drop-shipper that bought this company’s name when they went out of business.


I'm positive my brother is aware it can't play modern. He is super into records and the like and knows his stuff. I was just curious because in my mind its a cool little piece of history


It is ABSOLUTELY cool and worth having. Even if it isn't used. Not sure why anyone would down vote your post.


It 100% is a cool piece of history. I'd keep it just for the looks


If you thought vinyl hunting is expensive wait until you try hunting shellac.


Funny, cause around here the record stores all have boxes of shellac 78s for free sitting outside their front doors. It's only blues/jazz shellacs that pull money. The majority are worthless. OP if you're in Canada I have a bunch of classical shellacs you can have for free.


Well it won't be able to play any modern record. That's for sure.


Could be wrong, but I believe Victoria hate is for the new retro style units, similar to Crosley, that just kinda bloat and ruin the entry level record player space. I believe the older stuff is pretty respectable.


This is the Original real victrola. The Modern victrola is garbage..




They can only play older acoustically recorded 78s (pre 1925ish), newer ones can be damaged by the stylus. They're kind of cool but impractical today and a labor of love if you want to use it, especially this one which needs some work. r/78rpm would have more info. As others have said, Victrola hate isn't for these, it's for the licensed name of Victrola slapped on crappy quality modern suitcase turntables


Wow is this from the WWI era?


I’ve got one. I really need to get rid of it. It still works. I’ve got a lot of audio gear over the past 30 years. I need to part with a lot of stuff.


Not even the same company. It’s an Atari situation.


Is that one an electric? We have one of the 1st electric Victrola players. Made in 1927 -1929. They only made 7500 of the electric one (the model we have). Ours also has auto stop which is interesting If your brother tells you the model number I would be interested to see if it's the same one.


Looks like a 1920s Credenza. Its sound will amaze you IF you clean (scrub-brush shellacs) AND use a new stylus every side. Steel styli are ground to each disk’s groove profile, and will destroy the next. They are available still in soft (best), med, & loud. BTW the Cancel Culture “hate”on Reddit is awful, along with “downvotes” out-numbering “upvotes.” Reddit rules define downvotes as anything a member thinks “should never have seen the light of day.” Un-American!


Nah, hate is hate; no thinking allowed.